You've Got it Bad

By JerrieDuhhh

603K 13.9K 18.2K

"I'm here now. I'm here to patch you back up until you're good as new. And love you until you forget what tha... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Five
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight
Ninety Nine
One Hundred

Ninety Four

4.2K 109 277
By JerrieDuhhh

Jade's POV

This club is going to give me an aneurysm.

I was at my desk combing through paperwork and trying to fix little things that went wrong, but I was having such a hard time concentrating. I had been here for hours and couldn't wait to just get home and shower. And I missed Perrie and Jaden so much. I dropped my head down on my desk for the hundredth time and let out a frustrated sigh when suddenly, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

"Hello?" I frowned and answered, seeing that it was Jaden's school calling.

"Hello, Miss Thirlwall?"

I recognized the voice right away. And the complete lack of regard for my marriage. I was starting to hate this bitch just as much as Perrie.

"It's Mrs. Edwards." I corrected her, probably for the millionth time.

"Yes, sorry. Mrs. Edwards."

"How can I help you, Lauren?" I sighed, not really in the mood for her or her shit.

"We need to have a parent-teacher conference." She replied and I furrowed my brows.

"For what reason?" I asked.

"We need to discuss Jaden's behavior in class."

"Jaden's behavior?"

"Yes. He's been a bit disruptive lately and it's my job to try and understand why. Are you available to meet today?"

"Today? That's very short notice, Lauren. It's 7pm and I'm working." I replied.

"Are you able to swing by the school when you're off? I'd really rather get this sorted out today, before it goes any further."

I was having a very hard time believing that my baby was causing any trouble. He's much too sweet and I know if anything did happen, there was a reason. He's the complete opposite of me with his temperament, thank god. He doesn't blow up or get angry easily. And he doesn't misbehave.

"And this isn't something we can just talk about right now? Over the phone?" I asked, leaning back in my chair and tapping my fingers on my desk, trying to imagine any scenario that would involve Jaden being disruptive. I just couldn't see it. He almost raises his hand just to speak at home. There was no way.

"No. That's not how parent-teacher conferences work." She replied flatly.

I rolled my eyes. "Parents don't typically get phone calls this late in the evenings to come by the same day either."

"That's true. I know you're busy, I just wanted to make it quick and easy for you. It shouldn't take up too much of your time, but there are some questions I have to ask you, as his teacher." She replied. How the fuck would she know I'm busy?

"Fine, Lauren." I sighed again, running my hands through my hair. Whatever this was, I had zero time for it and talking to her was only frustrating me more. "How long are you going to be at the school?"

"I'm grading assignments so I'll be here for a while." She replied.

Who the hell stays at school until after 7 grading kindergarten assignments? How much work could they possibly have?

"Alright, I'm on my way." I rolled my eyes.

I swear this better be important or I just might knock her over a few desks. This club has me stressed the fuck out today and she's only adding to it.

"Great!" She said and hung up, too happily for my liking.

I saved my documents on my laptop and closed it, frustratedly sighing again. I grabbed my leather jacket off the back of my chair and stuffed my phone and keys in my pocket. I wasn't really anticipating having to see anyone today, the plan was to just be in my office, so everyone in the school would just have to ignore the ripped jeans, leather jacket and messy hair. That is, if there was even anyone there. I put my sunglasses on my head since the sun was down and left the building.

On the drive over to the school, I contemplated calling Perrie to let her know I was going, but she would probably lose her shit, and I can't have her stressing right now. She's already sick enough. Even though she's his parent too, she hates that girl. For that same reason I'm not bringing her with me.

I was curious as to what Lauren could possibly have to tell me. As I said, Jaden has never had any behavior problems, or caused any trouble. If anything has happened, it had to be for a reason, and I would love to hear it. I heard my phone ping and pulled it out once I got to a stop light.

LOML 💖: We miss you, baby! 🥺


I smiled, feeling butterflies erupt in my tummy all over again. Seeing that the light was still red, I typed a quick reply.

Me: I miss you more, angel. And my babies. I'll be home soon. ❤️

LOML 💖: Hurry! We made cookies! 🍪😋

I smiled again, putting the phone back down just in time for the light to change. I couldn't wait to get this shit over with and get home to her and my babies. The big one and the unborn one. I've had a day from hell, and all I wanted was to be in her arms.

I pulled up to the school and walked up to the building. Since it was after school hours, I had to ring the bell to the office to be let in.

"How can I help you?" A voice said over the intercom.

"I have a parent-teacher meeting with Laur- uh Ms. Jauregui." I replied into the speaker, rolling my eyes.

"One moment." They responded. I'm assuming it was to check with her, because a few seconds later I heard the door buzz. I wondered why nobody else was a bit concerned about the lateness of this meeting. I pulled the door open and stepped inside, making my way to her classroom.

I don't think I'd ever seen this school outside of school hours. It was empty and admittedly a bit creepy. Before I made it to the door, my phone pinged again. I stopped and looked at the new message.

LOML 💖: I forgot to tell you I love you. So, I LOVE YOU! Ok. Now hurry home before I eat all of the cookies! 😘

Again, I smiled widely, and laughed out loud at the Cookie Monster gif she sent. I instantly texted her back.

Me: You have me smiling so hard. People are gonna think I'm nuts. I love you so much, baby! 🥰

"I wish I was the reason you were smiling like that." I heard Lauren speak.

Ew, wtf. Not this shit right now.

"Girl..." I frowned and flared my nostrils in disgust.

I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket and brushed by her, going into her classroom, completely ignoring her stupid ass. She closed the door and followed behind me, going to sit at her desk.

"Please, sit down." She gestured to the kid sized desks in front of her. I looked at them, and then back at her. She had to be joking.

"Or stand." She giggled, shamelessly dragging her eyes up my body. "You're much too curvy for those tiny seats."

What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

"What did you want to discuss, Lauren?" I asked, already getting annoyed and uncomfortable.

In hindsight, I probably should have either brought Perrie, or made Lauren schedule this during school hours. The more I stood there, the more I regretted it.

"Jaden was arguing with another student during class and it disrupted everyone." She replied.

"About what?" I asked.

"That's not the point, Jade." She rolled her eyes.

"With who?" I asked.

"That's still not the point."

"Well, what exactly is the point then, Lauren?" I asked, folding my arms.

"That he was being disruptive." She replied, picking her bag up off the floor and sitting it on top of her desk for some reason.

"How do you expect me to correct the situation if I don't know anything about it? I can talk to him if I know the reason he was arguing." I said.

"Is there anything going on at home, Jade. Anything that would cause Jaden to be angry for no reason?" She asked.

I imagined myself jumping over that desk and beating the shit out of her, because I knew what she was insinuating. Instead, exercising my newfound self control, and just clenched my jaw.

"No, there's not." I replied with my jaw still tight.

She stood up. "Sorry. I had to ask, Jade."

I wish she would stop saying my name.

"I get the feeling that Jaden hasn't really done anything and you called me here for no reason. I don't like my time being wasted, Lauren." I looked at her.

"No, he was arguing with another student. And this isn't the first time." She replied, walking on the other side of her desk so there was now nothing between us.

I wasn't even paying her movements any attention, I was too pissed off about her accusing my son of doing something that she has yet to even tell me anything about and wasting my damn time.

"I'll ask again. With who?" I asked.

"With Nicholas. Both times." She replied.

"Nicholas? Nicky? Your son?!" I asked. Now I was really about to go the fuck off.

"Yes, but who's son he is is not important, Jade." She rolled her eyes.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Today is really not the day, girl." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, Jade. I didn't mean to upset you." She said, stepping closer to me.

"Not that his behavior is justified, if he was even behaving badly at all, but you're well aware of the things your son has said to my son. My baby is a human being, with feelings. You can only expect someone to get pushed so far before they start to push back!" I yelled, getting hotter by the second.

"I understand that, Jade. I'll talk to Nicky again, but by the looks of it, Jaden has started it both times." She said.

"I don't believe that for a second, Lauren." I argued.

She stepped closer and I hadn't even realized how close she was until I felt her breath on my face. I took a step back, but one of those tiny ass desks was behind me, making me trip.

When I fell backwards, she quickly wrapped her hands around my waist and when I tried to push her hands off me, she leaned in and kissed my lips. I tried pushing her back, but the bitch was strong. She flipped us around and pinned me down on her desk with her body and kissed me again. I wanted to throw up.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I turned my head to the side to get her out of my face but she kissed my neck.

I really didn't want to hit her, but she left me no choice. When my fist connected with her face, she stepped back and smiled. Like a damn psychopath. Another one! What the fuck about me attracted psychos?!

I quickly stumbled to my feet, grabbing her by her collar, turning us again and pushing her into her own desk.

"What the hell was that?!" I screamed in her face, wiping my mouth with my shoulder. I felt gross.

She smirked. "I've been dying to do that. I imagined your lips were soft, but damn." She licked her lips.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" I yelled. "I'm married!"

"Are you? I had no idea." She smiled.

"Bitch, if this were a month ago, I would've fucking killed you!" I screamed, tightening my grip on her shirt. "You are fucking lucky! You can consider yourself jobless, though! I'll tell you that!"

"That's fine." She smiled. "I won't need a job with the money you're going to be paying me to keep our little secret."

"What are you talking about? We don't have a little secret, Lauren! We don't have shit!" I pushed her.

"Oh, but we do. How do you think your wife will feel about you kissing me?" She asked.

I stepped back and looked at her, ready to punch her damn face inside out. "I didn't fucking kiss you! You know I didn't!"

"That's hard to prove on a video camera with no sound and the perfect angle." She laughed. "I know just the guy to make it look like whatever I want it to look like."

My eyes widened. "What the fuck is your purpose?! What is it that you're hoping to gain from this? I hope to hell it's not me. I'd die first."

"Your wife made me mad, so now I'm gonna make her mad. And your marriage is just collateral damage, baby." She shrugged and I tried so hard to keep my cool.

Why in the world do people keep testing me? Especially when it comes to my marriage?!

"Lauren, I don't think you understand just how fast I will snap your fucking neck about my wife and my marriage." I replied calmly. "You're playing games with your own life right now."

"Don't pretend you didn't like it, Jade. It took you an awfully long time to push me back." She laughed.

"You're a damn lie!" I yelled. "Your strong ass held me down!"

"It's all in the video. I don't need to lie." She shrugged.

She was lying. I would never want her anywhere near me. There was no way I hesitated. She disgusted me.

"Did you call me here for my son or just to fuck with me?" I asked.

When she smiled, I almost lost my shit. I felt myself about to reach for her throat, instead, I just pushed her out of my way and to the door.

"You're a damn dummy if you think you're getting a dime of my money." I said, when I opened the door.

"You're going to wish you just paid me off." She laughed and I walked out, slamming the door behind me. I stepped in the hallway and fixed my hair and clothes.

Crazy bitch. I should've known she was up to something! None of this even made sense. Ugh! Why is everyone so fucking crazy?!

My phone rang in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see Perrie calling, but just slipped it back into my pocket. I just didn't even feel right talking to her right now. I needed to get the feeling of Lauren off me first.

The drive home was a blur. One of those autopilot moments. As soon as I parked in the garage, I let myself in and went straight up to our room and to the shower. I heard the tv in the living room, but I felt dirty and disgusting and just like I couldn't talk to her, I couldn't touch her like this.

I HATED it when people even touched me, let alone put their fucking lips on me. I got in the shower and washed everything from head to toe. I was in there for at least an hour. All while I was in there, I found myself just wanting to punch the wall. That was stupid. I was stupid. I highly doubted her dumb ass had a camera for real, but I couldn't shake the gross feeling of her lips on me. Or unsee that smug ass look on her face.

I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth numerous times, dragging my toothbrush around until my gums bled and I gagged. Then I tied my wet hair up in a bun after drying most of it.

I finished calming myself in the mirror and stepped out of the bathroom in just a large t shirt and shorts, feeling a lot better and worthy of actually touching or talking to my wife. I peeked in on Jaden before heading back downstairs to her. I missed her so much.

That was weird. I felt weird. I didn't know if I should tell her about it or not. Although it frustrated me and disgusted me, nothing serious happened. I knew how she already felt about Lauren, so I felt like there was no reason for both of us to be upset. Especially her. She would flip the fuck out and that kind of stressing isn't good for the baby. I'd never forgive myself if something were to happen.

In the end, I decided to just try and forget about it. Something Perrie always says I do too well. Compartmentalize. I just prayed I wouldn't regret it later.

I rounded the corner and when I stepped into the living room, I saw her laying on her side, facing the tv with her eyes closed. It looked like she had fallen asleep waiting for me. When I looked closer, I saw her phone unlocked next to her, with my contact open like she fell asleep after trying to call me.

I smiled, going over to her. I kneeled down next to her, and before I woke her up, I just had to look at her for a while. She is just so damn precious to me. Literally my everything. I don't know how anybody in their right mind could think for a second I would ever do anything to fuck this up. Or why other people keep trying to fuck it up. I continued to stare at her adoringly, watching the rise and fall of her chest.

And then I looked at my baby. Our baby. Although her stomach was still as flat as could be, and I couldn't see a damn thing, I knew our baby was starting to grow in there. I leaned over and kissed her flat tummy first.

"Hey, princess." I whispered and smiled against her belly. "You been taking care of mama like we talked about? Not making her sick anymore?" I smiled and put my ear to her belly, as if I could hear the baby talking to me. I know Perrie had to be sick of me by now because this is all I do. I just couldn't wait to talk to my baby face to face.

"Babe?" She stirred and then her eyes opened slowly.

"Hi." I smiled at her.

"J'adore!" She smiled, before quickly sitting up and tackling me to the floor.

"Careful, baby!" I laughed, falling backwards.

Her huge smile turned into a frown. "I'm sorry, I ate all of the cookies. I tried to save you some but then I ate one more, and then I couldn't stop, and then-"

"Shhh." I giggled, putting my finger to her lips. She's so damn cute. "That's okay, baby. I'll have some next time. As long as you're happy."

I smiled when she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. It was as if everything around me faded away, and suddenly I didn't remember or care about a thing that happened during my shitty day. This was all that mattered. She was all that mattered.

She pushed me all the way to the floor and straddled me, taking my wrists and pinning them over my head.

She REALLY missed me.

"God...!" She mumbled against my lips in between kisses, making my heart race.

I tried catching her lips every kiss, but she wouldn't let me.

"Let my hands go so I can kiss you properly." I smiled.

When she released my wrists, I cupped her face and kissed her deeply. It felt amazing. She moaned and surprisingly started to circle her hips, my body took over and I instinctively flipped us over, very gently of course, positioning myself between her legs. I held my head up for a moment, just to look at her. And admire her some more. My heart still did flips every time I looked into those ocean eyes.

"I love the way you look at me." She whispered and smiled.

"I love looking at you." I smiled in return.

She reached up, gently grabbing the back of my neck and pulling my face back to hers.

"And your kisses are like heaven." She mumbled, connecting our lips again.

She held on to the back of my neck with both hands, still not separating our lips. I couldn't stop kissing her. I didn't want to. I didn't ever want to. I was losing my breath, but I'd become a master at sucking in little breaths here and there, simply because I loved to kiss her until both of our lips went numb.

When she wrapped her legs around me, and started to kiss my jaw, and then my neck, I started to get goosebumps. She removed one hand from my neck, while using the other to scratch and tickle the hairs there. I loved that so much.

The hand that she took away, she used it to take one of my hands, which I was using to hold myself up over her so I wouldn't be too heavy on her, and bring it to her lips. My left hand specifically. She used my move and kissed my ring, staring up at me with her baby blue eyes and a heart tickling smile.

Again, my heart flipped around in my chest and the butterflies were released. I love her so damn much. She kissed my hand once more, before putting it over her heart, which was beating just as fast and hard as mine.

With her hand on top of mine, she slowly slid it down her body, and left it on her lower belly, silently asking me if I wanted to keep going. Which if she did, I definitely did.

My eyes met hers again as I slid my hand under her t shirt, and felt her hot skin. It was always blazing. I heard her breath hitch and she arched her body into me. I licked my lips and slowly slid my hand in her pajama shorts, pushing my way past the second layer of fabric and dipping my fingers inside of her, causing her to moan and squeeze her eyes shut.

Her moans were always the sweetest sounds to me. Those paired with the sight of her beautiful face, her body literally bringing itself to me as she arched, and the slickness that was beginning to coat my whole hand, I was in heaven.

I leaned down and nibbled on her lips before kissing them for real, swallowing every last one of her breathy moans. It was like the more I kissed her, the wetter she got.

One of my lowkey favorite things was feeling her clit twitch against my fingers whenever I slid my tongue in her mouth. She really liked that. In those moments, her body always said more to me than her mouth ever could.

I just kissed her deeper and started to kiss down her jaw and to her throat when she tilted her back. When I made it to her ear, and took the shell of it between my teeth, she moaned and was no longer occasionally twitching, she was just straight up throbbing at this point.

My mind was foggy. All I could think about was her body. And how wet my fingers were and just kept getting.

After building her up, I slipped a finger deep inside of her. She arched and grabbed my wrist, staring into my eyes, and I stopped and looked at her.

"Please don't stop." She whispered and it set my body on fire.

I leaned back down and started softly kissing all over her face. Her moans turned into quiet giggles and then back to moans.

I smiled at her and then gently pushed another finger inside of her.

"God, that's good." She whispered, rolling her eyes. I felt her body start to jerk, so I slowed down. 

Not yet, baby.

I moved my fingers slowly, but continued to dig deep. The deeper I got, the wetter she got and even my eyes were rolling at this point.

She bit her lip and looked up at me with soft, sexy eyes. "I'm so in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too, baby." I smiled, kissing her lips. "My always."

She started to lift her hips to meet my fingers, so I gave her another and she instantly started to shake, grabbing my t shirt with her fists and holding it so tight it wrinkled.

"Yessss." She moaned softly. "Like that. Like that."

I attached my lips to her neck and immediately got lost. I loved kissing and biting her neck. Focusing too much up there, I forgot to slow it down with my fingers. She shook again and wrapped her legs tight around me.

"Right there, baby." She whispered in my ear and a chill went up my spine. She said right there, so I kept it right there, and seconds later, she shook again and drowned my fingers.

I kept up my movements though, to make it last. Her legs were shaking and tightening around me and once again I was in heaven. Her breathing got choppy and I just got so lost and wrapped up in her beautiful body. The way it responded to me, and said things only I understood, I was in love all over again.

She threw her head back, most likely tired from that one orgasm. It was pretty big, but I still had one more for her.

When I tried to slide my hand out and move, she tightened her grip on me with her thighs. I smiled and leaned down again, kissing her soft lips, but I didn't stop there. I went down, leaving soft kisses behind me, all down her body until I got to her center, making sure to leave a few extra ones on her belly for my baby.

I hooked my hands in the bands of her pajamas and looked up at her, kissing the skin just above them.

"Can I take these off, for just a minute?" I asked softly, licking my lips, ready to feast on her.

She nodded and threw her head back, already feeling my tongue gliding along her waistband.

"God, you make my damn toes tingle." She sighed, lacing her hands in my hair.

I smiled, pulling her shorts down slowly, moaning at the sight of her wetness sticking to them. I slipped them off and put them next to us, grabbing her thigh and kissing all over it.

Then I pulled back to kiss further down, until I got to her feet. She looked down at me with a plea in her eyes, and I smiled. I promise she didn't have to beg at all.

I kissed the top of her foot, all the way down to her toes and then put them in my mouth, staring right into her eyes. It always made me laugh when she would wiggle them a little.

"Ohhhh my god, yes." She moaned. "Oh god, baby. Oh, I love that!"

Trust me, I know.

When I felt like I got her worked up enough again, I licked all the way back up her leg, then her inner thigh, and without stopping, I slid my tongue right through her folds, before stopping to kiss it repeatedly. She was delicious so I definitely didn't mind taking my time with this one.

I could tell by the way she was trembling that she wasn't going to last though, but I kept going anyway. I went as slow as I could. I wanted her to orgasm, but I wasn't exactly ready to stop eating her and I knew she would push me away as soon as she did.

I dragged it out as long as I could, but she got to a certain point where every time my mouth touched her at all she was shaking. I could tell by how sensitive she already was, that this one would be good. I wanted to make her feel it in her bones. Which is why I wrapped my mouth around it and sucked like I was trying to get something through a straw.

She didn't say anything. I don't even think she could anymore, but she slowly rolled her hips up to my face and made sexy little whimpering noises. She was right there and so was I. I doubt she even realized I had slipped my hand into my own shorts a little while ago. She'd be pissed at me if she knew, but I couldn't take it. She was just too too sexy and she tasted too good. And it's been so fucking long.

It only took seconds for her to relax her hips and start trembling and when she let go, my god was it beautiful. I was overwhelmed. She took me right with her, so my own orgasm was rocking me and hers was too. She trapped my head between her thighs and literally rode my face until she couldn't anymore, flooding my mouth, and soaking my face. And I loved every second of it.

I moved my kisses to her inner thighs, while I waited for the air to come back to her lungs. I kissed it once more, before pulling her shorts back on and carefully laying back on top of her to kiss her lips.

"Thank you for that." I smiled dizzily, licking my lips.

"Mmmm." She moaned. "I feel so good right now."

I smiled again. "Me too."

"If there was ever an award for giving the best orgasms, you would win it. By a landslide." She giggled breathlessly.

I laughed, laying my head down on her chest. Gently, because she was always super sore lately. The first time I crashed my big ass head into her boobs she screamed and hit me so hard I saw stars.

On the plus side, they were getting a lot bigger. Like a lot, which was really nice to look at. I really wanted to touch them though, but I feared she would chew my hand right off my wrist since they were sensitive to the touch. I could only imagine, and I found myself wondering if they'd even fit in my mouth anymore.

That's inappropriate, Jade. But, like, will they?

She didn't slap me today, so I don't think I hurt her. She just wrapped her arms around me and I smiled. Literally all I've wanted all day.

"Couldn't even make it to the bed, huh?" I joked, lightly tickling her stomach.

"Do we ever?" She laughed, scratching the hairs on the back of my neck again. I don't even know where she got that from, but it always felt amazing.

"Why do you scratch my neck like that?" I laughed.

"You want me to stop?" She asked.

"Never." I replied. "I love it. I just wondered where it came from."

"Because when I just so happened to do it once, you purred like a cat and I thought it was both very sexy and very amusing." She laughed, doing it again and making my eyes roll.

"Purred? Like a cat? I do not purr!" I scoffed.

"Shhhh." She whispered, scratching again. I wanted to argue, but damn it felt good. "Whenever I hit you with the hair and neck scratch combo, you're like a little baby and you fall asleep right away. It's really cute."

"Shut up." I pouted. "You don't know."

She laughed. "Can we get up off of this floor? My back actually hurts."

"Oh no, the baby! You! Are you alright?" I panicked, jumping up and picking her up. My head was constantly spinning trying to protect two people in one body these days.

"Babe, relax. I'm like 24 hours pregnant." She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

She was actually a little over a month. 7 weeks exactly tomorrow.

"Did you eat?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"What did you eat?"

"I had a chicken sandwich."

"Did you eat enough? Are you still hungry?" I looked up at her.

"No, baby. I'm very satisfied. Thank you." She giggled.

"I've been gone all day." I sighed. "What about your vitamins and prenatal pills and-"

"J'adore. Calm down." She laughed. "I've done all of those things. We're good."

"You're right. I'm sorry." I said, laughing softly. "Were you sick at all today?"

"A few times, yeah." She sighed.

We were right around the mark where the constant nausea, morning sickness and mood swings began. We've had some really rough some days. Comparing my pregnancy to hers, she's got it way worse than I did. I was only sick maybe once every other day. She's throwing up every day, sometimes multiple times a day.

Her mood alone kept me dizzy. Between being angry and crabby, super sensitive and emotional, and crying all of the time, I didn't know what to prepare for. We both hated the morning sickness too, and I'm honestly surprised we just had sex. Because of the nausea and off and on crying, and hormonal imbalances, she hasn't wanted too much of that lately. Which was a bit weird because I know her to be the complete opposite, but that was okay too. I didn't mind waiting for her. We both knew all of this was going to happen.

"Oh no! I'm sorry I wasn't here!" I hugged her tighter and she laughed again. I liked to be around to hold her and rub her back after she got sick.

"I can already see how the next eight months are gonna be." She smiled at me.

Was I being overprotective? Maybe. Okay, definitely. I was already overprotective of her. Now it's her and my baby and I feel like I need to be here at all times.

She yawned and I looked up at her again. "Sleepy?" I asked.

Also another thing that took some getting used to. She slept more than me now. Like a lot more. I feel like when her face wasn't in the toilet, it was in a pillow.

When she nodded, I stood up and helped her to her feet, unable to stop myself from kissing her lips while she'd let me. They were like magnets. She started to bite mine and I pulled back.

"You better stop that." I warned.

"Or what?" She mumbled against my lips, still nibbling at them. "You're gonna lay me down and give me what I'm asking for, right?"

She had a mischievous glint in her eyes. One that I missed. I smiled at her. "I'm not about to wear your body out- ohhh!"

"It's cute that you think you can." She whispered into my neck after she pushed me against the wall and shoved her hand down my shorts. I wanted to argue with her, but her fingers went straight to where I needed them... god it's been forever.

Just as my eyes rolled and I was starting to get into it, she removed her lips from my neck and her hand from my shorts.

When she pulled back and sucked her fingers, I could've collapsed against the wall.

"Catch me." She said and I looked up at her. Before I could figure out what she meant, she wrapped her arms around my neck and jumped to wrap her legs around me.

I sighed, giving in and leaning in to kiss her lips. I placed my hands under her thighs to carry her up to our room, never pulling away from her lips.

One more round won't hurt.


The past several days specifically, have been hell on earth. Literally. My mental health has been put to the ultimate test.

Everything was becoming more and more real to me. She was really pregnant. We were really having a baby. She was starting to show and nearly every time I looked at her I cried. Her insecurities have skyrocketed, so she would cry too, thinking I didn't like the way she looked, which I keep trying to tell her couldn't be further from the truth.

I loved the way she looked. Always. Especially now, with my baby. Still, I was emotional, she sure as hell was emotional, she was sore and exhausted and couldn't keep gods down, and Jaden was full of questions since we hadn't told him anything yet. I was

She was extremely tired now. So much so that she would hardly get out of bed sometimes. Of course I would always lay with her and hold her, while we watched tv together, hoping to make her feel at least a little better.

She was hardly sleeping at night because she had to pee every five seconds, and I've also had to clean more vomit than I've ever had to in my life lately. Sometimes she didn't make it to the bathroom in time because she was so tired and sluggish. At first, the sight, sound or smell of it made me sick, now I've got an iron stomach because that's all my baby does. Poor thing.

I was concerned about her and her inability to stay awake for more than like 20 minutes, and her throwing up multiple times a day. Like, I know she's growing a baby, but damn.

The first thing I did was call the doctor. She didn't want me to because she read that it's normal, and when I did, the doctor told me the same thing. I'm no doctor, but that does not seem normal. All he said was to make sure she was getting lots of fluids to replace what her body was dumping out so rapidly. I had no choice but to trust him, but if something happens to her or my baby, I'm going to kill someone. Or everyone.

He told me to wait until our first ultrasound appointment and he would check her out then, but I was worried. Then again, I was always worried. I couldn't talk to anyone about it either, because we weren't planning on announcing it until after we saw the baby first on our first ultrasound. We wanted that first moment to be special and only for us.

The only thing that put me at a little bit of ease was the fact that she was eating. A lot. She went from ravenous, to nauseous, to ravenous, then nauseous again. A viscous cycle that even tired me out.

Our appointment is in a couple of days, so I decided to just stay home with her until someone could confirm that I had nothing to worry about. My worst fear was something happening to her, and not being able to get to her in time. That fear kept me up most nights.

After I put Jaden to bed, without waking her, I climbed behind her on the couch. Pulling the blanket up to our shoulders, I settled in behind her and pulled her back into me, wrapping my arms around her and putting my face in the back of her neck. I rubbed her little tiny baby bump and smiled. I wasn't even tired, but she relaxed me so much, I fell right to sleep.

I felt someone poking at my face and I opened my eyes to see her facing me, smiling.

"Hi, beautiful." I smiled. "How are you feeling?"

She scooted up closer to me and held onto me as if we were hugging.

"I'm okay." She smiled.

"Still sleepy?" I asked, combing my hand through her hair.

"Mmm. No." She mumbled into my chest.

"That's good. You're doing great, baby." I kissed her forehead and rubbed her stomach again. "We're almost through the worst of it." I tried my best to keep reassuring her.

"You're so sweet, baba." She giggled into my chest. "I knew you'd be a great coach."

She flipped over onto her back, leaving me on my side, facing her. I kissed her forehead again and put my hand on her stomach.

"I'm sorry, babe." She said, looking up at the ceiling.

"For what, love?" I mumbled against the side of her head as I kissed it repeatedly.

"That we can't... we don't... you know." She sighed. "I really want to, I just can't for some reason. And it just makes me feel sicker."

I could see that she felt bad because as I mentioned, she didn't want to have sex. Like at all. Or at least her body didn't.

"Babe, you don't have to apologize for that. I'm not upset, I understand." I rubbed her belly. "All I want is to be near you. Sex is a bonus."

One hell of a bonus, too. The girl fucked like a pornstar. Sorry, I just had to say it. I won't lie, it was so hard to be this close to her and not swallow her whole, but as I said, I completely understood, and would wait for however long she needed.

"Okay." She looked up at me with her gorgeous eyes.

I sighed. "You're so beautiful."

I'm literally so in love with her.

I know I was probably exaggerating, but her eyes seemed so much more pretty. Everything I felt about her before intensified, to the point where I would cry just looking at her.

I never realized how beautiful pregnancy and motherhood was until I got to watch the love of my life experience it. Mine was anything but, but when there's so much love in between, it's ethereal. And despite it all, she's carrying it so well.

The physical changes. The mental ups and downs. Sleepless nights. Sickness. She's enduring all of it, with a smile. She's just so strong. I didn't think it was possible to love her anymore than I already did, but here we are with hearts coating around my head. She's going to be an amazing mother. She already is.

"I was thinking..." She started.

"Uh oh." I said and she pinched me. "Ow!"

"Shut up, that's my line." She laughed. "I was thinking we should probably tell Jaden. I think he thinks I'm dying." She said and I laughed.

"Probably. He asks a million questions. Although, he won't fully understand." I shrugged. "He'll be the first to know after the ultrasound."

"I can't wait to see her." She smiled, rubbing her belly.

"Me too." I whispered, putting my hand on hers and rubbing with her.

We laid there and talked more about the baby, Jaden, how we both were feeling, and just life in general. At one point, we had cut the tv off and were just laughing and talking in the dark, until I could see that she was starting to get cold.

"Wanna go to bed?" I asked and she nodded.

We both got up and I stopped to look at her for a second to make sure she was okay. It was usually when she got up that she started to feel nauseous.

"I just want the world to stop spinning every time I stand up." She sighed.

"I'm so sorry, love. It won't always be this bad. I'm here." I rubbed her back. "Come here."

I scooped her into my arms bridal style, and she laid her head against my chest as I carried her up the stairs and to bed.

When we got into bed, we snuggled up to each other again. I could see she was still cold, so I hugged her closer.

"I guess you can put your cold feet on me, if you want. If it's absolutely necessary." It almost hurt me to say that, but it made her happy and that was all I cared about.

When she did, I wanted to crawl out of my skin, but I sucked it up and just let it happen, holding on tight to my whole world, as I closed my eyes and let the sleep take over once again.


"You have to go in today?" I heard my baby's sleepy voice as I stood at the bathroom sink, brushing my teeth. I could hear the sadness in her tone.

I looked up in the mirror and saw her peeking around the door frame at me, with her hair all over her head.

I smiled and rinsed my mouth and then turned to face her, leaning against the sink.

"Come here, baby." I reached my hand out for her and she walked over to me and took it. I combed my fingers through her hair to fix it with my other hand, and then smiled at her.

She stepped in between my legs and wrapped her arms around me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"You want me to stay?" I asked, rubbing her back. When she nodded, I smiled again. I didn't plan on leaving her, I just wanted to hear her say it. I liked to be reassured too. I leaned down and kissed her head. "I'm right here. You feeling okay? You want something to eat?"

"Yes, please." She said quietly.

"Okay, let's go make you something." I smiled and pushed us off the sink, turning and heading to the door.

"Too fast." She said and fell into me dizzily. I quickly grabbed her to steady her and then went to scoop her into my arms, but she quickly pushed my hands away and stumbled over to the toilet.

I'll be so glad when this part is over. I hate it so much. I went over to her to hold her hair and rub her back, though I wasn't quick enough and some of it got in her hair. I frowned and pulled it back until she finished. When she did, she looked at me weakly. My poor baby.

"I'm so sorry!" She cried.

"Shhh. Come here." I shook my head and walked her over to the shower. "It's okay, love."

I undressed her and then myself, even though I had just gotten out of the shower. I stepped in the shower again and pulled her in with me, turning on the water. It burned the shit out of my skin, but I only cared about her being comfortable.

When I started lathering the shampoo in her hair, I heard her start to sob. I pulled her closer to me and she wrapped her arms around me, crying into my neck as I massaged the shampoo through her head. Soon she stopped crying and I finished washing her up and getting her into some clean clothes.

"You feeling better?" I asked softly, kneeling in front of her, putting on her slippers as she sat on the bed.

"Mhmm." She mumbled.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked.

"I'm not hungry yet." She answered. "I want to lay down."

"Okay." I stood up and kissed her forehead, helping her back into bed. "I'm going to go get Jaden ready and drop him off, okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled into her pillow, already falling asleep. I pulled the blanket up over her shoulders and kissed her forehead again.

"I'll be right back. Call me if you need me." I said, but she was already out.

I dropped Jaden at school, to an entirely different teacher by the way, because I meant it when I said that dumb bitch was out of a job.

As soon as I put my seatbelt on, my phone rang. I picked it up, smiling at the picture of Perrie holding a 1 month sign to her flat tummy, that I had made my screensaver. Time to update it this weekend.

I hit the speaker button on the steering wheel as I pulled away from the school.

"Hi, beautiful. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm hungry, baba." She replied.

"What do you want for breakfast? Fruit? Pancakes?" I started to list breakfast foods but she didn't want any of that.

"Cheeseburgers and ice cream." She said, and I furrowed my brows.

"Right now? For breakfast? At the same time?" I asked. I had to tread lightly, because the last time she wanted hot wings at 6am and I questioned her about them, and she went OFF.

"Yes, Jade." She said, and I could hear the irritability in her tone. The last thing I wanted to do was set her off again. Especially this early in the morning. It was like walking in a field of land mines these days.

"Okay, love." I said softly, trying to ease her irritation with me. "How many?"

"Ummm... three." She replied.


I could tell she was waiting for me to say something about it, but I was not.

"Okay, babe. I'll be right there. Cookie dough?" I asked, internally sighing.

I knew she was going to eat half the carton. Three cheeseburgers and a half carton of ice cream had to be the least healthiest choice she could have made, but if I didn't get it, she would either cry her eyes out and think I hated her, or snap and hate me. I couldn't win in this situation.

"Yes, please." She replied.

"Okay. I'm going to get it now." I replied.

"No! Come home!" She yelled, confusing the hell out of me.

"Babe, how am I supposed to-"

"Come home, I need you! Order it for delivery!" She yelled again and I ran my hands through my hair.

"Alright, love. I'm on my way." I replied.

"How long?" She asked in a sad voice.

"Ten minutes, babe." I replied.

Is this what she had to put up with whenever I was sick? Damn, it's hard. She only had to for a few days tops, I on the other hand, have eight more months of this. Sheesh.

"Okay." She sighed. "Be careful. I love you."

I smiled. As snappy and needy as she was, though, she's my whole heart and I would do all of this a million times over for her.

"I will. I love you, baby." I replied and hung up, making my way back to her.

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