Lost at Heart

By sunbum2000

8.8K 177 410


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322 8 32
By sunbum2000

Violet: Hey

Gio: Hey what's up

Violet: Nothing much what about you why are you here alone

Gio: I skate for a while and then sit and think to myself. I know that shit sounds corny but whatever

Violet: No no it's not. Are you okay like- what are you thinking about

Gio: Nothing I don't think you'd get it so don't worry about it

Violet: No pressure but if you do decide to tell me imma be here to listen

Gio: Thanks V maybe one day

I smiled and got up to go inside to get water. I pulled out my phone and looked through my texts to see if my mom texted me and walked over to the door. If you know me, you know that I don't pay attention for shit. I was still on my phone and I didn't notice that someone was walking out. And what you think happened, happened. I smashed into someone and the next thing I knew, I was covered in water.

I laughed and put my head in my hands

Sunny: Do you ever pay attention
He chuckled

Violet: Nope not really
I looked at my shirt and it was soaked

Sunny: Woah I'm sorry about that

Violet: Don't worry about it. I'm gonna go home and change my shirt I'll be back

Sunny: I can walk with you if you want

Violet: Sure why not lemme just go tell Jules

He nodded and I turned around and walked outside

Jules: Yo you are soaked

Violet: Yeah I know I'm going home to change

Jules: Want me to come?

Violet: Nope it's fine Sunny already volunteered

Jules: oooh-
She smirked but before she could continue I interrupted her real quick

Violet: Shut the fuck up
I walked away and her laugh slowly dissolved as I moved further away.

Sunny: You ready

Violet: Yeah let's go

We walked out the door and got on our boards and started skating.

Sunny: So how do you like it here?

Violet: It's amazing. I mean other than the 'what can that mouth do ma', yeah it's alright.

Sunny: This might sound weird but what does it feel like when people say things like that

Violet: I don't know. It's a weird feeling. It's funny but it's also terrifying. Like yesterday I was gonna get dragged back to a 60-year-old man's house and not always complete strangers decide to come help you like Fuckshit did.

Sunny: Oh I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that

Violet: No don't worry about it, not many people are interested and the fact that you are is cool. I like that.

Sunny: Thank god I thought I was violating some girl code

Violet: You're all good. I have a question for you that'll prove your loyalty

Sunny: Go ahead, shoot.

Violet: If you could be any pizza topping what would you be? Don't stress it. Think about your answer

Sunny: Oh god this is hard
I couldn't help but laugh watching him think really deeply

Sunny: Ok so I would be a pepperoni because everyone would want me

Violet: I'd rather be a green pepper so people wouldn't eat me. You see Sunny I think spiritually not physically. Be more like me.
I whipped my hair back and walked forward as if I was some rich 30 year old

Violet: Ugh as if

We joked around and skated over to my house. It was empty so I let him in

Violet: Home sweet home, come on in

We walked in and we went up to my room so I can grab some clothes

Sunny: Do you want me to stay outside?

Violet: You can stay wherever you want I'm gonna change in the bathroom either way

I got my clothes, went into the bathroom, changed, and came out. Dis the fit:

Sunny: Yo those shoes are dope as hell

Violet: Why thank you. Now let's go

Sunny: Shit I forgot I had to meet up with Leah at the shop like 30 minutes ago

Violet: Well let's go before she makes assumptions

Sunny: Imma get slapped I know that for a fact


We got on our boards and speeded over to the shop.

We walked in and Leah was standing at the door with her arms crossed and the rest were sitting on the counters knowing that I was boutta get into some deep shit. I looked over at Jules and gave her a 'what's going on look'. She scratched the back of her neck and turned around like she was trying not to laugh.

Leah: Where were you

I tried to walk past her but she just grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

Violet: Hey what's up

Leah: Bitch don't try and sweet talk me

Violet: What did I do

Leah: You're hooking up with my boyfriend that's what's up

Sunny and Violet: WHAT

Fuckshit: oh shit

Jules: Hate to break it to you but that hasn't been happening

Leah: Oh really? How do you know?

Violet: No no no how do YOU know? Just because someone's walking with your boyfriend doesn't mean they're hooking up with him babe

Sunny: I met her yesterday Leah. I wouldn't do that to you

Leah: Oh sorry bubbas
She pouted holding her arms out for a hug for him

Violet: oh barf

Leah: Jealous?

Violet: Nope just thought I deserved an apology

Leah: Whatever

She pulled back into the hug and Sunny mouthed 'sorry'. I nodded and walked over to the counter.

Violet: Yo no offense but I have never in my whole entire life met someone so stupid

Ray: She makes me wanna bang my head into a wall

Gio: I've banged my head in a wall from her

Violet: Does anyone else here have a pcycho girlfriend that wouldn't allow them to talk to me? I don't wanna get into that shit.

Fuckshit: No but I can change that real quick mamas
He slung his arm around me and everyone started laughing

Violet: I think I'm good for now

Leah left and Sunny walked towards us.

Ray: N***a why were you so quiet

Sunny: What I didn't wanna get into an argument with her, alright?

Violet: So what you're saying is that I can get in an argument with some bitch I don't even know but you can't and she's your girlfriend? That really says a lot.

Sunny: It isn't like that

Fuckshit: What you are is whipped. She has you wrapped around her finger man.

Jules: I gotta admit it to you, he's right.

Sunny: Whatever I'm going home I'll see ya'll later.

He left and we all started talking.

Fuckshit: Wanna go to a party

Ray: I'm in

Fourthgrade: Me too

Gio: I have nowhere better to be

Jules: Yeah what Gio said

Fuckshit: Violet?

Violet: I uh have to ask my mom

Fuckshit: Is Violet pussying out?

Violet: No I have to ask her cause I've only been here for about a day and you guys might be kidnapping me. You never know

Jules: She has a point. You guys look sketchy as hell.

Gio: Yup I've known them for 4 years but still feel like imma get jumped at any moment

Ray: Hold the fuck up what do-

Violet: I'm gonna talk to my mom while you guys argue about who's sketchier

I got up and went outside to call her.

Mom: Hey honey

Violet: Hey momma, how's your first day at work

Mom: Great and how are you and your friends

Violet: I'm having fun and do you want me to have even more fun?

Mom: If it's a party you can go, I'm gonna trust you not to get into trouble

Violet: I promise I won't. I love you I'll be back at 8

Mom: K have fun sweetheart

Violet: I will. Byez

I ended the call and went back to where they were sitting.

Ray: What'd she say

Violet: She doesn't mind

Jules: hm I like your mom

Gio: What time is it

Fuckshit: At 6 so if yall needa get ready go now

Violet: Ok imma go, wanna come with me, Jules?

Jules: I was just boutta ask you so, YUH

Fuckshit: Send me your address so I can come pick you up

Violet: Okay see you later

We walked out and skated over to my house. The fresh breeze hit my face and it all just began to feel surreal. I had friends in Florida but not friends like this. Friends I've only had for a day feel closer than the ones I had for years.

We got to the house and walked up to my room

Jules: your room is dope

Violet: Thank youz. Wait you don't have clothes

Jules: Fuck um can I borrow something from you

Violet: Yeah of course

We started going through my closet and she picked out what she wanted and I picked out what I wanted. Here are da fits:

(her fit)

(my fit)



We then heard beeping outside so we looked out and they were waiting in the car for us.

Jules: Let's go!!

I looked at myself one more time before walking out and damn I looked GOOD.

When I opened the door Jules ran to the van and when inside and sat down. When I got closer I knew exactly why she ran. There was one more spot left. She sat, leaving me to sit on someone's lap

Violet: You bitch where am I gonna sit



H̆̈ĕ̈y̆̈ b̆̈ĕ̈s̆̈t̆̈ĭ̈ĕ̈s̆̈



𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒.......

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