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Jules: Whoops didn't see you there

Violet: Should I like sit on the roof of the car or something

Fuckshits: No but you can sit on someone's lap, either daddy's or Gio's

Violet: That's a hard choice

Jules: That's what she said
She whispered and Fuckshit fist-pumped her

Violet: Oh fuck it which one of you guys will volunteer

Gio: I can I guess

Violet: Cool

I got in the car and just sat on Gio's lap. I'm not even gonna lie I was hella uncomfortable

Fuckshit: Ok were set

Ray: N***a just drive she doesn't look comfortable

We drove off and got to the party. Right when we parked I jumped off.

Jules: Hehe sorry about that

Violet: no

I flipped my hair sarcastically and walked away.
We walked in and the smell of weed and alcohol hit and burnt my nostrils. I was never a big drinker or smoker. If I did wanna smoke I would use my Juul. I wasn't really interested in getting addicted and hurting myself.

Ray: Come on let's introduce you to some people

Violet: Let us go

We walked around and he introduced me to a bunch of girls and guys. Some looked at me up and down as if I wasn't good enough for them. But bitch no I am fine as hell. It's not my fault you look like an off-brand Dora.

After he introduced me to everyone I plopped down on the couch next to Sunny.

Violet: Hii

Sunny: Oh wait? You aren't mad?

Violet: Nope. She's your girlfriend, not mines. If you're fine with what she said then that's none of my business.

Sunny: I'm really sorry Violet. She does this a lot. She's fucking annoying.

Violet: Then break up with her.

Sunny: I can't do that.

Violet: Why not. If you don't really like her, break up with her.

Sunny: I always say I'm done with her but I always end up coming back.

Violet: Have you ever cheated on someone because of her?

Sunny: Yes, several times.

Violet: Dude you have to get your head back in the game you're gonna lose it

Sunny: Who said I haven't
I laughed and got up to go outside

Fuckshit and Jules were playing basketball and Gio was on his phone. I went and sat with Gio while I waited for Jules to finish.

Gio: Why are you out here? Go have fun

Violet: I am having fun it's just that I'm not into drinking

Gio: Don't let Fuckshit hear you saying that

Violet: Noted. Enough about me why are you sitting here?

Gio: Meh I'm not a fan of the girl who threw the party

Violet: Does she happen to look like an off brand Dora?

Gio: Yup that is exactly who she is

Violet: I don't like that bitch
Jules and Fuckshit ran over to us.

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