The Fire Queen - a sequel to...

Galing kay theRhuhenian

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The wedding of Queen Anna and her fiancé Kristoff is fast approaching, and Arendelle is abuzz with excitement... Higit pa

A Wedding on the Horizon
The Fire Queen Arrives
A Confrontation
Anna's Party
Kristoff's Party
Back in Northuldra
The Wedding
Arendelle Under Attack
A Castle Tour
The Prison
A Realisation
An Interrogation
The Secrets
Ice and Fire
The Chamber
Around the Campfire
The Return
At Sea
A New Country
Return of the Princess

Another Big Day

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Galing kay theRhuhenian

Once Elsa, Anna and Kristoff arrived back in Arendelle, they set to work repairing the kingdom, and it was soon restored to how it was before. After a few months, there were barely any reminders of the fire at all, except the lack of stained glass windows in the chapel.

Elsa went back to live with the Northuldra, but her visits to Arendelle became much more frequent. She made sure to visit at least once a week. She spent most of her time in the forests, tending to the parts of it that had been destroyed in the fire. Before long, the forest was well on the way to recovery.

By the next summer word had gotten out around the world that the Fire Queen had been stopped, and guests from far and wide were happy to accept invitations to Anna and Kristoff's rearranged wedding. Once again, the anticipation for it built up in Arendelle.

When the eve of the wedding arrived, everything was just as it was before. Kristoff had a party with the trolls, and Anna and Elsa had a party in the castle. On the day of the wedding, everyone filed into the chapel. Once again, Anna walked into the chapel on Elsa's arm, the train of her wedding dress held up by Arendellian children. This time, Olaf was as good as gold, holding a basket of confetti as he happily walked behind Anna. She joined Kristoff at the altar.

The bishop stood at the altar while Anna and Kristoff looked into each other's eyes. Ryder and Sven waited next to them with the rings. The bishop began the ceremony.

"Now, where was I?" he joked. Everyone in the congregation chuckled.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "we are once again here today to join Kristoff Bjorgman and Queen Anna of Arendelle in marriage. On this joyous day, Arendelle welcomes royalty from all over the world to join us in celebration. Thank you all for being here with us."

The bishop paused, and a satisfied murmur came from the crowd. "Now, the usual formality," the bishop said with a slight smile. "If anyone knows any lawful reason why the bride and groom should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

There was silence from the congregation. Anna smirked and gave a knowing glance to someone in the front row.

"So be it!" the bishop declared. There was a sigh of relief from some. Kristoff almost laughed. Anna and Kristoff steadied themselves and prepared to take their vows.

The bishop began to read them. "Do you, Kristoff Bjorgman, take Queen Anna of Arendelle, to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and to cherish her, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

Kristoff took a deep breath and smiled. "I do," he declared.

The bishop turned to Anna. "And do you, Queen Anna of Arendelle, take Kristoff Bjorgman, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," said Anna as her voice raised slightly.

Ryder knew that was his cue to present the rings. He walked to Sven and took the box from his mouth, then took the rings out and placed them on a satin cushion. He took the cushion and held it in front of Anna and Kristoff.

"Now, Kristoff," the bishop continued, "take the ring and place it on Anna's finger, and repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed'."

"With this ring, I thee wed," Kristoff proclaimed as he delicately placed the ring on Anna's finger. The bishop turned to Anna.

"Anna," the bishop said gently, "take the other ring and place it on Kristoff's finger, and repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed'."

Anna was shaking as she tried to hold back tears. She managed to place the right on Kristoff's finger. "With this ring...I thee wed," she said softly.

"Then by the power vested in me, I proclaim you man and wife," the bishop concluded. He turned to Kristoff. "You may kiss the bride."

Anna and Kristoff held each other and kissed. Elsa looked on and applauded with a huge smile on her face.

They had done it. They had finally done it. After all the heartache and effort, they were married. The congregation applauded them, then rose to their feet. In the front row, one young lady applauded louder than anyone else. Flanked by her parents and smiling as a tear rolled down her cheek, was Princess Joanna of Rizucia.

Anna and Kristoff walked out of the chapel hand in hand. The invited guests, including Olaf, threw confetti as they made their way down the chapel steps. Squeezing each other's hands tightly, they walked to the castle gates. The order was given, and the gates began to open.

Outside, the excitement amongst the crowd reached fever pitch. "Oh, we finally get to see them!" a woman enthused.

As the gates were almost fully opened, Anna and Kristoff waited. "Ready?" Anna said to Kristoff.

"I'm ready," he replied softly as he raised her hand. "Let's do this. Together."

"Together," Anna said while looking into his eyes.

"Queen Anna of Arendelle and Prince Kristoff of Arendelle!" Kai bellowed as he announced him.

The crowd went wild. The cheering and applauding was almost deafening as Anna and Kristoff walked out of the gates. They raised their free hands to wave to everyone while holding on tightly to each other.

"Our queen! Her prince!" a young woman exclaimed to her boyfriend while continuing to applaud them. "Isn't it romantic?" she asked him. He just nodded as he carried on clapping for them.

"Kiss!" came a call from the crowd. Anna chuckled a little.

"Shall we give them what they want?" Anna asked Kristoff. "After all, it's their big day too!"

"Why not?" he replied before he bent down and kissed her. The crowd cheered even louder.

After a few more minutes waving, Anna and Kristoff went back into the castle and the gates were closed behind them. The crowd dispersed and went away happy that the queen had welcomed the love of her life into her family. After that, the town was filled with street parties as the people of Arendelle celebrated their momentous day.

Back at the castle, Anna and Kristoff went back to the courtyard to talk to Olaf, Elsa and Sven.

"Now, are you sure you won't stay for the reception, Olaf?" Anna asked him as she giggled.

"Oh, no thank you," Olaf replied. "I need to get out of these clothes!"

"How do you think I feel?" Kristoff jokingly complained. "This is my life now!" he declared as he held his lapel.

"Don't worry honey," Anna said as she ruffled his hair. "You'll be back in leather before you know it!"

"And besides, I shall be the official representative of Queen Anna at the street parties!" Olaf said snootily. "They are much more my scene!" he quipped.

"Okay boys, have fun!" Anna called as Olaf toddled away.

"You too buddy!" Kristoff said to Sven. "I'm sure there will be lots of carrots there!"

Sven huffed contentedly then trotted after Olaf.

Meanwhile, the invited guests filed in through the main door for the wedding reception. Soldiers stood either side, stoically looking forwards with hands on their lances. Joanna recognised one of them and became alarmed, hiding behind her father so that she wouldn't be seen.

"What's the matter?" he father asked.

"Let's just get inside," Joanna whispered. "I'll tell you later."

Once inside, the guests were directed to the grand dining room. Everyone was presented with a glass of champagne, and butlers glided from guest to guest to offer them canapes. The dignitaries from all over the world happily mingled with each other, but the wedding wasn't the only topic of conversation. Across the room from Joanna, a French ambassador was talking to his Irish counterpart.

"Tell me mon amis, do you know what happened to the girl who attacked Arendelle?" the French ambassador asked.

"Oh, I heard that the former queen Elsa battled her in a far off land, and froze her to death!" the Irish ambassador answered with relish. "What have you heard?"

"I heard that she was turned to stone, and she is now at the bottom of the ocean!" the Frenchman replied.

"Quite the idea!" the Irishman smiled. "Still, she's gone now, that's the main thing. And what a wonderful day!"

"Indeed!" the French ambassador concurred. "Santé!" he said as he and his Irish friend clinked their glasses.

Meanwhile, Anna and Elsa had found Joanna and her family. Joanna was looking resplendent in a new dress. Her hair was neatly done, and her posture and deportment were excellent.

"What a wonderful ceremony!" Joanna exclaimed as she lightly clapped her hands. "Thank you so much for inviting us!"

"Our pleasure!" Anna replied. "I'll never forget the look on your face when we gave you that wedding invite back in Rizucia!" she said as she giggled. "Now, can you tell us what we want to hear? Have you done good things since we last saw you?"

The King of Rizucia piped up. "Done good things? Done good things?" he boomed. "Princess Joanna is the pride of Rizucia!" he said as he proudly put his arm around Joanna's shoulders.

"Dad!" she exclaimed, sounding a little embarrassed. Anna and Elsa let out a giggle. The king put his arms down while Joanna put her gloved hands in front of her, and went back to standing bolt upright.

"Oh, everyone in the kingdom is thrilled to have her as their princess," the queen said. "She founded a society to help clean up the kingdom, she has lots of friends, and the foreign dignitaries who come to trade with us absolutely love her!"

"That's wonderful to hear!" Anna exclaimed. "We're so proud of you, aren't we Elsa?"

"We certainly are!" Elsa said softly as she tilted her head slightly and looked at Joanna.

Joanna took a step towards Elsa.

"Elsa, can I talk to you for a second? Alone?" Joanna asked.

"Er, sure," Elsa replied slightly nervously. "Excuse us, everyone."

Joanna took Elsa to the side while Anna continued to talk to the King and Queen of Rizucia.

"What is it?" Elsa whispered.

"There's a guard on the front door," Joanna replied anxiously. "I know him from somewhere. From...when I was in prison," she whispered.

"Oh," Elsa replied as her eyes widened and she moved closer to Joanna. "What happened?"

"He was guarding me," Joanna replied, nervously gritting her teeth, "and I kind of...seduced him and punched him in the face."

"What?" Elsa said softly, almost laughing with surprise at Joanna's revelation.

"He was so kind to me," Joanna said forlornly. "He was telling me all about his childhood and all the fun things that children do in Arendelle. He was so sweet. And I tricked him so that I could escape!"

Elsa thought for a second. She knew that Joanna wanted to at least say sorry to him, but that just wasn't possible. She adopted her serious tone.

"Does he know that you're here?" Elsa asked.

"No," Joanna replied while shaking her head. "He probably wouldn't even recognise me, I look so different now."

"Good, we need to keep it that way," Elsa replied sternly. "I know everyone in Rizucia knows who you are, but the same can't be said for everyone else. Remember, this is Anna's day. If he knew who you were, he'd tell General Mattias, then we will all have some serious questions to answer. I'm sorry but you cannot talk to him. You just need to let this go."

"Oh, okay, I understand," Joanna said while clutching her hands to her chest and frowning.

"Now, let's go back to the party shall we?" Elsa said, trying to be upbeat. "I want to hear more about your good deeds!"

Meanwhile, the guests were circulating, and the French ambassador had made his way over to the King of Rizucia.

"Ah, Your Majesty! The King of Rizucia, so wonderful to meet you!" the French ambassador exclaimed as he bowed.

"Likewise!" the king replied.

"So, sixteen years," the ambassador said calmly. "Such a long time for a country to be closed off. I trust you are now, uh, getting back on your feet?"

"Oh yes," the king replied confidently. "We are welcoming trading partners from all over the world!"

"Formidable!" the French ambassador enthused. "And the Princess Joanna, she has recovered?"

"Indeed," the king replied. "It's so wonderful to have her back. Terrible business that dark magic, terrible."

"Mais oui," the Frenchman replied. "But I must say, she looks familiar..."

The king tried to hide his shock. "How so?" he asked.

"The girl who set fire to everything," the Frenchman replied while narrowing his eyes, "when she arrived to ruin the last wedding, she said she was the Queen of Rizucia."

The king sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He then beckoned the ambassador closer.

"Look here," he whispered sternly, "when Joanna was cursed, she attacked our kingdom. You know that don't you?"

"Yes," the ambassador said slowly.

"Well, after she attacked our kingdom, she made her Arendelle," the king whispered solemnly.

"Oh," the ambassador replied as he raised his eyebrows.

"If she hadn't of come here, then Elsa wouldn't have been able to remove her curse," the king added.

"And Queen Anna, she has forgiven her?" the ambassador enquired.

"If she hadn't we wouldn't be here, would we?" the king asked rhetorically.

"No, I suppose not..." the ambassador mused.

"So, everything is fine!" the king said as he stood upright. "But keep it under your hat, yes?" he said as he went back to whispering.

"Mais oui, mon amis!" the ambassador declared as he took a step backwards. "I will not tell a soul!" he said as he slinked away.

"I need a drink!" the king thought to himself. "Where's that butler?" he thought as he shuffled away.

Meanwhile, Joanna was hiding behind a pillar with her mother, who had brought over a tray of canapes.

"I love being a princess," Joanna said as she stuffed a canape in her mouth, "but this 'princesses can't be seen eating' rule is so silly!"

"I know, I know," her mother replied. "You must try the pate, it's delicious!"

Just then, Joanna's father appeared.

"Ah, I thought I might find you here!" he said quietly through a smile. "The old 'hide and eat' game eh? Oh, pate! Let's have some of that!" he said as he swiped one of the canapes.

"Look, erm, I've got something you both need to know," he told them.

"Oh?" the queen replied as she raised her eyebrows.

"Yes," the king said. "I was put on the spot by that French fellow. He worked out that it was Joanna who attacked the last wedding..."

Joanna and her mother stared at each other in alarm, both their mouths stuffed with food.

"Well what on earth did you tell him?" the queen asked after swallowing her mouthful.

"I told him the truth," the king admitted. "What else was I supposed to do?"

"Well, how did he react?" the queen asked.

"He seemed surprisingly understanding," the king admitted.

"You mean, people know what I did now?" Joanna asked.

"Well he does," the king said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe it's not so bad that people know what I did?" Joanna suggested. "Maybe it's better if it's out in the open?"

"Let's not go that far," the queen said. "Remember, this is Queen Anna's day, we don't want to cause trouble!" She looked up at the king. "Anyway, thank you for telling us, I think we'll be fine!" she concluded.

"Oh well, it's back to the party for me!" the king declared.

"We'll be there soon!" the queen replied. "Joanna, try a blini, they're gorgeous!"

As Joanna ate and digested her father's news, an idea came into her mind. "People know what I did...and it's okay!" she thought to herself. She suddenly became very anxious and started to look towards the door.

"Joanna, what's the matter?" her mother asked, concerned.

Joanna hesitantly stuttered. "It's just that...I need to...excuse me!" she said to her mother as she headed towards the door.

Joanna left the reception and stood next to one of the soldiers. She smiled at him and opened her eyes wide. "H...hello Henrik..." she said nervously.

"I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to talk to guests," Henrik said as he continued to look forward. "Wait, how do you know my name?" He turned his head slightly to look at Joanna. He saw her unmistakable green eyes and jumped backward slightly in alarm. He went to reach for his lance.

"No, don't," Joanna told him as she put her hand out. "It's okay, look at me! I'm a wedding guest!"

Henrik shouldered his lance and went back to looking forward, trying not to make a scene. "You give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the general right now!" he said under his breath. "What have you got planned?"

"I haven't got anything planned," Joanna said as she shook her head. "I just wanted to thank you!"

"For letting you escape?" Henrik replied indignantly. "Yeah, thanks!" he sarcastically muttered.

"No, no," Joanna insisted as she held her hands up. "You've only known me as Freya, but that's when I was cursed. My real name is Joanna. You know Elsa right? Your queen's sister? She freed me from my curse! Everyone knows what I did now!"

"Oh?" said Henrik, who had calmed down a little and was now listening attentively while still looking forwards.

"When you told me about your childhood you brought light into my world," Joanna said softly. "All I'd known for years was isolation and anger. You were the first person to give me a glimpse of happiness. And I wanted to thank you for that."

A single tear formed in Henrik's eye as he listened. "I see," he said. "Well, I did my best!"

Henrik continued to try and stand guard, but by now he had a smile on his face. "But listen, you need to go back in. I'm not supposed to talk to guests, I'll get in trouble!" he insisted.

"Can I get you anything to say thank you?" Joanna asked. "I think they will be cutting the cake soon, how about I bring you a slice?"

Henrik thought with his stomach for a few seconds. "Oh go on then," he said as he smiled and briefly nodded. "Just a sliver!"

Joanna gave Henrik a peck on the cheek then ran back inside.

"Please join us for the cutting of the cake!" Kai bellowed, which was met with a cheer.

Anna and Kristoff went to the huge, five story cake and together they picked up a knife and prepared to cut it. As they both pressed down on the bottom layer, the knife went through the cake and the guests gave them a warm round of applause. As they clapped, Kristoff put the tip of his finger in some icing then dobbed a little on Anna's nose. She tried to look at it, went cross eyed and giggled. She reached up to give Kristoff a kiss, and as she did she picked up a handful of icing, and threw it right in Kristoff's face, making everyone laugh. A slightly amused Kai handed Kristoff a napkin.

"Okay, who wants cake!" Anna called, still with some icing on the tip of her nose.

A butler started to cut up the cake and place slices of it onto plates. Joanna snuck into the queue and surreptitiously took a small piece. She skipped out of the reception and went back to the front door.

"Henrik, I got you some-" she started to say, when she looked up. To her dismay, Henrik had been replaced. A gruff, middle aged soldier stood in his place.

"Who are you?" Joanna asked despondently. "Where's Henrik?"

"Henrik's been taken off duty for talking to guests," the soldier replied. "Now please, go back inside before I get in trouble too."

Joanna looked crestfallen. She turned to the soldier who was on the other side of the door. "Snitch!" she yelled at him before running back inside.

Back at the reception, the first person Joanna bumped into was Elsa, who could tell she was upset.

"What's wrong?" Elsa asked. "What are you doing with that cake?"

Joanna took a deep, unsteady breath and looked to the side. "I got Henrik in trouble," Joanna admitted. "I...I just wanted to talk to him..."

"Who is Henrik?" Elsa asked, sounding confused.

"The guard on the door," Joanna said as she looked up sheepishly at Elsa.

Elsa opened her eyes wide and brought her hand to her mouth. "I thought I told you to let it go?" Elsa said. "Why on earth did you talk to him? Did he recognise you?"

"Yes," Joanna said, "but I thought it wouldn't matter. My father has been telling people about what I did at the last wedding!"

Just then, the French ambassador approached them.

"Ah bonjour, Your Highness!" he beamed. "And the beautiful Princess of Rizucia! Enchanté! Such a wonderful day! And so good of you to forgive her after what happened at the last wedding, oui?"

Elsa leaned forwards towards the ambassador. "Yes, thank you," she snipped. "But could you please leave us be? We have a very important matter to attend to!"

"Of course, Your Highness," the ambassador said as he began to back away. "Excusez-Moi!"

With that, the ambassador bowed and moved on to another conversation.

"Oh," Elsa exclaimed as she looked at the ambassador. "That wasn't so bad. Maybe it's okay if people know what you did after all?"

Joanna looked up at Elsa, held her arms out and smiled nervously.

"So," Elsa said as she cleared her throat. "This 'Henrik', what happened to him?" she asked Joanna.

"He was guarding the door and I talked to him," Joanna admitted. "He told me not to or I'd get him in trouble. Oh, I'm such a fool! I just wanted to give him a piece of cake to say thank you for how nice he was to me!"

"That's it?" Elsa said. "He recognised you, you talked and you went to get him a piece of cake? Oh Joanna!" Elsa giggled as she put her hand on Joanna's arm.

"I can't promise you anything, but I'll talk to General Mattias. I'll explain it was a simple misunderstanding. Henrik will be fine!" Elsa assured her.

"Oh thank you!" Joanna said as she breathed a sigh of relief. "Do you think I'll be able to see him again?"

"That might be difficult," Elsa confessed. "Why? Do you want to?"

"Well, yes," Joanna said as she hunched up and ran her fingers through her hair. "I...I like him," she admitted as she blushed a little.

Elsa giggled. "Oh, I see! Then I'll do my best! I promise!" she smiled.

"Thank you!" Joanna smiled back.

"Now then," Elsa said with a sigh. "The reception is winding down. I trust I'll see you at the dinner tonight?"

"Oh yes!" Joanna enthused. "I'm really looking forward to it! I've had the most amazing ball gown made for me!"

"I can't wait to see it!" Elsa said softly. "See you this evening!"

With that, the King and Queen of Rizucia approached to take Joanna back to their ship. On board, Joanna and her mother prepared for the evening.

"Oh Joanna," her mother enthused, "don't you look incredible!" she said as Joanna picked up her dress and twirled.

"I feel like a real princess!" Joanna said happily. Then she paused and sighed. "I wish I had someone to dance with though..."

Meanwhile, Elsa went to find General Mattias. She found him talking to an officer in the castle courtyard.

"General Mattias!" Elsa called out.

"Your Highness!" he called back. The officer saluted him and went on his way.

"How was the reception?" he asked. "I know there was one minor indiscretion, but apart from that, was security acceptable?"

"Actually, about that indiscretion," Elsa calmly stated, "was it done by a young soldier with the first name Henrik?"

"Private Lustig?" Mattias inquired. "Why, yes it was. His card was already marked. Now he failed to uphold standards on some simple guard duty. I need to carefully consider his future..."

"Oh, please don't," Elsa insisted. "It wasn't his fault. It was my friend Princess Joanna of Rizucia. She's only seventeen, there weren't any people her age at the reception. She was desperate for someone to talk to and she found him. She just wanted to bring him a piece of cake! Please don't be so harsh on him!"

"Hmmm," Mattias hummed. "I shall have to think about that. This is the military after all."

"Actually general," Elsa said seriously. "I have a favour to ask..."

Meanwhile, Kristoff was talking to Ryder on the other side of the courtyard.

"Okay buddy," he said, sounding upbeat yet serious. "You know what you're going to say in your speech, yes?"

Ryder couldn't hide his nerves. "I know what I'm going to say, I just don't know if I can say it!" he admitted. "It's such an important role, and I don't want to embarrass you in front of everyone!"

"You'll be fine!" Kristoff said as he rubbed his shoulder. "And besides, embarrassing me is part of the deal!"

"I know, I know," Ryder said. "Thanks for the pep talk, friend!"

The time arrived for the dinner, and the guests returned to the castle in their evening finery. They were escorted into the grand dining room, which had been lavishly decorated for the occasion. The guests sat eight to a round table, with Princess Joanna sitting between her parents. The Arendellian royal family sat on their own table at the front of the room. Anna and Kristoff sat on large, ornate chairs that resembled thrones.

The guests settled down to a four course dinner. The King of Rizucia was thrilled to see Rizucian beef on the menu. He turned to the dignitaries who were sitting beside him.

"Oh, I do hope you all enjoy the beef!" he enthused. "It's become our country's most popular export!"

Joanna turned to whisper to her mother. "He's off again!" she smiled.

"Oh, let him talk!" the queen enthused. "It's good for business!"

After the meal concluded, Kai stood next to Anna's table to announce the after dinner speakers. He tapped a glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" Kai bellowed. "Now, it is time for the after dinner speeches!" He turned to Elsa and raised his arm. "Elsa of Arendelle!" he announced.

There was a cacophony of shuffling as the guests turned their chairs to face the front of the room.

"Good evening everyone!" Elsa said calmly yet clearly as she got to her feet. "I know it's tradition that the father of the bride speaks first at these events, but seeing as that's not possible, we thought it would be best I fulfilled the role. After all, over these last few years I've done my best to look out for my little sister, as she faces the trials and tribulations of fulfilling her role of Queen of Arendelle," she said as she turned to Anna. "Love you sis!" she playfully declared.

"Love you too!" Anna called back as she raised her glass. A little "ah" rose up from the crowd.

"At times like this, I always wonder what our mother and father would think of us," Elsa continued. "I know they'd be proud. Why? Because we are being true to who we are. As you all know, my reign as queen was short, and it was fraught with danger. Since I abdicated, I have been able to fulfil my role as protector of the forests, living amongst the Northuldra, of whom we have a representative with us today," she said as she gestured at Ryder. "I knew I would never regret my decision to allow Anna to become queen. Our kingdom has faced some trying times over the past few years, but Anna has been there to lead Arendelle through them with grace, passion and dignity. May her reign last for many years to come. Please join me in a toast," she said to the guests as they stood up with their glasses in hand.

"Long live Queen Anna!" Elsa declared as she raised her glass.

As the guests repeated the toast and raised their glasses in turn, Anna blushed as the two sisters giggled at each other. The guests sat back down again.

"And what can you say about her husband Kristoff?" Elsa asked rhetorically. "That is, Prince Kristoff, as he is now of course! Well, since the tumultuous events of my own coronation, he's been there for Anna, always by her side. He may come from, shall we say, a 'humble' background, but his days of ice harvesting are over! I know he will be impeccable in fulfilling his new duties as the Prince of Arendelle. Ladies and gentlemen, to Queen Anna and Prince Kristoff!" Elsa said as she raised her glass again.

"Queen Anna and Prince Kristoff!" the guests declared in unison as they raised their glasses.

Kai allowed the guests to settle before announcing the next speaker. "Prince Kristoff of Arendelle!" he declared.

"Wow, 'Prince Kristoff', I never thought anyone would call me that!" he laughed as he got up from his chair. A giggle went around the room.

"Um, wow, okay," Kristoff said, flustered as he rubbed the back of his head with one hand. He looked down at Anna, who smiled to let him know that everything was okay.

"I mean, this is all beyond my wildest dreams," he admitted as he held his arms out. "If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a child, a poor orphan boy who was struggling to keep up with some ice harvesters, and tell myself that one day I'd be marrying the amazing and beautiful Queen of Arendelle, I would not have believed myself."

Kristoff looked around and furrowed his brow in confusion, trying to understand his own metaphor. He cast it from his mind and continued his speech.

"But anyway, as I stand here today, I have so much to be thankful for, and so many people to thank. There's Elsa, who not only is a loving sister to Anna, but if it wasn't for her our paths wouldn't have crossed in the first place," he said as he looked at Anna. Elsa rolled her eyes and smiled.

"I know this is going to sound silly but I need to mention my good buddy Sven. He's always been there for me too. He couldn't be at the dinner tonight because, well, he's a reindeer!" Kristoff said as he smiled awkwardly. "Well, anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone in Arendelle. Olaf, Kai, Gerda, everyone of the castle staff, and everyone in the kingdom. Ladies and gentlemen, to Arendelle!" Kristoff declared, raising his glass.

"To Arendelle!" everyone followed.

"And now," Kristoff continued, "I want to talk about another place that's special to me, and that's Northuldra. It's where my best man Ryder is from!" Kristoff said as he gestured towards Ryder, who responded with a nervous wave to the guests.

"On a trip there some time ago," Kristoff continued, "we found out that Queen Iduna, Queen Anna's mother, was in fact Northuldra. The marriage between her and King Agnarr meant that the people of Arendelle and Northuldra were connected by love. As an Arendellian myself, I hope I can continue that connection. Ladies and gentlemen, to Northuldra!"

Kristoff raised his glass again, and the guests joined him in a toast. After clearing his throat, Kristoff continued his speech.

"I'd like to thank our guests from all over the world for joining us today, but I'd like to give a special mention to Rizucia. They've been closed off for sixteen years, but they're open again now, and they provided some delicious beef for the dinner. Wasn't it great?" he asked as he looked around the room. People wholeheartedly concurred.

"Also, be sure to try the Rizucian wine. It's full bodied with good tannins, am I right?" Kristoff said as he winked in the direction of the King of Rizucia. In return the king nodded, raised his glass and winked right back. Joanna giggled at both of them.

"So, before I finish and hand over to Ryder, I want to make a toast to all of you. To friends!" he declared.

"To friends!" the guests heartily responded.

Kristoff sat back down, turned to Anna and gave a sigh of relief. "You were great!" Anna said as the guests politely applauded. Once the applause died down, Kai prepared to announce the next speaker. Ryder looked at Kristoff and nervously showed his teeth.

"Ryder Nattura of Northuldra," Kai bellowed.

"You'll be fine buddy!" Kristoff whispered to him. Ryder got up and cleared his throat.

"Er, hi everyone!" he managed to say, his voice fraught with worry. He looked around at all the guests, then the room itself.

"Wow, this is so different to what I'm used to!" he said, trying to keep ahold of his nerves. "Yes, like Kristoff said, I'm from Northuldra. Oh boy, it's not like here! It's a land of forests, and reindeer, and magic. Back home, we respect the spirits of air, fire, water and earth."

Ryder looked out amongst the guests and noticed that the guests were happily smiling at him. He began to feel more at ease.

"But the strongest spirit of all is the fifth spirit, a bridge between the spirits and ourselves. On one side there is Elsa, who lives with us in Northuldra. On the other is her sister Queen Anna. This bridge is so important to us, and I'd like to make a toast to it. To Elsa and Queen Anna!" Ryder declared as he tentatively lifted his glass.

"Elsa and Queen Anna!" everyone replied.

At the Rizucian table, the king was confused. He turned to Joanna after making the toast.

"What's he talking about?" he asked.

"I'll tell you later Dad!" Joanna whispered back to him.

Back at the front table, Ryder continued his speech.

"Now, I've been told that it's tradition at Arendellian weddings for the best man to embarrass the groom with some stories," Ryder said as he turned to Kristoff, who laughed nervously. "That seems kind of cruel to me, but I do have one story to tell you!"

"Oh no, what's it going to be!" Anna whispered to Kristoff as an excited murmur filled the room. Ryder waited for it to die down.

"At heart, Kristoff is what I think you call a hopeless romantic," Ryder said as he began his story. "Not long after we met in Northuldra, he told me that he was trying to propose to Anna. I told him that we had a special way for men to propose marriage, so I took him to a romantic clearing in the woods to prepare."

Kristoff knew what was coming and he placed one hand over his face.

"Kristoff stood on a rock, circled by reindeer," Ryder continued. "We thought we saw Anna approaching, so we let loose the butterflies, launched a bucket of sycamore seeds, and Kristoff started his proposal. By the time he'd finished it was too late. It wasn't Anna at all, but Yelena, the village elder! You should have seen the look on her face!"

The guests began to laugh. Kristoff slumped across the table and held his head in his hands, embarrassed. "You never told me that!" Anna said.

Ryder allowed himself a chuckle before continuing. "But of course," he said confidently, relieved that people were laughing at his story, "the story had a happy ending. For more than 30 years, our forest home was trapped in a thick mist, as the spirits were angered by a dam that was built to weaken the land. Queen Anna heroically destroyed the dam and freed the forest. After that, Kristoff proposed, Anna said yes, and here we are!" Ryder declared as he held out his arms.

A collective "Ah" emerged from the guests. Ryder gave a little sigh in relief.

"Well, I think I've done okay," Ryder declared. "So I think I'll finish up now. A toast to Queen Anna and Prince Kristoff!" he said loudly as he lifted his glass aloft.

"Queen Anna and Prince Kristoff!" the guests called back.

Ryder sat back down. "Good job buddy!" Kristoff whispered to Ryder as he patted him on the arm.

"Wow, I'm glad that's over!" Ryder smiled.

Kai cleared his throat one more time. There was a final speaker to announce.

"Queen Anna of Arendelle!" Kai boomed. There was a ripple of applause from the guests as Anna rose to her feet.

"Thank you, everyone," Anna said with a sweet smile on her face. "As you know, it's not traditional for the bride to speak at her own wedding, but we are hardly what you would call a traditional family!" she said as she looked around at Elsa, Kristoff and Ryder. "And besides, I am the queen!" she chuckled with her arms outstretched. The guests giggled in reply.

"There is just one thing that I want to talk to you all about," Anna continued, "and that's love. It was love that united our parents, love that brought myself and Kristoff side by side, and love that will keep our family together. It has been a difficult year, but through love and understanding hearts have been healed, misdeeds have been forgiven, and enemies have become friends," Anna said as she looked up at Joanna's table and smiled. Joanna gushed as she wiped away a tear.

"And as I stand before you all here today, well..." Anna said as she paused for breath. "I couldn't be happier! Everyone who I love is with me today, and I am looking forward to Kristoff and I enjoying a long and happy life together. So, that brings me to my one and only toast. Ladies and gentlemen, to love!" Anna declared.

The guests stood up and raised their glasses as they chanted "To love!" back at Anna. As she sat down, the guests gave her a warm round of applause.

Kai prepared to make an announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen," he bellowed, "that concludes the speeches. If you would kindly make your way to the ballroom, the dancing will commence shortly!"

With that, the guests began to get up from their chairs as they chatted amongst themselves about the speeches.

"So heartfelt, so honest, non?" the French ambassador asked his Irish friend. "How do you say, not a dry eye in the house?"

"Indeed," his friend concurred. "Beautiful!"

Elsa went to find Joanna.

"I loved your speech!" Joanna told her as she smiled.

"Yes, very moving!" the king agreed.

"Aw, thank you!" Elsa replied as she tilted her head. "Joanna, can I talk to you?" she asked.

"Er, sure," Joanna replied with uncertainty. Elsa took her hand and led her away from her parents and out of the room.

"Is everything okay?" Joanna asked as Elsa walked towards the front door of the castle.

"It's fine!" Elsa declared. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

They reached the front door of the castle, and Elsa instructed the guards there to open the door. A young man stood on the steps wearing clearly borrowed formal wear and holding a small posy of flowers. Elsa gestured towards him.

"I present to you your plus one for the evening!" Elsa said as she smiled at Joanna, who turned to face the young man. A beaming smile came across her face.

"Henrik!" she cried as she picked up her dress and ran down the stairs towards him. He smiled at her, before Joanna threw his arms around him.

"Come on you two, inside!" Elsa said playfully.

Joanna took Henrik's hand and led him into the castle. She stood next to Elsa and couldn't contain her excitement. Elsa asked the guards to close the door.

"Henrik is here to represent the army," Elsa told Joanna, "so he's to be on his best behaviour!"

"Of course, Your Highness," Henrik said as he bowed.

Just then, one of the guards on the door piped up. "How did you swing that then?" he muttered under his breath.

Elsa quickly turned and scowled at him. The guard snapped upright and carried on looking forwards as if nothing had happened.

"Come on, let's get to the ball!" Elsa declared as she started walking down the hall. Joanna held on to Henrik's arm as they both walked next to Elsa.

"What happened?" Joanna asked. "Is Henrik still in trouble?"

"No, he's not in trouble!" Elsa smiled. "I found General Mattias and explained everything."

Joanna gave Henrik's arm a squeeze. "Oh thank you Elsa!" Joanna beamed. "Wait, Henrik, do you dance?" she asked, concerned.

"I certainly do," Henrik smiled. "All Arendellian soldiers have to be able to dance, otherwise we'd embarrass ourselves at the regimental ball!"

Joanna squeezed his arm again. "Oh, I'm so happy I have a dance partner!" she squealed.

"We'd better introduce Henrik to your parents," Elsa said to Joanna as they entered the ballroom. They soon found the King and Queen of Rizucia. The king caught sight of Joanna on Henrik's arm and furrowed his brow in worry.

"Who's this?" the king said loudly while addressing Joanna, who let go of Henrik before standing politely.

"Dad, this is Henrik," Joanna declared. "He's here to represent the Arendellian army!"

"Your Majesty!" Henrik said as he bowed.

"Is he now? Hmm," the king hummed as he rubbed his chin.

Joanna could see how agitated her father was, so she quickly took him to one side. While they were away, Henrik bowed to the queen.

"Joanna, what on earth are you doing on the arm of an Arendellian soldier?" the king whispered angrily.

"Dad please," Joanna insisted. "I owe him something nice. When I was in Arendelle for the first time, they threw water on me and put me in prison. He was guarding me. I tricked him and, well," Joanna said before she pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, unsure of what to say next.

"I punched him in the face," Joanna whispered. "I knocked him out so that I could escape. He must have gotten in trouble."

"Oh, I see," the king said, slowly nodding. "Well, alright, just for this evening!"

"Thanks Dad," Joanna said before giving him a peck on the cheek. They both walked back to Henrik.

"Soldier eh?" the king snarled at Henrik. "I know your sort! You're only after one thing!" he said as he wagged his finger.

"Dad!" Joanna said. "Stop it! You're embarrassing me!"

The king backed off a little and sighed.

"Alright," he said as he lowered his hands. "Just this one evening. But I've got my eye on you!"

There was an awkward pause while Joanna and Henrik looked at each other.

"The dancing will start soon," Elsa softly declared. "I think you two need to get ready!" she said before Joanna and Henrik turned to the dance floor. The Queen of Rizucia ran to them while the king sat down.

"Don't mind your father," the queen said after catching up with Joanna and Henrik. "He's just not used to seeing you with such a handsome young man! He's just trying to be protective, I'll go and talk to him," the queen said as she nodded. Joanna and Henrik both nodded back.

Anna and Kristoff prepared for their first dance while the musicians began to play a waltz. The guests stood at the edge of the dance floor eagerly awaiting the newly wed royal couple. They stepped out, and gracefully glided across the dance floor in time to the music.

"My, you have been practicing!" Anna exclaimed. "I never thought someone with feet as big as yours would be able to move so well!"

"I didn't want to let you down," Kristoff said gallantly. "I've been taking lessons. I wanted today to be perfect for you."

"Aw!" Anna cooed.

Meanwhile, other couples began to enter the dance. The King and Queen of Rizucia stepped out, as did various other royal pairings.

"Shall we?" Joanna nodded to Henrik, who nodded back as Joanna took his arm. They joined the dance. Joanna caught sight of her father and they smiled at each other. The king saw Henrik and gave him a menacing glance. Then Joanna saw Anna and they exchanged winks.

"You dance very well!" Henrik told Joanna. "You're so graceful!"

"Thank you!" Joanna replied. "My mother taught me to dance. She taught me a lot."

"Elsa was telling me all about you," Henrik continued. "I'm glad to hear you have a life now. I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you!" Joanna said as she blushed.

To the side of the room, Elsa was sitting with Ryder.

"Not tempted to have a dance?" Elsa asked.

"Are you kidding?" Ryder joked. "Singing is more our thing. I'll just sit and watch. Everyone is so graceful! I've never seen anything like it!"

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Elsa agreed as she gently rested her head on her hand and watched the flurry of ball gowns swirl in time to the music.

The dancing continued as the evening wore on. Before long, Anna whispered to Kristoff.

"Shall we leave?" she said gently. "I think we've put on enough of a show, don't you?"

"I think so!" Kristoff agreed. "But aren't you forgetting one more tradition?" he asked.

"Oh, of course!" Anna said happily. She went to find Kai and whispered something in his ear.

Once the musicians drew their playing to a close, Kai stepped forwards and raised his arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Kai announced, "the bride and groom are about to depart. But before they do, the bride would like to invite all of the ladies present to assemble on the dance floor for the throwing of the bouquet!"

"The bouquet!" the Queen of Rizucia exclaimed. "Come along Joanna!" she called as everyone eligible raced to the dance floor and took their positions.

"What's going on?" Joanna asked her mother.

"Queen Anna is about to throw her bouquet of flowers!" her mother answered excitedly. "Tradition says that whoever catches it will be the next to get married!"

"Oh," Joanna mused.

"Ready everyone!" Anna called as she held up her bouquet. A cheer came up from the dance floor. "Okay, here we go!" Anna shouted as she turned round and threw her bouquet backwards over her shoulder.

The Queen of Rizucia raised her arm and plucked the bouquet out of the air. She straightaway thrust it into Joanna's arms. Surprised, Joanna looked up at her mother and giggled.

"Congratulations to Princess Joanna of Rizucia!" Kai bellowed. "Now, we shall wish the happy couple farewell!"

The guests formed a guard of honour next to the ballroom door. Anna took Kristoff's hand and walked past everyone, waving to all and smiling as she went. She then dragged Kristoff upstairs to her bedroom.

Back in the ballroom, the musicians started playing again and the dancing resumed. While Joanna and Henrik danced some more, Joanna looked over and saw that her father was asleep in his chair and her mother was gently tending to him. She looked up at Henrik and smiled.

"Shall we go somewhere more...private?" Joanna suggested.

"Are you sure?" Henrik replied before he quickly looked over his shoulder. "If your father saw us..."

"Don't worry about him!" Joanna insisted. "He always overindulges, he won't even notice we've gone!"

"Oh, okay then!" Henrik smiled. Together, they danced away from the dance floor, and towards the ballroom door, unnoticed by Joanna's parents. They were however noticed by Elsa, who watched them while resting her chin on her arm and smiling contentedly.

Henrik and Joanna went upstairs, and they soon found the balcony. It was adorned with flowers, and as the night was so clear it gave a perfect view of the moon and stars. They sat down together.

"What a perfect day," Joanna mused as she looked up at the moon. She held Henrik's hand. "I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am," she said as she smiled at him.

"Are you kidding?" Henrik said gently. "This is the best night of my life! I serve Arendelle and Queen Anna, and here I am at her wedding ball with a beautiful princess!"

Joanna tilted her head a little. "You still think I'm beautiful?" she casually asked. "Even after everything I did?"

Henrik started to blush. "Yes," he replied earnestly.

"Oh, I still feel bad about what I did though," Joanna admitted. "I mean, I got you into trouble, didn't I?"

"Don't worry about it!" Henrik said gallantly. "Elsa told me all I need to know. It all makes sense now!" he said as he smiled at Joanna.

Joanna still wanted to explain. "I'm sorry, but I had to get out of there. Your general told me they were going to 'deal with me', I thought they were going to kill me!" she said, sounding upset.

"Come here," Henrik said as he held out his arms to her. Joanna cuddled up to him and let him stroke her hair a little.

"You don't need me to tell you how wonderful you are," Henrik said kindly. "I never thought I'd be lucky enough to see you as you really are. I thought my only memories of you would be your eyes and...that punch..."

"My eyes..." Joanna thought to herself. She sat up and looked at Henrik.

"Do you still like my eyes?" she asked as she opened them wide.

Henrik looked into them once again. "They're more beautiful than I remember," he admitted. "Last time I saw them they were like emeralds, but emeralds tinged with sadness. Now, they're pure," he said as Joanna's eyes started to tear up a little.

"Do you know what?" Joanna asked, her voice trembling slightly. "I've still never been kissed."

Henrik smiled and they both closed their eyes. They moved closer to each other, and this time, they kissed each other passionately. They put their arms around each other and held each other tightly.

Once they had finished kissing, they looked up and smiled sweetly at each other. Joanna rested her head on Henrik's chest and looked out at the stars.

"Oh Henrik, what's going to happen to us?" she mused.

"What do you mean?" he softly asked in reply.

"Well, I don't even know if we can see each other after tonight," Joanna lamented. "I mean, I'm a Rizucian Princess and you're an Arendellian soldier..."

"Let's not worry about that now," Henrik decided. "Let's just enjoy tonight."

Henrik and Joanna held each other as they both looked out at the stars. They kissed some more.

"Tell me more about your childhood," Joanna said as she rested her head on Henrik's shoulder. "I want to hear more of your happy memories!"

"Well, okay..." Henrik agreed.

They talked late into the night. Henrik talked about birthdays, holidays and fishing with his father. Joanna listened intently and held his hand, even telling him stories about the short time she had spent reunited with her parents. Eventually, the clock caught up with them.

"Joanna!" came a call from the Queen of Rizucia. Alarmed, Joanna and Henrik stopped embracing and sat bolt upright.

"Joanna!" the Queen called before emerging at the balcony. "Ah, Joanna, there you are! I thought I might find you two lovebirds up here. Romantic isn't it?" she said with a smile before she sighed. "I'm sorry, but the time has come for us to leave. It's late, the dancing is over, and your father is a little worse for wear. A carriage is on its way to take us back to our ship for the night."

"Aw, can't I stay a little longer?" Joanna pouted.

"You can say goodbye to Henrik," her mother announced, "but then we really must go. I'll meet you by the castle door with your father."

"Oh, alright," Joanna agreed forlornly as her mother went back downstairs. Henrik and Joanna got up and turned to each other.

"We should say goodbye here," Henrik said. "Best if I avoid your father..."

"Yes, I think you're right," Joanna agreed.

"We could write to each other!" Henrik hastily suggested.

"Yes, let's do that!" Joanna said as she nodded and smiled.

"I could leave the army!" Henrik said hurriedly, becoming flustered. "I'll become...a merchant! They sail everywhere. I could sail to Rizucia!"

Joanna stepped forwards and put her finger over his lips. "It's okay Henrik," she said softly as she held his hands. "Please don't give up your dreams for me. You deserve to be happy," she said as she smiled. "Thank you so much for tonight, it's been magical."

Henrik and Joanna stepped towards each other and kissed passionately one last time.

"I'll never forget you Henrik," Joanna said as she sighed. "You were the first person to give me a glimpse of happiness, and now, you're the first person to show me love!"

Henrik lurched forward and held Joanna tightly.

"But now, I really must go," she said as she began to move away from him. She held his hand one more time. "Goodbye Henrik!" she said as her hand slipped away from his.

"Goodbye," Henrik said as he smiled. He held one hand up and gently waved. As Joanna went through the doors and down the stairs, tears formed in Henrik's eyes. He slowly lowered his hand before turning away and sitting back down.

At the front door, Elsa had taken up the role of host and she was saying good night to the rest of the guests. Joanna joined her mother. Her father was propped up against her.

"Marvellous occasion, marvellous..." her father slurred. "Ah Joanna!" he said as he caught sight of her. "Where's that Henrik? Marvellous young man, absolutely marvellous..."

Joanna laughed a little and shook her head at her father's antics.

"Your carriage is here," Elsa remarked. "Would you like some help, Your Majesty?" she said to the queen.

The queen scrunched up her face and nodded. One of the guards began to help the king to his carriage. The king saw him and drunkenly threw his arm around him.

"This boy here?" the king slurred again. "He's the best...soldier in Arendelle. A credit to his kingdom!" he drawled as he was helped into the carriage. "Long live...our beef!" the king cried.

Joanna stood next to Elsa and giggled. Elsa turned to her and could see that she had tears in her eyes.

"Did you enjoy the evening?" Elsa asked her softly.

Joanna said nothing. She just turned to Elsa and threw her arms around her, taking her a little by surprise.

"I take it that's a yes then!" Elsa joked.

"Thank you Elsa," Joanna said as she stood up. "Thank you for everything, but most of all thank you for Henrik," she said as she smiled. "He was so kind to me...again!"

"You're very welcome," Elsa said as she put her hand on Joanna's shoulder, "but I think you'd better go now, your parents are waiting for you. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Joanna gave Elsa another hug then waved as she ran to the waiting carriage. Her mother and father had already sat down in it, and her father had gone to sleep.

As the carriage made its way through the courtyard, Joanna looked out of the window and saw Henrik, who was still sitting on the balcony, hunched over in the moonlight with his chin in his hands.

"It's Henrik!" Joanna excitedly said to her mother. She turned round, waved and blew him a kiss. Henrik tentatively waved back as he watched Joanna's carriage disappear into the night.

"You love him, don't you?" the queen quietly asked Joanna.

"Yes," Joanna admitted as she looked down and ran her fingertips through her hair, "but it will never happen for us, will it? We live in different countries, he's a soldier, I'm a princess..."

"Don't be so quick to dismiss your chances!" the queen enthused. "Look at your friend Kristoff. He was just an ice harvester and now he's the Prince of Arendelle!"

"I suppose so..." Joanna replied gently as she looked away and sighed.

"Never say never!" her mother insisted. "I have a feeling you'll see Henrik again. Love finds a way..."

Joanna held her mother's hand. "Well, I hope you're right!" Joanna smiled as the carriage made its way to the harbour.

Back at the castle, Henrik knew that Joanna had left, so he went back downstairs to find Elsa by the front door. Not forgetting his role, he stood to attention.

"At ease, Henrik!" Elsa giggled. "Thank you. You showed my friend Joanna a wonderful evening, and you represented the army with decorum and grace. General Mattias shall hear about this!"

Henrik stood at ease and smiled proudly. "Oh, thank you, Your Highness!" he said.

"But now you must be getting back to the barracks, and I need rest. It's been a long day!" Elsa declared as she began to walk up the stairs. "Good night!"

Henrik turned to Elsa. "Just one question if I may, Your Highness," he said hesitantly.

"Oh?" Elsa said as she turned round.

Henrik sighed. "Do you think I'll ever see her again?"

Elsa smiled sweetly at him. "Who can say?" she replied as she held her arms out a little. "It's love. It's a mystery to which no one has all the answers!" she called as she continued her way up the stairs.

Henrik turned to leave the castle. He walked back to the barracks, his heart full of hope.

The next morning, the guests who hadn't left gathered at the docks to wish Anna and Kristoff well before they sailed away from Arendelle for their honeymoon.

"I hope you all had a good time last night!" Kristoff called out. Everyone nodded and clapped in approval. "I know we did!" he said as he looked at Anna and winked.

Anna smiled and winked back. "Hope everyone enjoyed yesterday," she called, "but now we must sail away for some sunshine and sandy beaches! See you all again soon!"

The guests applauded and some cheered. Anna and Kristoff turned to Elsa, Olaf, Sven and Ryder to say their goodbyes.

"Bye little guy!" Anna said as she bent down to ruffle Olaf's twig hair. "And remember, nothing's changed. Kristoff and I may be married now, but we'll still have our adventures together when we get back!"

"Sure thing!" Olaf replied. "Have fun!" He suddenly looked down. "I wish I could go though. I'd love to see what you do on a honeymoon!"

Anna giggled as she and Kristoff turned to Ryder.

"Once again, great job buddy!" Kristoff said as he gave Ryder a firm handshake.

"Aw thanks," Ryder replied. "I'm just glad it's over, now I can relax!"

"Give our regards to everyone in Northuldra!" Anna said happily.

Kristoff turned to Sven. "You were great too buddy," he said as Sven looked like he was about to cry. "Aw, no need for that! You heard what Anna said to Olaf, nothing has changed. We'll be back before you know it, and we'll always be best buds, yeah?" Kristoff stroked Sven's face and he gently nodded. "That's the spirit!" Kristoff said happily as Sven managed a smile.

Kristoff turned to Elsa and hugged her. "Don't worry," Kristoff said. "I'll look after her."

"You always have!" Elsa enthused. "Enjoy your honeymoon!"

Anna turned to Elsa. Elsa held her arms out and the two embraced. "I know I have Kristoff now," Anna smiled, "but I know that whatever I do, you'll always look out for me!"

"Always," Elsa said softly as she looked into Anna's eyes. Anna felt herself tearing up.

"Thank you for everything," Anna said before she started crying. Elsa held onto her tightly.

"Now, you two have a wonderful holiday!" Elsa said calmly. Anna and Kristoff held hands and walked up the gangway, waving as they went. The guests waved back. The gangway was taken in, and Anna and Kristoff's ship began to sail away from Arendelle.

As she watched her sister's ship leave the kingdom, Elsa sighed happily. She knew this was a new chapter in all of their lives. She was beginning to lose herself in reflection, when Joanna and her family joined her.

"Good morning Elsa!" Joanna said gently.

"Ah, good morning!" Elsa softly replied.

"Sorry we didn't say hello earlier," the Queen of Rizucia added, "it looked like you were having a private family moment!"

"Yes indeed!" Elsa replied as she looked out at her sister's ship. "Anna may say otherwise but I know things are different now," Elsa said as she smiled.

Joanna nodded sagely in agreement. Olaf gulped in worry. Elsa turned to the king.

"And how are you this morning, Your Majesty?" Elsa enquired.

"Oh fine, fine," the king said apologetically as he put his hand to his head. "I know I overindulged last night, I do hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing..."

"It's fine, Your Majesty!" Elsa smiled. "It was a wedding after all!"

The king nodded then took in a few lungfuls of the crisp sea air. "Wow, I needed that!" he exclaimed.

"Oh Dad!" Joanna giggled as she gently shook her head. She turned to Elsa with a look of expectation.

"Now then," Elsa said as she picked up Olaf. "Let's think about our holiday, shall we?"

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