The Fire Queen - a sequel to...

Від theRhuhenian

247 2 6

The wedding of Queen Anna and her fiancé Kristoff is fast approaching, and Arendelle is abuzz with excitement... Більше

A Wedding on the Horizon
The Fire Queen Arrives
A Confrontation
Anna's Party
Kristoff's Party
Back in Northuldra
The Wedding
Arendelle Under Attack
A Castle Tour
The Prison
A Realisation
An Interrogation
The Secrets
The Chamber
Around the Campfire
The Return
At Sea
A New Country
Return of the Princess
Another Big Day

Ice and Fire

21 0 0
Від theRhuhenian

Standing on top of the glacier of Ahtohallan, Freya wanted to see what else she was capable of. She turned herself into a fireball and flew back to the entrance, standing on the shingle beach. There, she looked up at the gigantic glacier through her burning eyes. She used her powers to blast at the ice, a jet of fire cutting through a huge chunk of it like a hot knife cutting through the corner of a pat of butter. Freya retracted the flames and waited. She heard a great clunk as the piece of ice began to move. Slowly, it slid off the glacier before crashing down onto the beach below. Freya watched with glee. With each action she took, she realised just how powerful she had become. She looked at her hands and laughed at how strong she now was. Suddenly, she heard a voice from across the sea.

"Freya!" Elsa cried out, sitting on the Water Nokk.

Freya turned to face Elsa, her fiery cloak trailing behind her. She watched as Elsa made her way across the water and to the shore of Ahtohallan.

"Elsa!" Freya calmly called back with a smile on her face. "How good of you to join me! What do you think of me now?" Freya asked as she gave Elsa a twirl, her cloak of fire shedding flames along the shingle beach.

"Oh Freya, what has happened to you?" Elsa asked as she dismounted the Water Nokk. She was disturbed by Freya's new fiery, regal appearance. Elsa was struck by the fact that Freya didn't seem to have pupils or irises. It almost made her look inhuman.

"I found my truth," Freya declared with her arms outstretched. "That's what this place is for, right? This is where you found out you were the fifth spirit, isn't it? Well, do you want to know what my truth is?" Freya asked as she quietly giggled to herself.

Elsa fearfully looked up at Freya. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

"My parents betrayed me," Freya snarled, the anger rising up inside her once again. "They couldn't have children. My mother drank a magic potion so that I could be born. It cursed me. It gave me these powers before I even drew breath!"

Freya looked at her hands and shot two huge jets of flame upwards. Elsa flinched and took a step back. Freya marched towards her and soon her fiery eyes were right in Elsa's face.

"You think this place is yours, don't you?" Freya asked as Elsa leaned backwards, trying to keep away from Freya. Elsa said nothing. She was morbidly transfixed by Freya's eyes. To her, it was like looking into deep pools of pure anger. Freya glared as Elsa remained silent. "Well let me tell you, Ahtohallan's secrets are mine now!" Freya hissed at Elsa.

Freya quickly turned and her fiery cloak passed inches away from Elsa's face. She marched up to the glacier. Looking at the four diamonds, Freya fired her mighty fire beam at the first diamond and carved out a giant "F". Working across the glacier, she continued to carve out huge letters until she had defaced it with her own name. Once she had finished, she turned to face Elsa again.

"There! Truly the mark of a queen!" she declared. Elsa stared with horror at Freya's vulgar graffiti. "And now, I must go back to Rizucia to take my true revenge!" Freya yelled. "I was too kind the first time. I let everyone escape my flames. This time, no one will be spared!"

"I can't let you leave," Elsa said nervously while slowly backing away. "You''re too strong!"

Elsa raised her hands slightly and fired a huge beam of ice. Freya tried to raise her hands to meet it, but she was too late. Elsa's icy magic froze Freya where she stood, her arms raised, her fingers twisted, her face contorted with anger. Elsa shook her head as she approached Freya's statuesque form. The waves crashed against the shore and the shingle clattered underneath Elsa's feet. She raised her hand to Freya's cheek, and once again looked into her eyes, still full of fury even though she was totally frozen.

"I'll fix this Freya," Elsa softly declared. "I promise you." With that, Elsa raised her arms again and used her powers to encase Freya in a huge chunk of ice. Before long, it was the size of a boulder.

"I'm sorry," Elsa said as she closed her eyes and dropped her head, "but this should hold you while I work out how to get you to the Chamber of Emptiness."

Elsa placed her finger on her chin and thought for a second before placing her hand on the block of ice. To her horror, she found that it was wet. She stepped back as the ice continued to melt. As water continued to drip down from the chunk of ice, Elsa could see a red glow forming within it. Two blasts of fire shot through the ice, and Elsa threw herself to the ground. The glow grew brighter, and the ice shattered as Freya exploded through it. As her fiery power subsided, Elsa saw Freya seething through gritted teeth.

Freya tilted her head to one side as she stared at Elsa and came to a realisation. "You're the only one who is even close to being powerful enough to stop me, aren't you?" Freya asked rhetorically. "Without you, I'll be free to do as I please. The whole world will live in fear of the Fire Queen!" Freya shouted while raising her arms.

Waving her hands in front of her, Freya began to form a fireball between them. Elsa saw what was happening and shook her head while holding her hands to her chest. "No..." she said under her breath.

"I must destroy you!" Freya shouted as she fired a huge blast of flame at Elsa, who jumped out of the way. While on the floor, Elsa looked up at Freya and held one of her hands up.

"Freya, please! You don't have to do this! There is another way..." Elsa tried to say, but Freya wasn't listening. Elsa jumped to her feet.

Freya fired another stream of fire at Elsa, who fired back a jet of ice to meet it. The two beams met in the middle, causing water and steam to fly out in all directions. For a few seconds, the beams were equal. Then, Freya smirked at Elsa and her fire beam became even stronger. Elsa gritted her teeth and used as much of her power as she could, but Freya's fire was inching closer and closer towards her. When the fire had almost reached her, Elsa turned her ice beam to the floor next to where she was standing. A huge chunk of ice appeared, and it launched Elsa away from Freya's fire beam and propelled her towards the entrance to Ahtohallan.

Before Freya knew where Elsa was, Elsa raised her arms and used her powers to create a storm cloud over Freya's head. Freya looked up as rain came down from it.

Freya clenched her fists, and her whole body became incredibly hot. Elsa turned to shield her eyes from the blinding, brilliant light that shone from Freya's fiery form. As the rain came into contact with Freya it evaporated, causing her to be enveloped in a thick, steamy mist. She strode forward out of the rain and pushed her way through the steam. Freya looked around, found Elsa, and stared her down.

Elsa hunched over, raised her hands, and they trembled in extreme worry. Then, Elsa caught sight of the entrance to Ahtohallan. She stood up, smiled at Freya, and began to sprint towards it.

"Catch me if you can!" Elsa called to Freya as she darted into the tunnel. Freya snarled, stopped glowing, and marched over to where Elsa had run to.

Freya raised her arm and shot a jet of fire into the tunnel. As Elsa ran through it, the fire caught up with her. She turned around and used her ice powers to propel herself along the tunnel, but the fire kept coming.

When Elsa got to the chasm, she jumped and used her powers to summon pillars of ice in order to cross it. The fire blew out of the tunnel, and Elsa was finally out of danger. She waited on the other side of the chasm for Freya to appear.

When Freya reached the chasm, she saw Elsa on the other side. Elsa turned and darted into the next chamber. Freya turned herself into a fireball to cross the chasm at breakneck speed.

Elsa knew exactly where she was, and exactly where she needed to go. The entrance to the Chamber of Emptiness was not far away. Elsa knew that if she could just coax Freya inside it, then all of this would be over. As she ran through Ahtohallan, she made obstacles out of ice for Freya to follow. Freya obliterated them with her powers.

"Come and get me!" Elsa called to Freya as she entered the cavern that was directly above the Chamber of Emptiness.

The cavern was huge, perfectly cylindrical, and filled with small black pebbles. At the bottom of the chamber was a round hole, around six feet wide, that led to the Chamber of Emptiness. The pebbles were stacked around it, as if the cavern were a giant funnel. Elsa knew that all she needed to do was to get Freya through the hole.

Elsa went into the cavern and walked to the other side as quickly as she could. Then, she cast her ice over all of the pebbles and waited for Freya to arrive.

"I've got you now!" Freya called as she stepped into the chamber. She went to shoot a fire beam at Elsa, but she slipped on the ice and the beam fired upwards. Freya struggled to keep her footing on the icy pebbles and she slowly slid down towards the hole, all while trying to throw fireballs at Elsa.

Elsa watched as Freya slid closer and closer to where she wanted her to be. Soon, Freya stood right by the hole. However, when she got there, there were no more icy pebbles. She regained her footing, took a second to compose herself, and threw a fireball right at Elsa. Elsa jumped out of the way, but when she tried to stand up, she found that she couldn't keep her footing on the slippery pebbles either. She uncontrollably slid down towards the hole.

Elsa didn't know what would happen if she fell into the Chamber of Emptiness. She might lose her powers permanently. She could even be destroyed, as magic was part of her very essence. She had no idea.

Freya laughed as she watched Elsa helplessly slide down the pebbles. Almost mockingly, Freya held out her hand and shot one more fireball at Elsa. Elsa ducked and the fireball flew over her head before exploding. The force of the explosion threw Elsa forwards head first, her arms flailing. As she flew towards the hole, Elsa made a decision. Just before she fell in, Elsa reached out and grabbed Freya by the ankle, pulling her through the hole with her. They fell into the Chamber of Emptiness together.

Freya landed on her feet, the impact of the fall forcing her into a squat position. As the chamber was filled with the sound of pebbles dropping on the floor, Freya gritted her teeth and stood up before raising her arms, ready to use her powers. When Freya caught sight of Elsa, she saw her laying on the floor, face down and motionless. Freya put her arms down and smirked. She thought it was over. She thought that she had won.

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