Bad Girl VS. The Player

Par hisracingheart

11.4M 121K 22.7K


(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 9)
(Chapter 10)
(Chapter 11)
(Chapter 12)
(Chapter 13)
(Chapter 14)
(Chapter 15)
(Chapter 16)
(Chapter 17)
(Chapter 18)
(Chapter 19)
(Chapter 20)
(Chapter 21)
(Chapter 22)
(Chapter 24)
(Chapter 25)
Author's Note

(Chapter 23)

335K 3.1K 525
Par hisracingheart


“This is nice,” Max said, his voice in my ear. His hands were at my waist, as I leant against him, my eyes closed.

“It is.”

My eyes were closed, and we were both swaying to the beat of some random song. This was perfect, right? This was like a fairytale, totally perfect.

Okay, the hall might not be perfect – like most public schools, they couldn’t afford to hire anywhere proper, so they had to make do with their own hall. However, they tried to cover the place with balloons and banners with cheesy slogans on like, “Let’s Get Dancing!”, and even stuck a “DJ” (clearly our science teacher, except in a really big shirt) in the middle of the hall. But it didn’t change much.

Still, I was happy.

After the song was finished, I told him I had to go out for a minute. The second I stepped into the restroom, the door slammed shut, and I jumped.

“Hailey? What are you doing?”

“What did I tell you, Alexis? Didn’t I tell you not to talk to him?”

I rolled my eyes. “Hailey, stop it. You have no right to –”

“But you slept with Carter!” she yelled. Her hair, which had been coiled into an elegant bun for tonight, was loosening, as she glared at me. “You slept with Carter, and you can’t –”

“That was a mistake! It only happened once, and I didn’t even like it! I’m not going to listen to this anymore, okay?”

I turned, and walked away.

But the scary thing is, as I opened the door, and saw her reflection in the pane of glass…she was smiling.



Tiffany stepped out of the toilet cubicle, her eyes shining with anticipation.

“Did you do it?” she asked.

“Yes, I did, but…Are you sure we should do this?”

“What do you think? After what Max did to you?”

“Yes, you’re right,” I said, with as much conviction as I could muster. “You’re so right.”

But I thought about the way Alexis would look…she’d hate me for life, right?

We were meant to be friends.



“There’s a rumour that you’ll be made Prom Queen.”

My eyes widened. “Really? After everything that’s happened? I thought everyone hated me!”

“Don’t worry about that,” Max says, smiling. His hands are sneakily inching lower. My breath catches in my throat. “That was all Tiffany, making up stupid rumours. I got it all cleared up for you.”

“Thanks,” I said, pulling his hands up to my waist again. “Not in public, Max!”

“But it’s so hard keeping my hands off you,” he whispers, leaning in again. I let him kiss me gently, before I push him away again, giggling.

“Stop it!” I muttered.

Suddenly, there was a music change. Both of us looked up, at the “DJ”.

“Yo, peeps!” the fifty-something-year-old said, in a desperate attempt to be cool. “We is here to announce the three nominees for Prom Queen, and the three nominees for Prom King!”

A couple people laughed at him.

“Prom King Candidates are…Jace Radley!”

Everyone cheered, as a hot guy strutted onto the stage.

“Hey!” Max protested, covering my eyes.

“Sorry,” I said, smiling. “Jealous, much?”

“Tom Hall!”

There was mass yelling now, and Tom made his way through the crowd, and onto the stage. He looked straight at me. I smiled at him, just at he looked away. Tom…

“And… Max Brown!”

“Whoo!” I cheered, clapping Max on the back, who was looking adorably confused.

“Me?” he said, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Totally, babe,” I said, smirking at him. I gave him a kiss, earning laughter from the crowd, and I pushed Max towards to stage. He stumbled, and climbed up the stairs, and looking confused. That’s what I liked about him.

“Now, time for the Prom Queen Nominees!”

Max looked kind of uncomfortable up there, but he smiled at me anyway.

“Tiffany Bledel!”

Obviously. I saw her flirtatiously glance at Max, and I clenched my fist. At the same time, I felt Hailey sidle up to me.

“Alexis, this is your last chance,” her voice was low and urgent. “Break up with him now, I won’t do it.”

“You never give up, do you?” I asked, exasperated. “This is my last, and final answer to you, and anyone who stands between me and Max. Please, f –”

“Amber Owen!” the DJ boomed.

“– off!” I finished. I turned back to the crowd.

“Now, the final nominee…”

There was a mass intake of breath as about a hundred girls silently begged God.

“Alexis –”

My last name was drowned out by a thousand cheers, and boos (cheers from the guys, boos from the girls).

Smiling, I walked up the stage, the spotlight shining on my head. I joined Max, and he slid an arm around my waist. It fit perfectly, like it’d always meant to be there.

“Now, we can reveal the winners… Prom King is… Max Brown!”

I laughed, as the “DJ” dumped a shiny plastic-looking crown on Max’s head. He blinked, and the DJ motioned towards the microphone, obviously telling him to make a speech. Slowly, he made his way to the microphone.

“Uh, hey guys.”

Everyone cheered in response.

I closed my eyes.

You know, it’s funny. I’ve pictured my school Prom so many ways. I’ve never quite pictured it like this. I never thought I would be standing here, in this “lame” public school, at the “lame” prom, on the “lame” stage. In fact, it totally wasn’t lame. It was epic.

I opened my eyes again, and started at the back of Max’s head. How much of that was him?

Ninety-nine percent, I guess.

“Thanks so voting for me… uh…yeah.”

Max turned away from the microphone, and when he caught my eye, he flashed me a smile. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“After that exciting speech, we can now announce Prom Queen!”

Do you what’s the funniest thing?

I don’t even care.

So I close my eyes, and wait.

And nothing comes. Except…

“But you slept with Carter! You slept with Carter, and you can’t –”

What the hell is this?! My eyes snap open. What the hell…? I’m frozen. Oh God.

Because I know what’s going to happen next.

My own words, which will seal my fate.

My voice booms from the speakers, echoing over the silent crowd.

“That was a mistake! It only happened once, and I didn’t even like it! I’m not going to listen to this anymore, okay?”

I look at Max, and all I see is surprise.

I look at the crowd, and I see the same expression.

Then I look at Tiffany, and she is laughing.

Hailey isn’t. She looks sad.

What was I meant to do?

I turn and run.


Author's Note: Almost finished with this story!!! :(


Continuer la Lecture

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