Me and Blesiv

By Blesivmiamor

44.8K 381 51

Y/n - 17 Alex -18 destiny- 17 Carlos - 18 Diego - 16 Lauren - 16 And many more You and your childhood best fr... More

chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78
chapter 79
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94
chapter 95
chapter 96
chapter 97
chapter 98
chapter 99
chapter 100
chapter 101
chapter 102
chapter 103
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chapter 131
chapter 132 (⚠dirty⚠)
chapter 133
chapter 134
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chapter 137
chapter 138
chapter 139
chapter 140
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chapter 189
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chapter 191
chapter 192
chapter 193
chapter 194
chapter 195
chaptet 196
chapter 197
chapter 198

chapter 73

230 1 0
By Blesivmiamor

Sunday February 14 10:29pm

Alex's POV

I was sitting there for awhile and thought I should buy y/n a present since it is valentines day and I feel so bad for yelling at her. I left to a flower shop and bought her a bouquet of roses like people usually do but I also put gold ones in it. I then went to a ring shop and found a cute and simple promise ring for her then I went to a place that sells her favorite chocolates and finally I made a stop at a dog clothing place to buy ottie a tuxedo so he can help me. I got in my car and drove back to the house then texted Carlos to bring me a nice outfit and ottie. He came back with this⬇⬇⬇

A - ok that will work now you put the tuxedo on ottie and I'll get dressed

I got dressed in the car and Carlos managed to put the tuxedo on ottie some how.

A - ok the plan is for you to let ottie in the girls room and they will get distracted then I will be in the door way with her flowers her ring and the chocolate

C - ok wait do I take ottie?

A - no shit Carlos

C - ok just making sure

We walked inside and I closed the door very quietly.


A - *whispers* shhh shut the fuck up

B - *whispers* why?

A - I'm gonna give y/n her valentines present

B - oh my bad

Me and Carlos walked upstairs and he knocked on the door.

End of POV

Y - come in *sniffles*

Carlos opened the door and ottie walked in wearing a tuxedo.


He came to me and jumped on my bed.

Y - you look so handsome who got this for you? *hugs ottie*

I looked up and saw alex holding flowers, chocolate, and a small bag from Kendra Scott.

Y - *smiles* what are you doing?

A - well since we didn't get to spend our first valentines together like we planned it I thought you should still get a present so I got you these *gives me flowers* and these *gives me chocolates* and last but not least this *takes box out and opens it*

He pulled me up from the bed.

A - this is not a wedding ring just letting you know this is a promise ring

Y - alex *cries*

A - listen I made a whole speech you can't cry though

Y - ok sorry *laughs and wipes tears* go

A - y/n I have loved you for a very long time and I can't wait till the day I can call you my wife but until then

Y - *cries* I can't help it I'm sorry

A - fuck baby *laughs* stop crying

Y - I can't *wipes tears* ok go

A - *smiles* I promise to always be there for you through thick and thin even if we get in arguments I will still love you no matter what. I promise not to break your heart if I ever do I will make sure I put it back together. lastly I promise not to leave you in any situation alone we will always go through things together because I love you so much

Y - *cries* I love you to alex so fucking much

Alex kissed me and we started to make out until I heard sniffling and I looked at the girls but none of them were crying so I looked at the door and saw all the boys tearing up.

Y - *giggles* y'all are so stupid

Di - i have something in my eye *rubs eyes*

C - yeah me to

B - same

A - *smiles*

Alex grabbed my hand and put the ring on which fit perfectly and it was beautiful.

Y - how did you get my size?

A - I have one of your rings in my car

Y - *giggles* thank you so much

A - your welcome baby girl you deserve it

I hugged alex and then ottie tried to join too so I also hugged him.

Y - how did you get that on ottie he barely let's me put shirts on him

C - he scratched me ALOT

A - yeah I remembered about that but I really wanted him to get dressed so I just made Carlos do it

Y - damn

H - so do we just not exist anymore? Earlier you were crying your ass off about how he yelled at you

S - Hailey shut up that was between all of us

A - oh yeah im sorry for yelling at you I shouldn't have done that because I know your going through a hard time

Y - I'm sorry for not being there with you I was being selfish and didn't think about how you felt

A - its ok *grabs your neck and kisses you* I love you

Y - I love you to and this really made my day like I forgot everything else from the moment you came in up until now

A - your welcome *kisses you* did she-

L - take her pill? Yes we had to force her





Y - NO!

*end of flashback*

Y - yeah they held me down on the bed then put it in my mouth with water

A - why didn't you wanna take it?

Y - because I know those pills are gonna make the baby go away and i dont want that

A - I'm sorry *hugs you* oh and the doctor said you will most likely be getting cramps and peeing blood

Y - so basically get my period?

A - yeah and you might feel nauseous

Y - *sarcasm* great

A - but don't worry I will make sure to make you feel better and you can also take Tylenol so it will be fine

B - Hailey come on let's go

H - fine bye guys see y'all later

E - bye

Hailey and Brandon left then we all went downstairs to watch a movie. I sat in between alex and Carlos which was weird because Carlos was really close but I just laid on alex. Me and alex were whispering random stuff in each others ear which annoyed everyone else.

Y - *whispers* you toe sucker

A - *whispers* you ugly fart

Y - *laughs*

L - can y'all shut up I'm trying to watch the movie

Y - *mocks*

Lauren tried to throw a pillow at me but alex caught and threw it back at her.

A - stop Lauren you dont have to be such a kid *whispers in your ear* poopy head

Y - *whispers* booty hole

A - *laughs*

S - guys please stop or go upstairs

I pushed Sam's head with my foot because she was sitting in front of me.

S - *turns around* STOP!

Y - that wasn't me chill

S - I'm not playing now that your not pregnant I will actually fight you

Y - ow shit

The cramps started kicking in so I sat up right.

A - what's wrong?

Y - cramps

S - karma

A - shut up sam *looks at you* do you want the Tylenol?

Y - *shakes head* can you get me the heating pad

A - destiny go get it its in my room by her nightstand

Destiny ran upstairs and quickly came down.

A - Carlos move so she can lay down

C - why?


C - ok chill

Carlos moved and I laid down while alex turned on the heating pad. He put it on my stomach but it wasn't helping.

Y - oww it hurts really bad

A - what do girls do when they have cramps?

S - eat

D - sleep

L - working out helps

Y - no maybe and no

A - do you want to go upstairs?

Y - yeah

A - ok

Alex picked me up and carried me all the way upstairs to his bed. Destiny brought the heating pad upstairs then she went back downstairs.

A - better?

Y - no my stomach still hurts really bad

A - do you want anything?

Y - can you get me water and bring the Tylenol for later

A - ok be right back

Alex left and I tried to get comfortable so I got on all fours and put the heating pad on my back then laid my head on the pillow. Alex came back up.

A - where's the- babyyy

He walked over to me and put the water on the nightstand then got on his knees next to me.

A - is that comfortable?

Y - *nods*

A - doesn't the heating pad need to be on your stomach?

Y - its fine

A - *moves your hair out of your face* I'm sorry baby

Y - for what?

A - all of this. I feel bad that your in pain and I'm not and there's nothing I can do about it

Y - I just want you here with me *grabs Alex's hand*

A - *kisses your forehead* I love you

Y - I love you to

Alex got in bed with me but just held my hand because I didn't want to be cuddled. I fell asleep.

Alex's POV

I feel really bad because she keeps moving around so much trying to get comfortable and I'm sleeping just fine. I want to suprise her again because that made her really happy but what should I do.

End of pov


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