All Alone (Nightmare!Sans×Abu...

By Shattered_Nightmare

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Y/N was their name. Yet, I cant say what kind of person they were, before all THIS happened. You may say, tha... More

A/N, first things
Chapter 1: Meeting (rewritten)
Chapter 2: Bullies
Chapter 3: Who's this?
Chapter 4: Nightmare and ???
Chapter 5: New Student and Games?!
Thank You!
Chapter 6: The Competition
Important Message!
Chapter 7: His Words...
Chapter 8: Something Special
Chapter 10: Dark Religions (Late Halloween special, very late)
Chapter 10,5: Dark Religions (part 2-)

Chapter 9: The Medieval Times Festival

325 12 16
By Shattered_Nightmare

Aight, I have no idea when this is gonna come out. I hope it doesn't take toooooo looooong, anyway, it took quite some time, to get new ideas for the chapter. School has been keeping me busy aswell, so yeah-

I have been feeling a bit down and unmotivated aswell...

I'm having a bit of a problem with my current fandom aswell, looking very much into the MCYT one- so uhhhh....
Not been feeling up lately-

Either that or my own story mashup in my head with the games: "Diablo: Reaper of Souls", "Sacred 2: Fallen Angel" and "Dungeon Delver" on Roblox or even more-
Should I make a story about that? Not sure yet... Imma need to do some more here first XD

I've been watching and playing some random games and animations, to find some ideas. If anything here gives you a vibe of something else, dont mind me.

I um... Does anyone have some great names for a demon? Male or female is unimportant. Just gimme some names please? Im bad at that TwT

Also, the little love demon from last chapter, I asked to give the name. The most requested name was 'Noah'. So that shall be his name! There were some other good ones too, but oof.

Enjoy this chapter- or not...
I dunno-

Does anyone know One Piece?
I mean, Big Moms name, is actually Charlotte Linlin, Charlotte being her family name. Imagine, being a part of the Charlotte family, with your first name being Emily...
Then you could say, "My name is Charlotte Emily" XD
Why am I even thinking and/or writing about that?

Enjoy the chapter-

~??? PoV

I see him walking there... It's a little mistake I need, for her to be mine. Imma catch him, and then I can say, I have a cat in a bag. Hahaha...

Wait... Where did he go?! Imma catch him sometime...

~Y/N PoV

Today is the day of the Middle Ages! This is gonna be the best market in the entire town on school grounds. We planned that for months now. I participate in the royal program! So I am the princess in here, with the matching crown, Nightmare got me for Valentines.

I pick a nice matching outfit and change into that, the crown perfectly matches and Star is waiting for me downstairs.

I walk to the living room where Star waits for me, she sees me and gasps, "You look stunning!" I thank her, but she doesnt look bad herself!

(Getting better~)

"So, you wanna go now?" she asked, I looked around, I had that feeling that I forgot something. I shrug it off, not minding, since I cant really remember. "Sure, Im super excited already! Its not every year, that festival!" I answer her and we go outside, after my new mom gave me my lunchbox for today.

When we arrived outside, Moon surprisingly waited outside! And wow, he looks awesome!

(Does he look better now? Btw, shout-out to the people who get the reference of his outfit XD
I just realised, his human ears are visible- Please ignore that TwT I can't get rid of it T-T)

"Wow, looking like a priest, eh?" He looks at me. "Yeah, I tried something new." He smiles and I notice his new haircut. I smirk at him and he looks confused. I then just grab him and we go to school. We made it to the school and due to its magic, the whole school looks like a castle! It feels like Harry Potter, but not really though.

(One of the only un-used castles I found- Dont mind the ad, i couldnt remove it unless I buy that, I deleted that app anyway- Oop-)

It looks awesome! I really, really like it. Moon doesn't seem that surprised, does he know magic? I mean, he is a neko, so maybe he does. We walk into the school and even all the rooms are changed and stuff! Many people are already here and they all look awesome! We walk around, to find our way. But Thank God they put up some signs. I'm sure, that our headmaster is one of the most powerful beings in our town here. Like, he changed a whole building into a castle! Who knows what festival we have next year. I'm already excited!

I see Regina and her bodyguard walk inside a room. I bet they're lost too, but really? I'm not gonna help her.

Eventually we reach the main hall, where we are supposed to be. The principal stands there and looks like a king. Even the other teachers put on costumes, I love it. We both know, that this is gonna be a big festival. There's gonna be games and crative stuff and more! There sint much time left, before he starts talking. So im just gonna wait until he does.

In a swipe of rainbow colored magic (because, yes), everyone is sorted. Even the people who got lost are now in this great hall. Our principal is great. This festival isn't only for us though, its also used for an open door day, where other people, including children and maybe future students can come in and look at the school. After everyone is calm, he starts with his speech.

"Welcome to our Old Times Festival, based off of the middle ages. I'm Lenny Marshall, the principal of this school. Many teachers have prepared this day, including myself. Before the festival can begin, I'd like to thank our computer club and our art club, for making great mini maps of the castle." You can hear clapping and I'm surprised that there are flyer for this event. I feel like in a theme park! "Continuing, we have many separate stations and workshops. The art club is hosting a creative workshop. You can build masks or other costume accessories there and the Drama Club prepared a nice play to watch here. These were only a few examples we build up here today. My right hand and I will be at a information stand. If you have questions of all sorts, you can come to me. Now, that was ot from my side. Have a happy stay and day, off you go!"

Now we can do whatever, so Imma just take Moon around with me. Lets find some interesting stuff to do. Moon would really like to see the activity, that the Art Club set up. He's a pretty creative person, I figured. So that's our first destination, I take a plan and we walk around. Then we see the little devil again! He's here too? He notices us and walks over. He's also kinda dressed up, it's not much, but it definitely is adorable!

(Same background as last time, nice)

"Good morning! I see you are enjoying the festival?" He asks and I nod. "We are currently searching for the Art Club, they had a pretty nice idea, for people who couldn't dress up, because of no accessories for this theme. So they just help create own accessoriers for them." Little devil nods "May I come with you? I have nothing to do right now. Probably gonna do my own stand later. I wanna relaxe a bit, before everyone comes for their fortune in love. My names Noah, by the way. You dont need to introduce yourselves. That's been done already!" He says and laughs. "Alright, come with us then! I see you didnt get a costume aswell, kinda, at least." Moon says and we head over to the Art Club.

Big surprise! Star is there too! She got a nice outfit, but rarely has any other things, like, nothing at all. She sees us and calls us over. "I looked what you can do here and it's awesome! You can create so many things! Seemingly they teamed up with the Computer Club, to use their lasers and other technology. They let you make some clothes, bracelets, crowns and so much more! You do need to pay a little fee, but it's not even too much! Like, for a bracelet only a dollar. I saw five dollars for clothes and for a crown 2 dollars. This is way cheeper than what you would buy at the market and wven if it was the same price, this is way better in quality than to buy." Star is absolutely impressed by their work. I took some money with me and Noah buys some bracelets and a crown, but he still needs to customise and create them himself! Moon gets two rings and I make myself a necklace.

I design a little moon  (🌙) and put it on the necklace. Ever since meeting Nightmare, I feel closer towards the moon and the stars. The chain is in my favourite colour and the moon, of course its yellow.

(design necklace?)

Its a little cute coincedence that Moonlights name is literally Moon. It is adorable.

Moon puts a star on one ring and a moon on the other. Looks like he has the same interests as I have, that's why I like him so much.


Noah uses many hearts in different shades of pink, red and orange. Some black ones too. His crown looks adorable, its not much, but little details matter.

(bracelet+crown design?)

We all are finished and Star didnt even start, she tells us, that we can leave and we do so. Going back to the big stage, we can already hear music. It's Frozen Silence!

(The band is amazing! I recommend to check that out!)

I really like that song and Moon wants to dance! I accept and we start dancing along with the others. In a turn, I see Dean watching us, I smirk and we just keep dancing. Moon doesn't seem to realise, that he's here, I won't tell him.

When the song stops, we hear a scream! Everyone loojs shocked and we start to run into the direction. It took a while to figure out, but when we get there, we couldn't believe our eyes...

On the ground, Regina is lying on the ground. Dexter is standing over her, his hands bloody red... We aren't able to see his face, but inside, I know he's smiling. I can't feel bad for Regina, but that's just sick. Moon looks absolutely shocked just as some of the others that came here with us. "What did you do?" I shout out, "You're supposed to protect her!" I just can't hold myself, it is unfair. All who died deserved it in some way, but it's just not fair. "I know she's a horrible person, but even she doesn't deserve that" I can't let my anger take that much over, I can't just scream out, 'ha, deserved it', cause I know she didn't, at least for now... Moon then says something too, "She had the right to change, many of us are angry, because of her behaviour, but there's redemption for everyone! Even a foul heart like hers..." "This doesn't seem real anymore... Its almost like... a play!"

When I said that, we hear clapping and laughing. Who comes walking? Its Elisabeth, leader of the drama club.

"Very good! That is absolutely fantastic! Just need to cut the last part and wow!" That was Emmett! He makes school films with his team. "The drama club is surprisingly very good in that, look at how realistic this looks!"

We all look at them confused. Suddenly, Regina begins to laugh, all the attention goes to her. "The people are gonna love that! I'm still gonna get at you though, b####" Dexter them points to a cameras behind us and on the ceiling. "We need to ask you for permission to use you in our clip, if you dont want that, we'll just re-do the scene, in hope no other people come bursting in, but then we would sadly lose this great scene. I didn't think, anyone would say anything, but it was even better, when psople burst in and even say something!" Elisabeth explains and some sigh in relief. So she isn't dead, that got some quite worried. Some people go to sign the papers of allowance to use that scene. If I sign the paper, me and Moon get a major role in the play, or the film, if you prefer (4th wall break-). I don't really mind, but Moon seems pretty nervous. "You good?" "Kinda, I mean, I never really wanted to stay in the spotlight." Then Elisabeth walks up to us, "Don't worry, we all feel like that, but you have us a huge idea, the perfect plot! You have lots of time, to prepare. We didn't even get to finish the script yet!" She laughs and Moon looks relieved.

"So when is it gonna be a thing? The film I mean?" I'm kinda interested in playing there. I was never up for the spotlight, but I think this time, it's gonna get interesting. "Well, we just planned some of the scenes in a medieval place, and that was it. He (Dexter) would just make his getaway in the next scene and then there's no more medieval time." I understand now, so this happened in the past! The play is probably gonna get spooky... "Why don't we just comtinue Halloween? I mean, there's still a lot to check out at the festival and I think the film is gonna get spooky. Isn't that what you planned?" "Spooky?" She looks at us confused, "We didn't plan anything, other than the murder, to be honest. Do you have any ideas?" Moon looks at me and nods. "I think, we both thought, that if the murder is in the past, Regina would return as a ghost and search her killer. So we have a descendant of Dexter playing in the future, trying to stop the ghost from killing him." She looks at us with big eyes. "That idea is awesome! But what would you do in the play?" I think a bit and then tell her: "The same thing as Dexter! The people found Reginas corpse and let Dexter, in the past, escape are our ancestors. So we pose as some kind of sidekicks to Dexter, trying to solve the mistery aswell." She looks in awe and calls Emmett over.

We explain him again and he looks absolutely stunned. He loves it. He starts asking many, many questions. How did we come up with that, what were we thinking how it ends, is it going to be like this or that? Lots of those questions. Moon and I answer as best as we could, but it's not really easy, seeing it was just a simple idea at first.

Then, there is another call, to go to the main hall, again. Since we now know our way better around, we quickly get there. There's Mr. Marshall looking worried. "We have figured out a problem, in today's festival." He says, when everyone arrived. "One of our art club students has gone missing and she isn't in the building anymore. So I thought, of either shutting down the festival and help searching the girl, ir we all do our best trying to find her. We have informed the police and are waiting for their arrival." Just when he said that, the police shows up, with a familiar officer. He sighs when he sees me and Moon and walks up to our principal. They talk for a second and the officer takes the microphone. "We have decided, that the festival needs to be shut down, because only then, the police can search. If other people disturb in our work, we will have even more troubles finding her." (Btw, a student said she disappeared, after said student couldn't call or find her. She couldn't just have gone, because then, she could still be reached by mobile. Let's just assume, that it's not just a dead phone.)

So, that was it. There goes the festival. I was hoping to play the games, but seems like that's not up to us anymore. We all leave the festival sadly and Moon also says goodbye, going in a different direction. He says, that he wanted to buy something and I still have homework to do. So I go home and tell Nightmare everything, when it's late enough.

-Tem Skip bought by me, not knowing what homework you have-

I've finished everything and since it's still not too late, I can still draw, to the tree with me!  I look around, no people seem to be here, that's weird. Usually it's pretty crowded in the park. I go to my tree and sit down to draw.

Sadly, I can't draw in peace, since I see Regina and Dexter walk up to me. I sigh and stand up, waiting, for what's about to happen. "So I heard what you said and I just have to agree. Of course I can be a horrible person, but that doesn't allow you to say that. I would love to just rip your eyes out, but since we are working together on the movie, I can't let that happen. Not yet, atleast." Ah, yeah, I forgot I said that and since she wasn't dead, she of course heard that. "That's nice of you and I'm sorry. I just had to get that off my chest, you know? And you have a new bodyguard, so I couldn't just say it to your face." She just watches me, looking like she's about to explode. Regina takes a big breath and leaves with Dexter.

When that was finally over, I still can't be in peace, because now Dean comes to annoy me! "Y/N!" He's always so super loud, it makes it even worse! "I found her! I found the missing girl!" I look at him in shock, "Well what am I supposed to do? Call the police!" He looks and me and just goes "I would! But my phone is dead! So please, call the police and the ambulance. She's hurt!" I quickly reach for my phone and call the police. Let's hope we can find out what happened to her.
The police arrives and Dean shows us where she is. She is lying on the ground, hidden behind a bush, at the back of a house. The officer loojs for a pulse and the ambulence take her away. "If we would've been a minute late, she would've died. So good job for reacting quickly. I assume you are in her class?" Dean shakes his head. "I just heard the missing thing from our school and they showed us pictures of her. I'm not in her class." He says and I just agree to that. The officer follows the ambulence, after telling us, we could be questioned when she wakes up. I sigh and go home, ready to tell Nightmare everything. "Y/N! Where are you going?" Dean asks and I need to hold my breath to not just scream at him. "Home, where else am I supposed to go?" I look back to him and think he looked a little sad there, but in a blink of an eye this attitude was gone. "Well, I'm scared now, can I come with you?" I really don't want anyone to see me walking around with him. I just make something up and leave, leaving him standing there all alone.

~Dean's PoV~

What has he done to you? I will help you for sure. I walk away and think of what to do next. The girl's saved, thank goodness, but that still doesn't help me. Suddenly, my phone rings (exactly) and I pick up. "Any chance yet? Have you accomplished your goal by now?" The voice of the phone says. "Not yet, but I'm sure I will soon." I hang up and make my way home. I need to talk with him.

~TeM skip and your PoV~

"Hey Nightmare? Where are you?" I'm clearly in the same spot as always, but Nightmare's nowhere to be seen. Then I see him standing at the tree, holding a black apple. I immediately notice, something's wrong. I slowly walk up to him. "Nightmare?" Suddenly something black grabs me and pulls me back, shortly after, I lay awake in my bed, heavily breathing. This couldn't be, what happened? Didn't that happen before? I shake it off and grab a glass of water, before going back to sleep. Hopefully I actually see Nightmare and he explains what happened.

Ok, here I go. Maybe trying to push myself for Halloween special-

This took very, very long, oh god-

Anyway, good day/night.

Word count: 3451 words

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