merder/dempeo one shots

By merderstapes

86.3K 1.5K 474

‼️dempeo/merder one shots More

The twisted car accident
The twisted car accident P2
a surprise visit
Telling Derek
multiple one-shots (3)
"forget it, you dont love me"
"I need time to think"
Dereks reaction
''you're the worst mom''
''get out!''
''hi remember me?''
''he is leaving.''
''Don't touch her!''
''I'm not that hungry''
''Meet me there''
''MY BABY...''
Ellen Degeneres
Dereks office (M)
''Meredith, I am so sorry'' 𝟏 𝐱 𝟎𝟗
"I- I can't lose her too Miranda"
"Hayes, do you like him?"
''charge 300!''
y/n in love
seperation anxiety
the best call I ever made
his shirt
Dr grey. Your husband is here.
My beautiful little girl


2.7K 50 16
By merderstapes

Merediths pov:

I was finally able to go home after a long day in the hospital, I walked to the attendings lounge, changed to my street clothes, got my bag and walked over to the nurses station. I just wanted to check some things for tomorrow. Everything seems okay, I'm walking to the elevator when something catches my eye. Its Derek, with another woman. I know better, I walk there and they're talking to each other when she leans in to kiss him, they kiss for like 2 seconds when Derek pulls her away and yells at her. 

The only thing I can hear is "I'M MARRIED" "LOVE" and "WIFE" he paces around the room with his hands his hair. He pulls it, that's what he does when he is angry, I get closer when he speaks up again. "You better not have just ruined my marriage, you understand that I have to tell my wife right?" "No why in the world would you do that, we could be together you know" she responds. 

"SHE IS MY WIFE. I love her, I'm married to her, we have kids together I don't want someone else. I- I have to go- I have to tell my wife I just kissed some other woman, I better not see you again, or at least not on my service" he says. I quickly walk away and get to my car. I text Derek saying that I'm about to go home, he texts me back saying he'll come with me, so I wait for him in the car acting like I don't know anything. 

He opens the door and he gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Hi honey" I say "hi" he sounds nervous. I mean I understand why. "Can I- like- say- tell you something- when we're home?" He asks. "what's wrong?" "something happened, you might get mad, I might've just ruined our marriage, oh god what did I do" "Derek you don't just ruin our marriage, or did you sleep with someone else or something?" 

I say in a stern voice knowing that's not true, or atleast I hope not. "No! No! Never!" "okay, then we will talk at home" when we arrive at our house we walk in, I put my bag down and sit on the couch with some wine. He paces around the living room "spit it out Derek" "I- I just want you to know that I love you so so so much, and that I would never do something to hurt you, okay?" 

He was definitely going to tell me about the kiss. That's good I mean, he is telling me and I know he didn't kiss her back so I can trust him, I know that for sure now. "Just tell me Derek, I love you too" "I kissed an intern or well she kissed me but it was for like 2 seconds maybe less or so- I pushed her away, I yelled at her what I shouldn't have done though because she is a woman, but I was mad I was so mad that she kissed me, please Mer don't be mad, I swear I pushed her away" he says in a ramble. 

I don't say anything I just look at him, very calmly. "Why are you so calm? Why aren't you yelling at me yet?" "Derek I would never yell at you, only when I have to, and I already knew that she kissed you" "you- you knew?" 

"Yeah, I saw the interaction, and I also saw you yelling and pushing her away and you tugged your hair, so I knew you were really frustrated, and I heard the story about your family and that you're married and have kids and that you love me or something, it's all okay Derek, I trust you, I now know for sure I can trust you because you just told me very honest that you kissed someone else, or well she kissed you" he just looks at me. 

"Thank god, I was so scared, I could never forgive myself if I had hurt you, I would literally kill that woman, who's name I dont even know, if she had ruined my marriage" "come here" he walks over to me and we cuddle the rest of the night. We both fall asleep on the couch and just lay in each other's embrace. This is why I love him.

__Its  kind of short I know, I dont know how I feel about this, but I wanted to post, hope you liked it! Thanks for almost 4.5K reads, dont forget to vote and comment, love y'all. Have good day, week, month, new month, new chances!__

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