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By GenderSweets_23441

74K 1.8K 1.2K

M/N, the childhood friend and neighbor of Haruhi Fujioka earns an all-expense paid scholarship to Ouran Acade... More

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3.6K 107 32
By GenderSweets_23441

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I let out a sigh and nuzzle into my pillow, a low chuckle coming from below me... 'Wait... below me?' I blink my eyes open and take in my surroundings. I'm in the living room, all of my bandmates sleeping in futons around me, except for Aki. 'Where's Aki', I move to sit up, but am quickly pulled down by the two strong arms around my waist.

'Found him.' I thought with a smile as my green eyes met his brown ones.

He smiled, "Good morning, babe," he said huskily and I practically melted.

'I love his morning voice oh my god...'

"Morning," I sigh and lay my head on his chest, "You sleep well?"

"With you by my side, how could I not?" he grins and my face flares up, "Sh...Shut up..." He chuckles and places a kiss on my forehead, pulling me closer to him. "What do you want for breakfast?" he questioned and I hum, "Bacon and eggs sounds awesome, but I don't want you to get up."

Aki shakes his head and flips us over, giving me a quick peck on the lips before leaving for the kitchen. I frown and actually snuggle into the pillow this time with a quiet groan. Right as I closed my eyes, I received a soft kick to the side, "Morning, nerd," Koji smirked and pulled my covers down to reveal my face.

"Morning," I grunt and lazilly sit up and look up at my friend, "Why'd you kick me?"

He shrugged, "You just looked so kickable like I could-" before he could finish his sentence, I kicked him in the back of the knee making him fall, "yOu jUSt lOoKEd sO kiCkABLe" I mocked glaring at him.

"You asked for it!" Koji shouts as he tackles me, the two of us wind up rolling around and fighting. Pulling hair, jabbing the sides, etc. Eventually we're pulled apart by Kai who looks beyond pissed. "Care to explain why you boys are fighting at six in the fucking morning?" she hisses, making the two of us flinch and hold each other. "The next time you fight, I'm committing a felony I swear to god- I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP-"

"Yeah you do-" Koji remarks, causing the two of us to bust out laughing. Kai quickly delivers a kick to his head, launching him into the wall, then turns to me "You're next." she glares with an evil glint in her eyes. I let out a squeal of panic and jumped to my feet before sprinting over to Koji, hiding behind his lifeless body.

Just as Kai was about to have me in her manicured clutches-

"Breakfast's ready~" Aki called as he walked into the room with a smile. We quickly gathered around the coffee table (that we put back last night) and watched as he handed us our plates. It was a simple breakfast, eggs sunny side up and bacon. Within seconds, the chaos dissolved and everyone began to wolf down Aki's godly cooking.


I pull my school bag over my shoulders and grab the large strap of my bass's case, putting it on as well. Hiroaki let me borrow a pair of black basketball shorts and a gray hoodie, I was wearing the pair of sneakers I keep in my bag just in case, and I held the spare skateboard I kept at Aki's place.

I waved my friends goodbye and gave Aki a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the apartment complex and skating down the street. It was currently noon, and Mom wouldn't be home until nine, so there was no issue with that. But if I wasn't home by two- Haruhi would definitely kick my ass.

Coming up on a large staircase, I hop up and grind down the railing until I reach the level floor of the park's plaza. I do a quick kickflip just to show off, and then continue through my park shortcut.

I cut out through the black picket-fence and came to a stop at an intersection, tapping my foot impatiently.

"M/N?" A familiar voice cut through the noises of nearby traffic. I turn to see one of the twins- Hikaru to be exact.

I offer him an awkward smile, hoping he doesn't notice my attire, skateboard, and bags- though that would be impossible.

"Did you not go home sick yesterday?" he deadpans, pointing at my school bag. I flinch and look away, "Well I-" "And what's with the instrument case? You play guitar?" "I- I mean-" "Also, you never mentioned you skateboard." "Well-" "You never had those piercings in at school, I'm surprised you even have any."

"Okay listen," I sigh in defeat, "I'll tell you everything, just not here, okay?"

He nods and I pick up my skateboard, tucking it under my arm and waiting for the pedestrian's light to turn green. "So, what's with the clothes, they're too big to be yours." Hikaru pointed out. I shrug, "They're my partner's"

"Partner in crime or significant other?"

"Do I look like I'd commit a crime?" I frown and he shrugs, "An innocent person wouldn't go around hiding their hobbies."

I open to mouth to say something and then pause, "You- Yeah no, you're right," I sigh as the light turns green, "My place is this way."

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