tell me pretty lies: hope mik...

By mediocrewriter11

13K 556 79

In the town of Mystic Falls, one would think the supernatural beings held the most secrets. But for Adelyn Ri... More

part 1
part 2
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9

part 3

1K 50 4
By mediocrewriter11

A sense of longing becomes overwhelmingly present when I am surrounded by all of these people. Have I always been unhappy? Or is it just now? All of a sudden, as if I should've seen it before.

Lili Reinhart

Hope never found Adelyn suspicious. But with what happened with Roman and his mom killing her mom and all of the monsters coming out of the Malivore pit she was a little on edge after accidentally eavesdropping on her conversation. Well that's what I learned a little later on.

And she didn't mean to eavesdrop, she ran in there crying when Principal Saltzman had no idea who she was or where she came from. Then to top it all of seeing Landon and Josie on a date. Like the past few years of her life had been nothing, but a facade or a dream that was way too vivid. So she did what her hero self always did: checked out the possible danger that surrounded.

The bleach filled my nose as I walked the familiar pathways of the hallways in the hospital. Until I reached room 321, I leaned against the doorframe watching as Hudson strummed along to his little ukulele.

"Hey killer!" I say, walking into the room and he stopped strumming and looked up at me with his goofy smile. He leaned over his ukulele giving me a high five as I sat at the foot of his bed.

"Rivers in the house! Whoop whoop!" he yells, pumping his hands up in the air. I laugh at him softly and he face palms himself, "I've been watching way too much MTV since I've been here."

"No worries dude! How have you been?" I asked, looking around to see if I can see any of his new personal touches in the room.

"Getting better everyday! Speaking of which, the girl who has the hugest crush on you and also one of our very best friends is here." he said, pointing to the girl I could see walking towards the hallway.

I smiled at the sight, she was sauntering towards us, like a model on a runway. Her tan skin and her deep brown hair, paired perfectly with her deep brown eyes.

"Berkeley Noelle," she embraced you in a small hug, before ruffling Hudson's messy hair, "You look as beautiful as ever."

"Thank you, so do you!" I complimented with a smile, but my eyes drifted down the hall. When it catches the familiar sight of a brunette girl, but by the time I blink she's gone.

"Are you guys ready for this?" I ask them, turning back to the two of my friends.

"Oh always." Hudson says and we all just nod together.

And just as we're exiting Hudson's room, we run straight into a nurse. She was standing there with her arms crossed and a knowing look on her face, "What do you three think you're doing? Getting into trouble?"

I shake my head, "Us? Get in trouble? Nurse Alexis, who do you think we are?"

"I for one am very offended at the suggestion." Hudson said and I stifled a laugh.

We followed each other through the hallways and it landed on the little baby NICU. A place I loved to go to whenever I visit Hudson to make sure the babies aren't alone. They're new to the world and they're stuck in a little place with no parents.

And from the reflection in the glass I could see the beautiful brunette from earlier staring back at me. "Hope?" I ask and she freezes in her place, "What are you doing here?" I turned around to find the one and only Hope Marshall looking back at me.

"I uh, blood drive!" she says, finally coming up with an excuse. I squint my eyes at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Friend of yours?" Hudson asked, raising his eyebrows up and it broke me out of my trance.

He looked very amused with himself and smiled at me teasingly, but I was about to speak when Hope cut me off, "I wouldn't go that far, we just met today."

I placed a hand on my heart, like I've just been wounded, "Ouch, but understandable. I'd say we're at least acquaintances." she tried to fight off a smile that was forming on her face, but she couldn't help, but break out into a small one.

Hudson looked at me, a wry smile on his face. He looked at me expectantly and I snapped out of my trance before introducing the two of them, "Hudson, Berkeley, this is Hope. She's the newest timberwolf. Hope, this is Hudson and Berekley."

"It's nice to meet you." Hudson says, still with the same smile on his face.

"And you." she replies with a smile. Berkeley didn't say anything though, she just stared at the girl, giving her a subtle nod.

I turned to look at Hope, still very confused on why she's here, "So blood drive?" I asked her and she just nodded with a tight-lipped smile, "I hate to say this, but you're a little late. If you want though, you can join us. We're gonna go pull the greatest heist ever."

She looked at you wide-eyed, "And what is the heist exactly?"

"There's a worker in the cafeteria who is absolutely terrible to the kids. No matter how many complaints she gets she's still here. Me, being the leader of the lost boys and girls, we don't discriminate here." Hudson begins and Hope chuckles. The sound of her laugh, causing my eyes to light up, "Anyway, she hasn't been giving the kids our desserts for dinner. The classic ice cream sundae. Adelyn here always has to bring the kids ice cream from the Grill. Luckily, her smooth charming antics convinced the Grill manager to give them to us for free. But she used to pay for it out of pocket."

"You did that?" Hope asked, looking surprised.

I was about to respond when Berkeley cut me off, "Yeah. River here has a heart of gold." Hope squinted at her before going back to listen to Hudson.

"Anyway, we're planning an ice cream heist!" Hudson exclaimed.

I look at her expectantly, "So are you in, Marshall?" I asked and she hesitated before nodding.

"I'm so in."

The four of us made our way into the kitchen. The younger kids in the pediatrics unit were begging for some ice cream, but the cafeteria worker wasn't going to give them any. The smaller younger kids who were too young to understand were crying.

They were stuck in the hospital for God knows how long. Possibly dying and the cafeteria lady was too much of an ass to give them a scoop of ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate or caramel syrup and a couple of cherries. That's all they needed. One little ice cream can go a long way.

Hope, Berkeley and I sat along the wall as we rounded up a few of the younger kids. Well just enough to get all of the things we need for a ice cream party in Hudson's room. Then we're gonna make some and take them to the rooms of kids who can't make it out of bed.

Hudson turned on his charm to go talk to the cafeteria worker, "Hi, I'm sorry. I know you're probably thinking that we're terrible assholes we are. But I'd just like to say, it's probably hard working here 24/7 to some needy kids. Someone as beautiful as you serving these kids, that's absolutely terrible."

"Two years here and you'd think they'd respect me more." she rants and Hudson subtly nods, giving us the signal that it's okay to go in.

"Now." I whispered to the three girls.

We got onto the floor and crawled around the counter, gesturing to the girls to follow us quietly. I make sure the kids are all in the back of the kitchen before heading in there myself. Berkeley was already handing the kids the ice cream, while Hope was gesturing them out to the hallway. I smiled at the way Hope's nose crinkled as each little kid walked by her, giving her a slight wave.

"Woah! What are you guys doing back here?!" the cafeteria lady asked, her arms crossed over chest.

"Scatter! Everyone go!" I yelled.

I ran my place through the halls of the hospital, desperately trying to get back to Hudson's room. But the cafeteria lady was following my every move. I ran into the hallway with no hiding places, until I felt a soft hand pull me into the supply closet.

"Wh-" I tried to say when the hand was placed onto my mouth.

I look down at Hope with a small smile on my face. She removed her hand from my face and I turned my smile into a smirk, "Come here often?"

She shook her head before smacking my arm softly. It didn't matter though because her facade of annoyance was no match for the beautiful smile that couldn't help itself from forming onto her face. I catch my breath to realize just how close the two of us actually are.

I might actually be imagining it, but it seemed like she was starting to lean in. Her eyes searching my face. Until there were sounds of shouting and cheers coming from down the hall. The both of us broke apart before I opened the door, gesturing for her to get out of the room. She smiled at you softly before walking out of the closet, I guided her towards Hudson's room where a bunch of kids were sitting with big smiles on their faces.

"Finally! We need the two of you to make deliveries!" Hudson offered bowls of his ice cream next to him.

He smiled at the two of us, giving me a knowing look before I shrugged it off, "Wait I can go to hang out with Ads!" Berkeley said, but Hope chimed in.

"No it's okay. I can help her." she said with a small smile on her face.

I grab a couple bowls and Hope grabs two more before we head off into the hallways, "Do you know where we're delivering to?" she asked and I nodded.

"One of my favorite people here." I said with a slight smile on my face, "But first we need to santazie and suit up." She looked at me confused before I smiled wider, "Just watch."

Outside room 345, there was a box of hospital gowns and box of masks. I strapped it on and threw on the mask and a pair of gloves. I think Hope got the idea and threw the same thing on as well.

"So what is this all for?" she asked and I shrugged.

"You'll see."

We entered the room to see one of my favorite people: Avery Emerson. She wasn't looking too good, but when you have cystic fibrosis that happens to someone. Her oxygen tube was on and she was smiling softly at the sight of me.

"Avery Emerson!" I greeted, smiling at her, "I come bearing gifts!"

"I hope that it's this beautiful girl next to you." she replied to me and Hope both chuckled softly.

"No, sadly not. It's this bowl of ice cream." I said and she sighed.

"I guess this is okay."

I stood a few feet away from her before releasing a sigh of my own, "So why are you here? Hudson told me you were discharged a month ago."

She shrugged, "I have a little fever. Nothing too serious."

"Well I hope you get better. Speaking of Hope, this is my new friend Hope. Hope this is Avery." I gestured to the two of them and Hope just gave her a small wave.

"I'm guessing the reason why she's not my gift is because she's your gift." Avery teased and I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"And that's our cue to go. I'll be back in a couple of days. Adios!" I said, giving her a two finger salute and she waved before the both of us left the room.

We went room by room for all of the CF patients to get them the ice cream we stole. Until we were all out. Hope looked at the time before looking back at me.

"I should probably get going. We have school tomorrow and all of that." she brought up as we took off all of our protective gear.

I looked at the time and it was almost 8:45, "Shoot, you're right. I usually stay until 9:30, but I'd be more than happy to give you a ride home. Just let me say bye to Hudson."

"Okay, I have to use the bathroom anyway. I'll meet you there!" she said and I just nodded as we parted our separate ways.

I found my way back to Hudson's room to see that Berkeley wasn't there anymore. He was flopped onto his bed with a bowl of ice cream lying next to him.

"Berkeley left?" I spoke up and he nodded, patting a spot down next to him, so I could lie there with him.

"Right after you and Hope went to go deliver ice creams. I'm telling you your charm on people gets you in trouble and causes Berkeley to get mad." he pointed out and I sighed.

I shook my head, "I'm not trying to cause anything Hudson."

"I know, but you know about Berkeley's crush on you. She hasn't stopped loving you even when the two of you broke up, but when you do actually have a crush on someone you don't do a good job at hiding it." he shoots back and I roll my eyes.

"What are you talking about? I literally met her today!" I said and he shrugged.

"Sometimes that's all you need. One day." he said and I released another sigh, "So have you told her?"

"No." I answered, simply. I didn't want to get into this conversation with him again.

"Are you gonna tell her?" he asked and I finally looked at him. He had a few glimmers of hope in his eyes. That maybe I'd finally allow myself to feel something again. But I can't, not after what happened with Berkeley, "I mean she seems cool. I'm sure she'd understand, right?"

I shrugged, letting out another sigh, "I don't know. Sometimes when you tell people, everything changes."

"Well isn't that the point? No matter what everything is gonna change."

There was a sound of someone clearing their throat to cause both me and Hudson to go shooting up. We both look in surprise, my cheeks flushing ever so slightly.

"Are you ready to go?" Hope asked and I tried reading her facial expressions to try and see if she heard any of that.

I nodded, "Yeah." I ruffled Hudson's fluffy hair again, smiling at him softly, "I'll be back in a couple days, okay?" There's a flicker of sadness in his eyes before he turns to look at Hope, replacing it with his infamous smile.

"Thanks for helping with the ice cream party." he gestured in for her to come closer. He wraps his arms around her and whispers ever so softly, "Don't go breaking Rivers' heart. She's got it bad for you."

Hope's face contorted into shock, before whispering back, "I won't." Not that she had any intention of even dating Adelyn in the first place. Sure she was an attractive girl, but there was still so much more things she needed to figure out.

Adelyn's human. Hope's a tribrid who is practically erased from everyone's existence. And the conversation between her and Hudson didn't go unmissed. Which makes her even more worried about what she's actually hiding.

The drive home was peaceful. Neither of us were talking, both of us just lost in thought until Hope finally spoke up, "You look really close with everyone there."

I nodded, "Yeah. Hudson has been there for six months because of leukemia, so he's been battling for awhile. But when you visit every day, especially during the summer everyone sorta turns into your friends too."

And Hope just nodded unsure of what to say, until she pulled up to the house that she told Adelyn she was staying at. Unbeknownst to her, Adelyn knows this house well. It used to belong to the Gilbert family, one of the founding families and no one has lived in it for a few years. But if someone bought the Gilbert house, she would definitely know.

She didn't press on the matter though. Everyone has their own secrets, especially her, "Goodnight Hope."

"Goodnight Rivers." she opened the passenger seat door and I let out a deep sigh as it closed.

Rivers watched as she saw Hope go all the way up to the door, before unlocking it and stepping in. But Hope turned around and gave one look back with a small smile on her face. She sighed again before waving back at her.

Both of the girls wanting to know what to make of the mysterious Hope Marshall and Adelyn Rivers.

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