part 1

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Of all elements, I'll say that I'm snow, melting on impact of your warmth.

Lili Reinhart

To me, we see our lives in many different ways. Some see it through music. Others through art. Others in a more practical way. But me? I read poetry as a way to relate to the world.

I see my life through the words of a poet when I'm incapable of expressing words myself. Because when I think that no one understands, someone always does.

The white lockers faded into the background of the shot we were about to take. Bustling students walking lazily to their homeroom. My best friend, Maya, pointed to the camera giving me the signal to start talking.

"Welcome back, Mystic Falls High! I know everyone had a crazy summer, but all I have to say to that is...let's make the best out of the year! A year full of adventures and laughter and maybe even falling in love..." I drew out, but there was a person who was walking right through the shot.

"Hey, you walked into our shot!" she exclaimed, frantically waving the camera at her to move out of the way.

She had long light brown hair and light blue eyes. And she seemed to be scanning the area on some sort of mission.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't know." she explained, finally looking at the two of us. She jumped back out of the camera's frame, "I wasn't looking where I was going. Actually, I'm kind of lost."

I ran my fingers through my hair as I broke out into a grin, "Distracted, were you?" I flirted, not so subtly.

And her serious face broke into a small little grin. Her eyebrows creasing and her lips quirking upwards, "Maybe, but not for the reason you're thinking. Just trying to find Principal Saltzman's office."

I clicked my tongue to the roof of my mouth, "It's okay Maya. I think our new friend here is perfect for our intro segment anyway."

"An intro segment? I don't think so." the new girl said and it was my turn to break into a smile.

"Take this as a return of favors. You help me film this and I will help you get to Principal Saltzman's office." I explained and she rolled her eyes before sighing softly.

She studied me for a little bit, but I didn't waver. I stood my ground with a big smile on my face or well the charming one that Maya says gets me in trouble with all of the girls and guys here.

"Picking on the new kid, already?" Maya's brother Ethan says, coming up and ruffling my hair.

"Really? Right before the shot?" I asked him, flipping him off as he walked over to behind the camera, "So do we have a deal mystery girl?" She sighed again before nodding. I stepped forward towards and held my hand out, flashing her my brilliant smile.

"Adelyn Rivers, Rivers for your short. It's much less formal than Adelyn and I will be at your lovely service today. You must be new though." I said, my eyes becoming captured with her blue ones. Gosh she was an attractive girl.

"I am, actually. You must be the class flirt." she shot back, a satisfied smile on her face.

My grin widened even more, "I am if you want me to be." I winked at her and she shook her head, rolling her eyes which I hoped to be in a playful manner.

"I'm Hope," she hesitated for a bit before continuing, "Hope Marshall."

"Hope?" I asked and she nodded, "It's cute. It fits you."

I motioned for Maya to keep rolling before turning back towards her.

"So, when did you move here, Hope?" I asked and she hesitated.

tell me pretty lies: hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now