Douxie x Reader

By JuJu_Gacha_TV

7.9K 123 81

YOU the reader have a mother which is the guardian of the planet Saturn there are more guardians of the plane... More

Ep 1: Lorelei's Daugther
Ep 2: Can you help me with this? 1/2
Ep 3: Can you help me with this? 2/2
Ep 4: The secrets 1/2
Ep 5: The secrets 2/2
Ep 6: The staff
Ep 7: Valentines Special
Ep 9: The Moon & The Sun(part 2/4)
Ep 10: The Moon & The Sun(part 3/4)
Ep 11: The Moon & The Sun(part 4/4)
News & little spoilers
Ep 12: Double date
Ep 13: "I am back"
Ep 14: Morgana return
Ep 15: Titans are awaking and breakup?
Ep 16: Coming up with a plan
Ep 17: Two wins, Two lost
Ep 18: Light turns to the dark
Ep 19: The Final Battle Part 1

Ep 8: The Moon & The Sun(part 1/4)

236 5 1
By JuJu_Gacha_TV


I stand up and I notice Douxie was looking at me. Then he kiss me I was surprised but then I kiss him back the kiss was sweet and delicate.


Douxie stops kissing you and looks at you

Douxie: I-I'm sorry

_____: N-no i-is o-okay

Douxie grab your hand and you walk to your home.

In the other side with Jim, Krel, Clair, Archie and Nari

Archie: I can't believe you drag me to this, why are we spying it anyways?

Jim: Well, Claire and I think that.... well...

Claire and Toby: Like each other

Claire Narrates:

We keep spying and then ____ put her head on Douxie shoulder, Douxie stand up grab her hand and says something I couldn't hear because we are to far away and I see Douxie makes the first move and kiss _____. (Me the writer like hehe I throw a pic and like just in case) When Douxie and _____ went I think back to _____ house after I minute or 2 I'm not sure my staff start to glow and start to move I follow it and I see Jim, Toby and Krel follow me also.

With Douxie and _____(walking to _____ house):

_____ and Douxie were walking home holding hand and in 1 or 2 minutes the staff start to glow and start to move _____ start to follow it and also Douxie.

Douxie Narrates:

I follow _____ because the staff start to move by itself it was getting already late we run like for a minute and we see the others Claire, Jim, Krel, Toby and Archie

And we all see to shine blue rock huge and when the light of the moon hit the crystal the staff of _____ and Claire elevate Claire staff make a dark light look alike the night and _____ light look alike the sun and it make like the sun and the moon sign looking alike the Ying Yang

{Something like that}

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