Crumbling {๐Ÿž} | Marvel โˆš

By themiko2

1.5K 52 12

thantophobia; (n.) the phobia of loosing someone you love. "I was conceived during a one night stand." 6 mon... More



127 4 1
By themiko2

Los Angeles, California
Chinese Theater

Inside the theater, was Killian's henchman, who met with a man, who sat outside the theater. "Can you regulate?" The henchman asked.

"Yes, I can regulate," the man said.

"Are you sure about that?" The henchman asked.

"Yes," the man said.

Meanwhile, Happy, who had been following the henchman man, kept an eye on him from a distance, seeing the henchman giving the man a briefcase. "It's a decent batch. Don't say I never did nothin' for you," the henchman said.

"Thank you...I mean for understanding," the man said.
The henchman walked off, and Happy walked towards the man as he rose to leave, but Happy bumped into him, which knocked the briefcase out of the man's hand, falling open on to the ground.

"I'm sorry, buddy," Happy said.

Happy helped him out the stuff back in the suitcase, and as he looked at the man, he noticed that he was glowing red. As Happy started to walk off, taking one of the items from the suitcase, but suddenly the henchman bumped into him. "What are you doin', buddy? You out by yourself? A little date night? Watching your favorite chick flick maybe?" The henchman asked.

"Yeah, a little movie called The Party's Over, starring you and your junkie girlfriend, and here's the ticket," Happy said before he showed him what he took from the man's suitcase.

"No kidding? That doesn't belong to you," the henchman said, before he went to take the item from Happy, but Happy punched him in the face twice. Happy noticed that the henchman's face glowed red and healed from the punching, then he grabbed hold of Happy, and with super strength, threw him aside.

As the henchman walked towards Happy where he threw him, the man began to glow red and turn super hot. "Savin!" The man yelled desperately, revealing the henchman's name, who looked back at him.

"What?!" Savin snapped.

"Help! Help me!" The man begged, but he then suddenly exploded, causing a massive explosion inside the theater, which wounded Happy severely.

As he laid on the ground, helpless and injured, Happy saw Savin, get up, glowing red, and healed, walking off as if nothing had happened.


"True story about fortune cookies. They look Chinese, they sound Chinese, but they're actually an American invention. Which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth. My disciples just destroyed another cheap American knock-off, The Chinese Theater. Mr. President, I know this must be getting frustrating, but this season of terror is drawing to a close. And don't worry, the big one is coming; your graduation."


Los Angeles Hospital

As Happy laid in a hospital bed, critically injured, in a coma, Tony sat in a chair, nearby, with Emma in a chair as well, wearing fake glasses, when a nurse walked in to check on Happy. "Hi," Tony said and the nurse jumped a little, before turning to see Tony and the little girl sitting in the shadows.

"Oh," the nurse.

"Sorry," Emma said, adjusting her glasses.

"It's alright," the nurse said as Tony looked at the TV.

"Uh, mind leaving that on?" Tony asked, referring to the show that was playing on the TV.

"Sure," the nurse said as Tony rose from his seat, Emma following his steps.

"Sunday night's PBS Downtown Abbey. That's his show, he thinks it's elegant," Tony said before he paused for a moment. "One more thing...make sure everyone wears their badges. He's a stickler for that sort of thing, plus my guys won't let anyone in without them."

He then turned to leave, but when he looked back to see if Emma was following him, he saw that she was standing by Happy. "Wake up, Happy, okay?" She whispered to him before she kissed his cheek. She then looked back at Tony, who smiled at her, before he reached out his hand, and Emma took it.


As the two headed out of the hospital, they saw news reporters outside, so they froze before they could see them together. "Go through the back. I'll have my guys pick you up," Tony said.

"Okay, Daddy," Emma said before she looked up at him.

"And make sure you wear your glasses," Tony said but Emma gave him a look.

"I already am," she said before she let go of his hand, and walked the other way, towards the back of the hospital.

Outside, "We're awaiting the arrival of Tony Stark. We're hoping he'll give us the reaction...his reaction to the latest attack." Then Tony walked out and all the reporters swarmed towards him. "Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! Our sources are telling us that this is another Mandarin attack. Anything else you can tell us?" But Tony ignored all the questions and walked towards his car, that was until a pushy reporter asked him a question, that purposely got under his skin.

"Hey, Mr. Stark! When is somebody gonna kill this guy?" Tony stopped and turned to him, with a mad expression. "Just sayin'."

"Is that what you want? Here's a little Holiday greeting I've been wanting to send to the Mandarin. I just didn't know how to phrase it until now. My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward, so I've decided," Tony started before he removed his sunglasses and stared into the phone's camera. "that you just died, pal. I'm gonna come get the body. There's no politics here; it's just good old-fashioned revenge. There's no Pentagon; it's just you and me. And on the off-chance you're a man, here's my home address: 10-8-80, Malibu Point, 9-0-2-6-5. I'll leave the door unlocked." He then looked at the reporter. "That's what you wanted, right?" He then took the phone and threw it at a wall, completely crushing it. "Bill me." Tony then got into his car and drove off.

Stark Mansion

Later, walking down to Tony's lab, Emma saw her father working on what happened with Happy. When she entered after JARVIS let her in, Tony looked over at her to see she was dressed up. Sort of. She was wearing a white sweater, stuffed into a red and black plaid skirt. He could tell that the clothing on her was Pepper's doing, but Emma was also wearing her go-to high top white converse, which he knew was all Emma's doing. "Hey, baby," Tony said as Emma approached him.

"Hi, Daddy," Emma said with a smile.

"I've compiled a Mandarin database for you, sir. Drawn from S.H.I.E.L.D., F.B.I., and C.I.A. intercepts. Initiating virtual crime scene reconstruction."

Tony started to look at all the data gathered as Emma watched him, like she usual did. "Okay, what do we got here? His name is an ancient Chinese war mantle, meaning adviser to the King. South American insurgency tactics, talks like a Baptist preacher. There's lots of pageantry going on here...lots of theater," Tony explained before he pushed the virtual information down. "Close." He then looked at the virtual crime scene reconstruction.

"The heat from the blast was in excess of 3000 degrees Celsius. Any subjects within 12.5 yards were vaporized instantly."

"No bomb parts found in a three mile radius of the Chinese theater," Tony said.

"No, sir."

"But, that doesn't make any sense," Emma said, and Tony looked at her, nodding in agreement.

" does not," Tony said before he looked back at the hologram. "Talk to me, Happy."

In the virtual reconstruction, Tony saw Happy pointing his finger at some dog tags. "When is a bomb not a bomb?" He asked himself.

Tony picked up the virtual image of the dog tags to investigate them further. "Any military victims?" Tony asked.

"Not according to public records, sir."

"Bring up the thermogenic signatures again, factor in three thousand degrees," Tony said.

"The oracle cloud has completed analysis. Accessing satellites and plotting the last twelve months of thermogenic occurrence now."

"Take away everywhere that there's been a Mandarin attack," Tony said and he looked at the information popping up. "Nope." He then saw an attack on Rose Hill, Tennessee. "That. You sure that's not one of his?"

"It predates any known Mandarin attack. The incident was the use of a bomb to assist a suicide."

"Bring her around," Tony said.

"The heat signature is remarkably similar. Three thousand degrees Celsius."

Tony looked at all the information being presented on the Tennessee attack. "That's two military guys. Ever been to Tennessee, Jarvis?" Tony asked.

"Creating a flight plan for Tennessee."

Tony looked at Emma, who looked at him concerned. "Come on. Let's go," Tony said.

"Can I come with you?" Emma asked.

"No," Tony said as they left the lab and Emma frowned.


Up the stairs, Tony was about to leave, and Emma was going upstairs to her room, when the doorbell rang. Emma froze at the staircase, and leaned over as Tony looked at the door in annoyance. "Are we still at ding dong? We're supposed to be on total security lock down. Come on, I threatened a terrorist. Who is that?" Tony asked.

"I don't know," Emma said from the stairs and Tony shot her a look.

"You are suppose to be in your room, young lady," Tony said, pointing his finger at her. "I threatened a terrorist for crying out loud. Up to your room." Emma started to walk up the stairs as Tony continued to stare at her go. "And wear your glasses!"

"Yes, sir," Emma said from up the stairs.

"There's only so much I can do, sir, when you give the world's press your home address."

The glass doors opened, and Maya Henson, entered the house, to be met with Iron Man. "Right there's fine," Tony said from inside the suit, walking towards her. "You're not the Mandarin, are you? Are you?"

"You don't remember. Why am I not surprised?" Maya asked as Tony got out of the suit.

"Don't take it personally, I don't remember what I had for breakfast," Tony said.

"Gluten-free waffles, sir."

"That's right," Tony said.

"Okay, look, I need to be alone with you. Someplace not here, it's urgent," Maya said.

"Normally, I'd go for that sort of thing, but now I'm in a committed relationship," Tony said and when he turned to walk into the living room, three bags were thrown down from the above balcony. "It's...with her."

Suddenly, Emma came running down the stairs, and darted at the bags to check something. "Emma!" Tony snapped.

"Sorry, Daddy, but my glasses were in my bag," Emma said.

"Daddy?" Maya questioned, which made Emma freeze up. She slowly turned around, to face Maya, and Tony, with a slight awkward smile.

"Oops," Emma muttered.

"Tony, is somebody there?" Pepper asked from upstairs.

"Yeah, it's Maya Hansen," Tony said and Maya smiled. "Old botanist pal that I used to know, barely. Emma say hi."

"Hi, Miss Maya," Emma said hesitantly.

As Pepper started to walk downstairs, Emma quickly eyed Maya. "Do I have a twelve year-old older brother waiting in the car, outside?" Emma whispered to her.

"Emma!" Tony exclaimed quietly, but then he looked at Maya. "Wait, do I?"

"He's thirteen. And no, I need your help," Maya said.

"What...What for? Why now?" Tony asked.

"Because I read the papers, and frankly, I don't think you'll last the week," Maya said.

"I'll be fine," Tony said as Pepper walked up to him, Emma in the middle of her parents now.

"I'm sorry. With Happy in the hospital, I didn't know we were expecting guests," Pepper said.

"We weren't," Tony said.

"No, I-" Maya started.

"And old girlfriends!" Pepper exclaimed.

"She's not really," Tony said.

"No, not really. was just one night," Maya said.

"Yep," Tony said and Emma slightly frowned.

"That's how you did it, isn't it?" Pepper said, gesturing to Emma.

"I was conceived during a one night stand," Emma said suddenly and Pepper looked at her, shocked.

"Emma!" Pepper snapped.

"I mean...she's not wrong," Tony said.

"This is so...okay," Maya muttered.

"It was a great night," Tony said.

"Well, you know," Pepper said, gesturing to Emma again.

"Yeah," Maya said.

"You have saved yourself a world of pain," Pepper said.

"I'm sure," Maya said.

"What?" Tony asked.

"She might look like me, but she is exactly like him," Pepper said and Emma looked up at her, with her eyebrows crinkled. "Trust me." Then she looked at Tony. "We're going out of town."

"Okay, we've been through this. Nope," Tony said.

"Yep!" Pepper exclaimed.

"The man says no," Tony said.

"Immediately and indefinitely!" Pepper exclaimed.

"Honey-" Tony started.

"Great idea. Let's go," Maya said and Emma eyed her oddly.

"I'm sorry. That's a terrible idea. Please don't touch their bags," Tony said.

"Tony, this is how normal people behave," Pepper said.

"I can't protect you and Emma out there. I challenged-" Tony started.

Maya noticed the giant stuffed rabbit Tony had bought for Pepper. " that normal?" Maya asked.

"Yes, this is normal!" Tony snapped.

"This is...extremely normal," Emma said, amongst the yelling.

"Sadly, very normal," Pepper said.

"It's a big bunny, relax about it!" Tony snapped.

"Calm down!" Pepper exclaimed.

"What a lovely family," Maya muttered.

"I got this for you," Tony said.

"I'm aware of that," Pepper said.

"You still haven't even told me that you liked it!" Tony snapped.

"I like it," Emma muttered.

"I don't like it!" Pepper snapped back.

"I asked you three...You don't like it?!" Tony snapped.

"It's like this, every day," Emma said.

As Tony and Pepper bickered, Maya noticed on the TV that helicopters were coming towards the mansion. "Tony, we are leaving the house; that's not even up for discussion," Pepper said.

"I said no," Tony said.

"Guys, can we um-" Maya started to ask.

"What?" Tony asked.

Maya pointed to the bomb, heading straight for the house. "Do we need to worry about that?" Maya asked, and Emma turned around, see the bomb, widening her eyes.


The house was suddenly hit, as everything exploded around them, but Tony managed to get his Iron Man suit on Pepper to protect her from the fall. He grabbed hold of Emma, and she clutched onto him tightly.

When they landed, Tony looked over to Maya, whose lying unconscious on the ground. Emma breathed heavily as dark debris covered his face, but she wasn't hurt. But she looked up to see that the ceiling was about to fall on top of her and Tony, and just then, Pepper saved them with the Iron Man suit. "I got you," Pepper said.

"I got you first. Like I said, we can't stay here," Tony said. But then helicopters started shooting at the house and Tony put Emma in Pepper's arms quickly. "Move! I'm right behind!" As they ran to get out, the floor between Pepper, Emma and Tony collapsed. "Get her, I'm gonna find a way around." But Pepper hesitated. "Stop stopping! Get her, get outside! Go!"

Pepper managed to grab Maya and use the Iron Man suit to get them and Emma safely out of the house, but when they did, the house got further destroyed as the helicopter continued to fire on it. "Oh, my God. Tony!" Pepper yelled.

Back inside, as the house was being destroyed around Tony. "Sir, Miss Potts and Miss Stark are clear of the structure."

Tony then motioned for his Iron Man suit to come off Pepper and on him. "Jarvis, where's my flight power?!" Tony asked.

"Working on it, sir. This is a prototype."

Tony managed to fire a piano at a helicopter to destroy it. "That's one," Tony said.

"Sir, the suit is not combat-ready."

Tony managed to get away from the bullets being fired at him from one of the remaining helicopters and again used his suit to bring down the helicopter. "That's two," Tony said.

As the helicopter exploded, it crashed into the house, but the remaining helicopter continued on shooting the house. Finally the remains of the house, with Tony inside, fell into the ocean.

Pepper and Emma ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down into the ocean, to see the house and Tony were drowning in the water.

"Tony!" Pepper yelled.
"Daddy!" Emma yelled.

In the ocean, "Sir, take a deep breath." But after a few moments, Tony's suit got its flight power activated by Jarvis. "Flight power restored." Finally Tony managed to fly out of the ocean.

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