Heaven and Hell - Book 1, Cas...

By fanficlover_athena

52.5K 1.3K 199

This book is the first book of the supernatural Castiel x reader Fanfic series. This book will follow the ti... More

4.01 Lazarus Rising - part 1
4.01 Lazarus Rising - part 2
4.01 Lazarus Rising - part 3
4.02 Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester - part 1
4.02 Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester - part 2
4.03 In the Beginning - part 1
4.03 In the Beginning - part 2
4.03 In the Beginning - part 3
4.04 Metamorphosis - part 1
4.04 Metamorphosis - part 2
4.04 Metamorphosis - part 3
4.06 Yellow Fever - part 1
4.06 Yellow Fever - part 2
4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - part 1
4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - part 2
4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - part 3
4.08 Wishful Thinking - part 1
4.08 Wishful Thinking - part 2
4.09/ 4.10 I Know What You Did Last Summer - part 1
4.09/ 4.10 I Know What You Did Last Summer - part 2
4.09/ 4.10 I Know What You Did Last Summer - part 3
4.09/ 4.10 I Know What You Did Last Summer - part 4
4.11 Family Remains - part 1
4.11 Family Remains - part 2
4.12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag - part 1
4.12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag - part 2
4.13 After School Special - part 2
4.13 After School Special - part 3
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday - part 1
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday - part 2
4.16 On the Head of a Pin - part 1
4.16 On the Head of a Pin - part 2
4.18 The Monster at the End of This Book - part 1
4.18 The Monster at the End of This Book - part 2
4.18 The Monster at the End of This Book - part 3
4.19 Jump the Shark - part 1
4.19 Jump the Shark - part 2
4.19 Jump the Shark - part 3
4.20 The Rapture - part 1
4.20 The Rapture - part 2
4.21 When the Levee Breaks - part 1
4.21 When the Levee Breaks - part 2
4.22 Lucifer Rising - part 1
4.22 Lucifer Rising - part 2

4.13 After School Special - part 1

885 23 6
By fanficlover_athena

(Third POV)

It's lunch time, and the "popular" table is full of cheerleaders and jocks. "She's such a slut." Girl 1 says. "So? Personally, I'm very pro-slut. What happened, anyway?" Boy 1 asks confused. "She totally banged Jamie Jaffe, that's what. She gave him the reverse cowgirl and everything." Girl 1 says again.

Taylor walks up to the table, looking for a place to sit down. "Hi, Taylor. How was your weekend?" Girl 1 asks fakely. "Fine, I guess." Taylor says, shrugging her shoulders. "You didn't... go to the rodeo?" Girl 1 asks.

"That's my spot." Taylor says to someone at the table, sitting in her seat. "Sorry. This is a skeev-free zone." Girl 1 says again, now laughing. "Slut!" Boy 1 yells. "Slut! Slut! Slut! Slut!" the whole table starts chanting. Taylor storms off, slams down her tray and sits down at another table. The only other person at the table is April, an overweight shy girl.

"You shouldn't listen to those jerks." April says, making Taylor look at her with a frown. "Leave me alone." Taylor says snidely. "I just mean... I'm sorry, that's all." April says. "You? You're sorry? Don't you feel sorry for me, you fat, ugly pig." Taylor yells. April is upset and leaves the table in a hurry.


Taylor is upset, looking at herself in the mirror. She has been crying. She doesn't see April approach her from one of the stalls. "Do you think I'm ugly?" April asks her. "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean it, okay?" Taylor says.

April grabs Taylor and slams her around, hitting her head hard on the mirror and sink, then dragging her to one of the stalls, making Taylor scream. "I'm not ugly." April says.

April holds Taylor's head under water in the toilet until she stops struggling. April lets Taylor fall to the ground, looks down at the unmoving body, and black goo (ectoplasm) comes out of one of her eyes. "You're ugly." She says again.


(Your POV)

I'm currently in hospital whites, dressed as an orderly. I'm sitting in a chair with a clipboard talking to April. "I'm not talking about it anymore. I already told the cops and the doctors. No one believes me. They think I'm crazy." April says, making me frown a little.

"Well, I'm a little bit more open-minded than most. April, why did you tell the police you were possessed?" I ask, seeing her shake her head at me. "It doesn't matter." April says, shrugging her shoulders.

"It matters to me." I say as kindly as possible. "When I -- when I hurt Taylor, I was there, in my head, but I couldn't control my body. I could see what I was doing, but I couldn't stop. I just wanted to stop. I'm sorry." April says, making me nod.

"You don't need to apologize. April, some of the kids at school told the police that you and Taylor didn't get along." I say, seeing her nod at this. "Well, yeah, but I never wanted to kill her. Never. Do you believe me?" April asks. I nod at her and she sighs in relief.

"Yeah, I do. Just a couple more questions. On the day this happened, did you... happen to smell anything?" I ask awkwardly, seeing her frown at that. "Anything... like what?" she asks me confused.

"Like rotten eggs or... sulfur?" I ask. "Um, no." she says, shaking her head at me with a confused look on her face. "Okay. Um, did you notice any black smoke?" I ask again, making her frown at me. "What are you, crazy?" She asks me, making me nervously laugh.


I approach the impala, where Dean and Sam are waiting for me. I climb in the backseat and see them looking at me expectantly. "So?" Dean asks me, waiting for my information. "I think she's telling the truth. I mean, the way she talked about being there mentally but not physically -- kind of sounds like demonic possession to me." I say, nodding to them.

"Kind of?" Sam asks. "She didn't see any black smoke or smell sulfur." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Maybe it's not a demon. I mean, kids can be vicious." Dean says, making me shrug again.

"Well, I mean, we're already here. Might as well check out the school." Sam says, making me frown. "Right. The school." I say, seeing the same look on Dean's face. "What?" Sam asks us.

"Truman High, home of the Bombers." I say, still seeing Sam looking at me for an explanation.

"What's your point?" he asks me. "We went there, like... for a month, a million years ago. Why are you so jazzed to go back?" Dean asks Sam. "I'm not. I just think it's worth looking into." Sam explains.

"All right, well, what's our cover? FBI? Homeland Security? Swedish exchange students?" Dean asks. "Don't worry. I got an idea." Sam says, making me nod. "Okay." I say.


(Third POV) Flashback

"Long, Long Way from Home" (Foreigner) plays while the impala drives up to the front of the school. Young Sam, Young Y/n and Young Dean get out of the car. "Thanks, Dad." Young Dean says, looking in the car window.

Young Sam, Young Y/n and Young Dean start walking towards the school. "Got your lunch? Books? Butterfly knife?" Young Y/n asks Young Sam. "Yeah, Y/n." Young Sam says. "You okay?" Young Dean asks confused.

"Sure." Young Sam says, shrugging his shoulders. "Sammy..." Young Y/n says, looking at her brother sadly. "I mean, look, this is the third school we've been to this year, and it's only November. I'm just sick of always being the new kid." Young Sam complains.

"You'll be fine. If anyone gives you any trouble, you let us know. Relax. Dad said this hunt will take him two weeks, tops. As soon as he gets back, we're out of here." Young Dean says. "To another school. Awesome." Young Sam scoffs.


Young Sam walks into his classroom, as he stands in front of a classroom while being introduced by the teacher, Mr. Wyatt. "Ladies and gentlemen, please say hello to Sam Winchester." He says. "Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam. Hi, Sam." The class says.

Young Sam stands in the front of the class, obviously uncomfortable. "Is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?" the teacher asks. "Not really." Young Sam says, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay. Uh, grab a seat." The teacher then says.

Young Sam walks down the aisle to an empty desk. He places his backpack on the desk and his knife falls out on the seat. He quickly grabs it and hides it, but not before Barry, who is sitting next to Young Sam, sees it. "Whoa, that's yours? Awesome!" Barry exclaims.

"All right, gang... essay assignment." Mr. Wyatt says. "Aw! Aw! Aw! Aw!" the whole class says. "Yeah, yeah, my heart breaks for you." Mr. Wyatt says with fake sadness. "Hey... I'm Barry." Barry whispers to Young Sam. "Sam." Young Sam answers with a smile. "Okay, now, I want three pages of your most memorable family experience. Just a reminder though, this is going to be worth half your final grade..." Mr. Wyatt says.

Dirk starts flicking Barry's ear while Mr. Wyatt is talking. "Leave him alone." Young Sam says to Dirk, making Barry's eyes go wide. "Shh, I'm going for a record." Dirk says. "I don't care what you write about, or even how you write about it. I'm looking for the brutal, funny, maybe even painful, truth. OK everybody, any questions? OK, let's get started." Mr. Wyatt says.

"I said, leave him alone." Young Sam says again. "You want to take his place... midget?" Dirk asks. "Yeah. Sure." Young Sam says with a smirk.


Young Y/n walks into his classroom, as she enters the classroom, she sees an empty spot next to a cute looking Guy. She takes the seat and sees the guy immediately looking at her. "Hi!" he says with a smile. She looks over at him and gives him a small smile as well.

"Hi." She says awkwardly. "I'm Liam." He says, waiting expectantly for her to introduce herself. "I'm Y/n. I'm new here." Young Y/n says, making Liam nod. "Yeah no, I know. We don't get that many new kids in this town." Liam says, making her nod.

"I'm sure it's not going to be for long though. Our Dad is just passing through here for work." Young Y/n says. This makes Liam's smile fall for a moment. "Oh, that's too bad." He says sadly. "Well, until that happens, let me be the one to show you around." He says with a smile. Young Y/n nods at him and then turns to the font of the classroom when the teacher walks in.

"Oh, I see our new student has already found a place here." The teacher says, smiling at Y/n. "Please stand up for a moment." She says again, making Young Y/n stand up from her seat. Everyone in the classroom looks at her. The girls eyeing her with a frown and the guys smirking at her.

"This is our new student Y/n Winchester, I hope everyone here will give her a warm welcome." The teacher says again. Young Y/n sits back down and look to her right, seeing Liam already looking at her with a small smile.


Young Dean stands in front of his class, while his teacher, an older woman, talks to the class.

"Class, say hello to our new student, Dean Winchester. Dean, is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?" the teacher asks. "Not really, sweetheart." Young Dean answers with a smirk. "Take your seat." The teacher then says with a frown. Young Dean takes a seat and looks over to his right, seeing a pretty blonde girl smiling at him.

"Dean, where are your books?" the teacher asks again, making Young Dean shrug. "Don't need 'em, sugar. Not gonna be here long enough anyway." Young Dean says, winking at the blonde in front of him.


(Third POV) End Flashback

Sam walks down a school hallway just as the bell rings dismissing class. He is dressed as a janitor and is pushing a janitor's cart. He passes Mr. Wyatt's room, where class is getting out. He sees an older Mr. Wyatt.


Dean is dressed in a white shirt and tight red shorts. He has a red headband on his head. He blows a whistle, then addresses the class. "Today, you will have the honor of playing one of the greatest games ever invented. A game of skill, agility, cunning. A game with one simple rule... dodge." Dean says.

He throws the ball into kid 1's stomach. He doesn't dodge. "Ugh!" the kid groans. "Sorry." Dean mutters. "Uh, Substitute Coach Roth..." Colby asks. "Yes?" Dean asks. "Ms. Boudreaux never let us play dodge ball." Colby says.

"Well, Ms. B's in Massachusetts getting married, so we're playing." Dean says with a smile. "She says it's dangerous." Colby says, making Dean blow his whistle. "Take a lap!" he then yells. "But –" Colby starts. Sam enters the gym and gets Dean's attention. Dean throws the bag of balls to the class.

"Go nuts." He says, before walking over to Sam. "Having fun?" Sam asks, making Dean smile. "The whistle makes me their god." Dean says. "Right. Nice shorts." Sam mocks. "Where's Y/n? did you see if she's alright?" Dean then asks, making Sam frown.

"Why wouldn't she be alright?" Sam asks confused. "Well, she's acting like she's a student here..." Dean says, making Sam frown even harder. "So? I'm sure she can handle a few days of school Dean." Sam says laughing a little. "You don't remember, do you?" Dean asks in disbelief.

"Remember what?" Sam asks confused. "This school? This is where Y/n met Liam... the Liam." Dean says, making Sam gasp in surprise. "I totally forgot about that..." Sam says. "Yeah so, let's just keep an eye on her ok?" Dean asks, making Sam nod. "Yeah ok." He says.

"So, Find anything? Dean then asks. "I've been over the entire school twice. No sulfur." Sam says, shaking his head. "No sulfur, no demon. No demon, no case." Dean then says. "I don't know. Maybe Y/n was wrong." Sam says, making Dean frown. "She hasn't really been before... but hey, it happens to the best of us. I say we hit the road, huh? But after lunch -- it's sloppy-joe day." Dean says with a smile. "Ohh!" Colby says, he runs by Sam and Dean holding his nose. "Good hustle, Colby! Walk it off!" Dena yells.


(Your POV)

I walk down the hallways with my books in my arms. I had tried to talk some sense into Sam, trying my best to not return here as a student. But Sam had told me I still looked young enough to be one, and that we needed someone on the inside talking to other students.

I walk along the hall, having a free period. A few other students were in the hallway, some were looking through their lockers, while others were sitting on the ground talking or reading a book. I walk past some kids, flinching when one of them closes their locker. "You ok?" I hear a boy ask me. I look over and see a young boy with brown eyes staring at me. "No, yeah I'm fine." I say, giving him a fake smile.

"New here?" he asks me, making me gulp. "That obvious?" I ask with a fake smile. "We don't get that many new kids in this town. My name is Luke." He says, making my head become fuzzy. "Sorry..." I say, walking past him and ignoring him. Suddenly I hear a buzzing sound, which makes me look around confused.

I look around, seeing nobody else hearing it. I close my eyes for a second, not wanting this to be another weird ability thing. The bell suddenly rang, and students rushed out of their classes, heading towards their next ones. I look down at mu schedule and see that I had culinary class next. I huffed at this, still hearing a weird buzzing noise.

I walk over to the class and sit myself down in the back of the room, seeing the boy from before sit next to me. "Is it ok if I sit here?" he asks me awkwardly. I nod at him and look away, trying to drown out the noise of the buzzing.

"Like I said earlier, my name is Luke. What's yours?" he asks me with a smile. "Y/n" I answer, seeing him nod. "Cute name." he says, making me swallow again. This was starting to feel all to familiar.

After a few minutes of working at our assignments, I hear the buzzing getting louder. Suddenly the buzzing completely stopped, and I had an urge to look over to the table in front of me. I see the boy at the table use the blender in front of him and the sound is exactly the same as the one I had been hearing.

"Hey, I need to copy your algebra homework again." Boy 1 says. He hits Boy 2 to get his attention. "Hey!" Boy 1 says again. I frown at the scene, the feeling building in my stomach. "Why? Cause you're a stupid, brain-dead dick?" Boy 2 asks.

"I'm gonna shove my fist down your throat, you little freak." Boy 1 says, holding his fist up in front of him. "That fist?" Boy 1 asks, the feeling in my stomach building even more. "Yeah." Boy 1 says.

Boy 2 looks at Boy 1 and smirks evilly. He grabs Boy 1's hand and pushes it in the spinning blender. My mouth opens in surprise when blood goes everywhere and Boy 1 starts screaming. A classmate helps Boy 1 out, and everyone else runs out. I run over to Boy 2 and pull him away from Boy 1.

Boy 2 looks woozy and then falls down. Sam arrives just as he is going down. He runs over to me and the Boy. I see black goo (ectoplasm) oozing from Boy 2's ear. "Sam..." I say, pointing at the ectoplasm. "What happened?" Boy 2 asks confused. I look up at Sam and give him a look.

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