The Shunned Wolf Fights Back...

By ArdenTownsend

161K 3.9K 446

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do no... More

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Grammar and punctuation (REVISED)
Chapter 2 (revised 06/06/2023)
Chapter 3 (revised 06/06/2023)
Chapter 4 (revised 06/06/2023)
Chapter 5 (revised 06/07/2023)
Chapter 6 (revised 06/07/2023
Chapter 7 (REVISED 6/8/2023)
Chapter 8 (revised: 6/8/2023)
Chapter 9 (revised 06/08/2023)
Chapter 10 (revised 6/8/3023)
Chapter 11(revised 6/8/2023)
Chapter 12 (revised 6/8/2023)
Chapter 13 (revised 06/08/2023)
Chapter 14 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 15 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 16 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 17 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 18 (revised 06/09/2023)
Author Note
Chapter 19 (06/10/2023)
Chapter 20 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 21 (revise 06/10/2023)
Chapter 22 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 23 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 24 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 25 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 26 (revised 06/11/2023)
Chapter 27 (revised 06-11-2023)
Chapter 28 (revised 06/11/2023)
Chapter 29 (revised 06/12/2023)
Chapter 30 (revised 06/12/2023)
Chapter 31 (revised 06/15/2023)
Chapter 32 (revised 06/17/2023)
Chapter 33 (revise 06/18/2023)
Chapter 34 (revised 06/18/2023)-
Chapter 35 (revised 06-19-2023)
Explanation of pack ranking (revised 06/17/2023)
Chapter 36 (revised 06/19/2023)
Chapter 37 (revised 06/19/2023)
Chapter 38 (revised 06/19/2023)
Chapter 39 (revised 06/19/23)
Epilogue (revised 06/19/2023)
SHUN TIMELINE (added 06/19/2023)

Chapter 1 (revised 06/05/2023)

4.4K 102 2
By ArdenTownsend

I think I am crying because my pack is shunning me. After all, I am pregnant. The pack knows this pregnancy was not my fault. My parents have told me I must move out of the house. I cry harder because they seem to be the ultimate betrayal. Will I be forced to be a rogue? What happened was not even my fault, yet I was being blamed.


The bell rang, and it was the end of the school day. I went to the front of the class to ask Professor Coleman a question. He wanted us to prepare for a debate in my communication case. Who is the most misunderstood person, and why? I waited while the others asked questions or were directed to the student aid. The aid is who we would inform who are report would be written about. When it was my turn, I asked, "Does the figure have to be a well-known historical person?"

"That is usually whom the students pick. Why do you ask?"

"My first thought when you gave this topic was myself."

He stopped looking at his notes and looked at me. "If you can write a 10-page report to support your answer and give facts to support your claim. I have no problem with you using yourself. Remember you have two weeks to get the report written up. You need to do size ten font in new Romans. Have 1-1/2 spaces between rows. You need ten pages typed up. Plus, 3-5 sources to back your claim."

"Thank you, Professor Coleman." I then walked over and signed up myself as my topic. "Oh, Professor, can it be people I interview? I know of two written sources, but not three. I could get several responses. Their responses will be in writing."

Professor Coleman turned to me and said, "If you write or type out response interviews, you must write out each interview separately as a source. Let's make it every five responses will be a source. You will have to have each source be at least a page long. You will need at least five showing different aspects, so five responses can count as one source. Then you can use it as a source. It will be extra work, but you do have me intrigued. Good luck." I then walked out of my class and went to my car, and left the university. I was 18 and, in a couple of weeks, would be turning 19. I was in my sophomore year here at Supernatural University.

When I got home, the first thing I did was pull out my grandmother's diary. Last month my grandmother passed away, but a few days before, she gave me a box of journals that went back five generations. I opened the box and pulled out the journal about my birth and childhood through her eyes. I then pulled out the scrapbook with all the news clippings she made from postings. I then sat down and wrote several questions about myself for others to answer.

My name: Jocelyn Sommers
Age: 18
What personality traits do you see in me?
What do you consider my role for the pack will be?
What do you see me doing in 5 years?
What is your favorite memory of me?
What is your least favorite memory of me?
Who are you?
What is your role in my life?

I then emailed them to my alpha, beta, family, and friends.

Dear Friends and Family.

In my communication class, I need to do a presentation about myself in 2 weeks. Could you please take the time to answer the following questions and return them to me within two days? This will give me time to put together my presentation.


What personality traits do you see in me?
What do you consider my role for the pack will be?
What do you see me doing in 5 years?
What is your favorite memory of me?
What is your least favorite memory of me?
Who are you?
What is your role in my life?

After sending the questions, I started working on my other classes' homework.


I wipe my tears. I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Then I leave my house and head to see my alpha's office. I was dreading the outcome of this meeting

Why do you think she was dreading this meeting?

How do you think this assignment could lead to her being shunned?

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