The Sea of You & Me

By Fireheart73

17.8K 387 137

Nobody told me adulthood was going to be this way. How I constantly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing... More

Hello Lovelies
1. Cal
2. Kenny
3. Cal
4. Cal
5. Kenny
6. Cal
7. Kenny
9. Kenny
11. Cal
12. Kenny
13. Cal
14. Kenny
15. Kenny
16. Cal
17. Kennedy
18. Cal
19. Kennedy
20. Kennedy
21. Cal
22. Kennedy
Epilogue- Kennedy

8. Cal

605 15 0
By Fireheart73

Chapter song:

"Go ahead run away like you always do then," I sneered. "It's what you do best anyway."

"Would you rather I pretend to be someone else? Follow in your footsteps? Huh?" She paused before she whispered, "we're cowards either way."

"Cal," fingers snapped in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I shook the thoughts away and focused my attention on Ty. "What's up man?"

"What are you doing," he nodded to my computer. I shut it shoving the damn thing away from me. My eyes hurt from staring at the screen too long.

"Nothing just work stuff."

He raised his brows. "Work stuff?"

"What else would I be doing?"  I shrugged.

"I don't know that's why I asked." He wandered to the fridge. He opened the door and shut it. Then opened it again.

What I wasn't going to tell him was the grad school application I was looking at. Completely unfilled out. Probably won't even fill it out if I was being honest. It was pointless anyway.

"How's the team doing?"

"Not terrible. There's a lot of good kids. But we'll see how the season goes," he shrugged. "We still got time before the real season starts." It sounded as if that last sentence he was telling himself instead of me.

It was his first official season as a head coach. Last year when he moved home and opened up his gym he was the assistant coach. I guess their coach got offered another position for a college team. I don't remember the logistics Ty explained to me when he got it. I just cared that it made him happy. As much as he pretended not to care, he cared a lot.

"Did you know Ken stopped by the pool today?" He asked without looking up from the fridge.

"Why would I know that?"

"I don't know you guys are like magnets man. Constantly drawing back to eachother. Sparks and all the other lovey dovey shit." I snorted not even wanting to comment. I was not going to get wrapped up into that conversation right now.

"But what does that have to do with me knowing she was at the pool with you?" I rubbed my jaw, the stubble scratched against my palm. I needed to shave tonight.

"I figured she would have told you or something I don't know." He shrugged finally grabbing leftovers from god knows when and tossing it on the counter.

"No we don't speak like that anymore. We just gotta get through the wedding and all will be okay."

"Ah, the wedding." He sighed dumping the leftovers into a bowl and tossing it into a microwave.

"Yup." I said letting the microwave fill the silence between us.

I didn't know what he was trying to get at here or get me to talk about. It's not like any of them don't know Kenny and I hadn't spoken for years until she came back. I don't get what was so hard for them to understand. They all knew and they knew why yet they all continued to pretend it didn't happen. I didn't get it.

"Do you have a date to the wedding yet?" I asked as the timer went off.

"Not yet," he said in between bites of food. "But I have my ideas. You?"

"Probably no one. I'll be too busy doing best man stuff anyway."

"Don't use that as an excuse," he grinned. "What best man shit are you gonna be doing? Giving out a million speeches?"

"No making sure Liam can walk on two feet. You remember Cancun," I laughed getting up to grab a beer.

"Oh god. Never again."

"Never," I said popping the top and taking a long drink. "Has she mentioned how long she's gonna be in town for?"

I don't know what made me ask Ty. But maybe she mentioned something else about staying to anyone but me. Maybe just maybe she'd only said that to me because I was too much for her to handle after coming back. Too many emotions and memories we had.

"I don't know. Probably not long knowing her." Which I did. "First time back since everything happened. Part of me didn't think she'd even show up."

"For Liam? And Riley? Nah, Kenny wouldn't miss that for that world." I sighed taking another sip. "I wish the wedding was over already."

"Over? It hasn't even begun."

"Please don't remind me."

"Ooo someone's grumpy today."

"I'm not grumpy." I sighed.

"You're just a little grumpy." He squished his fingers together.

"Don't you have a girl to bring over or something? Who's it gonna be today."

"You would be proud I have a second date tonight."

"With the same girl?" I raised my eyebrows at him. He nodded. I decided not to press him for more information. He'd tell me later about it. If he wanted. "Wow look at you go."

After finishing off my beer I finally spoke. "Well man, have fun. Let me know if you need a ride later." I got up front he table tossing my bottle in the trash. He threw me a second one from the fridge as I picked up my laptop.

I walked towards my bedroom when I heard the words behind me. "You know she would have came back for you too."

But she didn't.

"Yeah. Right." I said before shutting my door behind me.

I stared at my ceiling for twenties minutes. I heard Ty finishing off his dinner, the loading of the dishwasher, and the click of his door shutting. He was probably turning on his shower now. All the while the only movement I made was blink.

I already applied to some programs for architecture but haven't heard back. I was working on applying to one here. But I was hesitant to filling it out. Even if I did would I submit it? I don't know why it was more hard to fill one out of that wasn't on the other side of the country.


My parents would kill me if I changed my mind. Actually my dad would. He wants me to take over for him eventually. Work my way up the corporate ladder and he can retire peacefully and raise my younger sister.

It's still so weird saying that I have a little sister. What's even crazier is that my brother finally had a kid too, so now I have a nephew. Who is a year younger than my sister.

They're getting ready to have another one. But this time they wanted to be surprised with the gender until the little peanut is born. Thank god my mom isn't pressing me to have any. At least not anytime soon.

My phone buzzed against my leg snapping me out of my daze. I didn't want to look at it. I should probably go workout. Or read emails. Or finish the damn application.

Or shower. At the very least.

I sighed reaching down to grab my phone. I couldn't say I wasn't surprised to see Kenny's name on my phone. I was actually surprised that she still had the same phone number, or that she kept mine. Maybe Liam gave it to her.

Please tell me you guys aren't actually planning a flash mob for the wedding reception..

A flash mob?
Where did you get this?

Your number? I've always had it?

No dork the flash mob idea.

Good. I'm glad she kept it.

Oh! Ty was telling me about it. Are you guys seriously thinking about it?

I still didn't know what she was talking about. I'll have to ask Ty about it tomorrow.

I mean if they'd actually enjoy it I say why not? It'd be pretty epic. I'm sure all the guys will be down.

I don't know how we're going to pull this off.

I don't know how you're actually agreeing to this.

I couldn't help but smile stupidly at my phone. Maybe it was the fact that we were having a conversation. But I think it was more of the idea that Kenny was still able to participate in the good old fashion shenanigan still.

With lots of help and lots of practice.

You're in charge of the song! Also next time you come to their house we should probably start planning their bachelor/ette weekend.

Sounds like a plan. I can come this weekend.

Whatever works best for you. Thank you

I smiled at myself again unable to stop staring at the screen. It wasn't much but it was a start.


OKAY!!! Here is a chapter!!!! Thank you for being patient I'm sorry to have left you all hanging so long 🥺❤️ life has been busy!!!

There will probably be errors in this so I'm sorry if there are mistakes. But I did want to give you guys another chapter hopefully some more soon!

Love you and all your support it means the absolute world! ❤️

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