My Long Journey as a Shinobi...

By EmberCode

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**COMPLETE & CURRENTLY EDITING** (l/n) (y/n) is born in the (l/n) clan where they control the Shizengan (Shiz... More

Part One - Naruto series
Chapter 1 - Him
Chapter 2 - Team 7
Chapter 3 - First Mission
Chapter 4 - After the Mission
Chapter 5 - Chunin Exams (part one)
Chapter 6 - Chunin Exams (part two)
Chapter 7 - New Friend
Chapter 8 - Something's Not Right About Her
Chapter 9 - (y/n) vs Kagome
Chapter 10 - Closer
Chapter 11 - Birthday (part one)
Chapter 12 - Birthday (part two)
Chapter 13 - Birthday (part three)
Chapter 14 - Birthday (part four)
Chapter 15 - Betray (part one)
Chapter 16 - Betray (part two)
Chapter 17 - Betray (part three)
Chapter 18 - Lightning Cat
Chapter 19 - Training
Chapter 20 - Imprint
Chapter 21 - Promise
End of Part One
Part Two - Before Shippuden
Chapter 22 - New Journey
Chapter 23 - Brother
Chapter 24 - Dreams
End of Part Two
Part Three - Naruto Shippuden
Chapter 25 - Hidden Sand Village
Chapter 27 - Home
Chapter 28 - Sasuke Mission (part one)
Chapter 29 - Sasuke Mission (part two)
Chapter 30 - Babysit
Chapter 31 - Jealous?
Chapter 32 - Our Revenge
Chapter 33 - Cee vs (Y/N)
Chapter 34 - A Sad Aftermath
Chapter 35 - Confession
Chapter 36 - War Begins With An End
Please Forgive Me!!!
Chapter 37 - Master of Shizengan
Chapter 38 - Smile
End of Part Three
Part Four - The Last
Chapter 40 - A (not) Perfect Day
Chapter 41 - Gone Again
Chapter 42 - Arena
Chapter 43 - Fight For Love
Chapter 44 - Our Journey
End of Part Four
Thank You!

Chapter 26 - Team Kakashi

527 14 3
By EmberCode

Author: Are ya'll ready for a this!!?!?


Sand Village's Hospital

I was happily treated for my injuries. Gave the interviewer and Baki, Kagome's uncle and one of the council member of the Sand, all my answers. From how I joined the Akatsuki, becoming a secret mission for Lady Tsunade, and to failed to save Gaara. Even shared information of the group that I was able to gathered. As well as revealed the other members I met which are Sasori, Deidara, Hidan, Kakuku, Itachi, Cee, and Kisame. Then I was in a holding cell for hours because some of the council members and jounins still don't trust me. Even after taking off the Akatsuki Cloak. Maybe it's the grey-ish blue clothes uniform too, but not like I have time to buy new clothes. Soon I was released, but can't walk around freely and I'll be under watch by Kagome and Baki which I don't mind. The grande finale, I waited in the hospital room where Kankuro has been poison thanks to Sasori and meet the Sand's Honorable Siblings, Lady Chiyo and Master Ebizo, with one of them really hating on The Leaf and me for being a Leaf kunoichi and was with the Akatsuki.

Kankuro scream in pain really hurts me that I couldn't be much of help. I knew how painful the poison was and I died from it faster while he's still fighting. That's because he has medical ninjas to calm the pain. I survived because of my Cat Nine Lives Seal and forced myself to threw it up after death. Nekobaa had told me after Momo's funeral that it was because poison was easy to remove for ninneko. However, it never hit me until now that there's not a single cure from Sasori's poison. Not even Lady Chiyo, who is also the grandmother of Sasori which I find it hard to believe since I saw his face and he looked young, couldn't find a cure or something close. The only hope we have is for Kankuro to last for one more day until the medical ninja finally arrives. I believe I know who they sent here and I hoping to see her quick.

"Kankuro!" I hear Termari's voice as she rush past me to Kankuro's side.

I look to see Sakura who has stop a few feet in front of me. She stares at me for a few seconds and tears fall from her eyes. Finally, she quickly hugs me. "I knew it. I knew there was a small chance that you're really not dead." She said while crying.

"It's good to see you, Sakura. I'm also knew Lady Tsunade would send you here." I said lightly smiling. "I'm sorry I didn't come home early."

"Where did you go? Why did Lady Tsunade and Lady Mei said you're dead? Kiba was-"

"Damn you!" Granny Chiyo yells running after Kakashi. "The white fang!"

'The hell is she talking about? Wait, is that Naruto?'

Hours Later

"Those bastards!" Naruto said angrily. "I can't believe they would kill your brother, take you as prisoner, and forced you to join them. What's even worse you can't do anything to get Gaara back."

I finally told Naruto and Kakashi Sensei my story after helping Sakura remove the poison from Kankuro. Every single piece of the story. Minus Itachi being a good guy and helping me train unfortunately. He still wants me to keep quiet about him.

"I was going to escape until they actually wanted to me capture Gaara." I said. "I thought if I can separate them and defeat one of them, I can return Gaara. However, it was harder than I thought."

"You tried, (y/n)." Kakashi said and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Right now, having you joining us again makes it all better."

"A fine Kuoichi you have here." Baki walks out the Kankuro's room. "The council still have problems with her not locked up. though."

"Will it effect her from going of a mission with us? Since she is a part of Team Kakashi?" Naruto asks.

"No, I believe not." Baki answers.

"Alright! Now that's even better! Especially, now we got more leads on the Akatsuki!!" Naruto said very positive and ready to take action.

  "Lord Baki, a message from the Leaf." A shinobi said and give Baki the scroll.

"Thank you." Baki opens the scroll and hands it to Kakashi. "it's from your Hokage."

"Huh? Granny Tsunade? What did she say?" Naruto asks while Kakashi reads.

"She says that Team Guy is on it's way here to back us up." Kakashi answers.

"Bushier Brows Sensei squard?" Naruto takes the scroll. I lean in to read it as well. Naruto laughs to himself and smile. "I can't wait too see how much they're all changed. I hear Naji's been made a jonin."

"Really? That amazing." I said a little happy, but sad at the same time. "A lot happened while we were gone for two years, huh?"

"Haha! Right!" Naruto agrees with me. Not noticing my sadness in my voice. "All right! No sense waiting around for them to get here. Let's go after the Akatsuki right now!" Naruto runs out in the halls.

"Okay, but which way are you going? Do you know where they are?" Kakashi asks Naruto which made him stop.

"Uh... No.." Naruto said upset but then light up again. He turns and run to me. "(y/n)! Take me where the Akatsuki heading to!?"

"Haven't you been listening?" I said annoyed yet calm. "I already told you the one Kagome and I was fighting against changed directions. I only been to three hideouts with one of them was the one they were supposed to go to. Most likely going to a different hideout that's a little farther away maybe."

"Is it one of the other two you've been to?" Naruto asks in hopes and light.

"No, those are way far away from here." I answer and his head drops.

"If you don't mind me asking, what have been the results so far of you attempt to pursuit the Akatsuki?" Kakashi asks Baki.

"First Kankuro and Kagome went after them and you see how they, as well for (y/n), what happened to them." Baki starts answering. "Then we dispatched a tracking unit in pursuit. Two returned and said the rest followed what the girls said they flew to. But as yet, we haven't heard back from them. There's another problem, we believe that- Well, it appears that Captain Yura, one of the council of advisors, has gone missing. We don't even know if he's alive."

I noticed Baki didn't actually admit to Kakashi that Captain Yuna helped bring the Akatsuki inside and attacked his fellow men. Maybe he didn't believe me when I said it was him. I sadly don't know where he is or if he is alive or dead either. He was with Sasori and I while watching Gaara's battle. He stayed by Sasoir's side like glue. Then Kagome showed up and I had to fight her. After that, he wasn't there.

"So, what you're saying is you lost track of the Akatsuki?"

"Yes, we have." Baki said unhappily.

"Lord Baki, Kankuro has regained consciousness." One of the Medics said.

Akatsuki's Hideout

"We're too late." Kakashi Sensei said as we all stare at the disappointing sight of Gaara laying on the ground motionless while being sat on by Deidara with Sasori next to him.

After Kankuro gave us a torn cloth he manage to take from his battle with Sasori, we, Team Kakashi, and Lady Chiyo went off following Pakkun where the other hideout is located. We ran into trouble when we met Itachi who isn't really Itachi. It was Captain Yura being mind controlled by Itachi with the founder of this jutsu is the leader of the group. He can changed his victims' appearances like the members. As well as talk, think, use the same jutsu, and act like them. I already explained to the team about this jutsu. It later occurred to us that they were already starting taking out the one tail out of Gaara, so we jolt out quick. Once we arrived and joined Team Guy, who were happy to see Naruto and I, we slip up again to break the five seal barrier then Sakura smashed the bolder. Once we got inside, all hopes of saving Gaara faded away.

"Finally, which one of you is the jinchuuriki?" Deidara asks.

"You bastard! Where the heck are you sitting!" Naruto shouts in rage.

"So much for that mystery. This kid's the jinchuurki. He's the one who bursts in and barks first after all. Seriously, Itachi was right on the money, right?" Deidara said to Sasori while ignoring Naruto. " What's sad is (y/n) knew who it is this whole time and didn't bother to tell us. I should be hurt, but I'm more amazed you survived my explosion I left you with. Did you lose a life for it? Did this jinchuurki's girlfriend survived too-"

"Gaara!" Naruto cuts him off. "What the heck are you doing?! Why are you just lying there? Get up! Gaara answer me! What are you deaf? Come on! Knock it off already!"

Like the dead, Gaara said nothing because he is dead. He can't hear us. He can't move. He can't even talk or let out a silent hmph. He's really gone like the Fuu, the girl jinchuurki, who got her tailed beast sucked out of her and lost a life. I still remember how I just watch and let it happened. I still feels terrible I couldn't do anything. How could all of the members and Itachi live with themselves to due such a cruel thing to them?

"Naruto..." I said and he looks at me. "I'm sorry, Naruto but..." I couldn't finish my sentence. However, he doesn't want to believe it. Then I watch him about to make his first move.

"Enough, Naruto!" Kakashi Sensei stops him from moving. "You know full well that-"

"Both your friends are right and you know it too. He's been dead for a while now." Deidara said hitting Gaara's cheek to prove his point. It only made Naruto even angrier. Revealing fangs and his eyes changed. "Oh, yeah. That's him all right."

"Give him back! Give Gaara back, you damn-" Naruto charges again, but once again Kakashi quickly got in front of him.

"Cool it." Kakashi Sensei orders him. "Charging in without thinking, we're done for."

"I know the feeling, Naruto." I said to him. "I know what's his game. He's not only good with explosives, but good at making people's rage blow up as well by saying annoying stuff. He's only trying to push your buttons, so don't let him get in your head." Naruto hears me, but I know he's not really listening. His focus is on Gaara.

"Something on your mind, Sasori my man?" Deidara asks him.

"I'll hold onto him." Sasori said to him. "Since it appears that Jinchuurki will stop at nothing to get him back."

"Yeah that's putting it lightly." Deidara said.

"Okay, it looks like the guy on the left is the one who infiltrated the Sand and Lord Gaara. Which means this one is the puppet master who wounded Kankuro badly. Am I right, (y/n)?" Kakashi Sensei asks me.

"Yes." I answer.

"Well, my man, I doubt that you want to hear this, but I 'll just go ahead and say it anyway." Deidara said. "I think I'll take care of the jinchuurki, ha."

"Our quota is one a piece. Don't push your luck, Deidara." Sasori reminds him the quota the Akatsuki has.

"An artist must always seek ever greater stimulation, least his senses go dull on him, my man." Deidara speaks which I know where this is heading. "Rumor has it, the nine tails jinchuurki is pretty powerful, hm. A canvas truly worthy of my artistry."

"What? Those pyrotechnics of yours? Art? Art is a work of beauty captured and left for posterity. Art is eternal beauty."  Sasori said to him with full disagreement.

'Here we go again.' I thought in annoyance having to hear this argument even after leaving the Akatsuki.

Chancing Deidara

We were split up again thanks to Naruto un-controling rage. Naruto, Kakashi Sensei, and I followed Deidara who flew away and carrying Gaara in the clay bird's mouth. While Sakura and Lady Chiyo stayed behind and battle with Sasori. Kakashi Sensei and I already knew Deidara's plan which is to lure Naruto and stopped us from following them. We followed him all the way to the forest where Kakashi Sensei's plan take action. He waited until he has enough chakra to open his new Sharingan that I've never seen before. I had told him Genjutsu may not work on Deidara since he has my Shun's eye on his left eye. He reminded me that it's not genjutsu he plans to do. Then his used his sharingan to cut and suck out Deidara's left arm away. I blow fire at him which he panics and Naruto used his rasengan to cut the clay bird's head apart. Naruto's clones pull apart clay pieces until it reveals Gaara. That's when he finally hit reality. I watch the sad expression on all his faces from where I stand which is next to Kakashi Sensei and the other Naruto clone.

"You'll pay for this!" Naruto's clone said.

"Yeah, yeah, maybe someday I'll give you a re-match kid, ha." Deidara said not giving a care in the world.

"You've let your guard down." Kakashi said to him. Before Deidara could respond, the real Naruto appears and punches him hard in the face. "Dropped you guard, didn't you? You should be me careful."

I was about to join Naruto until he summons more clones. All of him grabs Deidara and hit him hard in the ground. Repeatedly punches him so badly and finally finished it with his resengan. I thought it was really over. That was until we found out it was a clay clone this whole time. The only good thing about it, it's not like exploding one that Kagome and I had.

"It's clay! A substation!" Kakashi said in shock.

"Damn it! Then where the hell he is?!" I let out my anger. I'm really tired of his games. I look around to find him until my eyes lays on Naruto again and it widens.

"Is that-" Kakashi said, but he sounds like he knew what is happening with Naruto. There's an orange chakra forming all around him. Then a tail appears.

"Kakashi Sensei, what's happening to Naruto?" I ask him.

"That's the nine tails fox spirit's cloak." He answers me.

"A cloak?" I repeat him and he nods.

"In short, it's the fox spirit's gateway to slowly take over Naruto's body completely." Kakashi said. "It's only the first cloak for now. So we must move in and stop him before more of his-" Kakashi Sensei stops himself when the second tail now appears.

"Ahhh...! It burns!" Naruto's clones are in pain which is no doubt are from the fox spirit. Then they finally disappear.

Naruto punches a single tree yet he destroy many of others. The chakra is so high off the charts that it blew powerful winds. The sight literally scares me. It scares me that Naruto is so deep in rage that he let the nine tails fox spirit slowly take over him. However, it doesn't stop me to try to stop and calm him. Kakashi and I came down in front of Naruto. He looks at us, but he doesn't remember us.

"Easy, Naruto." Kakashi said calmly. However, he doesn't listens. Naruto tries to punch us and we move away. "(y/n)!"

"I'm on it!" I said as I open my Earth Shizengan and slammed my fist on the ground. Causing it to shake and pull Naruto's feet down to hold him on.

Before Naruto could break free, Kakashi got Naruto with a seal and the cloak disappears. He falls back but Kakashi got him. I release Naruto from the ground, so Kakashi can lay him down on a tree. Once I stop using my Earth Shizengan, I suddenly feel pain in my eyes again. I squeeze them shut and control my breathing until it goes away.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?" Kakashi Sensei asks me in concern while putting Naruto down.

"Yeah, just my Shizengan as always." I answer him.

"At least it's not blood you're coughing out like when you used both water and wind Shizengan earlier while we were following Deidara." Kakashi said trying to make it a bright side. Naruto groans waking up. "Are you alright, Naruto?"

Naruto nods and that put me in relief.  Then I hear movements from the bushes far away and seems to be coming to us. Before I could assume it's Deidara, Sakura and Lady Chiyo arrives. Seeing them both alive puts me in much more relief.

"Finally caught up to you." Sakura said.

"Sakura..." Naruto said happily to see her.

"You found us. Nice work." Kakashi said to them.

"We felt a huge tremor a few minutes ago." Sakura said in concern.

"I'm glad you're here. So, you guys did it?" Naruto asks.

"Yeah." Sakura happily said.

Lady Chiyo sighs, "It looks like you're still having some trouble here."

"Unfortunately." Kakashi answers her.

"What about you? Where is he?" Lady Chiyo ask us knowing she is asking about Gaara. The three of us didn't respond. However, our silence is enough to answer her question. She looks back to see Gaara's dead body with the remaining clones.

I hear movement in the bushes again. Then we all hear weapons clashing. We all instantly know it must be Guy's team fighting with Deidara. Later on, they reveal themselves only by a few feet away. They have Deidara surround, but he's right next to the other half of the clay bird he'd rode on.

"Be careful everyone!" He's a long range fighter who uses explosives!" Kakashi warns them.

My feet haven't move from where I stand. The sight of Deidara is too annoying and sicking to see. All negative thoughts take over me. How he was the main reason why my life turned upside down. He stole my brother's last life. He stolen his eyes. He replaced his left eye with one of my brother's eyes and kept one of them in case of the other is a failure. This is the perfect moment to bring them back. He's not a clone. Doesn't have clay nor his arms.

'I need to  kill that monster!' I thoughts scream.

My Water Shizengan turned on automatically and my arms raises up. While Deidara's back lands the tree, I suck water out of it to wrap his neck. I choke him while he struggles for air. The rest of the water I used to grab hold of his legs, and then slowly make the water tighten to crush his bones. Not like he could fight to break free. The sight of him alive is now slowly turning to pleasing sight of him begging to live. Just a little more until he's really gone.


I suddenly stop when I hear someone called my name. My Water Shizengan disappears and Deidara drops to the ground and coughs out. I look around to see everyone who are looking at me with such serious glazed. I look down at my hands confused what had happened. For a moment, I was calm until a pit of rage took over me. I straight away listen to it like it was controlling me. That never happened.

"(y/n), I'm angry that for what he did to Gaara and your brother, but we should get more answers about the Akatsuki." Sakura said to me. "So don't try to kill him yet. Hold everything until I can at least ask him one question that's relating to something I learned today."

"I rather just end him. Why did you stop?" Naruto asks me.

"Some... Someone said my name..." I answer him, but I am unsure what just happened.

"Huh? No one here said your name." Naruto said to me.

"I think it's about time I reveal my ultimate work of art." Deidara finally speaks and he swallow a piece of his clay. Suddenly, his whole body starts to blow up like a balloon. He is going to blow himself up.

"Everyone get out of here Immediately!" Neji shouts. Every does what he said and starts running. However, I didn't. That is due to not wanting Deidara to die with my brother's eyes. I felt a hand grab and pull me to run. "Do you have a death wish?! Keep moving!"

"Art is an explosion! HA!" Deidara said his last words before blowing up.


It took seconds to believe we were going to be blown up as well. It took seconds for Kakashi to use his mangekyou sharingan to suck it all somewhere unknown. Leading us all to safety and alive. We all gather in the field to Gaara's dead body while Lady Chiyo scarifies her life and giving it to him. I thought I would separate myself for a moment to see Deidara's last explosion with an odd feeling. I should be relief he's gone even though he took Shun's eyes with him. However, something doesn't feel right.

I walk to the scene of the explosion and look around the area. Then I walk to where he was standing when it happen. I kneel down and touch my hand on the ground until it crumbling down to make a small hole that a human can go through. I grind my teeth in rage and punch the ground.

"Of course, you're still f****** alive...!" I mumble to myself.

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