
By DedlyBySrprse

14.3K 469 57

You were a child when you were taken by Hydra, you grew up in their base until you were rescued by a man in a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

510 21 7
By DedlyBySrprse

You wake up in a small hut, sun shining in your face, you try to block the sun from your eyes by raising your hand to your face, looking over to your right, you see an empty cot. You get up and walk out of the hut to see you have the best view in the world.

Bucky goes to you and hugs you, "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asks, a smile appears on his face. "I feel," you take a second to think, "good, I feel good." You look up and smile at him, he smiles back at you and begins to say "Well, I'm glad, isnt this place beautiful? Peaceful?" "It seems so, are we...?" "It seems we are."

You go for a walk around the lake and talk, he tells you how he has helped the farm, Shuri and T'Challa fighting for Wakanda. "Wow, that's crazy, he killed his cousin? I can understand why but still." You say, "It really is crazy."

After a while you and Bucky go back to the cot to do some work, you hadnt noticed his missing arm was covered. "Does it hurt?" He looks up at you confused. You look at his missing arm and back at him worried. "A little, but not more than when Stark blew it off, or when I lost it falling off the train." You think back to 1943 when you and Bucky fell from the train, "I actually forgot I was shot that day." You laugh to yourself a little.

"Ya you were shot, and you still tried to save me, didnt that hurt?" He asks, "I dont think it did, I wanted to get you back on the train more so I wasnt focused on my shoulder." You look at your right shoulder where you'd been shot, moving your shirt a little and seeing the scar. "Didnt even know I had that scar." You keep looking at it, Bucky tosses something over as T'Challa comes over with some guards.

Bucky and you walk over to see a guard place something on a table, they open it up and stand behind T'Challa. You both look in to see a new arm for Bucky, probably made out of vibranium. "Whens the fight?" Bucky asks, "On it's way." T'Challa responds. You look at Bucky and sigh, "So much for peace huh." You both chuckle a little.

"Mr. Barnes, we will need to take you to the lab to put the arm on, Shuri will help." Bucky nods to what T'Challa said, the guards take Bucky to Shuri while T'Challa stays with you.

"Tell me what I need to know." You say, looking at T'Challa, "First, I think we should help you in this battle, it will come in handy for you, follow me." He walks away, confused, you follow him.

He takes you to the herb garden, more herbs are being grown and kept nicely. "So this is the stuff that makes you the Black Panther? That's so cool." You smile at the beautiful garden. "Yes, this is the herb garden, they tend to the herbs to keep them safe, we had to fix it because my cousin has it burned during his short time."

You reach out to touch one of the herbs, T'Challa hands one to you. "Wow this is soft, it's also hard, this is incredible." You say, he smiles at you, half laughing at the amazement in your eyes. You hand it to him and he hands it to one of the caretakers who starts to grind it.

"We feel that you have had a rough life, losing your parents at a young age, taken by Hydra, I dont need to continue but, we feel we should help you, lay down in the sand here." Confused, you lay in the sand, he shows you what to do and you copy him.

"Wait what's going on?" You ask, "We want to give you the abilities of the Black Panther, you have the qualities of the Black Panther, so we will give you the powers to help you through this battle." He explains what will happen after taking the herb.

The caretaker walks over to you, you nervously open your mouth, she pours the liquified herb into your mouth and you swallow. You rest your head back and hold your breathe, the begin to bury you in sand.

You open your eyes to see you are back in Russia where you were born, it looks beautiful, it's like the sunset from Wakanda but different, you walk around and hear a voice you havent heard in over 100 years. You turn to find your dad standing behind you with the biggest grin on his face.

(All words spoken are in Russian)

Tears stream down your face, you run as fast as you can and hold onto him tightly, he hugs back even tighter. "Dad...." You look at him and smile, "I've missed you so much." You say, "I missed you too, you grew into such a beautiful woman, I'm so proud of you."

"Proud that I hurt so many people?" "That wasnt you, it wasnt you're fault, I'm proud that you found people to help you, and now you're here, in my arms." He hugs you tighter, you hug back. "Your mother and I have watched you and what you've been doing." "......So you know about?" "Yes, hes a good man, he treats you well, even before you confessed your feelings which your mother and I have been waiting for, for years."

He gives you the disappointed face and laughs. "Is mom here?" He looks at you, takes your hand and walks over to a house, you walk in with him and see your mom at the sink, she turns around and sees her, you both run towards each other and into a hug.

"My beautiful baby girl, you've grown so much." She smiles at you. You all sit down and catch up quickly, "I still cant believe this, after all I've done, I dont deserve to see you until I die." Your mom puts her hands on your face and smiles.

"Sweetheart, did you choose to hurt any of those people?" She asks. "No." You respond, "Then it wasnt your fault, you need to understand that, and that you deserve the world and more. Do you blame that boy you like for what he has done?" "No, not at all." "Then why do you blame yourself? You went through the same thing he did then, and yet, you do not blame him one bit."

You think about your life and what you did, "Because why wouldnt I? It was me, I didnt try to stop any of it, I didnt try at all, I just listened and did as they asked." Your dad chimes in, "Y/N, understand this, we love you, but you're being an idiot, you cant blame yourself and not blame him, you both did that stuff, you are either both to blame or both innocent, it works the same way."

You smile at them both, they hug you and you hug back. "Thank you guys, I look forward to the day we meet again, I wish things were different and we had our lives together, but, I'm thankful I get to see you both right now." You start to tear up, as you are pulled away you hear them both say "We are proud of you Y/N."

You wake up in the sand and adjust your body to sit up, heavily breathing, tears streaming down your face, T'Challa kneels to you, places his hands on your shoulder and asks, "Are you ok? Did you see who you were supposed to see?"

You nod and smile, "I saw my parents." He smiles at you and helps you up. "So I'm a super soldier and all that, what did I need that herb for? I'm not complaining, I'm just curious."

"Mr. Barnes told me and Shuri about how you would talk about your parents when you lived together, how you wanted to know what they thought of you. My grandfather Azzuri knew your parents, before they passed, they helped him through a lot, your mother gave him the courage to ask my grandmother on a date, so I feel I owe them and by helping you, my debt is repaid. I had hoped you would see your parents in this, I know how much it would mean to you if you could see them again."

You smile at him, "They said they were proud of me, they said I wasnt to blame for what I did when I was brainwashed, they made me believe it, believe I wasnt to blame." "Good, you're ready." He takes you to the Lab where Shuri is putting Buckys new arm on, hes asleep on the table.

"Shuri, is it ready?" T'Challa asks, Shuri smiles and nods, she looks over to one area and says, "Its right over there." T'Challa walks over with you and you see a black suit made of vibranium, the suit looks a little like his Black Panther suit, but a female version, thinner.

"This is for you, you can use it for the battle, and choose whether youd like to keep using it." You look at him like hes crazy and say "Wait really? Your giving a complete stranger a cool suit like this?" "You are no stranger Y/N, you have had it rough, and after what happened with my father, with me trying to kill Mr. Barnes, I want to fix what I've done and so we made him an arm, and you a suit."

You smile, he shows you how to work the suit and how your new powers work, make sure you dont hurt yourself.

A guard runs in to T'Challa and says "Your highness, they're here." T'Challa nods and the guard goes. "Who's here? The battle?" "No, not yet, Mr. Rogers is here, remember Vision? The man with the gemstone in his head?"

"Oh ya, the purple guy, what about him?" "The gemstone in his head is an Infinity Stone, this alien known as Thanos is searching for all 6 so he can wipe out 50 percent of the world."

"That's crazy, aliens exist?" "That's what your getting from this? An alien wants to wipe out half of the Galaxy and you're more concerned that an alien exists." "Well it's bad but that's what Hydra wanted to do, wipe out a whole bunch of people that would be threats to Hydra." 

"I only remember a few people on that list of people," Bucky says, you turn to see him sitting up while Shuri does a bit more work on the arm that is now attached to Bucky.

"Some people in Iowa city, a news anchor, Bruce Banner, Stephan Strange, Carol Jones." Bucky says, "Ya there were a lot but Banner and Strange are the 2 people I remember on this list, Banner is Hulk and I think Strange is a doctor, I dont even know, he was just someone wanted by Hydra." You respond.

"So ya, I'm not blown away that someone wants to do the same thing, why does he want to wipe out 50 percent though?" You ask, "We will soon find out, we were only told a battle was on it's way."

"Oh, so who's here then my the way?" "An old friend of yours." He smiles and walks out, Bucky looks at you, you both know exactly who's here. You both race to where T'Challa is, Bucky slows down, Steve shakes T'Challas hand, you run and hug Steve, he hugs back and laughs.

"You ran faster than you used to." He says, "I'll explain later, but right now, I wanna say hi." Steve laughs, "So how we looking?" He asks. "We have my kings guard, the boarder tribe, the Dora Milaje and..." Bucky walks up to Steve, "A semi Stable hundred year old man." Steve and Bucky hug, and smile at each other.

"And a semi stable hundred year old woman, I'm here too." The three of you laugh, "How are you guys doing?" Steve asks, "Not bad for the end of the world." Bucky responds, "Couldnt have said it better myself." You say while smiling.

Everyone goes inside to see Shuri and talk about Vision, the purple skin guy, you arent paying attention because it's all science talk, instead, you're in your own head thinking about your parents, what they said to you.

Bucky notices you not paying attention whatsoever, he goes to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. "Y/N? You there? You copy?" You snap out of it and look at him, "Sorry what, whatd I miss?"

He laughs, causing you to laugh, "You zoned out I think, you ok?" He asks, "Ya, I was just thinking is all." You respond, assuring him that you're ok, "What were you thinking about?"

"Because you told Shuri how I would talk about my parents when we lived together, she told T'Challa and so he gave me the chance to speak to them, apparently my parents knew his grandpa, so now I'm wondering if they've been to Wakanda before, and if they have, it might be why they were there." "Probably, I'm glad you got to see them." He smiles and hugs you.

"Alright doll, let's listen to the plan so we dont go out there and die not knowing what's going on." You both laugh and listen to the plan.

After they finish discussing the plan, everyone suits up, you are handed an earpiece, you place it in your ear and get the piece for your suit, you put it on, the suit appears on your body. "Fits like a glove!" You shout happily, Bucky laughs at your excitement. "I'm proud of you, dont forget that ok Y/N." "I wont forget Bucky, thank you." The helmet of your suit comes off, he goes over and kisses you. You kiss back, Steve walks in and sees the two of you.

"I like your suit Y/N, does the hundred year old man come with it?" Steve laughs, you look at Bucky and laugh with him. "Stop teasing, your worse than my parents." You laugh, T'Challa walks in and hands Steve a shield, "Its time, something entered the atmosphere, time to get to our places."

You all nod and proceed to the boarder to stand where needed. You look at Bucky and half smile, "See you on the other side Bucky, I look forward to winning this war with you." You tell him, he smiles at you and says "See you on the other side doll, good luck." You both smile at each other and then look at the boarder.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 11 of Tested, I'll be trying to do stories weekly, hopefully publish them weekly, I want to get on a schedule. Anyway, the next chapter will most likely be shorter but I'll be adding more details, to try and make the chapter longer, but ya, the next chapter will be the end of Infinity War, the battle scene.

I hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter, bye!

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