Meet my Ninjago OC, Aria!!

By PragztheDestroyer

992 1 15

My new Ninjago OC. I know that thousands of people had the idea of the air ninja as their OC. Buuuuuuuut, I d... More

Aria's Character Profile
Some Headcanons :>
Biggest Fear
Ronin <3
Cameron :3
Joining/Meeting the Ninja
Fun Times :>
OC Drawing!!!
Fave Candy :>
How do the ninja see Aria?
UNICORNY Levels :>
When the Nerds leave the Monastery...
Settings OoOof
Random Shit...
Green Streak
Let's get this straight...
Cameron: Timeline and Romance :>
Aria x Ronin One-Shot #1
Cam- More Headcanons

Some Questions!

29 0 0
By PragztheDestroyer

Some Questions!

Credit: @jovishark

1. Are they happy with their body?


2. Do they have any secret piercings or tattoos?

Not really, she just has ear piercings and a small nose piercing... and everybody who looks at her can tell that. Was basically living off the street for a lot of her life...not enough money. Her parents got her ears pierced and she got her nose pierced as a dare for $50.

3. Do they collect anything?

Not really. But she does have a collection of pictures... about 4 or 5 that she keeps close to her heart(Baby Aria, Morro, and her parents), her and Cameron, the random selfie she printed out of Aria and her mom posing with a lizard that randomly crept up on their deck, her and Ronin drunk at the nightclub, one of the photo strips of her and Cam/Ronin from a photo booth, after she joined the ninja she gets one of her with the whole team.

4. What is their favorite music genre?

She's fine with any, but her favorite is like either normal pop, rap, or rock.

5. What music genre, if any, do they hate the most?

She likes most music, but her least fave would have to be Country.

6. What is their phone background/lock screen?

Idk, probably either a generic pretty windy theme phone background, a pic of her and Ronin, or her and Cameron.

7. What is their shoe size?

7 or 8

8. Do they have a favorite fabric or texture?


9. Do they have a favorite professional sport?

Not really. She has a really athletic body from training tho. Her fave game is probably the one she occasionally plays with Ronin where they run around chasing each other, guarding a grape(people get bored with no substantial job and no Internet). It gets really serious because they are both really competitive. They would run on rooftops(given their current profession, thieving, it makes sense that they are really good at that stuff) This sounded so much better in my head. It sounds stupid when I type it out like this.

10. How do they decorate their living space?

Pretty simple, personalize it with small pictures and stuff. Hates spending money on meaningless stuff to make your room look cool.

11. Are they messy, or do they clean up?

Ehhhhhhh... in the middle.

12. What's their preferred sleeping position?

She is a stomach me :>

13. Did they have a favorite comfort item as a child?

Not really.

14. Do they have a favorite period in history?

She is obsessed(like me...kinda) with history[Ninjago History]. She likes the Medieval times and the Renaissance and likes to focus on their warfare. She is a secret nerd.

15. Can they cook? What's their favorite thing to make?

Yes, but not so much. Not as shitty as Cole's though...sowy Cole. Loves making cookies(she used to make cookies pretty often with her mom.

16. What food do they hate eating?

Hates almonds for some reason.

17. Do they have any allergies?

Pollen... bit ironic because wind carries pollen half the time. Considers herself allergic to almonds :>

18. What was their worst injury?

She broke her arm once...doing reckless shit with Ronin. Surprisingly, Ronin is a softie and can heal things really well.

19. What is their favorite animal?

Her animal symbol is an eagle, but cameleons get her smiling every time :>

20. What movie or book could they watch/read a hundred times and never get tired of?

Hates non-fiction. She could watch the Marvel movies 24 billion times and never get tired of them.

21. Can they dance? Do they like to?

Kinda? Doesn't really care. When she does dance, it's freestyle at a party or having fun with friends. No professional stage dancing or anything like that. Just ya know, shakes her hips and moves her hands or whatever.

22. What was their favorite birthday gift?

Her mom got her a ring(her mom knew it was going to be their last birthday together) with her birthstone. She still wears it even to this day. Her mom got a matching ring for Morro, which was how she identified him.

23. Which birthday do they look back on the most fondly?

She has a lot of birthdays that she looks back on fondly. The one where she and Morro blew out their candles together for the last time, her first birthday with Cameron, her first birthday with Ronin. Her favorite and the one she holds closest to her heart is the last one with her mom, dad, and Morro(Idk if I said this, but they are twins...the timeline is messed up...Ik...Imma make it so that he becomes a ghost in the cursed realm at age 16-17, because people say that he is really 40 or something but I just don't buy that)

24. What kind of cake or birthday treat would they prefer?

No real preference. Absolutely loves any kind of cake, literally a cake obsessor like Cole. Her favorite would have to be chocolate though.

29. What video game would appeal to them the best?

Competitive video games. She is somehow really good at video games. Mario Kart, Valorant, Also pretty good at Call of Duty. (Idk anything about video games :> hehehe)

30. How would they relax on a day off/rainy day?

Hangout with some of the people close to her. When she wants alone time, she would probably want to listen to music and read, look through her old things, or rewatch the Marvel movies(depends on her mood)

31. Are they combative? What is their fighting style?

They do fight when they have to. Don't go picking fights necessarily. Fighting style Has an almost perfect balance between attack and defense. Good at both, Better at defense.

32. Would they be the ones to start an argument?

Depends on the situation. Is a bit tempered and has a little bit of ego. Mostly laid-back though.

33. What is their personal style? Favorite outfit?

Joggers and Crop Tops or Loose T-shirts. Loves Camo for absolutely no reason. That or jeans and a top for casual days out. Or a ninja gi when saving the damn world :> (I still can't imagine people saving the world in a ninja gi...sigh)

35. What do they do if they can't fall asleep?

Hum to herself or think about random-ass things until she falls asleep.

36. Do they wear makeup regularly? If they don't, would they consider wearing any?

No. She is naturally pretty. If she has to, she will wear lip gloss or a mild amount of eyeliner (I know absolutely nothing about make-up...and sorry to the guys who have to read this torture)

37. Do they prefer to be really cold or really warm?

Hates both extremes. Surprisingly she likes it warmer than cooler. Then again it depends on the outside temperature.

39. Can they drive? What vehicles are they licensed to operate?

Yes. Could drive before she got a license. The ninja made her get a license after Possessed... she passed. She can drive a lot of things. Cars, Motorcycles, does R.E.X count?

40. Do they believe in true love? Have they experienced it?

Not until she fell in love with Ronin.

42. If they have siblings, do they like any of them? Would they rather be an only child?

Morro. No matter what other people think, no matter what she still loves him(Ik, cringe. I'm sorry)

44. Do they lie often? Are they good at it?

Yes. Pretty good at it.

45. Are they good at keeping secrets?

Yes. Pretty good at keeping secrets.

46. How do others see them? How accurate is it to how they really are?

Imma split it up between the ninja. And other characters.

Morro: It's been a while but I know that she is a good person and will do what is right.

Ronin: She's a pretty darn amazing person. She is so forgiving and caring and knows how to live her life in a good way. I'm so lucky she is my girlfriend. Aww man...don't tell I said that. I would never hear the end. Ronin would probably say something else but Idk what to put. I wanted to make this thing kinda cute :>

Cam: She is a good friend and a good person, she stuck with me during the hard times. Idk what else to say about her.

Cole: Dis girl got taste. Fin. (They both will die for cake) Other than that she is a good person. A bit tempered though. I once ran out of cake so I took a smol bite out of her's. Never heard the end of it...heh

Jay: We know you, Cole, the bite definitely was not 'smol'. Well maybe for you...hehehehehe. About Aria, what can I say, she is a good friend, and will obliterate your ass if you diss Han Solo. I mean, If I'm being honest, I would too.

Kai: She is a genuine-ish person and can stick up for herself. It's commendable actually. But you would never guess that she has a mini-crush on Han Solo. What can I say, he and Ronin are pretty similar. Ronin ma buddy, you've got some competitors.

Nya: She is a cool person and could kick your butt if she wanted to. Also, It's nice to have another girl around the monastery. I'm so tired of having to babysit these bois. That's all I have to say

Zane: My comments are about the same as the rest of the remarks. She is a good person and apart from Cole, is one of the only people who appreciate my baking skills :>

Lloyd: She's cool, and I love to hang out with her and play video games. Also, I totally bond with her over Starfarer Comics.

48. What are they most afraid of?

It is that no matter what she does, anyone she gets close to has to leave or gets hurt in some way and somehow she will be the cause of the loss of the people she cares about. On a more lighthearted note...kinda, she is absolutely petrified of bugs.

49. Would they ever kill anybody?

If they absolutely had to and had no other option. The type of person that will do what has to be done.

Sorry for the random number changes! Oof this was weird but I put a lot of stuff in here so I recommend you don't skip it. Idk about you but I love reading these types of things.

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