The Bloodshed of Winter

By _ChocolateBannana_

336 90 54

Adelaide is a 16-year-old girl, after the separation, she and her twin sister were separated, her abusive fat... More

Because I stole bread
Probably shouldn't have stole the bread
I really wish I didn't steal the bread
I really enjoyed the bread though, it tasted good
Eh, I liked the bread a lot, so it was worth it
There are two different types of Sky's, theres a blue one, and one that kills
Now I'm alone with some weird creature
I should probably find a safer place to stay
I should probably watch where Im going, but I don't care
Probably a bad idea to run into danger, even if I dont know it
Goody. I have an idiot in an alliance
I would rather steal bread
I take it back, he's kind of cute
My sisters back! yay!
Whoop-di-do I found a thirteen year old girl who could probably kill me
Grecia and Lazari are definently gonna date, I'll make sure of it
Yep, they definitely love eachother
What is with Ace and trees?
The snow falls on the ground, a very nice thing for Ace to stab
Never EVER give Ace a gun
I love when people run into fires, especially if youre sure theyll die
I really want some dino nuggets right now
So maybe Ace is dumb, he still is cute
And there goes my hopes and dreams
Oh well I guess I could've lived all along
Stab me now
Well this is fun
Great going Ace
If I had a Million Dollars I Would be Rich
I want a dog and a cat and a horse and a bunny and a guinea pig
If I died who would be the first to find my body?
I'm one hundred percent going crazy
What am I doing with my life
I remember when I wasn't alive

Eh, I only get kicked in the face on Sundays anyways

7 1 0
By _ChocolateBannana_

We walked for a little while.
Ace wandered off multiple times, and I was next to Runa.
"What happens if we don't find her?" Grecia asked.
"Chances are, we will, but if we don't, that means she's dead." I said.
"Don't you start." Grecia grumbled.
"Sorry." I grinned.
"Runa, have you seen anyone?" I asked.
"No, but I was with Taylor until she died." Runa said.
"Oh." I nodded.
Up ahead, there were many trees. Perfect places for people to hide, and then shoot us dead. I managed to make it this far, so why was I thinking this now? I didn't know.
"Hey Adelaide?" Grecia said.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"What's that?" She squeaked.
I turned to where she was looking.
"That would be something you should probably run from. Grecia, run." I said.
I shoved her and Runa into the bushes and I watched the creature slowly turn from my direction, to another direction. I was confused, if it saw me, why didn't it come kill me? I decided to just let it be, maybe it was harmless.
I walked into the bushes to Grecia and Runa.
"It's gone, it left." I said to Grecia.
"But-" She started.
"Grecia, it's gone." I repeated.
"Yeah, but, where's Ace?" She asked.
As if on cue, there was a high pitched scream, clearly belonging to Ace, because he was the only boy on the entire island who's voice could be that loud.
I looked at Grecia "Found him." I said, as I ran towards the scream.
"Adelaide! Adelaide, that's not a good idea!" Grecia called after me.
"Exactly why I'm doing it Grecia, you stay there." I called back.
"Adelaide!" She called again.
I ran into the tree's, Ace was on the ground, the creature looking over him.
"Adelaide." He said "Get out of here, now." He said.
I shook my head no and unsheathed my gun.
"ADELAIDE!" He yelled, which set off the creature, it slashed at his face, leaving a good deep long cut.
He motioned for me to go, but I didn't want to. The creature began to raise its hand, or is it a paw? I didn't know, but Ace stood up, which only angered it even more.
"Ace, stop being dumb, get down." I said, aiming my gun.
The creature roared and kicked Ace back, which must've been hard, because Ace passed out on impact.
I muttered something and the creature turned towards me.
"Adelaide!" I heard Grecia call.
I ignored it and ran towards the creature, my gun towards its head.
It kicked me back, but not hard, so I managed to get back up, I shot at it's head, almost killing it immediately. It struggled for a minute, but then it just stopped.
I ran over to Ace. I checked his pulse. He was still alive.
I sighed in relief and turned to Grecia, who kicked me in the head, hard enough so I'd pass out, but just before I did, I head three new voices, Lazari, Adney, and Sky.

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