I'm one hundred percent going crazy

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I've decided against retiring son from becoming my boyfriend. Son stays son until son is comfortable not being son.
Another morning. I hate mornings.
It was also Monday so either the airport will be less busy or way more busy.
Son was not waking up.
I guess I'm going to have to throw him.
Or just wake him up.
"Mother I swear with you."
"Wake up we're flying to California."
"Mom if I fake sick do I still have to go."
"Yes you would but now you don't even get to try."
He rolled off the bed.
"Son if you give yourself a concussion your going to have to deal with that the entire flight and for the rest of your life." I said pulling him to his feet.
"But I'm hungry."
"I'm sure there's a Dunkin Donuts somewhere."
He groaned.
"Son I'm going to pack a suitcase."
"Get me my entire pride section in my closet."
"That's your entire closet."
"Get it."
"Yes ma'am."
Son obeyed. Son is a very good listener. I like son.
"Son go find something to put that in."
"Okay mother."
I smirked. Son makes me proud.
Me and son spent a million years trying to get all my gay crap in bags. Now we shall leave. Son will be very happy to see his besties again.
The airport wasn't that busy. That's good. Son got Dunkin' Donuts. Son is not hangry anymore. We boarded the plane. Son does not like heights. Much less planes. I like planes. I got the window seat. The plane landed. Son is now very happy we are off the plane. Well now we're back in California. Son was mad for needing to wake up so early. I was happy. I gave son my headphones to listen to Mrbeast's outro on loop. He is happy now.
"You see that weird looking big house over there?"
"You mean the one that has palm trees?"
"I guess so yeah."
"Sure what about it."
"Your bestie lives there."
"You mean Jaxson? Or Grecia? I have many besties, because people like me so much."
"Yes son."
He smirked "I'm a very likable person."
"That's for sure."
"I'm also very cute so people like to be friends with me."
"Oh please you've probably never dated anyone."
"Actually I've dated two guys before I met you."
"Oh really."
"Yes, one was in my dreams, the other was straight."
"How's that work."
"He told me he wasn't but he was."
"How do you know."
"The way we broke up was him saying 'I'm straight I never loved you and your weird."
"Ah very kind."
"Very kind indeed."
"Let me hold your hand while we cross the street son." I said.
"Yes mother."
"I've never dated anyone."
"Let me be the first."
"Oh son your very intelligent."
"Yep I'm a genius."
"Except I was going to ask you that so now your grounded."
"So no?"
"No it's actually a yes but since you asked first I'm mad now."
"Oh come on."
"You've disobeyed your mother so I'm very mad."
"Can I change your mind?"
"No son."
"If we're going to be a 'thing' you have to stop calling me son."
"Oh okay then, what am I supposed to call you, hubby?"
"Well then I'm stumped."
"Okay then."
"Hold on hold on." I stopped walking.
"That means ass in Spanish."
"I know what it means."
"Flattering." He rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Wow you really are the nicest person."
"You are very stupid."
"Yes I know you just called me it in Spanish."
"Shut up."
"Make me."
He's very good at making me shut up. All he had to do was just kiss me.
"There." He said.
I blushed "Asshole."
"If this were the hunger games I'd kill you."
"Well that's not to nice"
"Did I ask?"
"Well then I'll kill you, Ace."
"Wow it's so nice to hear my name after being called son for three days."
"I can start calling you son again."
He flipped me off.
"Scratch that, I don't need a hunger games I'll just kill you regardless."
"It doesn't need to be the hunger games, we live in a world like a twisted hunger games. We already basically have it."
"Shut up."
"Now that's not nice at all."
"I will dump your ass off here and let Grecia deal with you."
"Jokes on you Grecia would gladly take me in."
"Actually jokes on you, Grecia would take you to a homeless shelter and say she found you on the streets and didn't know what to do with you."
"I look to clean."
"Hold on." I scooped up some dirt from the side of the road and threw it at him."
He brushed the dirt off his shirt "Now that was just mean."
"Don't start."
"Start what."
"Lying in the middle of the road and crying like a baby."
He scoffed "oh please, I only do that on highways."
I faltered "And how are you still alive?"
I opened the front door to Jaxson's house. No I did not want to knock. Nor did I intend on it for anyone's house.
"Besties I'm here!" I yelled.
"Bestie you can knock!" Grecia yelled from another room.
"Knocking is overrated."
"Is your boyfriend with you?"
"No I left him in Canada."
"Sucks to be him."
"Love you too!" Ace yelled.
"Why'd you lie? You got my hopes up for nothing."
"Because I like doing that."
She walked into the room. She had changed over three months. Her hair was shorter, her voice was losing the Australian accent, she got a nose ring and is now surprisingly better at makeup.
"I missed you." She said hugging me.
"Awww I didn't miss you one teeny bit." I smiled.
"You suck."
"I'm your sister I'm going to suck."
"Well your boyfriend probably missed me more than you could ever miss me."
"Yeah Adelaide, suck on that." Ace grinned.
"I like your hair." I told her.
"I donated it." She said. Her hair was uneven and really short but she made it look good. Unlike how it was before, it was now brown and pink.
"And when did you gain makeup skills?"
"Lazari taught me."
"Oh yeah I forgot about her."
"Yeah and I forgot about you, when I remembered you were still alive I got sad." She said.
"Yeah and whenever I see your face I think 'I'm so glad I don't look like her, no one likes pigs.'"
"First of all, you need to work on insults and second of all, we are identical twins."
"Oh please your the uglier one."
She raised her eyebrows "Are you sure miss rat face?"
"Ladies, have we forgotten the actual prettiest person in this room?" Ace asked.
"Oh yeah... where is Lazari?"
"No, me, dipshit."
"Ew, never mind."
"That's just jealousy." He said smoothing his hair with his hand. It didn't do anything, his hair is just naturally going to curl.
"Oh please what is there to be jealous of."
"Lots of things." He checked his nails, which looked like a toddler painted them purple, which a toddler probably did paint them purple. "like my fashionable sense."
She scoffed "That? I've seen more fashion on a blob fish."
"And I've seen more attitude on a chimpanzee."
"You look a chimpanzee."
"And you're about to look like my mom."
"Isn't your mom dead."
"Let's not kill anyone." I said.
"You ruin everything." He said.

The Bloodshed of WinterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin