Blood Night

By SCP-5127

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After Belos petrified Eda, Luz is left alone in the Owl House regretting not being able to stop it. In her so... More

New Blood
Waning Crescent
Third Quarter
Waning Gibbous
Full Moon
Waxing Gibbous
First Quarter

Waxing Crescent

664 28 5
By SCP-5127

---Eugene Court's Diary---

--Morning of July 17, 2026

I will write in this journal in hopes that someone finds it if the worse comes to be. We, the witches, got hit hard last night we have lost Lilith Clawthorne, our leader, and almost half of the population, those who didn't become a drink for the vampires, either became a slave or a ghoul either way a fate worse than anything.

I don't know if we are going to last, our leader Morgan, reassure us that we are going to be fine and we are going to be victorious, but we all know the truth, we are going to die or be turned into a plaything for vampires.

My family... also died, I fail to save them... so I will fight to the bitter end.

--Night of July 17, 2026

It is so quiet!! There is not a single sound on the streets tonight, I have a bad feeling. I don't like this!!

What was that!!!?

Everyone is like me, we are all scared, some are resorting to illuminate the entire place. Like that is going to work, those damn vampires are immune to light magic. What are we supposed to do!? I can't sleep, not with the terror that at any moment the vampires might attack, that it. I know what they are doing!! They are trying to let our guard down to take us by surprise!!

Well, that not going to work!! I am going to stay up all night, I will not let you catch me with my pants down. No way!!

--Morning of July 18, 2026

I cannot keep my eyes open... I want to sleep... Nothing is going to happen, right? Yeah... Nothing will happen... I will sleep...

--Night of July 18, 2026

We got hit... They attack in the morning but the thing is it was quick they didn't slaughter everyone, I mean sure, Stew and Chris were killed but other than them, no one is injured.

What is going on?

--Morning of July 31, 2026

We cannot get a read on their attack. They are attacking us so bizarrely... they attack one night then the next night they don't and when we think that they attack night-morning, morning-night, they don't attack us at all.

Maybe we can... what is that? 


--Night of July 31, 2026

They got us good, we are down to nearly 250 members, this might sound a lot but take into consideration we had 450 members this morning... we got hit huge time... we can't keep our guard down.

Morale is incredibly low... our brothers in arms... our ex-brothers in arms came to attack us... they were lead by our ex-leader, Lilith Clawthorne... Morgan still jabbering about how we are going to win this war.

Such a load of bullshit... if I die, my only regret is not taking Miss Clawthorne offer... Maybe things would be different, had I taken her hand that night...

--Morning of August 10, 2026

The Vampire Queen attacked us last night, by herself, she did so much damage to us... we did nothing to her... we couldn't do a damn thing!!

Why are we fighting!? What the fucking point!? The enemy leader came to us alone and we couldn't do a damn thing to her!! Morgan still jabbering about our victory, we are getting sick and tired of him, he does nothing but give us horrible places to try to defend the town, yet has made no effort in investigating our magic so we can be more effective.

Worse of all, he stays at the back of the line, hiding during attacks, he does nothing for us and he contributes jack shit!!

Why do we keep listening to him!?

--Night of August 20, 2026

What is that monster!? That thing isn't a vampire, that thing is just that a Monster.

Wait, Patrick don't go!!

Patrick's head... it ate Patrick's head, Patrick call that thing the Owl Lady... that has to be a lie!! I have seen the Owl Lady... I saw her execution, she at least had a mind, reason, logic... this thing has none of that... Wait, there is something on top of that thing, is that a person?

She got down and is... talking to the Owl Lady? Please don't tell me that the Owl Lady's curse is the cause of this weird monster. She transforms back!! She really is the Owl Lady!! The person who was on her back went towards Cassidy... she bites her!!

Cassidy is okay, she let her go... she is talking to her... could it be that she likes her blood and want to keep her... Cassidy is drinking her blood!!

The Owl Lady saw me!!

Please don't find me, please don't find me, please don't find me, please don't find me, please don't find me!!!

--Morning of August 30, 2026

I cannot go on... we cannot go any longer... We killed Morgan just now, he did nothing for us but get us killed, we are going to give up... the guys don't want to die... I won't be so lucky... I left the tents and I am in my old home... I cannot go on... Please forgive me, Maria, Ellie but I am not strong enough to go on.

Whoever finds this journey, please bury me next to my family... don't insult me... I know I am taking the coward's way but what else am I suppose to do? There is nothing but pain and suffering... my home, broken... my family, gone... I have nothing to live for... nothing to strive for.

---Luz's Pov---

A soldier until the last moment and what was your reward by the end of all the bloodshed? Was it a beautiful place? A place you can call home? A place you can return and be happy? No, it gave you nothing but pain and suffering and with the rest of the pain and suffering you had, you choose the path to take that pain and suffering away from you forever. I close the journal and turn around to see the soldier's body hanging from the wood beam.

"Take his body down and bury it with his family"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Why are you even burying him?" Amity said.

"I may be a villain, a monster, but I have principles"

"Still don't see the reason"

"I had family members who were soldiers, Amity, few of them ended up like him... Humans also had a common principle, don't desecrate a dead man corpse, pay respect even if they were a piece of shit"

"So you still have some humanity to you"

"Yes, my mother wanted me to keep them, she said it would make me a better leader and it also is very useful to manipulate people" I started to walk to the front door.


"What do you think would happen had I desecrated that man's corpse? Instead of showing sympathy and pity"

"Nothing, you would have gained nothing"

"Exactly, now his family grave is at the other side, what do you think they would think when they see that, we vampires, respect their dead?"

"They will open to us?"

"Yes, they will, 'We may conquer the land but that doesn't mean we conquer the citizen's heart' that is something I learn back in the human realm and it stuck with me"

"So you don't really care about them"

"Of course I care, where else would I get blood, who wouldn't care for their livestock?"

Amity grabs my hand and smiles at me, we walk hand in hand to Bonesborough's ruin. I see that many witches' soldiers have taken their hoods off, as their comrade goes by, perfect, now they would think we care for them.

"Your majesty" Alexander calls out.

"Yes, General?"

"I was wondering what are you going to do to the soldiers"

"Nothing, why?"

"Nothing, it just that many vampires want to use them as target practice"

"Don't do that, we just conquer them we need them to think that we care for them. Also, tell the others not to make everyone a ghoul, we need some who are free so we can get more livestock"

"Of course your majesty"

The general leave. "Livestock, huh?"

"What's wrong Eda?"

"Nothing I just never thought that I would consider them just that, livestock and not another living thing"

"Well because of your curse you have to eat the flesh of your prey"

"I am not complaining, it tastes really good after all"

*Sigh* "There is going to be so much work... I don't want to do anything for at least 100 years"

"We can't have that, you are the queen and you need to ensure everything runs smoothly, and only after that, you can be lazy" Amity explain.

"So harsh"

"Come on, mija, everyone has a lot of stuff to do," Mami said.

"Can I less have a day off?"

"No, but don't worry I'm going to be with you to help you" Amity reassure me.

Ah, this is going to be a long and boring thing to do.

---Time jump---

"Eda, calm down, it not like she is going to say no"

"But, there is a chance that it could happen" Eda's voice sounded nervous.

"Eda, mami love you and you love her, she has been teasing you with marriage for months now, she will say yes before you can even begin your sentence"

"You are right... but what if?"

Lilith enters the room. "Edalyn why are you still here?"

"She is a nervous wreck, who can get out of this room and propose to her girlfriend"

"It is easy for you to say, you already did this" Eda screamed.

"Yes and she did it in front of all the most influential vampires," Amity said as she enters the room.

"In front of that many people... do you know what embarrassment means?" Eda responded.

"If you have seen some of the dresses I had to put before I became queen, you would understand why I don't have any more shame in me"

"Anyway, everyone knows about you and Camila, everyone is now just wondering who is going to propose first," Lilith said.

"I know but I'm too nervous"

"Eda, just go out there and ask the question, aren't you the witch who evaded Belos for years?"

"You are right, I can do this, this is not difficult... I am was the greatest witch"

"Then go"

Eda leaves the room and we follow her, she goes up to Camila and drops to one knee, before she can ask the question Camila screams yes. Camila begins to kiss Eda, Eda returns the feeling back by bringing her close to her and kissing.

"Finally, it took an hour of convincing but we did it"

"Now that this is out of the way, I was thinking to take some time to plan our wedding," Amity said.


"Mija! Look, Eda propose to me"

"Yes, I saw. A beautiful blood crystal"

"Yes, How many do you think were sacrificed to made  it?"

"Well, seeing how clean and transparent it is, I will say between 800 to 1,200 lives... maybe even more"

"Only the best for the best woman in the world," Eda said.

"Such cliche thing to say"

"Come, Luz, you need to do something," Amity said as she pulls my arm.

I say goodbye and walk alongside Amity to the new Bonesborough, everything was like it used to be, with the exception that we vampires are the rulers. By now most people enjoy and think of having us vampires as a blessing, new technologies, medicines, jobs, and opportunities have come with us been in control of the Isles. We continue walking and headed to a specific store, once there we are greeted and Amity excitedly went to see one of the wedding dresses.

"Soon, we will officially be married"

"Yes, and my last name will change into Noceda"

"Amity Noceda, I like how it sounds but it also doesn't sound so good"

"Who cares as long as we are happy"

"That is true"

"Will you let your mother and Eda get married first?"

"Yes, so she can be family when I marry she can be there as one"

"Hopefully, it doesn't take long"

"Do you know your mother-in-law? Knowing her she already has everything planned out"

"You are right"

The doorbell rings and Eda and Camila walk in.

"See what did I told you?"

"Luz? What are you doing here?" Eda said.

"Amity wanted to see wedding dress and try few on"

"Well, if that the case, you and Luz go around town, meanwhile me and Amity try and judge one another" Mami propose.

I could see that Amity was excited at the idea of surprising me with how she would look in a wedding dress. I turn to see Eda who also could see it, I walk up to her and we just exchange glances and went outside.

"I really wanted to see her in a wedding dress," Eda said.

"Me too, me too. Come on, we should do something in the meantime"

"Yeah, yeah I know"

---Time Skip, 1 year---

"Do I look good? Does this dress make me look fat?" Camila asked.

"You look good mami, come on, your wedding is about to start"

I put the veil on her and guided her to where the altar was. The music started playing and we began walking in, usually, the father would be doing this but mami father thinks she is dead so nothing we can do about that. we soon reach the altar and mami and Eda interlock hands. The priest begins to recite their wedding vows, to let anyone speak if they are against it. After silence, the priest tells Eda that she can now kiss her bride, Eda remove the veil and kisses Camila, applause, and cheers can be heard. After the ceremony was over the after-party can start. Vampires of all status come to congratulate them on this special day. On what happened at the party, not many people can remember what actually happen after the 5th bottle of alcohol.

a few months later, it was our wedding day. I stood at the altar waiting for my gorgeous bride to walk down the aisle, since I am the queen, this wedding is public and everyone was allowed to come. I will not lie when I say most if not all citizens came to this wedding. Soon, the music started to play and everyone went silent, I watch Amity in arms with Alador walk down the aisle. A beautiful wedding dress and a beautiful bride, she reaches the altar and we grab hands. The priest starts to talk, I completely space out, seeing Amity in her dress perfectly showing the perfect curves of her body, tightly around her body.

"Do you Amity Blight, take Luz Noceda, as your partner?"

"I do"

"Do you Luz Noceda, take Amity Blight, as your partner?"

"I do"

"And if someone has an objection has to why this two should wed, speak now or silence forever"


"You can now kiss the bride"

I remove the veil, lean in, and kiss Amity, sealing us in forever matrimony. Cheers and applause could be heard all around us we walk, arm in arm, down the aisles, and into the carriage where we will next go to the after-party. At the party all the kingdom was there, it was a huge festivity, after all, their queen got married. A lot of gifts were brought to congratulate us on this joyous day, the celebration went on until 7 in the morning at that point most people were either asleep or starting to go home. Amity and I were already at the castle by 8, I carry Amity to the bed and pin her down.

"Our night is only starting"

"I can see that, I will not let you go to sleep"

"I love you"

"I love you too, my bat"

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