๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ, Siri...

By nyctophiliapoetry

152K 4.2K 3.4K

"Thank you." "For what?" "Being there for me." "Like I said, I'll be by your side for eternity." โ€ขMarauders e... More

new characters
new characters


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By nyctophiliapoetry

~ broaden your minds~

This chapter is rather long... sorry? Not sorry? I don't know..


Remus and I were sitting in the library doing charms homework, when a shy voice disturbed us.

"Uhm hello... are you Talea Lupin?"

I looked up to see a girl, probably first year, wearing a Ravenclaw tie.

"At your service."

She handed me a letter and turned around quickly. I looked at Remus in confusion while opening the letter.

Dear Miss Lupin
Your first divination lesson with Professor Camplyn will take place in the Divination classroom after dinner today.
Albus Dumbledore

"What does the letter say?" asked Remus.

"Dumbledore told me to meet Professor Camplyn after dinner, I'm off, I've finished my homework and I think I'll tell Sirius about the letter."

"Alright, see you later." I waved at him and rushed out of the library but as soon as I turned the corner, I bumped into someone once again.

"Shit" I groaned and was just about to get up again when a hand helped me up. I looked up to see the same guy that I ran into the other day when I wanted to go to potions.

He smiled at me and said "We have to stop meeting like this."

I laughed and replied "Yeah, you could think that I will still suffer serious damage from it. I'm Talea Lupin."

He shook my hand and answered "I'm Calix Walker, seventh year Hufflepuff. Aren't you Remus cousin?"

"Sadly, are you guys friends?"

"I wouldn't say friends but we have studied together a few times. So, where are you going?"

"I just came from the library but I have nowhere special to go, not like last time."

He chuckled and replied "Wanna go to the kitchens with me?"


We went down to the kitchens, talking about all sorts of things on the way. Calix was Hufflepuff through and through, I realised that in the first few minutes of our conversation. He was very loving and loyal, he talked about his friends as if they were the best thing that had ever happened to him. He told me that he was a half-blood and had a little sister who was also in Hufflepuff. I didn't realise how quickly the time passed as we sat at a small table in a corner of the kitchens. We laughed a lot and his presence was really pleasant, it was as if all my worries and problems disappeared as soon as he started talking. We were talking about Quidditch when the someone stormed into the room.

"Talea! have you been here all this time? You have to go, supper will be over soon and you know you have somewhere else to be. Hello Calix, sorry to bother you" Remus said out of breath.

"Shit, have we really been here that long? Sorry Calix, I have to go now but let's meet up again soon!"

"Sure, have fun." He smiled at me and waved.

Remus dropped into one of the chairs and said, still out of breath, "I think I'll stay here for a while."

Calix seemed pleased about this and I just grinned "Sure, see you later Moony!"

I hurried to the divination classroom and knocked on the door, which swung open without an answer and I entered.

I had divination at Beauxbatons but never at Hogwarts because I never saw any benefit in the subject. Looking back, I can say that I was never bad at it and could occasionally make a prediction, but I was never good enough to think I had a possible gift.

Everything was lit with dim, crimson light, the curtains were closed and the many lamps were draped with dark red scarves. It was stiflingly war and the room smelled like tea, some sort of plants and a sort of perfume. The shelves running around the circular walls were crammed with dusty-looking feathers, stubs of candles, many packs of old tarot cards, countless silvery crystal balls and a huge array of teacups.

At a wooden desk sat an old but kind looking women with a huge smile plastered on her face. The professor was wearing a loose pink shirt with a fluffy white jacket and a hat decorated with butterflies. Several golden chains were wrapped around her neck and long grey hair peeked out from under the hat. The clothes didn't really go well together, but before I could say anything, a friendly voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hello Miss Lupin, have a seat. Do you want a biscuit?"

I sat down but denied the offer.

"I'm professor Grace Camplyn but I think you already know that."

"Nice to meet you professor, may I ask if Dumbledore already told you about my uhm- dreams or about what happened on my birthday?"

"He did and please call me Grace, I don't want this kind of lesson to feel like a normal school session, but more like a meeting between friends. I look forward to teaching you my knowledge and helping you, if you don't like something please tell me, I don't want the aura in this room to become negative."

I was a little surprised that she was so nice and obliging but I answered with a smile "Of course prof- Grace."

"This is the first meeting but I don't want this to be our first real lesson. I will give you some notes to help you prepare for the lesson. Today I want you to tell me exactly how you perceive your visions.


It was a day after the meeting with Grace and I sat in the common room, reading through the notes the professor gave me. During the lesson I told her about my perceptions and feelings during the visions and she asked me questions about my life and about special events to understand me better. Grace explained the basics of divination and she told me how her first visions felt. I was pleasantly surprised by the whole experience as I was not expecting much from the class, but I found interest in the way Professor Camplyn explained it. I pushed away my thoughts and concentrated on the notes.

Whether you're looking to discern hidden aspects of the past, present or future, the skills of a seer or clairvoyant are available to anyone with sufficient mental discipline to master them. Though you may believe that psychic gifts are inherent and cannot be learned, a rigorous process of self-exploration and diligent practice can help you discover and release your own latent seer's gifts.

Calm your mind:

Meditate regularly. For a basic meditation, sit or lay down somewhere comfortable, close your eyes, and breathe slowly and deeply while trying to relax your body as much as possible. Focus on your breath and let your mind drift while trying not to think. Then drift in a light trance state for a while, then work on exploring your mind and meditate on the idea of spiritual and clairvoyant openness. These tools are designed to help you identify and what it means to you. Your subconscious will gradually awaken to this intention if you meditate for a few minutes every day. Meanwhile, you will carry more of the calm, trance-like state into your everyday life while becoming more aware of the workings of your inner mind, t you will get better at understanding your visions and get less scared/panicked, which may lead to your visions ending sooner than necessary.

I would need a quiet place to do meditate, the common room is always full and I think I get a bit of a strange stare when I lie there on the floor. My room is the main meeting place for Lily, Alice, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary, so I doubt I will find my peace there. The boys' room? Hardly.

"What is bothering your beautiful mind love?" I jerked up to look into familiar grey eyes and blushed at the nickname.

"When did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago, but you were to engrossed into your notes to see me."

I smirked and replied "It's not like you're worth my attention."

Sirius faked gasped and said "You hurt me deeply."

I giggled and leaned back into the couch "I need a quiet place to mediate, Grace told said it would help me to understand my visions and to calm my mind."

"I know of a place, come on." He pulled me up and pulled me out of the common room.

"Where the hell are we going?" Sirius was currently pulling me up the fifth staircase.

"You'll see."

So, I let him pull me along and I noticed that our hands were still intertwined. A tingling feeling rushed through my body and I blushed again. Why am I blushing?

"We have reached our destination milady" Sirius spoke.

I looked at him as if he was no longer quite thinking straight. "You pulled me along for minutes just to show me a wall?"

Sirius chuckled and shook his head "Not quite."

He walked up and down the wall until a door appeared.

I gasped and looked at him in wonder "How did you do that? What is this?"

"James and I found this room when we were running from Filch. It always changes to what you need at the moment."

"Then why isn't it at the Marauders Map?"

"We only found out a few weeks ago but we couldn't draw it on the Marauders map as we don't have the exact dimensions of the room and we never will as the room is always changing. However, we need them for the spell to work on the map, so we decided to just show you the room and it's our little secret. Now stop asking questions and come in."

He grabbed my hand again and led me into a room with high ceilings painted with royal blue and gold flowers. The room was lit with a warm light and candles were scattered around the room. The floor was covered with a huge beige carpet and there was a large couch in the centre of the room. There were rows of bookshelves on the walls and the whole room radiated a warm aura.

"Wow, this place is beautiful."

"And quite enough for meditation?"

I chuckled "And quiet enough for meditation."


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