Grindelwald's Soft Side (Not...

By Ashly112233

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This story is about Gellert Grindelwald when he start to know what his assistant were going throw in her life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

302 11 3
By Ashly112233

Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well and feeling good.😘

!WARNING: this chapter contain HARMING PEOPLE
if you can't read it please just go on next chapter.!!

You and Grindewald were on the bench and then you finely start to talking about your childhood :

When you were 12 years old in your old "home":

"Todora (Ashly's mother) you slut come here right now" Ashlys father Markus yell.
Teodora: no you won't do it again, you will leave our daughter alone
Markus: in your dreams.
T: she is just a child you can't do this to her
M: hahah....of course I can, I made her you stupid whore.
T: she is just a child. (crying)
M: I don't care about your opinion.

Markus went to Ashlys room and drag her downstairs. Then he beat and raped her in front her mothers eyes. Ashleys mother couldn't to anything because she was thight on the chair. Ashley was completely quiet and didn't even try to get away because she know that if she try to escape it will be just worse. After her father leave she start crying and collapse on floor like always. She was just 12years old little girl who wasn't capable to win against her father. Teodora and Ashley couldn't run away because they were always locked up  and if they escape nobody would believe what happening at their home. Ashleys father was important man in Ministry of Magic and nobody believe that he is capable to do that to his family.
Ashley wasn't aloud to go to school because she could told someone what her father was doing. This would ruin his reputation. Ashly and her mother was always locked up in their rooms and they didn't have any visitors.

When Ashly was 14 her mother do a suicide. Then situation become even harder for Ashly. She was alone and nobody can try to convince her father to stop from harming her or just make it easier. She was raped almost every day by her father. Sometimes he brought some of his basters who he called friends and they raped her together. His "friends" didn't doing the same thing to their families because they were scared to be caught. They just using Ashly like a doll.

One day when she was 17 years old and her father was at work she finally escape. She didn't care about what will happen if her father caught her, she just want go away from him. She didn't have place to go so she sleep on street. She work like waiters for really low payment becausel she needed money to survive.

When Grater Good start to rising she join them. The leader of Grater Good was Gellert Grindewad her boss. She join them because she want that people at Ministry of Magic suffer for what they did to her. When she was raped there were also some people from Ministry.
(That is what happened to Ashley)

After she tell story to Grindewald she start crying. He immediately hug her. She then start to have panic attack. She start to shaking. Grindewald didn't know what to do then he kiss her because some people say that kiss help with panic attacks. (I saw that on tik tok I don't know if it's true but its good for story. Lol.)  It was soft kiss.

G: sshhh... Ashley you're with me now and nobody won't hurt you.
G: yes Ashley I promise. You are safe here.

They were sitting on the bench in silence.

Grindewalds pov. :

In his taughts:

I was surprised when I hear what happened to her.
I wish he wasn't dead that I could torchered him until he would beg that I kill him. I'm so angry that he do this to Ashly. She deserves better life. I will help her. I must help her. But does she want my help?? What if she is scared that I would do the same to her??? I want help her. It is okay that I kiss her. I hope that I didn't scared her. What will she say??? What should I say??? Must I apologize to her???......
He thought about this. He first time in his life didn't know what to say.

Ashleys pov. :

In her taughts:
"He kiss me. What that mean??? Does he feel something for me??
No Ashley he just want to use you like every other man."

You still crying.

Grindewald read your taughts but you don't notice. Then he spoke:
G: Ashley I would never use you.
(You just look at him)
G: listen I understand that you don't trust men but I want help you. Please don't be scared of me.

You still just looking at him. Then he spoke. He is really sad almost crying.

G: Ashley look everyone is scared of me. You were only one who wasn't. I would never use you. Please.....don't be scared of me.
*he strat crying a little*
Ashley please.....I don't want scared you. You are only person who just a little care for me, you are the only person I can trust. Don't leave me Ashley please....
I don't want to be alone anymore......

A: sir.... why you even care about me.... I want to hear truth this time.
G: because.... I love you Ashley.....I love you from the first day I meet you. You are the most perfect, caring, kind woman that I know. When I meet you I could feel something special about you. You are so special.

You are in shock because his words.

G: please say something....Ashley the truth is that I love you... I don't know what will I do without you in my life.
A: I don't know what to say. I really like you too. But I don't know if I can be in relationships with guy right now.
G: Ashley I don't ask you for be my girlfriend....just stay with me.
A: okay... I will stay probably because I don't have anywhere else to stay.
G: sorry for asking that but do you really like me???
A: ......yes sir. (you are really embraced that you have feelings for him) but like I say I'm not ready for relationships right now.
G: it's okay. Just know that when you will be I will be waiting for you.

You two still sitting on the bench and is start to getting darker so you two are on the way back to castle. You are cold and he gave you his jacket. You are happy that he like you but after what happened to you, you don't trust men.

When you arrive in castle you go to your room and he go to his. You still have his jacket but you didn't really realize that.
You went to shower and after that you fall asleep in tears.

1155 words. LOL.

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