When Sparks Fly (Agere Story)

By littleafterhours

16.8K 570 117

Sero, Denki, and Ojiro age regression story. Little Kami has a euphoric life with his caregivers....or does h... More

🧸⚡️~Chapter 1~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 2~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 3~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 4~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 5~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 6~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 7 ⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 8~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 9~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 10~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 11~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 12~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 13~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 14~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 15~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 16~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 18~⚡️🧸
🧸⚡️~Chapter 19~⚡️🧸

🧸⚡️~Chapter 17~⚡️🧸

515 14 4
By littleafterhours

Mainly SeroKami in this chapter!

It had been a long day of school, we did nothing but training and I was drained. I just wanted to chill so I got a monster, I had to start hiding them in my room because of Iida, and sat on the ground. I was happy I could finally relax but I heard a knock on my door so I hid my unopened monster and told whoever it was to come in. It was Sero "Hey babe!" He said walking in "Hey" I let out a sigh to which he gave me a weird look in response "Something up?" "Nah, just a long day. Wanna play video games?" "Only until dinner time, after that we need to get you in bed." I huffed at him "I'm not little right now you know..." I sounded a little more annoyed and mean than I meant to but none the less it still got my point across. "I know but we have to keep to a schedule or else it's pointless to have one for little you." "Yeah yeah whatever." I handed him a controller but before I hit play I took out the monster "Please don't drink that before bed baby." I smirked. I looked between him and the can before popping it open and chugging it "Denki Kaminari! I just told you bedtime was soon!" I finish the drink, getting up to set the can in my closet with the rest "Yeah I know, I have ears..." he gave me the nastiest look "I'm sorry?" I knew he meant it as in a *what did you just say* sense but I was done "Apology accepted!" He held my gaze "I don't think you know who you are speaking to so I will give you a few more seconds to apologize and clean up your attitude." "Whatever" I went back to playing my games but he paused it "Kaminari, I don't care if you are little or not, you will not speak to me this way. If something is wrong you need to tell me what's wrong baby?" "I told you I'm not little I don't need to be I just want to play my games, see it's simple! Nothing is wrong ok?!" Sero sighed and let me go. I was surprised but didn't hesitate to unpause my game. The conversation kept replaying in my head and soon I realized I was having a hard time playing the game. My mind was getting fuzzy but I didn't want to stop playing because I just started and the fact that I had fought him so hard on it. I knew I was slipping but I didn't want his help or anyone else's. I sat there a moment debating what to do. I decided to save my game, once Sero heard it pause he looked at me, I just got up and changed my clothes. First I tried putting on pants but struggled to much to put them on so I just threw them across the room. Then I tried putting a hoodie on but I put it on backwards and when I tried to turn it around I got stuck. Sero tried to come over and help me "Nu! Go way, don need help!" He sighed and sat back down. I eventually fixed it and sat back down still not wanting to try and put pants on. "Dinner is in just a few minutes so you know you have to put those pants on. I could help?" "No!" I shouted quickly in response "Look, just because you are mad doesn't mean you can yell at me when I am talking normally and offering my help. So stop yelling please." I looked between him and the pants then turned around. Deku came to tell us dinner was ready a few minutes later just as Sero said would happen. Deku left and I refused to put pants on one last time before Sero left to go eat dinner. "Fine! Bye bye..." I yelled as he shut the door to which he gave me no response. I sat finally content with myself before it all actually set in. I yelled at Sero and now he's mad, he left without me, I'm really hungry and want to go eat but I can't put the pants on, I can't do anything right now and it was my choice. I sit just a little while longer before trying to put on pants again. It took a while, but I finally got them on and walked out to the common room. "Well well well, look who finally joined us~" I hid my face and walked up to him. He was holding my plate and I took it from him without saying anything. He fixed my pants without exchanging words and I sat down at the table next to Mina and Kirishima. Sero was talking to Oji and Deku across the room. Kirishima was trying to talk to me but I was staring holes into Sero's back. All of a sudden I heard Sero "Denki Kaminari, get that look off of your face right now or you'll be writing lines all night." The whole room went silent but Sero just went back to normal. He finished up the conversation and came to sit down next to me. I just sat playing with my food. Mina was first to break the silence "That's one nasty stare you're giving Denki. What did he do?" Sero chuckled "Do you want to tell them?" I looked him in the eyes and pleaded "I sowwy" he rolled his eyes "Nope, sorry isn't going to cut it this time. What you did was wrong and you know that. If you don't tell them, I will." I looked over to Kiri and Mina "I just pway games an he mad cause I was pwayin!" "Oh so your going to lie now?" "Not lyin!" "Yes you are and now you're yelling. What did I say about yelling. If I'm not yelling, it's not fair for you to yell at me." I took a breath and went back "not lyin..." "Really? Because I'm pretty sure I said we could play video games. I'm pretty sure you also didn't listen to me, yelled at me when it was the situation you were frustrated at, you talked back, you didn't take my help when you needed it, and for god sake's chugged a monster after I told you it was almost bedtime! (He's not yelling with the exclamation point he's just annunciating) Denki you need to realize how frustrated I am with you." I couldn't say anything "We can talk about this later when everyone isn't around. Now, do you need help eating?" "No..." I moved my plate away from him to which he let out a big sigh and got up to wash his plate off. I stabbed at my food but I couldn't pick it up. I tried again but still couldn't. I just felt so stupid that I couldn't do something as simple as eating my own food. I didn't want to feel stupid and helpless. That's how everyone made me feel and when I was little and needed help it felt 10x worse, I don't want to cause Sero or Oji anymore stress. I just sat there and started crying, hot tears rushing down my face without making a single sound. It wasn't one thing or another that made me snap, it was everything collectively. Oji was busy talking to Kiri and Mina so none of them noticed. I kept my head down and stayed silent. Sero came back in and automatically rushed over once he saw me. I grabbed onto him tighter than ever. "Hey hey it's ok baby, it's ok. Come on, talk to me." With my death grip not slipping off his shoulders anytime soon he picked me up and we went to the hallway. He sat down and put me on his lap and we sat there until I calmed down enough to speak. "Now do you wanna tell me what's really happening now baby?" I put my head on his chest "I so sowwy, I sowwy, reawwy reawwy, I swear I sowwy..." I start to cry hard again "I know you are, it's ok I forgive you. You are ok now. You're safe." He tries to calm me down but I really needed to just let it all out. Once I finally collected myself again he waits for me to talk this time "I just....it hard. Evewyone so scary and fink I big but I not big all da time, sometime I just be wittle and not as big as dem. So, see how hard?" He just nods "Oh yes baby, I see now. You feeling little more often now?" "Yeah but even if I not 'pposed to be wittle...." he just brings me closer "That's ok we can figure this out okay? We can have you be little more often outside of school so you don't feel like you need to fight it in school, sound good?" I nod and hum in content "Is that why you didn't want my help earlier? And why you wanted to do big kid things?" "Yeah, I wan show you I can be big an do it!" "I know you do but, you don't have to. I'm fine with my baby just as you are." He picks me up and brings me back to the table. He sets me down at the table and re-heats my food for me. Once he gets back, he helps me eat. It was nice, getting help felt nice again.
This was just a nice filler/transition chapter for the rest of the story, I really hope you enjoyed because I loved writing this one❤️

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