🧸⚡️~Chapter 18~⚡️🧸

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(Based on a real place I stayed at!)

     "It's a week long stay at a hotel with not one but TWO indoor water parks! One of them has a few different slides that lead to a big pool and the other one has smaller stuff for kids and a lazy river." We all sit there, jaws to the floor dumbfounded. "A-are you se-serious?" Oji inquires, and she reply's with a proud nod and we all start cheering again.

     All throughout the week I couldn't stop thinking about what we were going to do over summer break. We did need to do a lot of planning and fine tuning so we all gathered in Momo's room after school everyday. It's now Thursday and we are having our last meeting in Momo's dorm. "Ok so you all need to pack tonight. You can pack as much as you need to, trust me we have the space." there was a slight groan that came from Bakugo due to Momo 'bragging' but we all brushed it off. "We are leaving tomorrow right after school, there is just enough time for us to go to our dorms to change and grab our stuff then get to the car waiting for us. Don't be late!" We all disperse to our own rooms and start packing. I tried to focus on packing but when I went to pack my little stuff it just made my mind wander and eventually I forgot what I was doing. I started playing with Brodie and Cherry on my bed which led to me going under the blanket. We were hatching a plan to steal the hidden treasure from hundreds of years ago! But I got stuck under the blanket...there was a knock on my door "Ahh! Hewp me!" The door swung open "I tuck! I tuck! Hewp!" I was moving my body everywhere to get his blanket off but only ended up falling off the bed "You ok little one?!!?!" The blanket was pulled off of me to reveal Deku "Tank you, I jus scawed!" "Oh I know but it's ok now, I'll go get Dada and Daddy ok?" I grab his arm "No! Don leave.." he chuckled moving some hair out of my face "Ok, do you want me to call them?" I nod and bury my face in his arm. He cradles me and rocks me back in forth while on the phone with Oji and Sero. Once they get to the room they rush in and over to me and Deku "Dada! Daddy!" "Hey baby, are you alright?" Oji looked and sounded concerned "Mhm, Deku save me!" "That's great baby" he visibly relaxed so Sero decided to do the talking next "I'm so sorry we didn't think about it. We should have helped you pack and stayed with you." "It okay, I pwomise. I jus don know what 'm possed to do" all three of them laughed "That's ok, we can help sunshine." Oji gave me some tickles on the tummy to lighten the mood.

Deku left, deciding to go check up on Bakugo. Deku was already finished and was going around asking if anyone else needed help and that's why he came to my dorm. I was more sitting playing with my toys while Sero and Oji figured out what to pack "How much should we bring?" "She said as much as we need so just pack whatever you think, plus some?" "Yes not we also need to take into account what we could buy there and what we can't. If it's accessible then we don't have to worry, but if not we need to pack as much as humanly possible." "Well sure I guess but we don't need to take his whole dorm" "That's not what I'm saying! I'm just saying we should plan this out accordingly not just guess like everything else you-" I didn't want to hear them bicker any longer so I yelled "STOP!" They turned their heads towards me "Pwease, I tryin to pway an I don wan you two fightin. It scawy" they both sighed settling their argument and continued packing. I got bored eventually and started watching them. "What doin Daddy?" "Well, we finished getting all your clothes together so now I'm figuring out the little things we need to take for you." "Oh, an Dada?" "He's figuring out what hygiene things and other big boy things we need to bring." "Wow, you doin so much! Is it tuff?" "Nope! I finished packing up fairly quickly. I don't know about Dada though, maybe you can ask him when he's done?" I nod and take a seat in Sero's lap. I start to feel sleepy and I slowly sway back and forth in his lap. He soon takes notice "It's ok to go to sleep bub, you can lay in my lap. We can stay the night if you want us to?" I mumble out a quiet ok before laying my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.

Tomorrow was already here and we were just about ready to leave. I grabbed my bag and suitcase practically running to Sero and Oji's dorms. Repeatedly knocking on their doors, they finally came out and we all caught the elevator down. Deku and Bakugo got on one of the floors after us which just got me even more excited. When we got outside Momo and Jirou where already waiting for us. "Are you guys ready for the best summer break of your life?" We all whooped and went to put our stuff in the back of the car. Once everything was in we hopped in the car getting ready for the long drive ahead of us. "Choose your seat wisely because we are only making one stop!" Momo sat in the front with Jirou in the seat directly behind her. Bakugo and Deku sat next to Jirou with Deku in the middle. Sero Oji and I sat in the back with me in the middle. With everyone buckled up and seated, our adventure finally started.

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