🧸⚡️~Chapter 8~⚡️🧸

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     "Hey Ojiro! What's up?" Momo said first "Hey, yeah our little lightning bolt had a bit of an accident and we were wondering if we can stop by to get diapers. He says he's all out" "Of course! I'll bring them over so that you don't have to leave his side." "Sounds good, thank you so much!" "No problem" and with that the call ended and the little situation was resolved. He did all the fussing for something he didn't even have to worry about! Sero settled on a very fluffy brown bear onesie to put Denki in. It was one of his favorites so he had no objections. They sat for a minute trying to keep his mind off of everything while waiting for Momo. They managed to get his pants off of him but he was still embarrassed so he kept pulling his shirt down. A light knock was heard and Denki jumped up knowing exactly who it was. "Wait Denks you don't have-" Oji tried to warn him but he had already opened the door "-pants on. Welp your lucky it was Auntie" he just giggled and hugged Momo really tight. "I heard you had a little accident, you ok?" "Am now! But you be meanie secret teller" "Excuse me little man but I have kept all your secrets unless they needed to be told. I didn't even tell them that when you used to play with Jirou, she was the knight and you were the princess." He flipped his head towards his caregivers then back at Momo giving her a firm but playful hit on her arm and burying his face into her neck. "I think that's very cute." Oji called "I onwy did it cause she wanna be da boy" he mumbled. Momo chimed in "Is that why you sang a whole song about how you loved being a pretty pretty princess?" Another hit to her side made her chuckle "ok, ok, give me knuckles before I leave" they fist bumped "Are you that mad you aren't gonna do it?" He looked back at her still silent "Come on~" he huffed before letting out a small "Boom" she giggled one last time before leaving. Sero called him back over. Oji decided to try and distract him by having him say everyone's name in class while Sero was changing him. He was still embarrassed but it did help a little. After he was fully changed they all sat and watched Frozen together. Denki sang along to all the songs and convinced Sero and Oji to sing with him. They watched one more movie after that, Finding Dory! By the end of the movie Denks was half asleep but trying to fight it "Hey it's ok to go to bed if you're sleepy baby" Oji reassured him. "No! Gone leave an I won't haf Daddy and Dada no more" Sero heard this and joined in "Oh my little prince, we could never leave you. We will be here when you fall asleep and right here when you wake up ok? I promise!" Denki looks at both of them humming in content as his paci gets slipped into his mouth.

      The night was calm but morning arrived. *Thursday, almost done with the week!!*  he thought. Denki, being recharged, was doing well and focusing on his work. He felt pretty confident on the test they had and was the 5th person to turn it in! The day was like any other day and school was finally over. He was hanging out with his boyfriends in his room eating dinner and it was perfect. They all decided to sleep together tonight. Sero woke up first with Oji quick behind him. They wanted to let Denki sleep longer but if they waited, they would make it to school on time. Denki woke up feeling a little fuzzy. He though it was just because he was still waking up but after a few minutes he still felt fuzzy. He was kinda scared and he was really angry for no reason? He tried to hold back the tears but he didn't even know why they were there in the first place. Oji noticed first "Denks, babe? What's wrong?" Denki just looked into his eyes and clung to his shoulders. He put his head in Oji's chest and started crying. He finally realized what was happening, he was switching between headspaces. He didn't know what to do he just knew it wasn't going to be a fun day.... "Denki please what's wrong baby?" He lifted his head up and said one word "small" before bursting into more tears. Sero heard this and ran towards them "Hey guys it'll be okay! Let's all breath and calm down ok?" They all took a few breaths in sync with Sero. Oji didn't need it but he did it to help Denki. They sat a minute discussing what to do. Should Denki stay in the dorms? Should he just go to school? What if he slips? All the possibilities running through their mind. I mean it was his first time going to school little and he was a fussy little today. They finally settled. "Ok, let's get you ready for school but let's put a pull up on just in case." Denki groaned at the idea "A pull up won't show through pants, not like a diaper would ok?" He nodded wiping his final tears finally getting ready for school.

*Thank goodness* Denki thought. Today ended up being a makeup work day which really meant a free period. Denki hopped over to the circle with the rest of the class. Usually everyone just group and talk together with the exception of a few people who are by themselves. He sat right between Sero and Oji holding both of their hands. His mind was a little fuzzy but not to bad. He wasn't interested in whatever everyone was talking about so he decided to open his notebook and study. His mind wondered elsewhere and he start doodling on the next page. Soon doodles filled the whole page and he was smiling just like a little kid- wait... he didn't even realize he had slipped. He poked Sero and Oji then pointed to the pictures he had draw. He started giggling hoping they would like them, until he saw their faces. Sero leaned over and whispered in Denkis ear "That's a very pretty picture buddy, do you know where you are right now little man?" Denki shook his head "Ok, that's ok" he started whispering to Oji, Denki just watched in confusion. Then looked around the room. He tapped Sero and whispered back though he didn't know why they had to whisper in the first place "Dat Kiripima! An dat Jiwou, an Bakudo, an Auntie! Dada taught me dat remember?" "Yes baby, I remember when he had you name everyone good job! But you have to keep it down a bit ok? Can you listen to me while I tell you something?" Denki nodded "Good ok, so you are baby Denki right?" He nodded again "And they don't know you are baby Denki" Denkis heart sank after hearing those words. He turned towards Sero with glossy eyes. Before he even got a chance to freak out Mineta yelled from behind them "LOOK AT KAMINARI ACTING LIKE A LITTLE BABY! WAH WAH WAHHH." They thought they had been quiet, but I guess not quiet enough. He continued to make fun of Denki, this was just not his day after all.

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