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By Mei_Celeste

22.6K 761 240

"๐Œ๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐ˆ๐ ๐’๐ˆ๐‹๐„๐๐‚๐„. ๐Ž๐๐‹๐˜ ๐’๐๐„๐€๐Š ๐–๐‡๐„๐ ๐ˆ๐“'๐’ ๐“๐ˆ๐Œ๐„ ๐“๐Ž ๐’๐€๐˜ ๐‚๐‡๐„๐‚๐Š๐Œ๐€๐“๐„."... More

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1.5K 65 9
By Mei_Celeste

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Αποστολή •°*"˜.•°*"˜

THERE ARE FOUR royal families in the Clover Kingdom.

THESE FAMILIES are The House of Kira, The House of Vermillion, The House of Silva, and finally, The House of Solon.

THE HOUSE OF SOLON became part of the Royal Family because of the previous Duke who had slaughtered another demon who terrorized the City whilst the Wizard King was fighting another one too.

IT IS SAID that the previous Duke rivaled the Wizard King and possessed Dark Violet hair and violet eyes which represent the night sky.

IN EVERY MILLENNIUM, a child will be born and will possess these attributes and will become a Wizard Emperor.

THE DUKE HAD a unique four-leaf clover which is similar to the Wizard King back then. However, instead of having light powers and its grimoire having a bright design. It was the opposite of it all.

THE DUKE OF Solon possessed a Dark Magic and has a Dark Grimoire.

A LOT CLAIMED that he represents the Bad Luck whilst the Wizard King represents the Good Luck. The two represent a symbol similar to Yin and Yang. They need each other to balance their power and fate. Hence, explained why a four-leaf grimoire is important.


Chirps of birds can be heard as the light of dawn entered the room of our heroine. A breeze entered as her black curtains flowed quietly.

It was a peaceful morning, everything was quiet until a certain midget roared in determination as he cleaned the stoned floor of the base of Black Bulls.

Long dark violet eyelashes fluttered ever so gently as her peaceful slumber was interrupted. The scream was getting louder as Asta cleaned the floor of the violet-eyed beauty.

"That midget." Medea groaned as she grabbed one of her soft pillows and covered her head to at least lessen the loud disturbance.

After some time a knock was heard, making Medea cover herself more.

"Medea?" A voice that she was very familiar with called as she perked her head out of her thick black blanket.

"What?" Medea grumbled out as Noelle turned the doorknob seeing her friend still in bed.

Her white-haired companion rested her hand on her hips as she approached her dark violet-haired friend.

"It's morning."

"I'm aware."

"Then, dress up!" Noelle yelled making Medea wake up. Noelle turned her back at her, retreating from her room as she glared at the heir of the House of Solon, "If I don't see you at the cafeteria in 30 minutes then I will blast a cold water at your face." She threatened then close her door.

A sigh escaped Medea as she started to stretch and do her morning routine.


The members of the Black Bulls seated themselves on the large rectangular table inside the cafeteria. Luck, Asta, Noelle, Medea, Finral, and Gordon were seated beside each other respectively whilst Gouche, Magna, Vanessa, Charmy, and Grey were in front of them.

They slowly eat their breakfast as Medea eyed her breakfast while munching the meat inside her mouth, and an irritated look can be seen on her cold face. Black aura can be seen floating on her form making the others gulped except for Noelle and Asta who are having a conversation.

"Looks like someone woke up on the other side of the bed." Finral teased as he bites meat punctured on his fork, winking at her.

An irk mark appeared on her face as she placed down her utensils, 'Why am I surrounded by annoyance?' She thought as grabbed her cup of water and brought it to her lips, slowly drinking it.

Magna and Asta yelled at each other as Vanessa laughed. Finral looked at the two, "They're so energetic early in the morning." He complimented as Gordon quietly add a compliment too,
"Being energetic is good."

Medea slammed her glass of water on the table, "Indeed, being positive is great. However!" She opened her eyes, glaring menacingly at the duo. "A proper morning shouldn't be started with a scream. Lessen down your voice or I will not hesitate to obliterate you two."

Noelle sweatdropped at the reaction of her dear friend while the others laughed in amusement, finally seeing another emotion erupt in the beautiful cold face of their companion.

Medea muted the conversation of her guildmates as she focused on munching her breakfast.

Noelle and Asta looked at each of the members of their squad as they explained what a Magic Knight would do, their faces becoming doubtful as they hear their explanation.

Smoke started to appear above Medea as she waves her hand then looked at the source, seeing two Asta's facing each other. Then, saw Charmy force-feeding the real Asta a large chunk of meat.

"I had enough of this morning." Medea sighed as Noelle looked at her with a doubtful expression.

Suddenly, the door of the cafeteria was broken down as Yami kicked it open.

"Let's go, Magna." He said seriously, making Medea look at the called male.

"Yes, Captain Yami." He responded seriously as the Dark Violet-head beauty realized what they are about to do.

'They are going to gamble again.'

She tuned out the conversation and ate one of the sliced carrots with the use of her fork.

"Say, Lady Medea~" Finral called as the said lady glanced at him, "Are you free today?" He smiled as he waited for her answer.

"No." Medea blatantly said. He gave a disappointed look then thought of an idea as his eyes light up.

"Then, how about this weekend? You are free, right?"

She sighed as she placed her fork and eyed him, "Apparently, why?"

"Great! Then, make that slot for me only! I know a good place for us to bond~" He said happily he winked at her.

"No." She turned away from him but Finral immediately responded to stop her, "The place is close to the headquarters of the Golden Dawn."

Medea stopped her movements as she eyed him in the eye to see any lies but it was all pure honesty. She smirked as she gave him a fake and cunning smile.

"Really?" Medea asked with fake anticipation seeing Finral's eyes light up, "That's great. Nice try, come again." She smiled sweetly at him then faced her food returning to her cold demeanor.

Vanessa laughed at Finral's shocked expression seeing his soul almost left her body. "You heard the ice princess, " Nice try" the pink-haired pretty lady quoted as she laughed again whilst Noelle looked at her cold friend in worry.

"Oh, why?!" Finral cried out in embarrassment as Medea glanced at him.

"Perhaps I'm not really into playboys?" An imaginary arrow was shot to his chest as he looked at her in disbelief. "Don't deny it. You are known for being Black Bull's playboy." Medea continued as another arrow was shot at his chest. Vanessa laughed again while holding a beer.

"I didn't know that the Ice Princess can be so humorous!"

Asta and Noelle stood up making Medea follow them to accompany her white-haired friend.


As the trio walked together at the hall of their headquarters, Noelle and Asta started a conversation where Noelle mostly say "I'm royalty.". Medea only followed them as she memorized the directions and details of their base.

Their base is vast and it is said that it changes shape every day making it difficult for newbies to roam around.

Medea felt eyes glancing at her as the conversation of the two people in front of her stopped.

Medea's P.O.V.

I looked in the direction of the two as I saw Asta's green eyes look at me from time to time as if wanting to ask me a question but is hesitating. Noelle sometimes nudges him as she whispers something to him.

I crossed my arms beneath my chest as, "Asta, right? Where are you from?" I started as I looked ahead and settled at his left side, Noelle looking at me in astonishment.

Ah, yes. I never was the one to start a convention with a stranger or acquaintance.

"Y-yes!" Asta stuttered rather loudly as I winced.

"Lower down your voice, will you? I'm right beside you." I spoke as I look down at him.

He blushed in embarrassment as he nodded, "I-I'm from one of the very rural villages in this Kingdom, Hage Village." He responded in a normal voice making me nod.

"Have Village? Do you know a person named Yuno?" I asked he gaze at me in recognition as he fisted his hands.

"Yes! Yuno's my rival! We grew together in a church for 15 years. He's like a brother to me." Asta replied as he remembered a memory of the two, he raised his other brow as I glanced down at him. "Wait, how did you know him?"

"I met him yesterday at the Golden Dawn's headquarters. He's doing fine if you want to ask." I smiled softly as I remember him held my waist. Noelle smirked at the way I smile then shoot me a look of disbelief, "You went to the Golden Dawn's headquarter?!"

I glanced at her, "Yes, I thought you already know." She crossed her arm as she huffed, "I know that you are going to spend your time with the Captain of that squad, William Vengeance. However, I wasn't aware that you are going to enter their headquarters."

Asta yelled making me winced again, "You know the Captain of the Best Squad?! The second in line to become the Wizard King?!"

Pride surged into my body as I remembered the hardships that my now dear brother experienced to achieve this position, "Yes."

I walked ahead making the two-run at my side since I have long legs.

"I still have a lot of questions!"


3rd Person's P.O.V.

"There, there. Good boy." Asta cooed as he neared the dungeon-like jail of the animals that Yami kept.

"Here." He extended a large chunk of meat to the beast as one of them slowly approached Asta while opening its mouth, sharp fangs can be seen as it bit Asta instead of the meat.

"It hurts! Hey, don't just stand there and watch! Help me!" Asia called as he struggled to pull away from the beast.

"We're royalty. You should be thankful that we got up in the morning and came here." Noelle simply replied as she was assuming that her tall friend will also do the same. However, Medea slowly approached the creature that was biting Asta.

"I don't care! Ah, my foot! It hurts!" Asta cried in agony.

"Release him," Medea ordered making Asta stop crying in pain as the beast eyed Medea, feeling an overwhelming amount of dark energy radiating her body, her eyes glowing.

The creature slowly let go of Asta as it stared at the violet-eyed beauty whilst gradually retreat to its cave.

"I thought I was going to die." Asta retreated while looking at the beast then glanced at Medea, "That was cool! I didn't know that you can control them! Man, you should come with me whenever I feed them!" He beamed at her as stars started to appear in his eyes.

"How?" Noelle asked in shock as she eyed her best friend.

"It's simple." Medea turned to look at the two as her eyes glow ominously as she raised her pale finger parallel to her lips, "Power." She smirked then returned to her cold facade as she heard the laughter of her Captain and Magna.

"Captain Yami and Magna-senpai?" Asta questioned as he looks at them.

"Did they finish their mission-" Noelle was about to ask as a cold hand covered her pink eyes. "Don't look, Noelle," Medea whispered to her ears as she stood behind her, staring blankly at the nude body of her Captain and Senior. Her face not fazing at all.

"Medea?!" Noelle called irritatedly as she tilted her head in the direction of her friend.

"It's best for you to not look."


"They are naked." And with that, Noelle's face irrupted in light blushes as she imagined God knows what she's thinking.

"I can't believe that old man actually won the game with a royal straight flush! Who would have thought it? He is indeed amazing!" Yami complimented as he walked, totally not minding that he is bare naked in front of his recruits.

"We're no match for Mr. Seihi!" Magna cheered as he continued his conversation with his role model.

"It's true that people get strong when they've got a big responsibility." Yami laughed as Magna finally noticed his three Juniors. One staring at them in wonder, the other daringly staring at them blankly whilst the other one's eyes were covered by the other one.

"Hey, Idiosta, Ice princess, and Noelle! We're back! Be happy! You three are going to go to your first mission, in the name of Magic Knights." Magna greeted as Yami kept laughing

Asta gasped as Noelle pried down her friend's cold hands as they looked at their senior, completely disregarding the fact that there are two naked men in front of them. Then, Noelle immediately realized that Magna was naked then covered her eyes using Medea's hand.

"Get dressed first. We're still minors, Magna-senpai." Medea reminded as Magna's face irrupted into 20 shades of red as he covered his lower body, Yami laughed in amusement again as the said female looked at the side whilst closing her eyes.


After the naked men dressed up, the five Black Bull members went to the main room of their headquarters, where a large crescent shape couch can be seen. Their Captain, Yami Sukehiro, sat on it like a thug with bid signature cigarette whilst Magna stood by his side, eyeing his juniors.

"So, this is going to happen! We're going to give you your first mission." Magna started.

"Our first mission." Asta mumbled as Noelle continued, "As Magic Knights." Medea finished, "With this team." Then sighed.

"What is it?"

"It's probably something worthy of us as a Royal from the House of Silva and Solon."

"Get straight to the point," Medea demanded as she started her senior.

An irk mark appeared as Magna ignored her, "Yes, it is. You should be honored. You're going to Sosshi Village to hunt wild boars."



"Wild boars?"

"What kind of lame mission is this?" Noelle complained as Magna glared at her with an intimidating face, "What do you mean it's lame?"

"They're just wild boars. I can beat them with just my bare hands!" Asia arrogantly said as he raised his fist, "Don't underestimate wild boars, you jerk! They come charging out of nowhere! Haven't you ever heard the phrase rushing madly like a wild boar?" Magna yelled at him.

"That's their name, Magna-senpai. Noelle, just because it's lame doesn't mean that you will not learn anything about it. Being strong doesn't mean that you can defeat them easily without using your Claymore, Asta. What if you're surrounded by hundreds of them? Can you still beat them with your strength only? Obviously not. Cockiness and brute strength will not get you anywhere. Only knowledge will." Medea massaged her forehead as she looks at her Captain as she extended her hand gesturing at him, "Isn't that right, Captain Yami?"

Yami nodded in agreement as he took his cigarette off his mouth then blew a smoke of air, "This lass is right."

Medea nodded, as she placed her fingers on her chin, "What must be the reason for this mission, Captain Yami?"

"We both lost to the village chief of Sosshi Village."

'I see.' Our heroine thought as she peeked her eyes at the two smaller people on her right, the both of them having a shocked expression.

"Captain Yami and Magna lost?" Asia asked in disbelief waiting for an answer.

"Just how strong is he?" Noelle asked as she placed her finger on her chin whilst waiting for their Captain to speak.

"We lost in a poker game."

"Poker game?"/" Poker game?" Asia and Noelle copied.

"I presume you both included your clothes and money in this, correct?" Medea clarified as she eyes them making Yami and Magna nodded as if they are proud of it.

"Why do they...sound proud of it?" The two smaller recruits asked in their thoughts as they hesitate to question them.

"And yet, you both are proud of it." Medea being the blunt heir she is, is not afraid to point out the truth as the other colleagues looked at her in disbelief and scared for her life.

"Don't just ask them that!!" The two panicked as they looked at the expression of their Superiors.

"Yes, he is, indeed, a great man after all!" Magna replied as he continued to nod.

"And we promise him that we'd do anything he asked, so he asked us to get rid of the wild boards." Yami finished as Magna proceeded to inform them of the mission, "I heard that there's a huge herd showing up near the village. They are ruining the fields, so the villagers are very annoyed."

"I have a question!" Asta raised his hand, "This has nothing to do with us, isn't it?"

"Yes! He's right! You and Captain are the ones who lost to him! Then--" Noelle was cut off as Magna intimidate them whilst Medea only shrugged him off.

"You morons! Are you seriously asking Yami to clean up his own mess?" Magna asked as the three recruits gave him a blank yet deadpanned face.

'Normally... That's how it should be...yet they dump an easy task to us...'

"We're the ones who are supposed to clean up Yami's mess!" Magna finished then Medea raised her hand, looking at him with her cold yet blank beautiful eyes.

"What will we get when we're done?" She tilted her head, as Magna was about to respond. Yami slowly stood up, eyes close then look at the three.

He blew a cloud of smoke as the three juniors looked at him, feeling intimidated.

"Do you want to go? Or do you want to die? Which one will you choose?" He narrowed his eyes at them making them replied almost immediately, "We'll go!"

Yami nodded then started to head to the door whilst the other four members looked at his form. Asta being the ball of sunshine he is, fisted his hands as he grins in excitement, "Even though we're hunting wild boars, this is still our first mission as Magic Knights! I'm getting excited!" He started to tell as Medea tuned him out slightly finding it amusing.

"A princess like me is going to get rid of wild boards?" Noelle said in question as she looked at her friend for assistance.

"Apparently. If we're going to be Magic Knights, we have to get used to these jobs. Especially when we're still rookies." Medea leaned on the wall as she closed her eyes to let peace enter her mind.

"At least appreciate it, you brat! Do you still have a problem with it?" Magna yelled at Noelle as she whipped her head away from him, "No one is complaining. It's just... I can't control my magical power that much yet...is it really ok for me to go?"

"Idiot! You'll eventually get the hang of it after going on a few more missions!" Magna reminded as he looked at the leaning dark violet-haired lady, "Since you guys are newbies, I, as your senior, will look after you three and clean up your mess if there's any." He pointed at her, "Also, Ice princess is your best friend, right? Then obviously she will monitor and help you, you idiot."

Asta yelled in admiration as he looked at his senior, "You are so cool, Magna-senpai!"

"Shut it, Idiosta. You are making me blush." Magna humbly asked as he smiled arrogantly.

"Indeed. Besides, " Medea paused as she opened her eyes, her dark violet mana slightly leaking, surrounding her body. Her eyes glowing dangerously as she smiled, "I can practice my swordsmanship with real moving targets."

"What the- are you a sadist or something-" Magna was cut off as Noelle responded like the tsundere she is, "Well, if you insist. I supposed I'll go with you with Medea then."

"Thank you very much." Magna sighed in relief as he bowed to the two nobles. "Wait, why are you so condescending to us? Why can't you act like Ice princess here?!"

Noelle folded her arms as she turned to him, "I'm not being condescending. It's just that you put yourself lower than us."

"What kind of nonsense is that?!"

Medea straightens her back as she clapped her cold hands, gaining the attention of the three.

"Enough. Let's get going then. It's getting late. The early we do this mission the faster we finish it." She informed them went to the closest cabinet where there were two spare broomsticks inside, she grabbed one and faced the three.

"Magna-senpai, you have your own broomstick, right?" She asked as he responded by nodding his head eagerly then talked about his beloved broomstick. "Then, we have to travel using these then."

"Medea-san!" Asta raised his hand making the called female cock her head at him, "I can't fly on a broomstick!"


Medea nodded her head as Magna glanced at Noelle, "Then, how about you? Surely, you can use a broom right?"

"I can't neither." The white-haired royalty simply replied making her senior produce some disappointed sounds.

The senior immediately held Asta's collar as he started to shake him, "Are you two serious?! Why can't you do something so easy, you idiots?! Why is Medea the only decent one here? Come on! It's the most basic of all things!"

Medea gave a scoff as she raised her fingers to her chin like a sadist as she smiles at him dangerously, her eyes glowing, "Me? Decent? What are you talking about, Senpai? I just want to practice slashing my sword with a real moving target."

Chills went to his spine as he refused to look in her direction again, feeling intimidated by her nature.

'She really lived up to her family's name. The House of Devil.' He thought as a drop of sweat rolled down his face.

"Well, I don't have any magical powers!" Asia laughed completely oblivious to the menacing energy that her college just released.

"Well, I can't control my magical powers, so of course, I can't. You are such an idiot." Noelle ignored Medea's burst of energy seemingly got used to her sudden intimidation since she's her best friend.

"I guess I don't have a choice." Magna scratched his nape.

"I suppose, one of you will ride with me whilst the other one will ride at him. Problem solved. Let's go." Medea said then walked out and was met by Magna's beloved broomstick, Crazy Cyclone.

Then, as it turns out, Asta decided to ride with Magna whilst Noelle with Medea. The four started to head in the direction of Sosshi Village. Without knowing any danger that's heading their way.

【Αποστολή】- Mission

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