✔Royabel : Jung Sungchan

By tyong1109

2.6K 223 35

In their world, kings, queens, kingdoms, treasures, pirates, outlaws, assassins. All sorts of people lived am... More

CH 1
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CH 2

159 11 7
By tyong1109

Hyejin POV

In chains, two guards dragged me while four other guards stood in front and back of me, they were taking me to the throne room, where their king was waiting for their arrival.

Two guards who were standing outside the throne room, sees us approaching and opens the throne room.

Stopping about 8 feet away from the throne, the guards push me to my knees and held the back of my neck, tight.

"We have brought the thief, your highness." One of the guards bow at him.

"Your a girl, how stupid of you to think you could steal the jewels from our safe." The king snickers.

"Well it was easy since your 'safe wasn't safe enough for your jewels." I snap.

The king scowls at my response. I had surely angered him.

"Execute her immediately!" The king orders, but a figure approached from behind and stopped the guards.

He walked up to me and lifted my head up to look at my face, it was him, the guy who found me in the safe and kissed me too!

"You know brother, she can be of use to us?" He tells the king, who he had called brother, which meant he was the prince, ofcourse.

"How so? She is nothing but a menace to society." The king spits.

"She must be very trained to have gotten that far, without getting caught by our guards, she could help us catch the intruders who tried to kill me. Ofcourse only if she is willing, of not you can kill her" The Prince offers.

The two of them look at me, waiting for my response.

"What's in it for me?" I ask.

"Well, if you prove your loyalty to us by finding those rogue people, you will be compensated generously." The king negotiates.

Thinking about it for a while, I agree. "Fine I'll do it. But you better not take back your word."

"We wouldn't want that now would we?" He remarks with a smug smile on his face. "Take her to a cell, until a room is made for for stay here." He then ordered a guard.

Pulling me up to stand, the guard holding me down, pushed my neck forward, so I was bowing and then pulled me back up and dragged me away to the dungeon basement.

Throughout our journey, the prince had followed us down. After walking awhile, we come to a stop, the soldier at the dungeon, opened one of the cells and pushed me in harshly, causing me to fall on my knees, leaving a few scrapes at the force, I hiss at him.

I get up and walk towards a corner and sit there, bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my chained arms around them.

The Prince had seen it all happen, just stared before asking the guard to open the door for him to come in, saying I would not do any harm to him.

I kept my poker face on as he approached me, standing in front of me he squats down to my height and lifts my chin up, by placing his index finger under my chin.

"Sad your an assassin." He states.

I growl at him and shake my head away. "Sad your a prince." I use his own words against him.

"Although I must admit, your lips were quite a deal." He says brushing one of his fingers over my lower lip.

"Why did you even have to kiss me?" I snarl at him.

"It worked didn't it, I got you to lose strength, only in a different way ofcourse." He replies smirking at me.
"Do your job right and maybe I'll give you something you can't resist." He then adds, before standing up to leave the dungeon, leaving me alone chained up in a smelly cell.

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