Our Flor

By Cely-124

303K 6.7K 1.4K

"I loved you like there was no tomorrow yet you left like yesterday didn't mean a thing" All my life I wished... More

Stuck with you
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
Hugs and Kisses
Settling in
Moving in
Meeting Mafias
What the hell
Him and I
Him and I : part 2
Were broken
Understanding you
Date me
Mind your business
Excuse me
Telling my family
Thanks for being one of my calms
I hate my birthday because..
I love you
Played again
The unknown
The ball
The aftermath
Alive or Dead
Waking up?
Update/and release date

Open up to us

7.2K 161 16
By Cely-124

Elanoras POV:

"Elanora honey we need to talk"Papa says coming into the room with my brothers who look mad and slightly hurt.Oh no what did I do now.
I see they all look slightly hurt .I always seem to be hurting the people i love.

"Principessa open up to us tell us everything "Matheo says his eyes begging me to open up.I slightly feel Lucas tense beside me.I feel slight guilt bubble up inside me.

"Fine you wanna know everything" I say meeting Matheos gaze he nods in response .

"What do you wanna know"I say slightly nervous as they all tense at the question.

"The tape October 26,2014"Papa mutters curiosity in his icy eyes.

I close my eyes as I remember the date .Images sworm my mind.That horrible date that haunts me in my nights.The worst day of my life.Ive never told anyone this not even Lucas who knows everything about me.But I couldn't tell him that there was a tape of my raping.How do you tell someone that.I try hard not to relive that horrible night.But I said try .

Flashback of after she was knocked out when they raped her:

"Owww please stop" I say to the stranger who then proceeded to turn on a camera.No noooo no please don't.He waves at the camera making sure it's on .
"Are you ready my kitten"he says smiling wickedly.I cry out as he rapes ,me my lower region burning ,blood spilling out of my thighs.
"Ahh kitten now I have a memory with you"
He says taking the camera in his hands .He puts his clothes back on and leaves like he didn't just rape me.I remember his ugly face ,his jawline,his ugly lips,his brown hair ,and his brown orbs that I know will haunt me for the rest of my life.
I pass out due to the injuries i with held when he raped me.

End of flashback

I sit there wide eyed my eyes began to water.Tears falling effortlessly down my cheeks.How do they know that.I only know that .Ohh god what if they saw the tape,they probably feel disgusted by me.I feel anger bubble inside me.I can't but feel rage inside me.

This is why we stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realized there inside us.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT"I say tears falling a down my cheeks.Snobs filling my nostrils as my face turns red .

They look away suddenly.I try standing up from my sitting position.

My voice breaks as Lucas holds me back .I try to get up again and again only for Lucas to hold me down as tears slipped my eyes effortlessly.Heavy sobs filling the silent room.

"TELL....M..MEEE"I say trying to get out of Lucas iron grip hold.It hurts to think of it of my past .Of my horrible demons that haunt me.It hurts.
I finally stop thrashing around Lucas hold.I sit in the edge as I clutch myself in a bubble.I clutch the roots of my hair hard.The memories I'm trying to forget swirl around my mind constantly .Never leaving any detail out.

I look up from my bubble and see everyones teared eyes.I let my honey colored eyes meet papas gaze.

"How do you know that tell me pl..pleaseee"I say brokenly my heart breaks as I can't imagine him seeing the tape .

"Pl...please papaaa..dime"(tell me),I say softly

"papà ho bisogno di sapere per favore"(papa I need to know please),I say
He doesn't respond he just looks at me .

"Papa please tell me I need to know it hurts papa it hurts"I say looking at him .My eyes begging for help

"fa male papà(it hurts papa) i say in Italian hoping they'd understand me

"Dime papa me duele papa me duele(tell me papa it hurts papa tell me),I mutter desperately in Spanish

"это больно папа"(it hurts papa)I say in Russian

"ça fait mal papa"(it hurts papa)I say sobbing in French hoping he'd understand my pain.But they don't .Even in different languages they didn't understand me .Im hurting because I'm letting my demons haunt me in my future.Reliving my past makes me numb.I feel numb .

No ones POV:

Everyone stands frozen as they see Elanora bubble up in edge of the bed.Clutching herself together.Her hands clutching her roots hard .Her ankles in her chest.

Vince stands there bewildered looking at his principessa.He can't but feel immense guilt ,a pang in his chest hurting him .He has tears pricking his eyes as he sees his principessa beg for help.Her voice is desperate .Vince Russo the big Italian mafia boss cried as he watched his principessa beg for help.

Matheo stood there unable to help his principessa who looked broken.Her eyes held pure raw sadness.You could see how broken she is.Her continuous sobs are like pangs in his chest.It hurts seeing my little princess hurt.I can't even do anything as I watch her beg for help her mind is tormenting her.

Gabriel stood there tears softly falling down his cheeks.He stares at Elanora who's being held back by Lucas.Her tears falling effortlessly down her cheek.Her sobs filling the room making it harder for him to control his emotions.His principessa finally stops her thrashing against Lucas who for once looks clueless.She begs for it to stop her words are knives to his chest.

Romano stood there hurt on how broken she looked .Her hair was messy ,her face looked swollen from all the crying,her puffy eyes,her red face ,and her swollen crimson red lips.Her eyes held sadness.That made him mad she looked so broken he can't but feel a pang in his chest.He just wanted to erase her pain.But how can you do that when people constantly torment you.

Marcos was angry a glance at Elanora and you could see her pure raw sadness .He couldn't make his principessa pain go away it hurt him to see her like that .It was like knives diving in his chests.His principessa was a sobbing mess.Her hands clutching anything in reach.She was broken yet she hid it to well.Thats what pissed off Marcos .

Esteban had tears falling down his cheeks effortlessly.He stared at his principessa who looked broken.Her beautiful eyes that held happiness earlier today we're now filled with pure raw sadness.When you love someone so deeply you could almost feel there pain.He turns to look beside him at Lucas who's clueless which never is the case.Him and Elanora know everything about each other .

Lucas for once in his life is clueless as to what triggered Elanora.Hes fucking clueless .It hurts him to watch Elanora like this.They know everything about each other .Maybe not everything but the important things the big secrets in there friendship. She knows everything about him.He loves his ladybug it kills him to watch her sob like there's no tomorrow.He feels an immense pang in his chest .He feels her pain in a certain way ,if his ladybugs sad then he's sad.Elanora means the world to him.She will be my first priority in this filthy world.The filthy world that broke her in the first place.

Lorenzo decided to stay a little while in the hospital.He wants to talk to Elanora before he leaves.He sits there a couple minutes as her family goes in.About ten to fifteen minutes later he hears screaming and sobbing.He immediately gets up when he hears its Elanoras sobs .He quickly sprints his way to the door.He stops suddenly deciding if he should go in or not.He decides to wait but he can't stop himself from eavesdropping.The next words that came out her mouth hurt him .He felt a pang in his chest.

"Papa please tell me I need to know it hurts papa it hurts"she mutters sobbing uncontrollably

"fa male papà(it hurts papa) she says in Italian making him groan in frustration that he can't see her .All he wants to do is hog her and make her pain go away.

"Dime papa me duele papa me duele(tell me papa it hurts papa tell me),she mutters desperately in Spanish

"это больно папа"(it hurts papa)she says in Russian

"ça fait mal papa"(it hurts papa)she says sobbing

It hurt him hearing her sob for help .He couldn't take it he walks right in and spots Elanora clutching herself tightly.He can't but feel sadness take over him.He goes to sit next to her ignoring all the other people in the room.

"Elanora look at me please"Lorenzo begs Elanora who slowly moves her hands away from her face.
Elanora looks up and is mesmerized by his brown orbs that only hold sadness.She can't but feel guilt built in the pit of her stomach ,she was the reason there sad.She clings to Lorenzo who's taken by surprise.He immediately hugs her tighter inhaling her lavender scented smell that intoxicates him.
Elanora looks up and meets Lucas gaze who eyes have jealousy and sadness.She closes her eyes just to let them rest but she ends up passing out due to her exhaustion of crying.Lorenzo holds Elanora tighter not wanting to let go .He feels beautiful things in the pit of his stomach .He feels whole with Elanora by his side.Like a missing puzzle .

"Ok thanks you can let her go now"Lucas mutters through gritted teeth.Hes mad that his ladybugs in someone else's arms and not his.He can't but feel jealousy course through him.

Lorenzo quickly puts down Elanora in the hospital bed pulling up her blankets.He looks around the room noticing everyone's teared eyes.He quickly locks gazes with Vince who only nods respectfully at him.Lorenzo decides to leave it seemed very private.

"I'm gonna go"Lorenzo mutters walking towards the door.

"Thank you Lorenzo"Vince mutters watching as Lorenzo exits the door

Lucas walks around to Elanoras bed and brings his hand to her cheek softly stroking it.He watches as she scrunches her nose cutely.He smiles at her cuteness.He grabs her hand gently stoking it he feels her hand clutch his.

"Lay with me please"Elanora mutters glancing at Lucas who only nods.

Lucas moves onto the bed readjusting Elanora closer to him.He hugs her shoulders giving it a squeeze for reassurance.Her head nuzzles in his neck.He puts his head on top of her head letting sleep consume him.

Vince walks out of the room reaching out his pocket for his phone.He reaches it and dials his tech guy Luis.

"Hey track that message I got earlier today"Vince mutters to his tech guy in his mafia.He needs answers and he needs them now.What does that date mean .Theres only one person who can say what that date means and that's Elanora.But is she willing to trust me.Is she willing to talk , to open up.

The Russo's decided to stay the night at the hospital.Vince decided on the chair next to his principessa.Matheo decided on chair next to the window.Gabriel opted fo the floor next to the door.The twins decided to take the couch.While Esteban decided on the floor next to the twins.They were thankful they own part of this hospital.

Next day:

Elanora woke up in strong arms around her waist her head nuzzled in someone neck.She inhales the wood scented smell and immediately knows it's Lucas.She lays there rethinking yesterday's events.She feels guilty for everything.Could she trust them 100% or will they betray her .Does she really have the guts to tell them there's a tape of her raping .Can she look at her papas eyes and tell them there's a videotape of there principessa being raped .Can she tell them that.She has to tell them she can't lie to them again .She doesn't want to hurt them but if trusting them will she get hurt as well will they leave her half way.But the loving looks her siblings give her is enough to say they cherish her .But why am I having doubts probably maybe because I've been used or because I'm not used to telling people my life .Im always used and betrayed .But she's willing to risk it all because the love that she has for her family is enough.Its enough for her .

Elanora feels stirring coming from Lucas who only tightens his hold .I hug him tighter I can't but feel the guilt stir inside me I lied to Lucas.I didn't know how to tell him.But he has to be the fist person i tell.

"Lucas umm I need to tell you something I lied to you"I say whispering to him I wait for a response but it never comes.Silence is what I got .

"October 26,2014 was the day I was raped...ii...I didn't tell you everything I told you I forgot what happened after he knocked me out...I woke up I was in a room..I remember him telling me things...b..but before he r...raped me he turned on a camera he recorded everything he recorded him....r...raping me that's the only secret I kept from you Lucas how could I tell you that how can I tell someone that there's a taping of me being raped how do you tell a person that"I say as tears pricked my eyes but I refused to let them fall I had to be strong for myself.

Lucas was shocked he couldn't say anything.He was out of words .He can't but feel anger at the sick person who raped her.He hugs Elanora tighter refusing to let her go.

Elanora sits up from Lucas arms.

"Guys wake up"she says deciding to tell them now before she regrets it.

Vince was the first to wake up upon hearing his principessa words .He looks up from the chair and finds his princess gazing at him.

Matheo and Gabriel woke up to a soft voice that belonged to there principessa.They get up from there uncomfortable place's.

The twins wake up hearing footsteps near them.

Esteban wakes up due to some dumb bitch stepping on him.That dumb bitch being Marcos who just kept walking like he didn't just step on me.Arrogant bastard.

"I want to tell you guys what that date means .I know now that I could fully trust you guys.I really hope you guys don't end up hurting me because I will kill you...

"Uhhh That day was the day I got raped.That day was the worst day of my life ...after the guy knocked me out I woke up in a room...he was before..h..he raped m...mee he turned on a camera.Theres a..a t..tape of my raping"Elanora says looking down to her hands that are clutched together tightly.Her hands becoming white as she clutches them hardly.

Vince was fuming what the fuck bastard does that I'm gonna kill him .That little fucker messed with the wrong guy.He messed up he's gonna have to deal with VINCE FUCKING RUSSO .Blood will spill my hands as I torture that little fucker to death.I will have him begging for death.

Matheo was mad no pissed .Whoever this fucker is will die in my hands .I will kill him with my bare hands .How dare he mess with my little princesses.

Gabriel was pissed off.I will make sure that bitch suffers .I will torture him to death and bring him back to life.I will repeat that till he's begging me to kill him.

Marcos was mad his inner demon coming out .His hands craving that little fuckers blood.He will pay one way or another.I will have him on his knees.

Romano was mad what disgusting bastard does that.Im gonna make sure he dies and suffers endlessly.I will make sure he suffers the same amount of pain he's made my princess suffer.I will make him beg for his life.Making sure he regrets ever messing with the Russo's.

Esteban was fuming he couldn't believe some sick bastard could do that.I will make sure that bitch suffers under my wrath .I will make sure he suffers the worst pain in his life .I will skin that bitch alive for ever messing with Elanora.I will have him at his knees making sure he begs for death.

"Let's go home please"Elanora mutters looking at everyone's clenched jaw.

"Yeah come on principessa"Vince says bringing Elanora into a hug.Elanora inhales his cologne ,calming her down.

Elanora gets up to change her clothes .She changes into a grey sweater with black leggings.
She walks out staring at everybody.She sees Esteban approach her.He intertwines there hands together.

He walks out hand and hand with his principessa who only smiles ,showing her cute dimple.He smiles as he glances at his princess.

They all get in the car Elanora in between Lucas and Esteban.

The car ride back home was silent.It was a peaceful ,quiet.

Elanora stares out the window admiring all the trees.Lucas grins as he stares at Elanora who always seemed to love nature.

Elanora can't but grin at Lucas who's staring at her his green eyes that held love .

Elanora takes a good look around , the people she loves the most in this car.She can't but feel excitement .Was this her end to pain.Was this the journey to happiness.Was this the actual pause for her to enjoy or was this just the beginning of pain.

Enjoy 😊

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