The Real Magic Knight

By BakastaWaifu

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What if lichita didn't decided to leave asta at the church? What if asta and liebe had met At the beginning o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (A Date)
Thank You!
Chapter 16
Bonus chapter✨
Another book
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

5.5K 93 25
By BakastaWaifu

I don't own any of black clover, all the characters belong to Yuki Tabata. This is just my own random story.

      (Asta) : "Nacht??" (Nacht) : "yes that's right I'm just want to investigate this place then suddenly I sense another devil live at this place so that's why I ended up meeting you..." Nacht said with a smile on his face."what's your name?" Nacht ask. (Asta) : "The name asta" Suddenly the devil appeared on nacht right shoulder. Asta shocked while asking (Asta) : "Yo-you had a devil too?" (Nacht) : "Yess" (Devil) : "Mister Nacht..who's this brat?"(Nacht) : "Asta, I introduce you my devil..the name is gimodelo"(gimodelo) : "hihihi... nice to meet you brat"
(Asta thought) : "erghh.. so creepy~"(Nacht): "Asta would you tell me what had just happened?"Asta suddenly became sad again and tell him what just happened. Nacht felt guilty to asta when he heard asta story. He determined to teach asta how to use devil power properly because he knew that even asta had no magic.. he had anti magic devil with him..he always knew that if someone has abilities that can nullified any magic, he will be the strongest.(Nacht) : "So tell me Asta.. who's the devil who took your mom life?" (Asta) : "If I'm correct his name is Lucifero". Suddenly nacht eyes widen and gimodelo trembling. Asta noticed this act and ask nacht.(Asta) : "what's wrong nacht?" (Nacht) : "Asta, are you sure that's a devil who took your mom life?" Asta nodded and Ask why? (Nacht) : " He's a devil one of the highest rank not just that..he's the strongest of all the devils that existed" Asta then hold his fist tried to calm himself.. just hearing that name making him really really angry he didn't cared what ranking that devil  had..he just want to avenge his mother death and save the world.(Asta) : " you have the devil power too right?!!" Nacht nodded and asta continue " please teach me how to use devil power. I don't know wether I will trust you or not but in fact that you seems to know more about this power so please!" asta said looking determined.(Nacht) : "why do you want to learn about this power?"  Nacht asked. He knew whatever answer asta say he still want to teach him this power..he asked this question just because he want to know Asta reason (Asta) : " I want to learn about it because I want to protect this kingdom I want to become the wizard king and make a citizen in this kingdom live peacefully wether you are a peasant or royal or noble everybody deserves to live happyly" asta shout making nacht smile (nacht thought) : "This is what I want to hear" (asta) : " And more importantly.." (Nacht) : " hmm?" (Asta) : " I want to avenge my mother death..." Nacht suddenly became serious and said " woahh Asta I'm amazed about your determination recently..but to kill lucifero? No way he's the king of all devils! (Asta) : "Who cares.. If you're a king or queen or strong..but if you're evil and just killed someone without any other good reason you deserve a punishment.. everybody deserves it if they make a some terrible mistakes and don't regret it..beside.. I want to keep everybody save from him.." Nacht then smirk and say " well I'm amazed with your determination but I'm not sure about your second reason however if you confidence about it who am I want stop.." Asta then smile (nacht) : " picked your stuff right now.. tomorrow morning we will be going to train.." "yeshh" asta shout with a joy. Nacht then begin to leave until asta stop him. (Asta) : "Wait!!" (Nacht) : " yess?" (Asta) : " How can I meet my brother mother sealed my brother at this grimoire" (nacht) : "Don't worry..tomorrow I will tell you" (asta) : "hai mister nacht!!" ( nacht) : " just call me nacht is fine" (asta) : "yes nacht!."


"Where are we now?" Asta asked as they begin to enter the old mansion. "Whose house is it?" (Nacht) : "A former noble that is". " were here"  nacht said as they enter the empty room. " But there's nothing here" Asta said. Then nacht kneeling and put his hand the floor while saying "shadow magic : Dark garden invatation" . After that, all the room begin to covered with a shadow..multiple hands begin to hold asta body. Wh- what? Asta said with a shocked. After that they begin to teleport to another place that look like the old castle.(nacht) : "For the next seven years I will teach you everything I know about the devil magic.You must master it before the magic knight exam..however I can't always be around with you because I have another mission that wizard king gave to me"(Asta) " hai nacht!, so you're also a magic knight?!" Said Asta as his eyes begin to filled with a stars. However nacht only nodded at what Asta had asked.(Asta) : "That's amazing!! I wonder which squad did you join? (Nacht) : "I joined the worst squad history of the clover kingdom". Asta then then confused what nacht just had said however his thought was interrupted by nacht(Nacht) : "Enough talking, shall we begin" (Asta) : Yess!!
Nacht: Summon. Suddenly a black aura begin to cover asta body an appear in front of him.(Nacht) : you fight your brother and making him a contract with you..with that your devil will follow whatever you order.(Asta) : No I want to make a equal contract with him.(Nacht) ; " wait you said you want a power so I give you an easy you want to choose a hard way?" (Asta) : "If I want to be a wizard king I must go through with a hard order overcome many obstacles I will face..beside he is my brother..he too has his goal".." Nacht didn't said anything only smile.(Gimodelo) : "That brat really an idiot right mister nacht"(Nacht) : " Yes he is."
(Liebe) : "Asta?" . Asta then begin to tear up and immediately hugging his brother.(asta) : "Liebe I really miss you". Said asta while crying. (Liebe) : "I'm sorry asta..if it wasn't of me..if you didn't took me to your home..this will not happened". Liebe said while crying
However asta comfort him while said "'s not your is Lucifero fault he killed mom not you...(Liebe) : "Asta..." (Asta) : "Don't worry liebe..what just happened in the past let it..we can't undo the past but we can create a future.. so let's crush the bad guys together avenger our mom.." said Asta while extend his hand toward liebe..   Liebe take it with a smile (Liebe) : " Yeah let's go Asta!!" Suddenly the magic symbol appeared aroud their wrist to tell that they are already making a contract.
(Nacht) "The contract is completed..if I had a chance I really want to teach you about the anti magic powers..however you're still a old are you?" (Asta) : "huh? 8 years old..but I want to learn now!!!" (Nacht) : "No you can't.. your body can't accommodate that power of anti magic because you're still weak right now... plus your devil need to train his power too.." (Liebe thought) : " yeah he's right me and asta are too weak to get this power.. I must to gather all my power with seal myself at the grimoire again" (Asta) : "okay okay fine.. I will train myself in order to use this power" (Nacht) : good as know while your state are still weak all I can do is teaching how to use your sword" (Asta) : huh? I have a sword? (Nacht) : " yess in that grimoire" (Asta) : " yohooo so amazing" (Liebe) : " Asta..I will seal myself again at this grimoire in order to gather all the power I have.." (Asta) : " Okay liebe have a good journey" (Liebe) : " you got it" Liebe disappeared (Nacht) : "Alright let's go Asta!"
(Asta) : "Right nacht!"

7 Years later...

      Asta now had became strong..and his body became tougher than before..asta now had a rival the name yuno..he met yuno when asta helped him to get his grimoire back from the evil chain magic user..they became rival and betting who will become a wizard king..
Another thing..Asta already can use his sword properly..he called it danma..
He  can fly with his sword no neet to use a broom..he also can attack a long distance or a short distance with his sword..he now has four swords.. demon slayer , demon dweller demon destroyer and demon katana(refer to yami sword..but this is another katana). Almost said..he already mastered that four swords he had..however one thing he still can't mastered it..we now move to another mansion that asta liebe and nacht always training at..(Nacht) : "You lost again.." (Asta) : "How can I  and liebe use the devil union like nacht use it..I don't have any idea about it"..there is asta laying on the ground with liebe looking tired..then he and liebe eat some magical food that captain nacht had brought to him..after a while..Nacht then begin serious (Nacht) : " the magic knight exam start next week so we don't have any time to play"..(asta) : "what?!! I barely know anything about this devil union" (Nacht) : "If you still don't know.. I guess I have no choice.." Suddenly all the room begin to covered with a dark shadows.. (Nacht) : Mana zone : Dark Prison Hunting Ground asta and liebe right now having a goosbumps all over his body..knowing that it was like his death is approaching them..multiple hands begin to hit them..(Asta/Liebe) : "This is a true terror !!. Why can't we unite?!! If I'm going to avenge mother's death and saves the world from the devil I can't die and also.. I can't let this guy die either!!!!!"
Suddenly in the middle of dark..there is one point of light begin to grow more and more..Nacht eyes widen seeing this..seeing tremendous amounts of powers they had..but something that make nacht even more shocked and confused..


There is asta standing in front of his mom grave..already want to go to the capital in order to take magic knight exam..(Asta) : "Mom.. I 'm going right now..I'm sorry that maybe I don't have a time to visit you like before but.. I promise that I will come again.. have a nice rest mom..." and then asta walk off..he meet nacht first before he going to the capital.. (Nacht) : "so you are ready asta?" (Asta) : "yess! And thank you for teaching me about the devil magic I really appreciate it nacht.." (nacht) : "No need to thanked me.. this is my job.. I want to create a magic knight that can protect everyone from the devil bring peaceful for this country.."
(Asta) : "wow thanks nacht I don't know that you are so kind hhihi.." asta giggles (nacht) : "as I said before.. you were always right.. I said that people who were right weren't necessarily rewarded however I do want them to be.."(Asta) " nacht..." (nacht) : "So now get your ass to the capital and show them who you really are.."(asta) : "yesss !!!" (Nacht) : "And you know where do you want to find me right.." (asta) : "Right... well I'm going good bye nacht.."nacht remain silent only smile as he watched asta took his sword and begin to fly on it with chibi liebe on his shoulder....(Nacht) : "Asta...the union mode from him right now only last 1 minute..his union mode can erase all my devil magic along with mana zone without making a touch..Anti magic... I knew it. If he use that at full power and masteres it then..He will be the strongest!!! And also this is the chance to thwart the Dark Triad plan's..
Huh way to show them asta !"
So guys that's it for the chapter two..hope you guys enjoy it..
Soon chapter 3

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