Henry Danger: Captain Man's D...

Door gwldxns

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BOOK 2 IS OUT NOW! Audrey Manchester isn't the typical teenager you thought she was. Turns out she's the a da... Meer

Audrey Manchester
The Danger Begins
Mo' Danger, Mo' Problems
The Secret Gets Out
Tears Of the Jolly Beetle
Substitute Teacher
Jasper Danger
The Space Rock
Birthday Girl Down
Henry the Man-Beast
Invisible Brad
Spoiler Alert
Let's Make A Steal
Super Volcano
My Phony Valentine
Caved In
Elevator Kiss
Man Of The House
Dream Busters
Kid Grounded
Captain Jerk
The Bucket Trap
Audrey & The Bad Boy: Part 1
Audrey & The Bad Boy: Part 2
Jasper's Real Girlfriend
Season 2
The Beat Goes On
One Henry, and Three Girls: Part 1
One Henry, and Three Girls: Part 2
Captain Man: On Vacation
The Time Jerker
Secret Beef
Henry's Jelly
Christmas Danger
Indestructible Henry & Audrey: Part 1
Indestructible Henry & Audrey: Part 2
Text, Lies, & Video
Opposite Universe
Grave Danger
Ox Pox
Twin Henrys
Danger & Thunder: Part 1
Danger & Thunder: Part 2
I Know Your Secret
Season 3
A Fiรฑata Full Of Death Bugs
Love Muffin
Scream Machine
Mouth Candy
The Trouble With Frittles
Hour of Power
Out Of This Capability
Dodging Danger
Double Date Danger
Space Invaders: Part 1
Space Invaders: Part 2
JAM Session
License to Fly
Green Fingers
Stuck in Three Holes
Live and Dangerous: Part 1
Live and Dangerous: Part 2
Balloons of Doom
Swellview's Got Talent
Season 4/New Book

Too Much Game

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Door gwldxns

Audrey's POV

"Henry? Audrey? Come down." Captain Man called from down the tube.

"We can't! Our tube isn't working." Kid Danger shouted.

"Okay, hang on." Captain Man told us and there was beeping noise, then Kid Danger and I went down shortly put back up multiple times.

"Dad?" I called.


"If you keep doing that I'm gonna vomit."

There was muffled voices downstairs and I could hear Captain Man's footsteps walk away as Kid Danger and I were strangled in the tube.

About a good five minutes later, Kid Danger and I started to fall down the tube, but there was no tube to support us.

Kid Danger and I screamed until we landed on the floor.

Captain Man turns and runs toward me. "Oh, man."

"Henry! Audrey!" Charlotte ran over to us.

I realized I landed on Kid Danger and quickly got off of him. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Kid Danger muttered and got up.

There was another beeping noise and Captain Man looked down at his clear small remote that said, "Danger."

"Uh-oh." Captain Man groaned. "Oh, man!"

"What's wrong?" Kid Danger asked as I helped him up.

"Santa Claus jumped out of the police car and now he's running down Swellview Boulevard." Captain Man explained.

"But, you've got his pants." I pointed out.

"Exactly. Let's go." Captain Man pointed to the tube slots.

Kid Danger and I groaned as we went to our tube slot, wrapping my arms around Kid Danger's waist.

Captain Man, Kid Danger, and I tapped our belt buckles but only Kid Danger and I's tube went down.

Captain Man tapped his belt buckle aggressively multiple times. "Come on!"

"Let's just take Audrey's and I tube." Kid Danger suggested.

"All right." Captain Man agreed.

Captain Man awkwardly walked over to us as the tube went back up. Captain Man hugged Kid Danger and I from behind.

Kid Danger and I tapped our belt buckles but Captain Man's tube went down.

"Seriously?!" Captain Man groaned.

"Geez!" Kid Danger yelled.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted.

All of the sudden, red lights flashed in the room as beeping blasted and the couch spun around.

"You better call Schowz!" Charlotte crossed her arms.

"Never!" Captain Man objected.

"Who's Schowz?" Kid Danger asked.

"Oh, he's this guy who used to work for me a long— ow!" Captain Man got hit on the head with the tube.

Kid Danger and I started laughing as Captain Man screamed in pain.

- - - - - - -

"Hey! I really wish you'd get those things working!" My dad snapped as Charlotte struggled to work the monitor.

Charlotte turned over to my dad, giving him a look. My dad backed away as if he was frightened.

Henry's screams filled the room as he came out of the elevator, then throwing his backpack down onto the floor.

"Hey, something's wrong with the dumb elevator!" Henry shouted.

"What's wrong?" I turned to Henry.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" My dad asked.

"Because I got kicked off my dumb basketball team." Henry rolled his eyes.

"Are you good a basketball?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No." Henry replied.

The couch started to spin around and I quickly jumped off of it.

"Charlotte!" My dad shouted. "You made the couch spin again!"

"Well, why don't you hop on it and take a ride?!" Charlotte scoffed.

Gooch appeared on the monitor. "Ray. I found a repairman. He's on his way down."

"What?" My dad turned to Gooch. "You can't just send some stranger down here until we have him checked out!"

"I got to go." Gooch ended the call.

The elevator crashed and we all turned to the elevator. The elevator opened and a short man stepped out.

"Hey!" The man said with a thick accent.

"Schowz." My dad gritted his teeth. "Get out!"

"Come on, Ray." Schowz began. "Don't be like that."

"I mean it! Out of here!" My dad stood in front of Schowz and pointed to the door.

"That's Schowz?" Henry questioned as we crept behind my dad.

"You must be the two sidekicks. Quick Shot and Kid Danger." Schowz began to shake our hands.

"Hello, Schowz. It's so great to see you again!" I grinned.

"Don't you talk to my daughter and Henry!" My dad pushed Schowz's hand away. "You keep your Schowz cooties off of them!"

"Come on, man, it's been three years." Schowz scoffed.

"Yeah, since you stole my girlfriend." My dad spat out.

"If it you makes you feel any better, I dumped her two weeks later." Schowz leaned on the monitor's U table.

"Why would that make me feel better?" My dad turned to Schowz.

"Can I get something to eat?" Schowz pointed to the snack machine

"You could. If that hunk-a-junk snack machine you built actually worked." My dad scoffed.

"I check it." Schowz began to walk to the snack machine.

"Don't order a hot dog!" Charlotte warned.

Schowz placed his hand on the snack machine screen and a tube popped out of it. Schowz pressed random buttons and placed his hand on the screen. "Now, would anyone like a nacho tower?"

"Nacho tower." The snack machine repeated and Schowz grabbed the nacho tower.

"Woah!" Henry exclaimed. "Nacho tower!"

"It's like heaven!" I said as I stuffed a chip in my mouth.

"He fixed the auto snacker!" Charlotte observed.

"I don't care. You ruined our friendship." My dad crossed his arms. And you're not going to fix that with a platter of hot Mexican treats."

"Well, I forgive you." Henry said while chewing a chip.

"Same." I nodded.

"Look, if you want me to leave, just tell me, 'leave'." Schowz told my dad.

"Leave, leave, leave, leave, leave." My dad repeated in Schowz's face.

"You want me to stay?" Schowz smiled.

My dad got up from leaning on the steps and raised his fist up the Schowz.

"Because I could fix up all the broken schtuff around this place." Schowz answered quickly.

"Do it." Charlotte nodded.

"No!" My dad crossed his arms again.

"Let him fix the broken schtuff." Henry told my dad.

"Mhm." I agreed.

"All right, fix all the broken schtuff." My dad watched as Schowz offered us a nacho.

"And give me a nacho." My dad snatched a nacho.

- - - - - - -

I sat on the couch with Henry while the nacho platter was on the ledge.

Schowz walked over to us. "Now, who's ready for some technological fun?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Yeah." Henry grinned.

Schowz ran over to Henry and I's tube slot and pressed a button on the remote, making the tube go down around him.

"Up the tube!" Schowz yelled and went up. "Down the tube!" The other tube went down and Schowz came down.

"He fixed the tube!" Henry observed.

"And I fixed the TVs and the sprocket." Schowz ran down to us. "And watch this. Security lasers on." Schowz pressed a button the remote and lasers came all over the room.

"Lasers!" I looked around.

Henry touched a laser. "Ow."

"God, you're so stupid." I rolled my eyes.

"Security off." Schowz said and the laser went off as he ran to the couch, standing on it. "Smoochie music on!"

Romantic music started to play and the sofa started to spin slowly.

"Smoochie music off." My dad demanded and Schowz turned the music off.

"Woah!" Henry clapped. "He is impressive."

"Yeah, yeah." My dad took a bite out of a nacho.

Schowz sat down next to us.

"Too bad you can't use your technical skills to make me a better basketball player." Henry chuckled.

"Hey.. who says I can't make you a better basketball player, huh?" Schowz leaned down to Henry.

"I did." Henry pointed to himself. "Was i wrong?"

Schowz smiled and nodded.

- - - - - - -

Schowz put a sleeve on Henry and pressed a button.

"Cool sleeve." I examined the sleeve.

"Feels good." Henry grinned.

"I've seen better sleeves." My dad rolled his eyes.

Schowz put goggles on Henry.

"What are the goggles for?" Henry asked.

"They are wirelessly connected to the sleeve with a bloop-toop." Schowz explained.

"Bloop-toop? But I don't understand
how— woah!" Henry began but a basketball hoop went down.

"I didn't know you guys had a hoop." Henry exclaimed.

"Neither did I." My dad stood up.

"And now.." Schowz pressed a button on the remote and a basketball flew down. "Take this and shoot the basket."

Henry dribbled the ball and began to shoot but Schowz stopped him.

"Wait!" Schowz yelled.

"What?" Henry caught the ball.

"Close your eyes." Schowz told Henry.

"But I need to see?" Henry questioned.

"No." Schowz shook his head.

Henry shook his head and began to dribble the ball, closed his eyes, and threw the ball into the hoop.

"Woah!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, let me try one." My dad grabbed a basketball and threw it at Schowz, but Schowz dodged it.

"Hey. That's not what balls are for!" Schowz scoffed.

"Well, you shouldn't have kissed my girlfriend." My dad yelled.

"So, if I wear these goggles and this sleeve thing.." Henry trailed off.

"You will make basket every time." Schowz assured.

"Oh man, this is amazing. Thanks Schowz." Henry thanked Schowz. "I'm going to destroy that Shawn Corbit guy!"

"Let us celebrate with some smoochie music and whisky lights!" Schowz exclaimed and pressed a button on the remote and the lights went dim and music started to play.

"Woah! He made whirly lights!" I exclaimed.

Henry and I jumped on the couch as it spun slowly and danced.

- - - - - - -

I sat on a bench in the gym as Henry was shooting some hoops. I was mostly watching One Direction: Video Daires as I waited for the one-on-on game to start.

"Listen up!" The coach yelled, causing me to put my phone away. "This is going to be a game of one-of-one. Playing to ten. The winner stays on the basketball team, the loser goes home to his mommy."

A tall man, who looks about 20, steps onto the court with Henry.

"Okay, let's get this over with. Henry, your ball." The coach dropped the ball.

I gave Henry a thumbs up, and looked to my right to see my dad making out with a teacher.

"Gross!" I rolled my eyes and sat next to Charlotte and Piper.

Henry went to shoot the ball but Shawn, who I'm guessing was, stopped the ball and shot the other hoop.

"Hey, give me your phone!" Piper yelled at Charlotte.

"Why?" Charlotte asked as Piper snatched the phone out of her hand.

"So I can shoot Henry's disaster from two angels!" Piper grinned.

Shawn continued to score the hoops as Henry tried to steal the ball. Even when Shawn was on the phone, he still scored.

Shawn gave Henry the ball, and Henry tried to score but Shawn took the ball.

"I thought we were only playing to ten." Henry looked at the score bored. 0 to 32.

"Oh, yeah." The coach blew his whistle. "Game over! Shawn wins! Have a nice life, Henry."

The coach ran out with Shawn.

Henry started to walk over to Charlotte and I.

"Schowz!" My dad shouted and we all turned to see Schowz making out with the teacher my dad once made out with.

Schowz got up and started to run.

"Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?!" My dad squished the lemonade cups onto the floor.

- - - - - - -

"Who's Lulu?" My dad asked as we were all in the Man Cave.

"Shawn's puppy." Henry explained. "She's a cockapoo."

"Wait a minute." My dad began. "So you're telling me that your coach kidnapped Shawn's puppy.."

"A cockapoo." Henry corrected.

"And now he's forcing Shawn to pretend he's a 14-years-old so he can play in your junior high school basketball team?" My dad scoffed.

"Crazy, right?" Henry sat down next to me.

"Uh, yeah." My dad nodded.

"Coach won't give Shawn his puppy back unless our team wins the state championship." Henry explained.

My dad took out his container tube and took out a bubblegum, chewing it.

"Ooh, you're chewing. What are you going to do?" Henry asked.

"There are two things I hate in the world, and one of them is guys who kidnapped other guys' dogs to make them do stuff." My dad shouted.

"What's the other thing?" I took a sip of my Pepsi as I continued to look at the large screen in front of me.

"Celery." My dad pointed out.

"Yeah!" Henry agreed.

"It ruins tuna salad!" My dad groaned.

"Ruins it!" Henry repeated.

My dad transformed into Captain Man and went up the tube.

"Hey Henry, sit." I patted the seat next to me on the couch. "We're going to watch Harry Potter."

"Okay, fine." Henry sat next to me as we continued to watch Harry Potter.

- - - - - - -

After my dad came back, Henry and I finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, we played basketball.

Henry opened his eyes and scored.

"Woah, yeah!" Henry exclaimed.

The elevator door opened and Schowz came out. "Okay. I fixed the elevator."

"Good." My dad got up from leaning on the couch. "Thank you. Now, leave my life."

"Okay, boss." Schowz frowned and turned back to the elevator.

"Dad.." I turned to my dad.

"Stay out of this, Audrey." My dad told me.

Schowz went into the elevator and turned to us.

"Goodbye, peoples. Schowz out." Schowz frowned as the elevator door closed.

"Great." Henry huffed. "What happens next if something breaks around here? No one else can fix all this stuff."

"Too bad. He's gone." My dad scoffed.

The elevator door opened again and Schowz smiled. "I still here!"

My dad groaned. "All right, Schowz, you can have your old room back."

"Yeah, baby!" Schowz exclaimed and jumped into my dad's arms.

"Ah! Get off!" My dad pushed Schowz off. "Never leap on me again!"

Schowz laughed and ran into his room.

"All right, Audrey, check this out." Henry took off his goggles and sleeve. "No sleeve. Just the kid."

Henry threw the basketball to the hoop, but instead the basketball fell onto a machine.

"Impressive." I shook my head.

The machine started to spark wires.

"Schowz?" We all turned to around slowly.

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