Out of His League: Book Two (...

By jsteph0214

419K 17K 3.5K

"It's always been you, Phoenix. You are the one who makes me the happiest. Just being in the same room as you... More

Character Introduction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Nine

4.9K 226 64
By jsteph0214


The night we have all been waiting for was finally here. It was the first game of the season for the Cobras. Ryder and Pheonix have been a mixture of pumped up and a bundle of nerves throughout the day, but by the time they had to head over to the stadium, you could see the fire and excitement in their eyes...that urge to give hell out on the field. The looks they gave me before walking out the door were the same ones I witnessed back in high school. Even years later, that intense passion they had for the game had never died down but only became stronger.

"Damn girl, I don't think I got the memo to dress like sexy badass bitch," Vee lifts her brows, looking at my outfit once I open the front door to our apartment.

I softly chuckle at her reaction, shaking my head. "You sure? Because you definitely look like one to me."

"Yeah, you're right," She does a twirl while we both laugh.

She walks inside before I shut the door.

Vee and I were going to the game together. I wanted to drive back with Phoenix afterward so it worked out going over in her car.

I have actually been looking forward to hanging out with her all week because she seems so fun, and besides the guys that I hang around always, I don't have many friends that are girls. Facetime calls with Lily and Mia aren't the same as them being in the same room with me or going out together.

"You know how hard it was to find an outfit for the game tonight? I had to go out and buy a yellow top because I barely own that color," I said as we made our way towards the kitchen.

She sat down on one of the stools by the counter. "That was me when I first met Jesse and started going to the games. Yellow and black weren't my colors...well, they still aren't, but now there is a shit ton of those colors in our closet."

"Are Cobras even yellow? I feel like they should be the Bumble Bees instead," I joked, opening up our alcohol cabinet.

Vee let out a loud laugh. "Oh my god. We should make a petition to change their team name to the Bumble Bees instead. The boys would love that, I'm sure."

"We have to do it now," I grinned, pulling out a bottle of rum and two shot glasses before looking back at her. "Up for a pre-game shot?"

"You read my mind."

Once I set everything down on the counter, I poured us each a full shot.

She holds up her glass. "To a fucking incredible season for our Bumble Bees..I mean Cobras!"

"To our Bumble Cobras!" We clinked our glasses together, downing the shots and laughing.

"Hey, how was school this week? Didn't you have your first day on Monday?" Vee asked.

I nodded. "Yeah! It was okay. My teachers are cool, and I haven't talked to too many people in my classes, but that's probably because I always pick a seat in the back of the room."

She chuckled. "I do that too, so don't feel bad. There are some pretty chill people in my classes, but I try and keep to just my inner circle. I've had my fair share of friendship troubles, especially when it comes to girls finding out I'm with "Jesse on the baseball team," She mimicked.

"I have never related to something so much. Oh, the feeling of being used just to get close to my brother or Phoenix. I hear ya, girl. That's why I never had friends outside the ones I grew up with all my life. They were the only ones I could ever trust."

"Yes, exactly! One time a girl I was friends with for a short time came to a party we were throwing. She was always nice to me and hung out with Jesse and I a lot. I didn't really think anything was weird or had bad vibes from her at the time but during that party Jesse and I headed to our room with the full intention to have him blow my back out," She smirked as I began to crack up at her words. "But that thought quickly vanished once we saw her stretched out naked in our bed waiting there wide awake."

My eyes widened. "What?!"

"Mhm, she was butt naked, sitting there with a smirk that I nearly beat off her face because I was not okay in that moment." 

"Why the hell was she there?"

Vee let out a short laugh. "Well...she proceeded to try and persuade us to have Jesse fuck her as I watched them. I was slightly drunk at that point but I wasn't a complete idiot."

"Oh hell no, uh ah, that's messed up. Was she completely insane?" My face twisted in shock and disgust.

"The bitch had to be. I get that some people are into that, but not me. Hell no. My man is mine only, and I don't share with anyone."

I nodded, leaning against the counter. "So what did you do when she said that?"

A subtle smile appeared on her face. "I picked up the nearest thing to me, which happened to be one of my Crocs, and chucked it at her face before screaming what probably sounded like some crazy words and curses at her. She flew out of that bed with the sheet wrapped around her, gathering her clothes up like it was life or death...which probably felt like it, honestly. Jesse had to hold me back, so I didn't beat her with the other Croc of mine."

"Holy shit," I started to laugh. "Did you ever see her again?"

She shook her head. "Nope, and to this day, she still has our damn bed sheet."

"That's probably for the best," I softly chuckled.

"True...but that is one of the reasons I don't invite too many new people into my life. Some girls you just can't trust."

I walked around, sitting on the stool next to her. "Speaking of girls you can't trust...have you met Amber yet?"

Her brows knitted together. "The one Sam's been talking to?"

"Yep, that's the one."

"Nope, but from what I have heard from Jesse is that none of the guys are big fans of her, and she sounds like trouble."

"Apparently she transferred here from another state for junior year."

"Lucky us, I guess," Vee spoke sarcastically. "What were your thoughts on her when you met?"

My forehead creased. "I don't know. Something felt weird about her, and she was awfully flirty with all the guys, including Nix, when I know she had to have seen us together before."

She scrunched up her face. "Yikes, I haven't even met her, and I'm not liking her too much already."

"I'm just hoping that it's just a fling with Sam..then he will on to the next."

"The last thing we need is another psycho girl hopping in beds that aren't hers and wanting a man that isn't hers too."

I raised a brow. "If that happened to me, I might have to borrow your Crocs."

"Don't worry, I got you," She chuckled loudly. "You know...I'm happy Nix convinced you to move all the way out here. It's nice having a friend that understands shit, and that's also fucking hilarious."

"We were definitely meant to be friends and give hell to the boys," The kitchen echoed with our laughter.

"We're the duo they didn't expect and definitely can't handle," Vee smiled.

"Man, this year is going to be so much fun."


Vee and I arrived at the stadium a little earlier than most because we wanted to get a chance to talk to the guys beforehand.

When we began to walk down the busy stairs that led to our seats, I spotted Nix over to the side of the dugout with Ryder, Jesse, and Kole. My heart raced like crazy at the sight of him in his uniform. God damn, that man is fine as hell. I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that I get to call him mine.

"Hey, Marshall!" Vee shouted before Jesse turned around, followed by the others.

That's when my eyes locked with Phoenix's as the sweetest grin appeared on his face, making me weak at the knees. The three of them met us over by the wall that stood between us.

"Damn, number eleven, you're kinda hot. You got a girlfriend?" I softly bite my lower lip.

He chuckled. "Yeah, and she looks so fucking good tonight too," Nix reached up, slipping his hand behind my neck to pull me down to him. His lips met mine slowly.

I pulled back, smiling. "Hey, baby."

"Hi, beautiful."

Kole stood there between Nix and Jesse. "Anyone else giving out kisses?"

"Sorry, Kole, but I'm sure Sam would be down," I teased.

"Yeah, as if he would ever get that lucky," He crossed his arms, shaking his head as we all erupted in laughter.

Vee chimed in. "You guys ready for tonight?"

"As ready as we'll ever be. I think the team has their heads in the game," Jesse said.

Nix nodded, keeping his hand placed on my lower back as I leaned against the barrier. "Yeah, we all are pretty determined to kick some ass tonight."

"Hey guys," Ryder came over. "Ready to watch us beat down on some Ravens?"

"Wouldn't want to spend my night doing anything else," A smile formed on my lips.

Nix raised a brow. "Well, I could think of a few things," He gave me a sly smirk.

I playfully swatted his chest as Ryder grimaced. "Dude, that is not what I want to be hearing right before the game...or at all."

We all began to chuckle at him.

"Where's Sam at?" Vee wondered as she sat on the ledge while Jesse had his hand on her lap, holding her up.

The guys all shrugged before Kole spoke up. "I saw him a few minutes ago, but then he disappeared."

"Probably hitting on some poor girl," Vee joked.

"Oh, hey, I told Lily that I would get a picture of you tonight," I told my brother, pulling out my phone.

His brow lifted. "A picture?" He asked just as the flash went off, making him look pale and insane with wide red eyes in the picture.

"That'll do," I said, laughing at it and sending it to Lily.

"Hey, what the hell?" Ryder peeked over at my phone. "I look like a psychopath."

"Good, then it's fitting," I gave him a sarcastic smile.

Nix chuckled, softly rubbing my back. "I'm sure Lily will hold onto that one for the rest of her life."

"Yeah, and so will I for any future needed blackmail," I giggled as Ryder narrowed his eyes, trying to snatch my phone out of my hands.

Vee smiled, shaking her head. "You two are for sure siblings."

Just then, Sam popped up. "Hello, beautiful people, and when I say that, I'm talking to Scar and Vee only."

Everyone lets out a few chuckles.

"Where's the girlfriend, Sammy?" Vee arched a curious brow.

His forehead creased, scratching his head. "I don't remember having one of those."

"You see Amber enough to make us think differently," Kole spoke up, lightly laughing.

"We are having fun and only having fun if you know what I mean. It's not serious or anything like that," Sam said.

Jesse chimed in. "Ah yes, the Sam way of life."

"You know she flirts with like most the guys on the team, right?" Ryder asked.

"Well, technically, Sam flirts with every girl with a heartbeat, so maybe they're compatible after all," Nix joked as everyone started to laugh loudly.

"You fucker," Sam grinned, punching Nix on the shoulder.

Vee crossed her arms. "Just be careful, Sam."

"Aren't I always? And don't worry, you and Scar are my favorites no matter what," He smirked.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, that's what I was worried about."

Their coach's voice began to echo around us, telling them to go warm up.

Nix looked at me. "I better hear you while I'm out on the field."

I gave him a soft smile. "I'll be the loudest one cheering tonight. You're going to do amazing, babe!"

"I will as long as I get my good luck kiss," His eyes melted into mine before I gently grabbed his face, leaning down to kiss him hard. I felt his tongue slowly slide against mine before we parted. "That will definitely help."

The corners of my lips curved up. "I love you, Nixie."

"I love you too, Shortcake. I will meet you downstairs by the locker rooms after the game, okay? Remember where to go to get there?"

I nodded. "Yeah, and Vee knows the way too."

"Good, I'll see you after!" He started to jog away, giving me one last wink.

"Go give them hell, guys!" I shouted as they all looked back at me with big smiles plastered on their faces.

Vee stood next to me. "Yeah, show them what you're made of around here!"

The two of us found our seats in the front row behind the dugout, making ourselves comfortable while happily watching the guys warm-up on the field. When they were done, the other team came running out for their turn.

As Vee was pointing to the ones on the Raven's team who are the biggest threat to the Cobra's, the last person I wanted to see stepped in front of our view.

"Hey, girlies," Amber's whiny voice was like nails on a chalkboard to me.

"Oh, hi," I said, glancing over at Vee, who was looking at her curiously.

Amber flashed a forced smile in Vee's direction before putting out her hand. "Jesse's girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah, I usually just go by Vee, though," She said as a corner of her lip softly curves into a half-smile, giving her a short handshake.

An annoying giggle escapes her. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Amber."

"Ha, you too," She replied.

"These seats are so fucking amazing. What I would give to sit over here. I'm going to have to talk to Sam about hooking me up with these seats next time."

Vee chimed in. "Where are you sitting?"

"Way up in the middle on the left," Her words were laced in agitation. "The only ones Sam could buy for my friends and me because he waited forever to get them."

I arched a brow at her. "Well, he didn't have to do that at all, so you should be happy you have seats."

She let out a small scoff. "I'm sure that's easy to say when you get handed front row tickets and spend all your time with the team."

Vee piped in. "If you're jealous, you can just say that."

Amber shakes her head, rolling her eyes. "I'm not the jealous type, but I do tend to make other girls feel that."

"What does that mean?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Oh, nothing," She slightly grins, making my blood boil again. "I have to get back to my seat."

Vee nodded. "Yeah, it's a long way up there, so you better go now to make it in time," Her words were laced in sarcasm.

Before she walked away, she turned to me. "Is Phoenix coming to the party tonight at Sam's?"

Why the fuck would she ask about it like that? She could have asked if we were going, but I know what she's trying to do, which is get in my head.

"Nope, sorry to disappoint. He'll be at home with me," I gave her a smile.

She raised a brow. "Wow, sad that he is forced to stay home when he could go out with his teammates to celebrate the win they're about to get tonight."

"I don't force Phoenix to do anything and also I think it's sad that Sam gives attention to someone that clearly doesn't deserve it. You should feel lucky he even talks to you."

A smirk formed on her face. "Keep telling yourself that...I'll see you around, girls."

She walks away as my hands form into fists at my side. "I don't like her at all."

Vee furrowed her brows. "I'm right there with you, hun. We seriously need to talk to Sam...she is definitely trouble."

"Let's just hope that if we do that, he will listen to us and not what's in his damn pants."

My mind was racing, and my heart began to beat rapidly against my chest, stressing about what the hell that bitch is even thinking talking to us like that until my eyes found Nix. He turned back from the front of the dugout, giving me a handsome smile, and just like that, my crazy thoughts disappeared for only a moment.

What am I doing letting some insignificant little insect get to me? That's what she wants, and it's not even about her tonight; it's about the guys. It's Nix and Ryder's first game at their college that I get to watch once again in person after years of missing them. I'm finally back where I belong, which is cheering on some of the most important and special people in my life and I'm not about to let anyone ruin that.


Author's Note

So, I made a slight change of plans and decided to end here because I have a lot more to come for Pheonix and Scarlett during this time and it can't really be rushed. I was going to skip some things I had planned to finish up the whole game/evening events for you guys but it didn't feel complete if I did that. With that said, chapter 40 will be the update that might leave you with some questions, but remember that my characters only go through the hard shit to make them stronger together and never to drive them apart. <3

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