The Bad Boy is Back (Book 2)

By Jenleighna

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(Book 2) *Contains spoilers below* "I needed more closure than what you gave me." I half lied. "It feels... More

Chapter 1: Nine Months
Chapter 2: Just Shut Up For Ten Seconds, Okay?
Chapter 3: What's it to You?
Chapter 4: Just This Once
Chapter 5: I Think We Should Ask Her
Chapter 6: When it Comes to You
Chapter 7: Are You Going to Kill Me This Time?
Chapter 8: I Want You There
Chapter 9: Say My Name Again
Chapter 10: I Couldn't Save Him
Chapter 11: Prepare To Be Disappointed
Chapter 12: He's My Brother!
Chapter 13: He Knew
Chapter 14: Figure It Out
Chapter 15: Normal
Chapter 16: She'll Be Next
Chapter 17: This Is What I Need, Please?
Chapter 18: You Did What?
Chapter 20: 13 Months Earlier
Chapter 21: We're Going To Need You.
Chapter 22: I Didn't Plan On Getting Caught
Chapter 23: I Should've Made Her Stay
Chapter 24: She's Changed Everything
Chapter 25: I Need To Heal
Chapter 26: Doubtful

Chapter 19: Why'd You Do This To Me?

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By Jenleighna


I sat at the window again, watching absolutely nothing in particular. Sometimes I would see birds and be envious of their freedom. At least the bandages around my wrists keep the cuffs from digging in to my skin. And the girl, she decided to cuff my hands in front so I could feed myself. I didn’t even have the energy to fight her. It would only hurt me more because of those two guards.

                The sun was setting. The only thing that lets me know what time it is.

                I couldn’t tell you the date. I’ve lost count of the days.

                The girl said he was coming for me soon again yesterday.

                She’s been acting a bit strange lately. She hasn’t used me as her personal scratching post and she’s been less snarky. She brings me food every night and two bottles of water. She never stays any longer than she has to and she won’t look at me any longer than a second. She doesn’t talk much, either. I’m used to her throwing names at me and telling me I’m pathetic, but something’s changed.

                The bedroom door slowly opened and she stepped through with a bag in her hand. I was starving, but I took my time walking up to her and taking the bag from her hands. I didn’t want to look like a dog when their owner just got him.

                She sat with me at the table, like she usually does. “You’re quiet.” I stated after swallowing my first bite.

She shrugged her shoulders, her normal tight ponytail was loose. “Don’t have anything to say.”

There was something odd about her. When I looked at her, I saw my mom. Which is weird, right? I just think its hallucinations or something because my mom never had any other kids. “Why won’t you tell me your name?” I blurted.

                “Why would I tell you my name?” She leaned over the table, the normal flare of anger behind her eyes.

                “Why not?”

She let out a sigh and leaned back in her chair. She folded her arms across her chest, “Emma.”

The name wasn’t familiar. “Emma.” I repeated. “Suits you.”

                She was quiet after that.

                When I finished eating and downed my last bottle of water, I went back to the window. “Why haven’t you taken your anger out on me yet?” I asked timidly.

Emma stood up and walked towards me. “You’re not the person I should be taking my anger out on.”

                “Then who is?”

                “No one I would tell you about.” She raised a brow and put a hand on her hip.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window again.

                “I finally met the infamous Willow.”

Something in my chest swelled and felt like it was on fire. “You didn’t—”

                “I didn’t touch her.” She interjected. “I went to her for help.”

Now I was the one confused. “And what could she possibly help with?”

                “Getting you out, Dumbass.”

My confusion turned to shock. “Getting me out?”

She nodded quickly. “There’s no way I can get you past dumb and dumber in there.”

                “There’s no way she’ll come here to save me. She hates me.” I choked out the last part.

                “She already messaged me, Scott. And she’s coming alone.”

I pushed away from the window and paced towards her. “Alone? Why? She can’t get rid of those guards. Is Noah coming with her?”

                “I told her to leave him out of it.”

She had to be kidding. “You know she’s not going to.”

A slow smirk spread on her face. “I’m counting on it.”

                “Don’t hurt her—”

She threw her head back and let out a loud groan. “Nothing is going to happen to your precious little Willow. I’m helping her, not setting her up.” She reached forward, thumping me on the side of the head.

                There’s something wrong with me, I know that. I have outbursts or certain moments when all I want to do is hurt someone or something. It’s like some crawling under my skin, just building up until I let go. Sometimes I blame what happened to my mom, other times I blame myself. I regret doing what I did to Willow and Noah. And there’s no way to make them understand that.

                I know what I did and it’s unforgivable. And I have to live with this every day.

                “Want to know what I think?” She offered.

I shook my head. “No, but I have a feeling you’re going to tell me anyway.”

                “You care about Willow more than you think. And you don’t want to admit it because you know she would never choose you over Noah.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, “Haven’t we had this conversation?”

                “Possibly. But it shows more and more every time I talk about her.” She placed a finger between my eyebrows. “And you get this wrinkle right there. Still pathetic though.”

Ah, there she is. “I did date her first.”

She snorted. “To piss off your brother.”

                There was a point there. But I remember seeing Willow at her house when I would come over to visit her brother. She either had her face buried in a book or doing homework. Well, and yelling at Ash. It was a weird feeling. I didn’t know if I liked it or not. And I never talked to her because of it. I knew I was messed up and I didn’t want her to know that.

                That blew up in my face big time.

                She was out of my league anyway. Still is out of my league and she’s in love with my brother, not me. And I feel like that’s okay. I think I could live my life without telling her how I really feel. That’s if I even have a life after this. And if I do, I still wouldn’t. It would be stupid on my part so I’m just going to keep what I feel locked up like it has been.

                It’s crazy how I feel about her. After what I’ve done to her, I definitely don’t expect her to feel the same. That night is kind of one big blur. I just remember drinking at that party and then Willow’s blood on my hands. The medication I was taking, shouldn’t be mixed with alcohol. I’m lucky to be alive even this long with all the crazy shit I’ve pulled.

                Still I’m not going to use that as an excuse.

                There’s absolutely no excuse for what I did. For what I’ve done.

                Emma tilted her head as she examined me. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

                “Will it make you feel better?” I retorted.

She smiled. “Maybe.”

                She knew she was right before she even asked.

                “Is there a reason why you’re still here?” I snapped.

She still had that amused smug grin on her face. “This plan is going to need a lot of work.” Her smile faltered a little. “I’m going to bring you extra food and stuff to give you energy and on Saturday, I’ll be giving you the key to the handcuffs.” She glanced at the door and back to me. She dropped her voice down to a whisper. “You better be prepared to kick some ass if you want out of here alive. Got that?”

                “Why are you helping me?” I glanced at the door also, now paranoid they’re listening.

                “Can’t tell you that. Just take the help.”

I couldn’t tell if she was serious. “How can I trust you? How do I know you’re not setting all of us up?”

                “And why would I go through all of this just for it to go to shit?” She hissed.

Another point, but I still don’t trust her. “What about this boss you keep talking about? Who is he?”

                “Still, not going to tell you. But I’m sure you already know.”

I’m hoping it’s not who I think it is. If it is, we’re all screwed. “I guess I have nothing to lose.” I am pathetic. A whole new level of tragic.

                After she left, I stood by the window again. I looked up at the sky and there weren’t any stars. My days have literally been spent staring out this damn window.

                I didn’t want to get my hopes up for this plan. Because if it fails, a lot of people are going to get hurt. I don’t want Willow or Noah to get hurt for me, it’s not worth it. And if the plan does go as planned and I get out of here, what’s going to stop this person from coming after me? I could leave again, there’s nothing left for me here anyway.

                The thought of running for the rest of my life sounded tiring.

                It beats not being alive.

                My legs started hurting so I laid down on the cot in the other corner of the room. I was over six feet tall and this weak cot wasn’t doing much for me. But it’s more comfortable than the floor. She finally gave me a shirt yesterday, another thing that was odd. But now I know why she’s been acting the way she has.

                Or at least I hope that’s the reason.

                Sleep took over with only a little bit of a problem.

Her skin was soft, her lips the perfect shade of pink. I ran my fingers across her lips, a smile slowly forming. “What are you doing?” Willow laughed, taking ahold of my hand and pressing her lips against my palm.

My smile grew to my ears. “I just want to kiss you again.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

I took the invitation. I cupped her face between my hands, searching her eyes that I knew all too well. I leaned in, just hovering over her lips. The tip of my nose brushed against hers. She let out a small laugh before standing on her toes and connecting our lips.

                There was the familiar jolt when I kissed her. Her body always responded to mine in a positive way. Her kisses were enough to make me whipped. Enough to want to give her the world and then some.

                Her hands ran up my chest and back down to the hem of my shirt. My shirt went over my head and I connected our lips again. She smiled against my kiss and it made me smile. My hands traveled down to the hem of her shirt. I tugged gently and she let out a loud gasp.

                A gasp that sounded like she was taking her last breath.

                She took a step back from me, looking down at her lower stomach where blood started seeping through her wound.

                What the…

                “Why?” She said softly.

I was confused.

                Until I looked down at my hands. A dagger, freshly coated with blood. I jumped back, letting the dagger fall to the ground. “Willow…” I trailed off.

                She fell to her knees as she held onto her stomach. “Why’d you do this to me?” She cried.

I jerked awake, sweat already beading against my forehead.

                Not again. I can’t keep having these damn dreams. And it’s not just Willow, I’ve had them about Noah also. Obviously without the kissing. But How I took the last bit of life they had left.

                I rubbed my eyes and let out a long breath. I ran a hand over my forehead and squeezed my eyes closed. I kind of wanted to cry, kind of just wanted to scream until I lost my voice. But that’s not going to help me and it would be a waste of energy. Instead, I just threw off my blanket and walked back to my trusty window in time to watch the sunrise.

                One more day in this hell hole.

                One day.


Is it bad that I love writing in Scott's point of view? Same with Noah's too, idk it's weird, haha. There's a picture of Scott at the top or side, depends where you're reading it lol. I know I used that picture before, but I just love it. :)))) And you can see his face much better.

So this is a filler chapter, leading up to the last few chapters!! I guess there will be more than 20, but not many, haha. I'm so sad, I don't want it to end. :( But I'll have a new story for you guys to read soon. :) (Not part of this series of course) It'll be called Charming In Handcuffs! I'm pretty excited about it to be honest.

Song: Cold by Crossfade

Please comment with your thoughts and I'll love you forever :)))) (Even though I already do.)

You can find me on twitter btw: jenleighna and tumblr: themazernners AND you can also find me on goodreads: jenleighna :)

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