
By internal_warfare

6.5K 445 1.1K

Evan Hansen is an introverted teenager with severe social anxiety. His mother, in attempt to get Evan out of... More

Imaginary Friends
Late Night Memories
Yes, The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman!
Awkward Interactions
The Unofficial Date
Connor in the Bathroom
Gay Jokes and Play Rehearsal
Forgotten Lines
A/N: I love you all 💖💖💖
Flower Petals
If I Could Tell Him
The Importance of Words
Happy Beginnings
Small World
Mended Relationships
Stars in Our Eyes
Risks Worth Taking
Sincerely, Me
Only Us For Forever
BONUS CHAPTER: In Case You Don't Live Forever


159 12 85
By internal_warfare


Connor took a deep breath as he pushed open the large double doors leading into the theater. Tonight was finally it. The weeks of rehearsing and preparing. The weeks of emotional torture and pain. All for this. All so Evan could finally have his moment to shine, so he could finally step into the sun. 

The room was dark, save for some fairly dim lighting that didn't help his eyesight at all. Connor looked over the rows and rows of seat, seeing some familiar faces among the gathering crowd. He decided before going to join them, a visit to his boyfriend was in order. So, turning away from the main aisle, Connor looked around before silently slipping backstage. 


Evan's POV 

Evan's nerves were on fire. His breaths were becoming shorter by the second and his hands were once again sweating like mad. But underneath it all, he felt a buzz of excitement. He knew the script better than anyone else here, save for maybe Christine. He'd performed this countless of times, but now, now there was a very large group of people to watch him. And as much as Evan wanted to brush it off as nothing and move on, it was certainly not nothing. It was everything. 

Evan tried to adjust his costume for the fifth time that night, pulling on the fabric and maneuvering things around so they were slightly more comfortable. He was currently still accepting he was about to go out in front of at least one hundred people, never mind trying to accept he was going to go out there half naked. 

Evan backed up against the far wall, giving a nervous wave to Christine who simply responded with a beaming smile. She was so at home in this setting, it was almost surreal. At any moment that girl looked like she could break into a song about how much she loved play rehearsal. Evan put his face in his hands, trying to get some of his nerves to leave him. He stayed like this for a few moments before they were gently tugged down and Evan stared up at the face that gave him exactly what he needed. 

"Connor?" he smiled, blushing slightly at his lack of clothing. It wasn't as if Connor hadn't seem him shirtless before, but that didn't stop Evan's heart from pounding. "C-Connor what are you doing back here?" 

"I thought to come see if I was needed, and it seems I was." Connor smirked, very carefully placing his hands on Evan's waist, as if he was made of glass and would shatter at the slightest force. "Plus I didn't wanna miss the view." He gave Evan a rather obnoxious but nonetheless appreciative once over. 

Evan rolled his eyes before standing on his toes to kiss his ridiculously tall boyfriend. Connor just smiled into the kiss, tightening his grip on Evan before lightly pushing his back to the wall. 

"God you're adorable." Connor mumbled, and Evan was glad there was no one else back there at the current moment. He was especially grateful when Connor moved from his mouth to his neck, causing Evan to let out a tiny, barely audible whine. 

"O-okay, I very much would like to continue this later, but Connor I've got to go on stage soon and I'd rather not do so with a marked up neck." Evan said, using all of his emotional strength to pull his boyfriend off of him. Connor just made a pouty face, his smile breaking through every now and again. 

"I love you so much," Evan chuckled, leaning into Connor's chest, who in turn buried his face in Evan's hair before lightly pressing a kiss to the top of his head. 

"I love you, too." Connor said, and Evan never wanted this to end. 

"I love you more." 

"Doubt it." 

"Fight me." Evan said, pulling away and smiling. Connor just hummed in response before turning to look out to the stage, where Evan would soon be standing.  

"Alright, break it up!" 

Evan turned to see Jared standing there, grinning like a mad man. 

"H-hey, Jared." Evan said, wondering what insults he was going to throw out about Evan's costume. This must have been evident on Evan's face because Jared's smile fell the smallest bit before disappearing entirely. 

"Hey, um, I just wanted to say that... I'm sorry." Jared inhaled a breath, eyes trained on the ground. "I'm sorry for all the times I- I made fun of you or joked about shit I shouldn't have, I don't know, and this isn't a worthy explanation, I know know there isn't one, but I guess it was just my way of trying to show that I care. That I see you and your struggles and I'm so sorry I made it seem as if I didn't give a fuck. Because I do, Evan. I give a lot of fucks, wait shit that sounded wrong, I-"                           

Evan effectively cut him off by placing a hand on Jared's shoulder, gently smiling.    

"It's okay. You don't need to apologize, I understand what you mean." Evan waited until Jared returned his smile before wrapping him in a hug, "I love you, dude. As family friends." Evan smirked, bringing up Jared's old saying. 

"I love you, too. As friends." Jared pulled back and grinned before winking at him and Connor. "Now, if you two could wait until you get home to try and get in each other's pants that would be great. And you're gonna do awesome out there, Evan. Knock em' dead." 

Jared gave a final smile, a genuine one, before walking off to go claim his seat. 

"I hate him just a little bit less now." Connor mumbled, mouth twitching up into a smirk.  

"Hey, Ev!" A familiar voice called, and Evan turned to see Michael and Jeremy walking towards them, hand in hand. 

"Michael!" Evan yelled, embracing the boy in a hug. Michael was significantly taller than Evan, though so was Jeremy, and Connor. Maybe Evan was just short. 

"You're gonna kill it out there, got it?" Michael said, pulling back from the hug and grinning. 

"Yeah..." Evan smiled back, "I-I just wanted to say thank you, by the way. To both of you."             

"What for?" Jeremy asked, the first words he'd spoken. 

"F-for being there for me. You two are like, I guess are like my older brothers in a way." Well, Jeremy technically would be his older brother soon, as their parents had actually gotten engaged after a solid few years of dating. But that wasn't what Evan meant. 

This statement earned him huge smiles from both boys, followed by more embraces. 

"Hey, Connor! Come on get in here, dude!" Michael called, pulling the spectating boy into the hug. Connor, instead of shoving Michael off like he would any other person, just playfully rolled his eyes and joined. 

They all spoke for a little while longer, before Evan insisted Michael and Jeremy return to their seats. He didn't hear Connor walk up behind him, didn't even know he was there until Evan felt a hand slip into his own. 

They stood like that, no words needing to be passed between them. They stayed silent until Christine came rushing in from the other room, carrying a clip board and a box of props. 

"Evan! There you are! You're on in five, c'mon let's go!" 

"W-what-" Evan didn't have time to ask any more questions before he was being dragged by the arm and into another room. 

"O-okay! Connor, I - uh, I love you!" Evan called, stumbling over his own feet. He vaguely heard Connor's response before Christine was in front of him again, making last minute adjustments. It was several minutes of standing in awkward silence while she tugged and folded and pinned. 

Finally Christine was finished, and Evan shifted nervously, wanting to go back to Connor. 

"Are you ready?" Christine asked him, setting two hands on Evan's shoulders in an attempt to steady him both emotionally and physically. Evan didn't exactly know the answer, the burning anxiety was still there, a feeling he hadn't missed in the least, but buried underneath it was something resembling confidence and excitement. 

"I-I think so?" 

"Alright then," Christine flashed Evan a smile and motioned for him to follow her out the door. Evan's heart was thumping as he neared the edge of the curtain, the blinding lights shining in his eyes as he slightly pulled open the curtain to look at the audience. Evan relaxed as he realized there weren't as many people as he thought, though the amount was still nerve racking. 

Evan's eyes moved to look at Connor, who was seated next to Zoe, who was currently fending off Jared from trying to eat her food. Evan smiled slightly as he saw Alana come into view, lightly shoving Jared out of her seat next to Zoe, grabbing onto Zoe's hand tightly. 

A row behind them was Michael and Jeremy, and the sight of his familiar friends, all of them, calmed him. Evan let the curtain fall back into place, looking over at Christine who was now motioning for him to walk onto the stage.                                

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Evan moved to step out from behind the safety of the curtain. His heart was pounding and his hands were most definitely sweaty, though this time it had nothing to with a certain Murphy sibling. But Evan collected himself, thinking of all his amazing friends and his even more amazing boyfriend who were waiting out there for him. So Evan took a deep breath and stepped into the spotlight. 

                                                          ANNDDD.... WE'RE DONE! 

I cannot express my gratitude to those of you have stuck it out this far, writing this fanfiction has been incredibly fun for me and I'm so glad to know there are other people who enjoy it. It hurts me to say it's over but at the same time it's amazing to go and look back on this thing that I made and see the progress. Anyway, thank you all so much I love each and everyone of you, you all are so awesome! 




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