Professional Restraint

Bởi Siberiantiggy

712K 21.1K 10.2K

When a young data scientist unexpectedly steals the heart of a highly sought after executive, the passion bet... Xem Thêm

Season List for Professional Restraint
1 The Substitute
2 Late Night Rendezvous
3 Distractions
4 Business & Pleasure
5 Unexpected Detours
6 Tuscana
8 Ella of My Dreams
9 Game Plan
10 What a Week!
11 Anticipation
12 Up, Up, and Away
13 Adventure
14 Gravity
15 Wound Tight
16 Sightseeing
17 Hot Seat
18 Itchy Palm
19 Everything is Fine
20 Incredible
21 Deeper
22 Lucky You
23 Best Night's Sleep
24 Mask
25 Soon Kitten
26 On Second Thought
27 Time to Celebrate
28 Let's Go!
29 Fuck This!
30 Remember this Moment
31 All Ears
32 Forget You...
33 Peachy
34 Let the Adventure Begin
35 Wow
36 Let the Games Begin
37 Casanova
38 Good Girl
39 Imagine That...
40 Happy Place
41 Are You In Or Out?
42 Show Off
43 Seriously

7 Let Loose

19.7K 635 255
Bởi Siberiantiggy


"Okay." The word leaves my mouth effortlessly before I can even comprehend the ramifications.

Liam's eyes are wide, but a smile slips onto his lips. Clearly, he wasn't expecting me to agree so easily. Hell, neither was I, since I don't even know what exactly I just agreed to.

What was I thinking?!

"Excellent," he replies with a satisfied grin. The intensity of his gaze makes my cheeks warm, but before I can backpedal, the waiter comes in for our order.

The guy's order a bottle of red wine for the table and appetizers. I sit there still reeling from my decision as everyone else at the table chatters about which appetizers. In the end they go with bruschetta, an appetizers sampler platter, and an antipasto platter.

Sophia's mocha eyes find mine, swimming with concern. Her look says she didn't expect me to agree so quickly, either.

"If you'll excuse us," she says, standing up. "We're just gonna go freshen up."

She walks over and holds out a hand for me, which I take without hesitation. With brisk steps, she whisks me off to what I assume is the bathroom.

I'm still lost in my whirling thoughts as Sophia leads me through the crowds, expertly weaving me around servers and between tables. Finally, we reach our destination, a set of dark doors into the nicest bathroom I've probably ever seen. Once she leads us through them, she turns, faces me, and places a tender hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, El?" Her eyes swim with concern.

Am I? It's just dinner and a business trip... Sure, it's not what I normally do, but that doesn't mean I can't handle it... Does it?

Somehow, the obvious fact that the trip is only with Liam is both frightening and exciting. I'm not afraid of him, yet there is something intimidating about him.

"No, I'm okay," I whisper.

"Say the word, babe, and I'll get you out of that trip," she says, giving me a reassuring smile. "Seriously, you've seen me talk my way out of parking and speeding tickets. I can take these guys with my pinkie toe."

I can't help but laugh because she's right. She has the ability to talk her way in or out of almost anything. It's like a superpower.

"Thanks, Soph," I reply, feeling my shoulders relax. "I agreed before I even thought about what I was agreeing to."

My cheeks flush as I realize I put myself in this spot, but once again, Soph is willing to save me.

But do I need saving? Didn't Liam just save me from the pushy guys at the bar? As intimidating as he is, there's no denying I still somehow feel safe with him. Besides, it's just work.

"Just say the word," she reminds me, then lets me go and turns to the mirror to touch up her makeup. "Remember, I'm the boss, not them. If anyone has a problem with it, I can deal with it. But you'll have a week to work close enough with him to see if you can handle him."

I feel my cheeks burn at her choice of words. She no doubt means if he's too difficult to work with, yet my mind takes it a completely different way. I glance over at her to see her staring at me with a raised brow and a crooked grin.

She chose those words on purpose!

We both break out into laughs while I try to rub the heat from the back of my neck. I should know better than to think her word choice was coincidental.

"You're the worst," I groan.

"Oh please! You love me," she chides, rolling her eyes. "Don't tell me you still think he isn't interested in you?"

How do I even answer that?! I think a sliver of me hopes he is, while the larger part doubts he could be interested in someone as ordinary as me.

"I have my doubts. Besides, I'm on a break, remember? Even you agreed it would be good for me to focus on work and myself for a while, no distractions." I turn to the mirror and focus on touching up my hair, hoping she'll drop it.

"I agreed because you were dealing with a bad breakup, and that was over a year ago," she says with a frown. "I'm not saying rush out and have a one-night stand or anything, but would it be so bad to keep an open mind?"

"We both know one-night stands aren't my thing," I mumble, giving her a pointed look. "But I suppose there's no harm in being friendly."

"That's a good mindset," she says, smiling fondly at me. "Just be open and see where things take you tonight. No pressure."

No pressure. I like the way that sounds. It is just dinner after all, it can be simple fun. He definitely seems more relaxed now that the bidding is done.

"Come on, let's go before they think we slipped out the back," she teases before heading back out.

I follow Soph through the crowd, and smile at how lucky I am to have a friend like her. She always looks out for me and checks in to see if I'm alright and when I'm not, she's the first one to offer help. I don't know what I would have done without her back then...

"Ladies," Declan greets with a big smile. Both men stand and slide our chairs in for us. The simple yet touching gesture again making me blush. Never once has a man pulled out a chair for me, let alone twice.

This is the kind of thing that happens in movies.

Soph passes me a menu and opens one for herself. The main course choices sound fancy and the prices make my eyes go wide. Based on the descriptions that are a mix of Italian and English, I have no idea what to get.

"Seafood, poultry, or beef?" Liam whispers in my ear, clearly having picked up on my confusion.

"Umm..." I pause, chewing on my lip and trying to decide. "Poultry?"

"Are you asking or telling me?" His teasing lifts my gaze to his as it dances with mischief.

I groan in response, earning a hearty chuckle. "I like it all and like to try new things... but I think tonight I'm feeling like poultry," I reply, trying to sound more confident.

"Open-mindedness is a good trait to have," Liam muses almost more to himself. I don't miss how his eyes darken as he considers my words. The timber in his voice sounds a hair deeper when he adds, "As is a willingness to try new things."

Uncertain of what to make of his response and trying very hard to ignore my spiraling thoughts, I change directions. "So, what do you recommend?"

"This one is basically a chicken Alfredo with more of a garlic cream sauce and mixed vegetables. I've also had this one," Liam says, dragging his finger across the page. "It's more of a basil, tomato and cheese sauce with chicken and sundried tomatoes."

"Mmm, they both sound good," I mumble, chewing on my lip as I mull over those options.

Before I can make my choice, the server comes back with the appetizers and wine. A fresh strawberry daiquiri is set in front of me, replacing the empty glass.

Liam takes my distracted moment and orders both dishes while Declan orders for both him and Sophia. My eyes roam over all the different foods set out and I take a sampling of each.

"So I've got to ask, why just the three of you?" Declan asks, shifting his gaze between us.

Sophia shrugs. "Why not?"

"After what I've seen, I have no doubt you could dominate the market, yet you let McQueen and the others play the big dogs," Declan presses on, not letting our small setup slide. "Why?"

"I did the corporate world," Soph explains with a slightly distracted look as she no doubt flashes back to her stress-filled, near eighty-hour work week career. "I was good at it too, but it ate up my life. There were always more projects to do, bigger targets, higher benchmarks, another competitor to beat out. It's quite isolating, got to the point that I wasn't seeing my friends or family anymore."

"One day I walked out, finally met with El for lunch, and it clicked. She was in the same position, being run ragged. Hell, they didn't even want her leaving her desk for lunch," she says, frowning. "We were the talent, being exploited, and getting nothing for it but long hours, unrealistic expectations, and unsatisfying reactions when we'd exceeded those expectations."

"So she talked me into quitting my job," I add, flashing her a big smile. "After I freaked out, she sold me on the idea of going into business for ourselves. Then she got Tim onboard and here we are."

"Really, for us, it comes down to not messing with a good thing. The three of us work perfectly. We've tried to add others, and it just didn't work," Soph finishes with a shrug. "This way we can pick and choose the jobs we want to spend our time and talents on and never have to answer to anyone or cave to pressure."

"Impressive," Declan muses. "I admire a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it." His gaze darkens as he lets the double meaning sink in.

"Then I think you'll find me quite admirable," she replies, not missing a beat. "I can be quite... persistent."

"Likewise," he replies with a smirk.

I can't hold back my laugh at their verbal back and forth. All eyes at the table shift to me, silencing me. I rarely drink, and I think two daiquiris back-to-back may be getting to me.

"Sorry, I think I'm going to get some air," I mumble as my cheeks burn.

I excuse myself and step out onto the balcony, quickly closing the door behind me. The night time view from the private balcony is stunning. Tuscanna is situated on a bluff and the twinkling stars against a dark navy sky backdrop look like something right off of a postcard. The breathtaking sight invites me forward, luring me to the railing and the uninterrupted view below. I lean against the smooth metal, committing the breathtaking scene to memory.

A soft click behind me lets me know I'm no longer alone.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks. I didn't hear him walk over, but he's standing incredibly close behind me, based on the sound of his voice. His words and proximity send shivers down my spine.

"Yeah," I sigh, inwardly cursing my shaky-sounding voice. "I just wanted some air and to take in the view."

Liam moves around me, drawing my attention as he casually leans against the railing. He's facing me with his elbow propped on it, letting his jacket hang open. Suddenly the view is forgotten as my eyes take on a mind of their own, slowly travelling down his chest.

When I regain control and force my gaze back up, I'm met by Liam's own darkening gaze. I can't look away; his intensity keeps me trapped and I feel my breathing become increasingly shallow.

"Likewise," he replies huskily. My eyes flicker to the skyline and back, but his gaze never wavers.

Does he mean... me?

I swallow hard, trying to force the lump in the back of my throat back down. Licking my suddenly parched lips as I'm lost in his forest green gaze. Liam inches in closer, grazing his fingertips across my arm. The light contact and the trail of goosebumps he raises over my skin draws all of my attention.

Not long ago, my skin crawled when that guy slung his arm across the back of my chair. Yet here Liam is, barely touching me... and I want more.

"El," he whispers, snapping my focus from his fingers, which now trace random patterns on my arm, to his lips mere inches away.

"Yes?" I reply breathlessly.

The corners of his lips tug up and he leans over to close the gap between us, but a knock on the glass startles me and I jump back.

My heart hammers as I look at Liam. He looks totally unaffected while he straightens upright, whereas I feel like I'm melting. I'm sure I must be glowing scarlet. I swallow hard one last time, gathering my flustered nerves back together.

"The food must be here," he mumbles with an irritated edge and gestures for us to go in. In my hazy state, I forget to move until I feel the familiar weight and warmth of his hand on my lower back.

Back inside, Declan and Sophia look to have been getting quite comfortable with each other in our absence. I don't miss how close they're now sitting, nor the intimate way they lean into each other, whispering to each other.

The smell of food hits me like a wall and instantly my mouth waters. Once we're seated, I look at the dish in front of me. It must be the Alfredo-ish one, judging by the light coloured sauce, whereas Liam has the tomato basil one.

"Try some," he offers, sliding over his plate.

He watches me intently as I pick up my fork and take a bite. The flavours are tangy, rich, and very delicious, as is evident by the small moan that slips past my lips. Liam never breaks his gaze as I finish the bite.

I lick my lips and flash him a smile. "You have great taste. That's delicious!"

"Try yours," he says in a commanding tone.

My body seems quite attuned to him, instantly obeying and bringing a fork full to my mouth. Silky flavourful garlic cream sauce coats my tongue as a louder 'Mmm' slips from me. Both dishes are exceptional, but he picked right—this is divine.

"I guess we have an answer," he chuckles, taking his plate back.

For all the uncertain moments leading up to dinner, the meal turns out quite easy and anticlimactic. The table's conversation flows effortlessly and laughs are frequent as we share a good meal. Sophia and Declan dominate the conversation, occasionally drawing either of us in, but I'm just happy to sit, eat, and listen.

By the time we leave, I find myself lost in thought. I feel like tonight was less about business and more about something else. The idea of anything past our professional relationships leaves me unsure how to feel.

Both men escort us to our waiting town car, where all I can think about is how much I like the way Liam effortlessly slips his hand on my lower back to guide me. His hand is a simple touch and yet feels like so much more. There's an intimacy about his gesture and a safeness to it, but the contact also wakes a hunger in me that I thought was long gone.

If it ever existed.

Whatever this is, I want more...

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