Bets and Wagers

By Hell_R

20.4K 751 313

Work request: Will you write something about Loki/reader , where loki accepts a bet/wager to make reader fall... More



1.1K 42 19
By Hell_R

The week passed quickly after the meeting and I enjoyed my extended lunch, using the time to take a stroll through the nearby park while munching away on the food I'd bought from a small, family-run deli near the tower.

It was relaxing, though it kicked in a realisation that I hadn't done this in a long time, so long that I couldn't even remember the last time I'd done it.

The simple act of taking time for myself, not stressing about work for the next hour and a half or having to rush about to get errands done before the shops shut after work hours, it was pleasant.

How long had it been since I had properly pampered myself?

Taken some me time that didn't involve me lying around like a slug and feeling gross about myself?

Too long and that needed to change.

Surprisingly, it was Thor who managed to push me towards the decision to take an early exit at the end of the week and use the weekend for selfcare.

Things had been uneventful Monday afternoon through to Wednesday, just more days spent reading, correct, calling around and lonely evenings but opening my door for lunch on Wednesday afternoon nearly wound up in me breaking my neck.

I should have looked around before stepping out, but I hadn't expected a package to be dumped in front of my office door.

Somehow, I managed to not kick the basket all over the place when my foot collided with the red wicker block that had me stumbling to try and regain my balance.

Once I had gathered myself, I took another glance around before plucking up the basket, giving it a once over as I retreated back into my office, kicking the door closed behind me.

"Lunch can wait," I mumbled, setting it on my desk.

Naturally, I had anticipated it to be from Loki, even though he probably wouldn't have gone for such a garish red but the cream coloured cardboard with gold trim and bold black writing proved otherwise.

'This isn't much of an apology, but it was the best thing I could do to extend the branch as the Midgardian saying goes.

I hope you accept this gift as a token of my remorse and that we may speak again, though I shall understand if you choose not to.

Fyrirgef mik,

Thor Odinson.'

I raised my eyebrow and noted that I'd have to Google whatever the hell that last bit said while putting the card to one side, looking at the goods that were practically overflowing the top of the basket.

There were snacks, some healthy and some not, some I liked and some I would probably share with the bin, as well as luxurious looking soaps and other little ornaments that were surprisingly thoughtful and personable and that was only the bits I could see on the top.

I had no doubt that Pepper had pushed him towards some kind of redemption, but the image of Thor going out and putting real effort into his ideas for the hamper was heart-warming.

I tucked the hamper under my desk and continued out to lunch, looking forward to my newly luxurious weekend treatment.

After that, my Thursday afternoon was disrupted by a frantic Peter, who begged me to check the report he had sent in.

Not that he needed to beg, bless him.

As is turned out, he had caught himself almost sending off his report over an email and had likewise sent me the homework file by mistake.

Luckily, he caught it in time but we both agreed that he should perhaps not do homework and work reports simultaneously.

"Yeah, no kidding," he laughed softly, looking around my office as he shuffled on his face. "So, hey, uh...I heard about what happened with Loki, I'm real sorry."

I sharply lifted my head to look at him, holding back a wince at the sudden action.

Needless to say, I hadn't expected Peter of all people to bring that up.

"It's okay, really," I replied with a faint, unconvincing smile, "I'm getting past it."

"Good," he nodded, "it's weird, I think he does actually like you but you know what he's like, really complicated to understand and predict, he's like some kind of riddle tha-"

"You're rambling," I laughed, turning my chair towards him, "but it's sweet that you care."

Peter's worry truly did mean a lot but it also didn't surprise me, he had been lovely from day one.

He stuck around for a good hour or so, catching up and updating me on school life before having to race out for a meeting with Tony while I got back to work.

My last few days continued without incident and no sign of Loki.

Admittedly, I missed his presence, even though he had only been there for a couple of weeks in my working life.

He had this way of making it seem like he'd been in your life forever, whether that was a detriment or not, and the room felt empty without him lounging in my chair making snide remarks about the writing of the book he was reading.

Shutting off my office light and locking the door without him standing watching me made it feel like something was missing and that was quite annoying.

I didn't need his presence for comfort.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, shoving my keys into my bag to leave for the weekend.

A weekend where I would not think about Loki.

Unfortunately, I hadn't even made it out of the building before my plan of starting my relaxing weekend with buying takeaway on the way home was dashed.

I almost made it, as in putting my hands in the door to exit kind of almost, when a very distinct voice yelled my name from the elevators, so loud that it lead to an echo of repeats in the near empty foyer.

With a long sigh, I took a moment to consider whether I should answer or pretend that I didn't hear the impossible to miss call.

In the end, I gave in and turned around just as Thor walked up to me, his expression uncertain but also friendly.

"Hello," he said, coming across more hesitant than his usual exuberant self, "I hope you got my gift."

"I did," I smiled softly, giving a small nod, "it was lovely, so was the note, even if I still don't know what frigger milk is."

He laughed heartily, his usual smile returning.

"Fyrirgef mik, it means I'm sorry, next time I shall write it out formally for you."

"No, no that's okay, it added some authenticity to it."

"It is said with pure sincerity in my tongue," he nodded, "and my people do not say sorry easily."

"Then I think it's only fair that I accept your apology."

"Enough to perhaps join me for dinner? Just so that I can continue to make amends."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise and I felt myself stall for a moment.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting that."

"I suppose I did spring it from nowhere and I would understand if you decline."

I nodded slowly, chewing on my lower lip as I looked away.

This was certainly out of the blue and although he had been part of it, Thor wasn't the one I was really mad at.

Irritated, sure, but I didn't feel as begrudgingly towards him as I did with Loki.

In fact, I felt kind of passive towards his brother entirely, never having really interacted with him for this long before.

"Okay," I nodded with a smile, "let's grab something to eat."

"Wonderful!" He smiled widely, pushing the door open and holding it until I passed through, "I know a wonderful place, I hope you like your Midgardian Greek food."

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