Forced to Grow Up

By BasicallyBrandi

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Luke has started his rise to success in the music industry without anything holding him back. He spends his t... More

Chapter 1- This Can't Be Happening
Chapter 2- This Ain't No Dream
Chapter 3- The Little Terror
Chapter 5- It's Going to be Okay
Chapter 6- No Denying These Feelings
Chapter 7- Carewine
Chapter 8- Back to Luke's
Chapter 9- To Leesburg We Go

Chapter 4- It's Show Time

662 32 10
By BasicallyBrandi

“Luke, son, you need to wake up,” Momma quietly said as she shook me awake.

“Just five more minute,” I said groggily, “I don’t want to go to school today.”

“Luke, you graduated a long time ago. Get up. You’re going to miss your show,” Momma laughed.

“Shit! I overslept,” I said loudly as I shot up out of the bed.

“Shhh!” Momma said, “You’re going to wake up Kelly.”

I got up out of bed, grabbed some clothes, and headed to the bathroom to change. When I came out of the bathroom Kerri was waiting on me.

“You are going to be late if you don’t come on. Carter said to bring you this,” Kerri said as she handed me his guitar.

“Thanks,” I said as I hurried to get my old boots on.

“Let’s go,” Kerri said as she started towards the door.

“Have you got Kelly?” I asked Momma.

“Yes. Now go or you’ll be late,” Momma said as she rushed me out the door.

I ran to catch up with Kerri and Amanda. We walked into the Electric Cowboy and I could hear the crowd screaming. It was so exhilarating. I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. I had a few meet and greets to do before the show with some people who won a contest on the radio, but more than anything I was ready to be on the stage again.

“Are ya’ll ready for Luke Bryan?” the host said as the crowd screamed, “Here he is! Luke Bryan!”

“How are ya’ll doing tonight?” I asked the crowd before I started into my set.

I sang song after song before I noticed Momma standing backstage with Kelly. She was wearing a little pair of pink ear protectors screaming, trying desperately to get away from Momma. Momma just looked at me and shook her head. I knew she was screaming for me. I tried to continue, but I just couldn’t do it.

“Can ya’ll excuse me for just a second? I need to take care of something real quick,” I asked the crowd as I sat Carter’s guitar down and walked off the stage.

Kerri was standing there giving me the ‘What are you doing” look. But I didn’t stop. I went straight to Momma and took Kelly from her. I saw Kerri start smiling and gesturing for me to take Kelly out on stage with me.

“Do you think I should take Kelly out there with me?” I asked Momma.

“Luke, she’s not going to let you go,” Momma told me, “She’s been screaming for you since she woke up and you were gone.”

“I guess that answers my question,” I said as I turned and started walking back out to the stage.

The crowd broke out in a bunch of ‘awe’s’ as I did. I grabbed my mic and adjusted Kelly on my hip.

“This is my daughter, Kelly,” I introduced her, “Can you say hi?” Kelly just hid her face in my shoulder, “How about I do a slow song? Can I get a stool?”

Kerri brought me the stool she had been sitting on and I put my mic on a stand before sitting down on the stool with Kelly. I sang the song and by the end Kelly had to get down and she was starting to dance.

“Country Man! Country Man!” the crowd chanted over and over.

“I think I can do that,” I smiled as the first beats of Country Man started to play.

I grabbed Kelly’s hand and started dancing with Kelly as I sang. The crowd was eating it up, but I knew this didn’t need to be a habit. Kelly needed to be on a routine and I needed to find someone who I could trust that could look after Kelly when I was on stage.

“Goodnight, Little Rock!” I said as I picked up Kelly and walked off the stage.

“Great show tonight, Luke!” Toby, one of the road crew guys, told me, “But I think Kelly stole the show.”

“I have to agree,” I said as I turned to Kerri, “Where’s Momma?”

“She went back to the bus a little bit ago. She said that she needed to get everything set up for you and Kelly so she can leave in the morning,” Kerri informed me.

“I guess that’s where I’m heading. I could use a beer anyway,” I told her as I started walking towards the bus with Kelly still on my hip.

It was chilly outside and I had picked up the blanket Momma had brought with Kelly before I walked out the door. I stopped and quickly wrapped Kelly in the blanket before I opened the door. A rush of cold air blew in my face and I jogged to the bus. There was a garbage can full of trash outside the door which made me curious as to what Momma was doing.

“Momma!” I yelled as I walked up the steps, “What are you doing?”

“I’m just getting things ready for you and Kelly until you can get some help,” Momma informed me.

The bus had got a complete makeover since I had left this evening. There were locks on the cabinets and these funky looking things on the doorknobs and I didn’t see my fifth of Crown Royal on the counter anymore.

“Where is my Crown?” I asked as I pointed towards the counter.

“I got rid of it,” Momma said plainly as she went about cleaning.

“What? Why?” I asked in shock.

“You don’t need that with a little one around, Luke,” Momma told me with concern.

“Mom! That was a brand new fifth!” I shouted in shock as Kelly started squirming in my arms.

“Go put Kelly in her bed and we will have a talk,” Momma told me. I did as I was told. When I walked into my room it wasn’t even recognizable. Everything was different. There was another dresser that hadn’t been there before and some kind of baby bed thing. I laid Kelly down in it and realized that she wouldn’t be able to get out of it without help. I really think I will like that thing. It’s giving me my bed back. 

“Come sit,” Momma said as she urged me to sit with her at the table.

“What is it?” I asked sitting at the table.

“You are going to have to make some major changes in your life. Kelly needs a home. Somewhere safe and a routine. I know you are on the road so much, but you need to provide that for her even when you are. You are going to need to hire someone to look after her when you can’t. A nanny of sorts,” Momma explained.

“How am I going to afford that?” I asked, “It’s not like I’m making lots of money.”

“You are going to have to get your priorities straight. You are going to have to give up things. All the drinking and partying is going to have to stop. You have Kelly to think about now. She needs to be your number one. It’s not about you now. It’s all about her. I know you were thrown into this and it’s a complete surprise, but Luke, your life needs to change,” Momma told me.

“Who is going to do that?” I asked.

“I was talking to Kerri earlier and I think we have found someone. Her name is Jillian. She’s been a nanny for years and is very reliable. Kerri has even met with her and is basically waiting on your approval,” Momma answered me.

“If Kerri thinks she’s good enough then it’s fine with me,” I told Momma.

“You should meet with her first, Luke. Make sure you and her are on the same page when it comes to Kelly,” Momma enlightened me.

“When can I do that?” I asked curiously.

“She’s here now. She’s with Kerri or Amanda, I believe,” Momma informed me.

“Well, let’s meet her,” I stated.

The meeting with the nanny went great. Her name was Ava and she had a degree in early childhood education. Momma made sure she got settled in while laid down with Kelly who woke up suddenly when the bus started moving. We were on the way to Nashville and we were going to be there for about a week. I really couldn’t wait to get there and get everything settled with Kelly. I think it will be really good for her and me too.

“I’m off to the airport. Are you going to be okay, Luke?” Momma asked me.

“I’m good now,” I told her while glancing towards Ava.

“I’ll help him get everything in line,” Ava informed Momma.

“Love you, son. Love you, Kel,” Momma said while giving both of us kisses on the cheek, “Goodbye Ava.”

“By Momma. Love you too,” I told Momma as I closed the door to my apartment.

“It’s time for you to take a nap,” I told Kelly as I picked her up, “And I think Daddy needs one too.”

“I’ll get things baby-proofed while you both nap,” Ava informed me.

“Thanks. If you need anything come and get me,” I told her while going into my room and closing the door.

Momma made sure that Kelly’s portable crib thing was set up in my room to help her transition to her bed in her room. Kelly immediately laid down and went to sleep while I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. This is going to take some getting used to. After being up late for shows then getting up early with Kelly I don’t know how I’m going to do it. Even with Ava it’s going to be a big adjustment. I tossed and turned as I thought about everything, so I decided to go to the living room.

“I thought you were going to take a nap,” Ava asked as I plopped down on the couch turning the TV on.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I said as I flipped through the channels.

“Sorry. I wasn’t making too much noise was I?” Ava asked me.

“No. Just thinking,” I said. Ava went on about whatever she was doing. I laid over on the couch and dozed off.

I woke to someone touching my head.

“What are you doing?” I asked Ava as I opened my eyes realizing she was in my face lacing her fingers through my hair.

“You’re just so gorgeous,” Ava said as she leaned over and tried to kiss me.

“What the fuck?” I questioned as I shot up to a sitting position on the couch.

“You can’t say you’re not attracted to me too,” Ava told me.

“No, I’m not. This is a professional relationship. Nothing else,” I informed her.

“Oh, come on, Luke,” Ava said as she leaned in to kiss me again.

“No! I’m not interested! You need to leave!” I shouted as I stood up realizing Ava was only wearing her bra and panties, “And put your clothes back on!”

“You’re being serious?” Ava questioned in shock.

“Yes, I’m serious!” I yelled, “Take your shit and get out!”

“But you’re promiscuous,” Ava said in shock.

“No, I’m not! Far from it!” I shouted, “Now, get out!”

Ava finally got up off the living room floor and put her clothes back on. Kelly had woke from me shouting at Ava. While she was getting her things I opened the door waiting for her to leave.

“Kelly is crying,” Ava informed me.

“I know. I can hear her. I want you out. NOW! Oh, and you’re fired!” I yelled one more time before Ava left.

I walked down the hallway to my room. As soon as I entered the room she stopped crying.

“Daddy!” Kelly yelled as she threw her arms up and towards me wanting me to pick her up.

“Daddy’s here, baby,” I told her as I held her on my shoulder.

“Dink!” Kelly said as she flopped down and tried to reach her cup.

“Drink,” I said as I leaned down and picked up her cup before handing it to her.

We went to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on Bubble Guppies and thought about what I was going to do now. I have a show tonight here in town and I have no clue who is going to keep Kelly. I’ll call my sister, Kelly. She’ll know what to do.

“Bub-bub-bubble, Gup-gup-guppies! Bubble, bubble, bubble! Guppy, guppy, guppies!” I shook my head as I caught myself singing the theme song to Bubble Guppies.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed my phone off the counter. I sat back down on the couch and watched Little Kelly play with her toys for a minute before I dialed Kelly’s number.

“Hello?” Kelly said as she answered the phone.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” I broke as soon as I heard her voice.

“What’s going on?” Kelly asked me.

“Ava tried to seduce me!” I shouted, “I fired her!”

“You did what? Are you sure you aren’t reading too much into this?” Kelly questioned me.

“I swear I’m not. I dozed off on the couch and when I woke up she was playing with my hair in nothing but her underwear,” I informed my sister.

“Where was Kelly?” Kelly asked me.

“She was taking a nap,” I answered her as Kelly grew silent, “Are you still there?”

“I’m here. I was going to come up next week, but I guess I can come up tomorrow and help until you find someone to replace her. I won’t be able to get there until tomorrow though,” Kelly said, “Can you make it through tonight?”

“I have a show tonight,” I told her.

“Luke, you are going to have to find someone who can help you out tonight. Call Kerri and see if she has can recommend anyone,” Kelly told me.

“I don’t know who it would be,” I told her, “I don’t know anyone.”

“But Kerri will. Just call her,” Kelly assured me, “She is a mom. I’m sure she has a list of qualified babysitter’s and nanny’s.”

“Alright,” I said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’ll be there in the morning sometime. Bye,” Kelly said before she disconnected the call.

“Well, I guess I’ll call Kerri,” I said to myself.

My conversation with Kerri went very similar to the one I had with Kelly. Kerri got me set up with a good sitter that she used on a number of occasions and everything was settled. The night went great and was even better than I anticipated. The babysitter that Kerri recommended was great and I even got a good night’s sleep for the first time since Whitney left Kelly with me.

**Author's Note**

Luke made it through his first show with Kelly and even though he didn't want to he took her on stage with him. What are your thoughts on Ava and what she did? Did Luke make the right decision firing Ava? Will Luke's sister, Kelly, and Little Kelly take to one another well? Will Luke find a new nanny/babysitter who he can trust?  

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