
By ItIsMeLia

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I'd seen that face a million times. She was not merely seeing, she was observing. She was questioning me, int... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Christmas
Chapter 3: Aunt Josephine
Chapter 4: Karma
Chapter 5: The World At Your Feet
Chapter 6: A Burnt Ear and a Plan
Chapter 7: Spin The Bottle
Chapter 8: Rachel Lynde, Per Usual
Chapter 9: No Cure
Chapter 10: Easter Surprise
Chapter 11: The Funeral
Chapter 12: The Suitors, Cause and Effect
Chapter 13: Take Notice
Chapter 15: Trousers
Chapter 16: The County Fair
Chapter 17: The Barn Dance
Chapter 18: What Is Fair
Chapter 19: She Has a Plan
Chapter 20: The Action
Chapter 21: No Printing Press Metal
Chapter 22: The Burn of Liquor
Chapter 23: Misunderstandings
Chapter 24: It's Always Been You
Chapter 25: College
Chapter 26: Visitor in the Parlor
Chapter 27: Anne Knows
Chapter 28: Trains <3

Chapter 14: Dance Practice

363 13 8
By ItIsMeLia

We walked through the woods, and Gil and I listened to Miss Stacy intently.

It seemed that he and I were the only ones actually listening besides Anne.

"If you wish to see the efficiency of Mother Nature, just look up at the trees!" She said, and we all did so, seeing the small gaps between each tree.

"This phenomenon is known as crown shyness, which in tree terms basically means- no touching!" She finished, turning and seeing two of the boys helping Tillie.

They moved away, and I sighed, wishing my classmates would do something besides flirt for once.

"However, this isn't just something we see in trees, we see it all across nature, even with birds and bees," she said.

"The birds and the bees?" Tillie said nervously.

Miss Stacy sighed awkwardly.

"The bee collects pollen and nectar to feed the hive and create honey. The flower receives pollen, which it needs to bear fruit," Miss Stacy said.

"I thought we were gonna learn about the real birds and bees," Jane said, crossing her arms.

I was curious too, if I was honest. Because I didn't have a mother I wasn't really sure who would talk to me. It seemed that even the people with mothers were being neglected in that aspect.

"I assure you, the lesson will be illuminating all the same," Miss Stacy replied, having overheard her.

"And then we have the birds, take the red breasted nuthatch," she said, and everyone laughed, snickering. Even I smiled, because I had to admit, it was a pretty funny name.

"It's main source of food is the spruce budworm, which is a conifer pest. So while the redbreast-"

More laughing.

"While the bird," she continued, "gets its food, the tree gets its much needed pest relief, which brings me to the conclusion of today's lesson," she stated, getting cut off.

"Mating season?" One of the boys said, most of us groaned in disgust, I merely rolled my eyes.

Suddenly, Moody, who was climbing on the rocks, slipped.

He screamed out, and Miss Stacy picked up her skirts, rushing over. Gilbert and I hurried over, and everyone crowded around him.


There was talking and yelling.

Gil pulled down his sock, and because I'd always been squeamish with blood, I felt myself go lightheaded and faint.

In the small consciousness that remained, I heard Ruby scream too, and then another voice I didn't recognize.

"We are surrounded by savages!"

I wondered what in god's name was going on.

Everything passed in a blur, and I felt myself being lifted.

There was a cloth at my forehead, and soft hands that I recognized.

As I regained some sort of consciousness, I felt a cold mental hit my lips.

I blinked a few times, opening my eyes and seeing Miss Stacy in front of me. She raised the spoon a little, and I took it in my mouth, realizing the taste as honey. I licked my lips clear of the honey, and she handed it back to Gil.

I then saw Aluk, and the tribes medicine woman.

I got up, brushing off my skirt before going to greet them. In the time I'd spent tutoring Ka'kwet, I'd learned some of their language too.

"Who is dead? My son said someone is dead," Aluk said, looking at me.

"Nobody is dead, our boy is hurt," Miss Stacy explained, and he nodded.

"I heard screaming from the camp, I thought someone had died too," the woman joked, I laughed, and she smiled at me, touching my hand because she recognized me from when I would visit the village to teach Ka'kwet.

"The boy needs stitches," I said as best I could in their language, she understood well enough to know my meaning.

"Fix him up good, this one buys my hockey sticks," Aluk joked, I smiled, and the woman hit him gently, smiling and shaking her head before handing Moody some bark for the pain. He hesitated, but did so when Gil reassured him.

Gilbert was in awe as the woman used the honey to clean the wound. He seemed mind boggled at how much more native people knew about medicine.

As she began stitching I looked away, feeling sick again. I tried to think about anything besides what the cut looked like.

I felt a hand grab mine, and I looked at Miss Stacy, sighing and taking deep breaths, only looking back when they covered the wound in fresh bandages.

"He'll be fine, but he needs rest," the woman said. I translated for him.

Gilbert reassured her, letting her keep the honey. I smiled. What an amazing young man he'd become.

They left, and Anne smiled at them, waving.

I sighed, looking down at Moody. Well, certainly a field trip.


I got home from school, greeting Rachel.

"I'll take her, I'll take her, please get some rest," I said, scooping her up.

"God, thank god you're here. This little one never sleeps. Never! She seems to love you though," Rachel said, sighing and sitting down. I smiled at Delphine.

"She's just used to me, is all. Thank you so much for doing this while I'm not home. I know it's a lot to ask, especially since she's not your baby," I said, and she sighed.

"Well, she's not yours either. Bash needs another woman in this house, I've already told him that," she said, shaking her head.

"He's written to his mother. She's going to be joining us soon, and then she'll take care of Delphine while I'm at school," I said, and she nodded.

Delphine finally slept, and I put her down.

"Mrs. Lynde I have a question," I said, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Why is it that you're so set on finding Miss Stacy a suitor?" I asked.

"The woman is lonely, she told me directly, in a manner of speaking. She's still in her childbearing years, young enough. She makes a fine match for my Caleb," Rachel said. My face heated.

"I see. Thank you, that's all," I said, and she nodded, heading out.

I sighed. I wonder what Miss Stacy would do. If she'd actually marry someone Rachel set her up with. I shook my head, sighing. Time would tell.


"Tillie the Paul's are quite ardent!" Josie said, looking at the take notice board.

I rolled my eyes, going into the closet area.

"Mind if I take a copy?" I asked, and Gil handed me one.

I opened The Daily Telegraph, looking through each story and article.

Gilbert rambled about some study at a university.

"Funny, Dr. Ward mentioned antitoxins last month," he said.

"What's an antitoxin?" Anne asked, picking a copy up.

"It's a new kind of preventative medicine. Seems to actually be working from the look of it, even though Dr. Ward called it nonsense," he said.

"Most people have trouble trusting new ideas," Miss Stacy said, looking at me for a moment before turning back to Gilbert.

"The Sorbonne is an excellent university," she said.

"And thousands of miles and dollars away," he said, shaking his head.

"I know a doctor at the University of Toronto, Emily Oak, perhaps you could write to her," she suggested.

"Thank you, I'll take you up on that," he said, nodding and smiling.

They began discussing obituaries, and Anne suggested we do one for Mary.

"I'll ask Bash. I'm sure he'd love it," Gil said. She nodded.

Diana burst in.

"Anne! You're on the board! Charlie noticed you!" She said. Anne pulled her out of the room, and I rolled my eyes.

"The take notice board has been getting out of control these days," Miss Stacy said with a smile.

"Did you ever figure out who made the one post?" I asked.

"No, I merely took it down. I figure as long as nobody posts again there won't be an issue," she said. Gil glanced at me for a moment before going back to reading the paper.

"(Y/N), are you going to dance with John tomorrow?"

I looked up, seeing Josie looking in.

"What?" I asked.

"He posted about you on the take notice board," Josie said.

"No, I know that, what do you mean dance?" I asked.

"I've scheduled a dance practice for the county fair," Miss Stacy said.

"Oh. Probably not," I replied curtly. Josie sighed, rolling her eyes and leaving.

I sighed as I read the newspaper.

"Are you going to dance with Anne?" I teased Gil.

"If we get paired together, then yes. I'll probably just dance with you so it's less awkward," he said, and I smiled.

"My saving angel," I told him, and we both laughed.

Saving angel indeed.


"As promised, today we'll be practicing for the county fair barn dance. Mr. and Mrs. Lynde have been so kind to help us out," Miss Stacy said.

Suddenly the door opened, and three people joined us.

"Since the Dashing White Sergeant needs a set of six I asked some favors. You remember my son." She said, and Miss Stacy coughed, nodding.

"Yes of course," she said, folding her hands.

"It's very nice to see you again," he said. Perhaps if murder wasn't illegal I would've carried through with it.

"Thank you... all for coming," she said, sighing and smiling at everyone else.

They set up in their groups, and I watched with jealousy as Caleb danced with Miss Stacy.

She looked lovely today, too.

She grimaced as he danced with her, clearly uncomfortable. It was a bit awkward with no music, and Mrs. Lynde shouting the instructions as we clapped, but I was still jealous as their hands touched. I knew what those hands felt like.

"Alright, let's have each of you give it a try, please form sets of six," she instructed.

I paired up with Gil, Moody, Charlie, Anne, and Diana.

It did not go well, Gil and I laughed as the whole room broke down.

"STOP STOP STOP STOP!" Rachel yelled. We all sighed.

"That was... a start. Let's take a little break she suggested, sighing.

I rolled my eyes.

Ruby suddenly stormed out.

All the girls looked at each other and followed her to the cloakroom.

"Ruby what's wrong?" We asked.

"I- what if I'm pregnant!" She said, panicked. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"My mother says if I so much as go near a boy I could get pregnant, and if I touch a boy I'll CERTAINLY get pregnant, so I must be. You all could be!" she said, shaking.

I felt my heart drop. We all began talking, nervous. It couldn't be true, could it? I'd touched Gil before and been fine, I'd also touched Cole.

But what if Ruby was right? I should've understood that it wasn't reasonable, but I was nervous.

Josie turned around, and I followed her gaze.

"How could you let this happen!" She said, directing it at Miss Stacy, we all turned to her, nervous.

"Girls! Girls! I assure you, no one will become pregnant from dancing," she said, looking back to make sure no one else was listening.

"But there was so much touching!" Ruby exclaimed.

"That's not how it works it's not-" she paused, twitching slightly, "topical," she said.

We continued to gaze at her for an answer. She inhaled.

"There are... many steps to conceiving. First, courtship, then, of course, marriage. Then you and your-" she paused, and I felt my heart flutter.

"You and your husband m-may... will, with your consent, go down that.. cherished path to parenthood. Is that clear?" She said, looking between us all.

It wasn't clear, at all. Not all married couples had children. I didn't understand.

"I'm afraid to dance," Ruby said.

"You don't have to, you may sit this out if you wish," Miss Stacy said, clearing her throat. It wouldn't matter, either way, Ruby's group already had four girls and three boys, so it would even out now.

Miss Stacy left, sighing.

Gil told Moody to sit out this part, and he sighed. Our group would be missing a person.

"Muriel, you and Caleb should join in," Rachel suggested.

"Well, that group already has six, and I am the teacher. I think it would be better for me to dance with them," Miss Stacy replied, joining our group since Moody was sitting out.

He strummed his banjo, and we set up.

On the opposite side from left to right it went Charlie, Anne, and Miss Stacy.

On our side it was Diana, Gilbert, and then me.

Perhaps by some lucky god my wish to dance with Miss Stacy had been fulfilled.

We circled eight steps each way.

We set, and I turned to Gil, setting with him before watching him set with Diana.

We all turned our left shoulders before forming again, stepping in three steps.

My face was inches away from Miss Stacy, and I smiled at her. She returned the smile, laughing softly, and my heart fluttered.

We stepped back, stepping forward as our "men" sweeped us under their arms. I watched as Gilbert grinned at Anne, swinging her underneath his arm.

I would've laughed if Miss Stacy hadn't done the same to me.

My heart raced at the contact, and I took a shaky breath as I gained control of myself again.

Again, we turned eight steps each way. I smiled. Now that I'd gotten the hang of this, it was fun.

Both Gil and I seemed to be viewing things in slow motion.

Miss Stacy set with Diana, smiling at her to loosen up a little before turning to me.

My heart pounded in my ears, practically overthrowing the sound of the banjo.

Both of our hands met, and we turned.

I kept my focus on her, my lips parting as she smiled at me.

I wanted to kiss her.

Dear god I wanted to kiss her?

We turned our shoulders at each other, and then we formed again, and as she took my hand in hers once more I smiled.

We stepped in three steps, and I raised an eyebrow at Gilbert, who in return raised an eyebrow at me. I knew we were both implying to each other.

I smiled, looking over at Miss Stacy. She looked so beautiful.

We sweeped under arms again, forming our original sets.

We stepped in once more, stepping back and bowing at each other.

I felt my cheeks heat as Miss Stacy smiled at me, and I returned it.

"You did well," she said as we stepped away.

"You're a natural at it," I replied, blushing. She laughed softly, smiling and walking away. I walked away too, but not before bumping Gilbert closer to Anne. They looked as if about to kiss.

As we walked home, I had butterflies.

"I wanted to kiss her," I said, sighing.

"I know you did. I wanted to kiss her," he said, and I knew he was referencing Anne.

"You should go for it. If I could kiss Miss Stacy without being tied up and lit on fire I'd do it too," I said, and he smiled at my joke, shaking his head.

"You think I'm joking? You're so lucky, Gil. Anne actually likes you too. I know there's a woman in Charlottetown but you feel things for Anne. Don't throw it away. I wish more than anything Miss Stacy felt the same," I said, sighing and shaking my head.

"Maybe she does," he said.

"As if. Even if she was like I am, what are the chances she'd feel that way towards me," I said, sighing.

"You'd think they were high if you saw the look in her eyes as you two danced," he said, and I laughed, shoving him slightly.

"Well, same goes for you and Anne," I said, sticking my tongue out. He laughed, shaking his head.

I smiled to myself, recalling the way her hands had felt.

For a small moment, I let myself imagine that she was in love with me. I let myself imagine that we'd kissed after that dance.

It was only for a small moment, but my cheeks went hot. Muriel Stacy, what a great dancer you are.

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