Colors of Fate (EDITED/ON-HOL...

By SinisterInside

993 259 62

(On Hold) follow the journey of a special man named Sakti that can see the colors of Fate, he can see whethe... More

Prologue : Regret (Edited)
Character Sheet
Chapter 1 : Re-Start (Edited)
Chapter 2 : Reminiscence (Edited)
Chapter 3 : A friend
Chapter 4 : Premonition
Chapter 6: A Place to Call Home
Chapter 7: Daunting Reality
Chapter 8 : Make Your Choice
Chapter 9 : Everything's gonna be okay
Chapter 10 : Lost
Chapter 11 : Suspicious
Chapter 11.5 : in the pursuit of love (1)
Promote #1

Chapter 5 : Monochrome Road

52 19 3
By SinisterInside

(At the Classroom)

Without even realizing it the school period finally ended and we are allowed to go home, i went home together with David, since Bayu still got some student council stuff that he would need to attend to

"You guys can go home first, i still have a student council meeting after this"

"Hmm... is that true......" David answered with a suspicious look

"What's with that face? Nevermind I am sure you are up to no good again." Bayu nonchalantly said

"I hope it's not an excuse to get near that hot-looking vice president of yours, what's her name again jay?"

"It's Paula" I answered

"Yeah...Yeah... Paula."

"Well I'm not as perverted as you, I need to discuss some stuff regarding our graduation."

as we were busy talking, I noticed something peculiar, I saw the figure of the guy that was bullied by Irfan, he was standing still right in front of the teacher's office.

as he stood there in a haze, the thoughts finally hit me, that because I changed the past by avoiding the accident by the cafeteria, I also changed the future, as time seems to be intertwined, because we didn't come in and confront Irfan, this guy had his money stolen from him.

"Perhaps this is what they call as the domino effect?" i said to myself as i rummaged the inside of my wallet

"Huh? what are you implying bro?, hey jay we better get back first, I need to go home and explain to my parents about what happened to my phone." Said David with a tired and sad look.

"wait... Bayu do you have 300 (1)Rupiah on you?" 

"Yeah i have them, but what do you need them for?" Bayu asked.

"Can i borrow it? i will give it back once i get my wage." 

"Yeah sure, no worries just give it back whenever you have the money"

"Thanks, man" I answered Bayu

"Hey... what the hell man, you said you don't have money when I was trying to borrow some cash yesterday" 

"Well... if it's Jay I knew for sure that he would definitely pay me back, but for you, I am just not sure man." Bayu answered with a nonchalant look on his face

"Fuck you man" David answered as he followed me over to the teacher's office

"Well see you, I guess," said Bayu

(In Front of the School Office)

I decided to approach the guy and gave him the money that he needed to pay for the tuition

"Hey bro here is 300 Rupiah, you can use it to pay for your tuition money" I said to him as I gave him the money 

"what? but how did you..." the guy asked me in a disgruntled look

"I saw that your money was taken from you back in recess, i just wanted to help"

"Thank you, Thank you so much," the guy said as he bowed down and said thank you multiple times to me

"Hey, I'm not just giving away my money to you, you know. I am not a rich philanthropist here."

"Thank you, I will surely repay you back."

"no worries just repay me, once you have the money to" 

"Heyy Jay, what are you doing man? you're handing out your money away?" David came over and shouted on top of his lungs

"Hey shut up bro" I said as I try to cover David's mouth off

"well see ya" I said to the guy

"thank you so much" he replied while bowing down again

once we have walked some distance away, i finally decided to remove my hands from David's mouth

"Hey, if you're planning to give away some money, you should at least give me the money bro." David said with a disgruntled expression

"He needed the money more than you do, let's just go home" 

"Hey...Hey wait" David said while chasing after me to the school parking lot

(In the School Parking Lot)

"Hey bro but i just don't get it, why did you say that guy needed money more than i do."

"Hell, i just got my new phone confiscated."

"That guy, well Irfan took his tuition money"

"What?? Irfan did what?" David asked with disbelief

"But I'm pretty sure there's a reason behind what Irfan is doing."

"So that's why... well you better return Bayu's money then, and don't worry about me."

"Are you sure you don't want me to compensate you, bro?"

"No worries man, as long as you uphold your promise" David Answered

"By the way Jay, can I hitch a ride on your motorbike?"

"What happened to yours?" I suspiciously asked

"Well... Ummm i kinda pawned it off for some quick cash to buy my phone...."


"Alright... But you drive the motorbike" i said to him while handing him my keys

"Jeez... aren't we friends? Why are you always making me your shitty slave?"

"So do you wanna go home or not?"

"Alright... alright....give me that," David said while taking the keys off my hands

"Did you bring your helm? Don't tell me you pawned it off too...."

"No worries, I still haven't pawned it...... Just yet Haha...." David laugh while turning on my motorbike

(On the way back Home)

"So do you have work later tonight?" David asked me

"Yeahh i need to go home first and tidy things up though....."

"Well we need to go fast then, buckle up man, i'll show you the might of valentino david Hahaha" David laughed while speeding up my motorbike

"Shit man slow down, this is really dangerous man......."

"No worries man, i am used to this shit... Hahaha...."

We speedup real fast across the school street but when we were trying to cross an intersection, i saw that something felt off from afar, the streets and all of its surrounding suddenly turned monochrome

"SHIT" i said to myself as I braced for the inevitable while shouting to david " STOP MAN, BREAKKK!!! We are gonna hit into something!!!"


"Just break for fuck sake....."

When David finally tried to break, someone popped up from the other corner of the street.....

<Ratna POV>

"Ratna....... i don't think this is a really good idea...." my friend Nur tried to convince me

"No worries, He's definitely interested in me so i need to confront him first....."


"It's either now or never Nur...."

"But are you even sure he would pass by here?"

"Yes, no worries i got an informant saying that they would be passing over soon"

"And i already know what that guy's motorbike is like....."

"I mean isn't the plan kinda dangerous.....?"

" Don't worry i have already calculated it, this plan is perfect"

OMG im so smart, with this plan Sakti is as good as mine, my marvelous plan would be to wait until their motorbike is in close proximity, afterwards i would suddenly pop out and fake a fall in front of them, and once Sakti tries to help i would jump into his embrace....

"Ohh here they come...." take a deep breath Ratna, you can do this.... This is for my future.... No it's for our future.....

"Heyy Ratna Wait!!!, they're speeding too fast"

Without even minding what nur said, i started walking to the intersection trying to stop their bike.....


"OHHHH SHIIIT!!!" David shouted out loud as he tried to break the motorbike, but it was too late.......

The stranger is saved, but both Sakti and David fell down from the bike, and David fell down on his ass....

"Arghhh Shit........." david shouted out loud

"Ohhh... no i fell down....Ouchiee~" Ratna said out loud

<Ratna Imagination POV>

Ohh here he comes, my prince charming is trying to save me..... I better get ready

"Are you okay my dear? Are you hurt anywhere, i am really sorry, did i hurt you somewhere" the figure in the helm close in and kiss Ratna's hand

"I am...... I am alright my prince" this is my chance it's now or never, i need to fell into his embrace........


David decided to confront the girl that suddenly jumped in front of the motorbike and made him fall on his ass

"Hey what the fuck are you doing, running in front of us like that, are you dumb?"

"I am...... I am alright my prince" Ratna jumped into David's embrace

"Prince??? What the Fuck...." David pushed Ratna aside as she also fell down on her ass

"Kyahhh....... Ouchhh that hurts......" Ratna Shouted out loud

"Who the fuck are you calling your prince, you dumb girl?" David angrily shouted

Ratna tried to stand up and David finally saw who it actually was

"Wait..... Ratna? Ratna the insyafgram influencer?" David asked in dismay as he opened the helm he was using

"HAHH, You are not Sakti?"

"Ummm nooo, I am david......"

Ratna closed in on David

Damn she's even more beautiful up close, i need to break the ice here.....

"HAHAHA Or you can call me your prince again if you would like" David intuitively replied


But suddenly Ratna slapped David face

"BASTARD!!, Why did you push me........"

"Pftttt..... Hahaha" Sakti laugh out loud at the interesting occurrence unfolding before his own eyes

"Well let's make this quick then, as per my promise"

"Ratna this is David, and David this is Ratna, i hope both of you could be friends....... Pfftt....." Sakti said as he tried to hold his laugh again

"What are you saying, i don't wanna be friend with this jerk!!" Ratna pointed her fingers at David

"It's okay if i can't be your friend as long as i can be your prince" David said while smiling and trying to show of his charisma

"Ratna.... Are you okay?" Nur approached the group and shouted with a concern look

"I am okay..... But this jerk, he pushed me down......" Ratna said while showing an angry expression

"Ohh damn, i almost forgot that i need to get back first" Sakti said as he pick up his fallen motorbike

"Well...... See ya guys, you owe me one dude" sakti said as he wink his eyes to david and went back on his way

"Heyyy.... Where are you going my prince........?" Ratna tried to chase after the motorbike but David blocked her instead

"Your prince is here milady......" David tried to show his charismatic face again


"Move away jerk, you are blocking the way" ratna kicked david in his private spot.......

"AHHHHH...... FUCKK.... Didn't knew you were the dominatrix type milady" David replied

Ratna blushed as she slapped David on his cheek yet again and said "WHATT..."

"As long as you are happy, i am fine milady"

"This is not going anywhere......... Why is he in such a hurry anyways?"

" Ouchhh.... He needs to work after this" david replied while stroking his now red cheek

"Wait...what? He is working already?"
"Yeahh....." david replied

"Are you okay?" Nur asked David as she saw how red david cheek is

"I am fine. This is all for love......" David smiled and showed a peace sign

"Already working at such an age....." Ratna said while showing a look of disbelief

"Hey Pervert, do you know where he work at?"

"Well.... That.... He is actually working at..........."

Authors Note :

Yahallo Everyone ~~~ I am back with chapter 5 huhu, this chapter is rather short compared to the other chapters, mainly because i will upload another chapter later today Yeay~~~ <3

There is no words glossary for this chapter but if any of you found any words that you feel is hard to understand feel free to chat in the comment section below :3

Well that's it for this chapter, thank you everyone for all your continuous support HUHU <3

See you in chapters to come :D


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