hating me for loving you {h.s}

By boxerryy

29.5K 535 1.3K

*STORY CONTAINS MATURE & EXPLICIT CONTENT* Phoebe Stone & Harry styles started their lives as childhood frien... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.

Chapter 20.

1.2K 18 152
By boxerryy


You might wanna replay the song after it's done, 2 minutes is not enough;).


  This ice cream has for sure cheered her up, maybe just her spirit, but she's at least smiling. And that's the most I'll ever need from her.

We parked in a beautiful flower field, I know things like this can calm her down and bring her back to reality.

  A smile. It's such a beautiful trait, it's often one of the first ones humans see on other humans. Some smiles are more broken than others, even forced. But, that doesn't make them any less worthy or beautiful.

  Broken is beautiful, and I know Phoebe is broken.

  We all are in some way, shape, or form. No one is perfectly okay. Perfectly happy people still have that one memory burned in the back of their brain, just waiting to peak out when there's no sign of happiness, so the broken piece gets a chance to shine.

  Her broken piece is Allison.

  And mine is my dad.

  He always has been that one broken piece of glass, itching to get past layer one of my skin just so it can cut into all six other layers. Sometimes I let him get to three, but never seven.

  Layer seven was when I was 14. When Max couldn't get his broken spot out of his mind, so he took it out on me.

  That doesn't mean I forgive him, though. I'll never forgive him, he's the biggest monster I've ever met. Just because he was so fragile doesn't mean I was gonna save him from the fall. He didn't deserve to be picked back up, I did. I deserved to be treated more than a punching bag, all because he couldn't patch his broken wings.

  Fuck him.

  But Phoebe came along, and she patched my broken wings. She made me believe that I could find some sort of love again, I've always loved her but now it's just... real, and it's different.

  She picked up my piece of glass, took it away and let it fall to someone else. I hope I've done the same for her, she needs that.

  She needs to know that love is true and real, and that she has it right in front of her. Phoebe needs to know that I'm always in her corner.

  Even if one day we hate each other, I'm always in her corner, I'll always be her person.

  I've never met someone just like me, just in a more fragile form. It's not a bad thing that she's fragile, and I try not to treat her like she is. Phoebe just... cares. Caring can make people fragile in one form or another, it's what makes us human as some point in our lives.

  P has the best heart, deep down I know she means no one any harm, or hurt that she may cause them. She's such a giving and loving person, we all just have our different ways of showing it.

  And if her way right now is me doing our normal gesture of buying ice cream and driving, so be it.

  I'd do anything to see that beautiful smile on her rosy cheeks.

  Before we left, she locked herself in the bathroom. I don't know why she decided to lock the door, but I respected it and cleaned myself up too. I think we both just needed a minute to breathe, especially Phoebe. She was hyperventilating, it took her a minute to come down but once she did, she finally talked to me.

  I know it's not easy for her to talk about Allison, I've never been more grateful to be her safe space and open up. She's not even my mom and it's hard for me to even think about her.

  The pain she put Phoebe through was unimaginable, and I had to sit there and watch it all until one day I finally decided to speak up.

  I told her that if she didn't get her shit together that I'd take her and she could come stay with my family till whenever. Phoebe had spent several nights at my house, crying in my mom and I'd arms about Allison, telling us about all the problems.

  She would also talk a lot about how she missed her dad, it made me really fucking sad. Phoebe deserved a normal parent life and a normal childhood, and still to this day she deserves that.

"Do you think you're ever gonna talk to her about it?" I asked her softly, knowing me talking about this is touchy and dangerous, but I'm truly just looking out for her.

"No, I never wanna talk to her again." She crossed her arms over her chest, taking a bite out of her cone to distract herself from the conversation.

But I'm not done.

"C'mon P... I know it's hard but she probably wants to explain-"

"No! End of fucking story, H. I don't mean to be nasty or rude, but she fucked up my whole life, she doesn't get to just come right back in it just because she got this memory back." She grunted, scooting up to the front of the trunk, giving me a view of her back and none of her face.

We sat in silence for a little while, I felt bad for even bringing the topic up in the first place, but she can't just keep it all in.

It's gonna eat her alive. I know talking to her mother isn't her favorite scenario, but I think if she wants an explanation and wants to find closure, it would only make sense to meet up.

I could even go with her, I know she's feel safer and more content with that option.

All of a sudden, she turned around to apologize which I immediately forgave her. I don't want anything like this to get in the way, I know my intentions and I was only trying to help.

We somehow got on the topic of talking and asking about random shit, just enjoying one another's company in this beautiful field.

  "Knock it off! It's not my fault... sports just aren't my thing." She giggled, showing her beautiful features as I continue to admire them. She's beautiful with everything she does, everything she is. "Okay uh... Why's strawberry your favorite?"

  We've now been parked in this random flower field for an hour or two, we set up blankets in the back of my car, exploring the beautiful Jamaica. We've each been asking each other random questions after what I brought up, ones we most likely know the answer to, but it's a nice way to talk about random shit.

  "You already know this, P!" I gave her shoulder a little nudge, watching as a slight giggle came from her mouth, absolutely capturing me in it.

  "I wanna hear it again!" She smiled at me before taking a lick of the sweet treat, the sprinkles adding the best part.

  "Well, I judged it before I could try it, so that was my first mistake." She instantly laughed as I continued, the mid-day sun glowing on all her features. "We both wanted ice cream one day, I'm pretty sure it was a bad day for both of us."

  "Yeah, it was the day my mind finally came home from the hospital..." She picked at her waffle cone, fidgeting with the hard surface. "What was your bad day? You never told me."

  "My dad had just beat me... Not as bad as he usually used to, but enough to wear I had to put cream on my scars and wear layers of long sleeves." I let it all out, it felt good to finally admit.

  "Oh my..." She shut herself up with licking more cream off of her cone, looking ahead instead of at me.

  "I'm not ashamed of it, P... It feels really good to finally talk about. Please don't look away from me, it makes me feel bad." My voice stayed as calm as it could, louder through the open field as the flowers started to bloom. She ran her finger over my arm, the scars faded but you can tell they are there once you bring them up. A shiver went down my spine as she looked at each one individually, there are probably around 40 scars? More? I don't know, somewhere around there.

  "I'm sorry, keep going, H..." She laughed at herself, obviously mad that she treated me differently just for a second, but I wish she knew it's okay.

  No one's perfect, she didn't know how to react or expect that to come out of my mouth, and that's okay.

  I hate that she doubts herself or gets mad at the little things. Being angry or mad at yourself is a part of being human, but that doesn't mean it's fun to witness or look at.

  I hate seeing her upset.

  So, I have to pick myself up, knowing that'll help her get on her feet again, too.

  "Anyway, your dad took us to our favorite ice cream shop, and you decided to order for me. You made me try the strawberry with sprinkles, and it wouldn't be complete without the waffle cone." After talking, I took a huge bite of mine, watching as she laughed when I got it all over my nose.

  Phoebe lifted her thumb to my nose, swiping off as much as she could, sucking her thumb into her mouth. I watched the whole thing, how she flattened her tongue out so she could lick the long stripe of ice cream off of her thumb. Her plump lips connected with her thumb, giving it a quick pop before returning to her own.

  I shouldn't be thinking what I'm thinking right now, it for sure isn't the time and I don't wanna startle her.

  I told her that we didn't have to rush with my end, I just needed to please her and I couldn't hold out the thought of her moaning my name, it needed to happen right then and there.

  And now I can't wait for my turn.

  She knows how to get me off, she knows what she does every fucking time. I can't sit here and lie about how smart and witty she is. I don't complain, though, she's really fucking hot. The way she does everything, it's just a trick.

  I hope Phoebe knows she has me all to herself. And I don't wanna ruin it because I know she hasn't done shit with a man in a long time. She was with Ashlyn for almost two years, and I know she's slept around since then... but it's just different with us.

  Years and years of amazing friendship, and we've finally been able to admit the scary shit and help each other through the lust and love. I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else, and I hope she feels the same.

  It's different with us in a good way, I get to let her experiment things she didn't know she liked before. I don't mind her being my little fucktoy, it turns me on more than anything, and I know it turns her on even more.

Filthy girl.

  Especially when I know I'm gonna get back at her some day.

  I know it felt good to finally have some relief last night, I wonder when's the last time she's been fingered, or even sexually pleased, well since Ash.

  I still find it kind of crazy that they were together, the things they've done sexually, what Phoebe likes the most. How Ash has pleased her-

  Why the fuck am I thinking about them having sex?

  Ashlyn's like a sister to me, a best friend.

  I just don't wanna push P to do something she wouldn't wanna do, she deserves to do it when she's ready.

   "Do you do that shit on purpose?" I probably shouldn't have said anything, keeping my mouth shut has been hard around her lately.

  "What?" She bit her lip, clearly knowing what she was doing, answering my questions.

  "That... Fuck, you're so beautiful." I whispered before leaning in, cupping her face and crashing our lips together. I could feel her jaw clench as I surprised her with how rough the kiss was, but I can't help myself.

  At this point, I'll be damned if there is any green left in my pupils, they're for sure dilated. My soft trickle of hair on my upper lip seemed to ignite her.

  "Harry.." She pulled back from the kiss, and it sounded more of a moan, feeling her warm breath on my lips. "Fuck, why can't I ever stop kissing you once I stop?"

  "Seems like you're addicted to me, darling." I bit my lower lip to keep a smile from forming before diving back in, her lips completely melting into mine as we tangled our tongues together.

  I grabbed under her thighs as our kissing picked up pace, placing her on my lap softly.

  Her thighs clenched as soon as I groped her ass tightly, forgetting that the trunk is wide open. No one has come out here so far, so if anyone does now, they'll get a nice little treat.

  "Mmm... You're so hot." She licked her lips, connecting her forehead to mine just for a second, backing away to plant sweet kisses along my jaw, whilst cupping my erection in my pants, which is continuously growing.

  "Oh, fuck..." I grunted out with a shaky breath, knowing she's doing this all on purpose but trying to hide the effect of her actions.

  And I think by the words that came out of my mouth that I already lost.

  I groped her thigh as she started to ride me, but I stopped her before she could take control. It's my turn now.

  "You're such a fucking brat, aren't you?" I asked her, but I already knew the answer. She works me up on purpose, always leaving me with wanting more. It's the way she does things.

  "You tell me... Am I a fucking brat?" She grunted at me, biting my bottom lip after kissing me in between her filthy words, the ones that always drive me crazy.

  "You really are, darling... Thinking you can get away with all of this..." My hands ran up and down her thighs, groping at the skin til there would eventually be red marks. I don't think she'd mind, I think she likes it.

  Such a naughty girl.

  "I seem to have pulled it off, haven't I?" She pouted, her kiss leaning down to my neck, sucking the skin softly. I grunted through my teeth, the feeling is so infuriating.

  "Not for long, you know you secretly want me. And I know..." My finger started to trace her jaw, my painted nails dragging along so elegantly. "That when you tease me... it turns you on. That's why you give in so quickly..."

  My hand cupped her jaw when I met the middle of it, tugging her lips toward mine harshly, feeling how warm her lips were against mine.

  Her hands tugged at my waistband, playing with the strings on the outside to fire me up.

  "Stop." I gripped her hands as fast I could and pulled her lips away from mine, right before her nails could touch the sparse hairs on my happy trail, that fucks me up right away. Her touch is just so... igniting. In every way, she knows what to do. "Fuck, you can't do that."

  "Why not?" She pouted as my hands let go of hers, which she instantly put them on my thighs, most likely feeling my erection beneath my pants.

  "I don't wanna rush you... But if you do that, you're gonna be choking on my cock in no time, darling." The words came out of my mouth without any hesitation, only spurring her on more as I saw a complete smirk take over her mouth.

  "That doesn't sound too bad..." She teased, our heavy breaths mixing together as she pulled me in harshly, our kiss sloppy and messy, but just as igniting. I groaned under my breath from all the frustration from what I'm about to do, but I need to.

  I pulled away from her, grabbing her thighs to pull her off of me, hoisting her up until she was outside of the trunk and in the grass field. I then gathered our things like none of that just happened, throwing the rest of the little ice cream cone I had left into the nearby trash can, watching as she kept eating hers with a confused expression.

  She also looked frustrated... My plan worked.

  Phoebe likes to do this with me all the time, now it's time for her to get a taste of her own medicine.

  I walked her to the passengers side of the car, opening the door for her when she got in, the confused expression still across her face.

  I hopped into the driver's side, turning on the car and putting the music on low volume in case she decided to pull anything else and I had to put her in her place.

  Sure, I like when she's dominant. But not when I feel like this, not when she drives me this crazy.

  "Harry, what the fuck is going on?" She asked, finishing her ice cream and wiping her hands off on a napkin from the glove box.

  "It's Ashlyn's last full day, I see you forgot?" I smirked as I turned my head to the side so she couldn't see me, keeping my eyes on the road as I backed out of the little parking area by the field.

  "I did, yes... But why'd you do that?" She pouted, her lips fully plump.

  "Do what?" I smirked to myself again as I pretended to forget that I just told her I wanted her to choke on my cock. I backed out fully, our drive home was only about five minutes away, hopefully she doesn't try anything that would make me have to stop the car and park.

  "Oh, fuck you." She crossed her arms over her chest like the dramatic brat she's been today, completely forgetting that she teased me and didn't think twice about it.

  I liked being teased, it's a huge turn on for me, but that doesn't mean it still fires me up and makes me wanna fuck the shit out of her.

  I wouldn't do that yet, I don't know if she's ready and I don't wanna push it on her. But, that doesn't mean I don't think about it every time she does these things to me.

  Phoebe kept her eyes out of my view, only looking out of her window as she kept pouting, her arms still crossed over her beautiful chest.

  Don't get me wrong, I would've done shit right there, no issue. But I don't want that to be where she sucks me off for the first time, and possibly going further than that.

  I'm ready, I've been ready for this for years now that I think about it.

  The rest of the drive was filled with quiet besides her humming along to the songs once in a while. It was so cute how much she putted when she didn't get her way, but lessons are there to be taught, and she definitely needs one of those.

  We made it to the house, parking and walking inside without a word coming from her mouth. She didn't talk to me as she opened the door, walking straight to the kitchen.

"What're you so pissy for?" Ashlyn laughed as she asked pouty P over on the kitchen stool, her eyes giving Ash and I a death glare, us being the only ones in here.

  "Oops, that could be my fault." I slowly raised my hand as she kept her death eyes on me, watching my every move. She's trying to intimidate me, but it won't work.

  "What'd you do this time?" Ash asked, and to that I leaned into her ear, cupping my hand over it to make sure Phoebe couldn't hear me on purpose.

  "She thought she could tease me... so I teased her back then suddenly stopped... now she won't stop pouting, poor me, right?" I whispered up until the last few words, letting Phoebe have a little insight. Ashlyn's lips turned into a smile, giving me a shocked facial expression.

  "Naughty girl, Pheebs... Didn't know you were such a tease." She mocked P, and to that Phoebe flipped us both off, stepping up from her seat.

  She came around the island to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle and tracking her footsteps to the stairs.

   "Text me when you wanna leave, fuck you both and don't even try to come in my room!" She yelled from up the stairs, giving us one more middle finger before she fully disappeared.

  Ash and I went into a huge fit of laughter, loving how embarrassed and red she got when we decided to tease her together?

  Did Phoebe like being called that by Ash? Is that why she got red?

  Fuck, why am I getting turned on by the thought of them two together... with me?

  "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I grabbed Ashlyn's shoulder as she nodded her head. We headed over to the bar stools by the pool table, setting up the game to play whilst talking to her.

  I put all of the balls inside the triangular holder, putting them together before removing it carefully. I grabbed my pool cue as she did hers, picking up the billiard chalk to put on the tip.

  "What'd you wanna talk about?" She asked as I let her go first, waiting to see if I'm stripes or solid.

  "Uh... I don't wanna make any of this awkward, but I wanted to talk about uh..." I tried to let it out, but I didn't want anything to seem weird or make her uncomfortable.

  "Spit it out, curly... you can ask me about anything, I'm an open book." She assured me before aiming a striped ball into the right corner.

  "I wanted to ask about yours and Phoebe's sex life... when you guys were together..." I avoided eye contact before her next words, already knowing this is a weird thing to ask about.

  "What do you wanna know? We're not leaving for an hour or two, again, I'm an open book, dear." She smiled at me as we finally made eye contact, the awkwardness exhaling from my body.

  Ashlyn's always made things more comfortable, I admire her for that.

  "Has she always been dominant? I know she likes being dom, I just don't know how long it's been that way." I asked the first question that came to mind, knowing I'd have plenty more to ask. I hit my own ball, making it into one of the corners, I wasn't paying attention much.

  "Damn, I knew something was going on between you two." She smirked at me. "But yeah, she's always loved being in control, I know she never got to be at home, so she allowed herself to be with me. It was really fucking hot, that's for sure..." She hit her ball, missing it in the spot she was aiming for.

  And for some reason, I didn't get mad at the fact that she was talking about Phoebe like that, I liked hearing those words come out of her mouth.

  Fuck, what is going on with me?

  "From what I've learned, she loves to tease. It gets her off the most." I opened up.

  "Well what have you both done?" She asked, leaning down to make her shot.

  "We've kissed a lot." I laughed at myself, she obviously knew that already. "We've done a lot of teasing, especially last night. Which led to me fingering." The words slipped out, my mouth wandering on it's on.

  "Shit, Styles!" She slapped her hand on my shoulder, making my laugh echo around the room. "Damn, has she done anything to you yet?"

  "No, not yet, But since she teased me so much today... She'll get it tonight." I bit my lip just thinking about it, her filthy mouthed filled by me, watching as her nose touched my abdomen.

  Fuck, what a sight to imagine.

  "Shit... Have fun with that!" She smiled at me with her beautiful smile, staying still as she made another shot.

  "Okay, can we just sit down? I'm too lazy to keep playing this." I laughed it off as she exhaled, nodding as we made our way over to the bar stools.

  "Want anything to drink?" She asked.

  "Whiskey, please. Not that much, just a little." I assured her, watching as she nodded, heading back to the alcohol counter in the game room.

  "What else do you wanna know?" She asked as she poured some in a little glass, sliding it over to me on the counter as she made herself something.

  "Did you guys ever have... threesomes?" I don't know why it felt weird to ask that, Ashlyn's probably the biggest freak I've ever heard of.

  "A few times, yeah. It was with one other guy, his name was Andrew. He was one of our classmates, we all had a lot of chemistry so we just decided to do it. It was really fun, Phoebe's a big freak." She explained, shocking me by saying a few times.

  Who's Andrew? He must've been there when I left, I've never heard of him.

  "I didn't take Phoebe as a threesome person, but it's not disappointing." I grinned to myself as I took a sip of my drink, feeling the burn in my throat as it slid down easily. "I want her to take me, but I don't wanna rush anything. What if I'm taking things to fast... o-or-"

  "Harry, slow down. If you were doing too fast, she wouldn't have let you get that far last night. She obviously wants it just as much as you, you just gotta give her a minute. Let her know what you're gonna do before you do it." She described, giving my everything I needed to calm myself down.

  "I always ask before doing anything, I know she needs that. Phoebe's been through too much to not handle her with so much care." I explained, Ashlyn finally coming over to sit on the stool next to me.

  "Phoebe... she's been through a lot, as we know. She's comfortable once you start to do things. She hides herself for a minute, but once you assure her, she's all yours." She smiled, giving me a small nudge on the shoulder.

  It felt good to talk about all of this with her, knowing that she spent almost two years with Phoebe romantically and sexually.

  "Do you ever still... think about her?" I asked a question I should probably avoid, but the space was wide open.

  "Of course, I'll forever think about her and love her. But that doesn't mean she can't be with other people, I understand why she left." Her head hung low, but she kept a positive attitude. "I miss her a lot, I just enjoy being here with you guys. You've been my best friends since I can remember."

  "I get that, my feelings have progressed in a matter of days, it's crazy how many things I wanna do with her, to her." A smirk landed upon my lips, biting them as I looked over at Ashlyn.

  We sat there for an hour, talking and drinking a little bit for a while, talking to Ash was easier than I ever thought.

  She needed to come around more.

  She could tell I was staring at her, I'd be dumb to say the thought of Phoebe and Ashlyn in my bed is bad.

  "Do you find me attractive, Horny Styles?" She placed her hand on my thigh, running circled around it.

  Is it the alcohol or is her touch just as igniting as Phoebe's?

  "I'd be blind, darling. I should go get ready." I looked her up and down before standing up, bringing my glass to the sink so I could wash it out.

  "You know... Us three, it doesn't seem like the worst idea." She giggled as I looked over my shoulder, giving her a seductive smile as I dried the glass, putting it back on the shelf.

  "See you in a while, Ash..." I gave her one last look before heading up the stairs, remembering to not go in P's room.

  But fuck, I wonder what she's gonna wear to the club. A tight dress? Jeans?

  I hope she wears a dress, and I hope she wears it for herself. I want her to feel good, but I hope I come to the back of her mind when picking it out, placing it on her body and pulling the straps up.

  I hope I'm always in the back of her mind.

  Heading to my room, I looked in the closet for an outfit or possibly a suit. I feel like a suit might be too much for a club...

  Ashlyn asked me politely to rent out a club for her last night, obviously I complied as soon as she said it. We all deserved to have a fun night before she left.

  While looking for an outfit, I chose a pair of black dress trousers with white stripes. Along with a black silk button up, paired with a black trench coat and some sheer, black boots.

  I kept the few rings I had on, flipping my hair to the right side as I grabbed my bottle of Tom Ford spray, Tobacco and Vanille. It's Phoebe and I's favorite, so I sprayed a few pumps and called it a day.

  Deciding to obey Phoebe's words and wishes for now, I grabbed some gum, my phone, and wallet, taking everything and flicking the light switch off and walking out of my room.

I could hear some sort of noise coming from P's room, which I immediately went to put my ear up to her door.

  And I heard Little Black Dress coming from what I'm guessing is her big ass speaker, at least she's listening to hot songs and not sad ones.

  I bet she looks insanely hot, just because I pissed her off and it gave her some motivation. Her rage is my motivation.

  We both do it on purpose, the thrill takes complete control over us and we do things that drive each other crazy, just for the chase to come down and bite it. It makes us do crazy things, it turns us on to where we can't handle it anymore.

  Phoebe drives me absolutely wild, and I hope I do the same, and did the same today.

  I took myself away from the door, bringing my feet to the stairs as I stepped down them, heading to the kitchen to join everyone but Phoebe.

  I never take long to get ready unless it's for an event, I don't need to do much. Everyone else looked stunning down here, the outfits to the hair and makeup.

  Human form is so beautiful, why don't people appreciate it more?

  Before I could even know I was doing it, I went over to Sarah, wrapping my arms around her and taking her in.

  "You look beyond beautiful, love." I whispered in her ear, the brightest laugh and smile coming from her mouth, it always brightens everyone's mood.

  "Oh, thank you, Harry... You're too kind." She held my shoulders when coming out of the hug, and I lent down to press a kiss to her cheek.

  And right as I turned around, I saw Phoebe walking down the stairs.

  Heels on, sparkly orange dress, beautiful hair and body.

  "Holy shit..." I mumbled only so I could hear, I just needed to hear it out loud, even if no one else could admire her like I could.

  She walked down slowly, making sure not to mess anything up.

  Her hair was curled, long locks and orange eyeshadow, I can't believe how amazing she looked tonight.

  Phoebe finally made her way down the stairs, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her or my smirk hidden, I needed her to come kiss me right now. I don't even care if it's in front of anyone, they aren't paying attention anyway.

  Fuck me.

  "C'mere." I whispered to where I knew she could hear it, her footsteps automatically heading over to me.

  P's arms hung around my neck while my hands met with her waist, bringing them up and down to sooth her as I felt her sink into me. She allowed herself to fully relax, even though she was pissed just an hour ago.

  She can't resist me.

  "You look... fucking incredible." I mumbled in her ear, her hand scratching the nape of hairs at my neck.

  I could crumble at her feet.

  "I'm still pissed at you, but thank you, baby." I could practically hear her breath twitch as I lowered my lips to her neck for just a split second, knowing we're near the others and I don't wanna put her in an awkward position.

  "I'll take it anyway, c'mon, let's go party." I gave her a devilish grin as we made our way over to everyone else

  We all gathered our things and talked for a minute before heading out the door and into the car. We also decided to take a cab because no one knows how drunk or miserable we may be at the end of this.

  The cab got here eventually, and the ride there was fine and normal. My hand stayed on her thigh the whole time, I didn't dare to do anything more than that because of everyone else, Ashlyn's the only one that actually knows that we're... Well I don't know what we are. But you get the gist.

  Again, I don't wanna rush labels. Labels are just a stupid way to give someone a title, and she doesn't need that to want.

  Yes, I'd kill to call her my girlfriend. But am I in a rush? No.

  I don't think she is either, which is okay.

  I only think that because if she felt differently, I think she would've brought it up by now as a serious issue.

  But we've both been on the same page about labels since I can remember. It all started when she came out. She labeled herself and all of a sudden everyone wanted to care.

  Labels just piss me off, that's all.

  I'm just glad we can be carefree and do whatever it is we want to do with each other.

  And I really hope she has fun tonight, she deserves it after the shit morning she had.

  I don't know if she needs it as a distraction, but I'll let it slide for now.

  Not everyone has their best days and that's okay, especially when Allison is involved.

  Did Phoebe even wanna speak to her about it? I know I'm not the one in the situation, but I still don't know what I would do if I were her. Speaking to her mom is like speaking to the devil now.

  It used to be the easiest thing, but now she can't say one word without yelling and fussing over the other line.

  "You coming?" Phoebe ran her thumb over my palm as she brought me out of my tranced thoughts, bringing me back to reality to see that we're here.

  Of course, there are already paparazzi outside, which is normal for me to show up at a place like this.

  I try to be as nice as I can, but man, they can really push your buttons sometimes.

  I even offered and gave away my burger to one of them one time, and they still wouldn't leave me the fuck alone.

  It's their job, I know. But, they still need to respect my privacy, which they don't know how to do.

  Phoebe had to let go of my hand quickly as we made our way out of the car, knowing the paparazzi would make up so many articles to drive us insane.

  Well, they wouldn't be made up, they just wouldn't be in our words.

  The bright flashed covered all of our eyes as we made it into the club safely, not even bothering to answer their annoying questions and just walk right by.

  They don't deserve my attention, not when it's supposed to be all on my girl.

  We all walked in, the door shutting, giving us all relief from the paparazzi and leading to a wonderful evening.

  The club had purple, red, and blue lights all spread out through the entire building, all the bartenders getting all their things set up and drinks ready.

  It's absolutely beautiful in here, the DJ on standby for anything we wanna hear, already playing good hits.

  Why do I have a feeling P is gonna request a bunch of One Direction songs?

  That's just who she is.

  She's such a wild person, especially around the people she loves and trusts. Phoebe is the life of the party when she gets into it, it's the hottest and cutest thing ever.

  "You go find a table with them, I'll get us drinks." I let Phoebe know, giving her a quick peck, not even caring if anyone saw at this point.

  Would anyone care that we're kissing and shit? I would say together but again, we haven't made that official.

  But that doesn't mean she isn't mine.

  I walked over to the bartender, ordering a round of shots, along with a Margarita for P and one for me as well.

  I already had Whiskey earlier, I don't need it again.

  Leaving it up to everyone else to get what they liked, I walked back over after a few minutes, giving Phoebe her drink and setting down the round of shots.

  "Alright!" I clinked my ring against the glass, grabbing everyone's attention. "Here's to Ashlyn, making every night here better than the last. We'll miss you!" I motioned for everyone to raise their glasses, everyone clinking them together from my toast.

  "I love you all, let's fuckin' party!" She screamed, earning claps from everyone in the room as I already saw Phoebe walking up to the DJ.

  Her outfit was absolutely stunning, the best one I've seen yet. She never used to want to go out or be confident in what she wore, but now... something's changed in her and I love it.

  It's a good change for sure.

  All of a sudden, Phoebe walked back as End of the Day started playing, I fucking knew she'd do that.

  I have a feeling she's gonna be playing upbeat ones all night, and it's not a bad thing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mitch heading towards my direction, wondering what lecture he's coming up with in his head to come talk to me about.

He came up to me, wrapped his arm around my shoulders, just sitting there.

Mitch isn't much of a talker, but once he's comfortable in the environment, he gets used to it and he becomes one of us.

"I saw you and Phoebe kiss... what's going on there?" He yelled loudly over the song that started playing, watching as Ashlyn, Phoebe, Sarah, and Adam were already living it up on the dance floor with their drinks.

"I don't really know, we haven't put a title on it or anything, but it's there." I yelled back, knowing none of them were even close to paying attention to Mitch and I to want in on our conversation.

"I figured... Man, if she makes you happy, that's all I give a fuck about. You don't need titles or labels, just have fun and be in love." Mitch smiled at me, patting my shoulder before heading off to party with them on the dance floor.

His words truly do mean a lot, even if I haven't known him for too long.

I followed Mitch's lead, following him to join everyone on the dance floor.

  For a long while, we danced and swayed to every song that came on, our drinks in our hands as we glided. Spending time with my second family is the best thing, they mean the world to me.

I'm almost glad that she didn't play One Direction the whole night, it would've been fun but I would've gotten a fat ass headache.

Turns out the DJ had our whole discography, which gave P an advantage to play whatever she wanted. Everyone was having a blast, though, and I'm glad they all knew the songs P played or else that would be awkward.

I mean, Mitch just doesn't talk, but tonight he sang like a drunk motherfucker.

It was hilarious.

  Phoebe and I danced together a lot, to the happy songs, slow songs, and very sexy songs. Everyone was drunk so I don't think many people will remember that she was grinding on me the whole time, but I'll take it.

  It made me harder than a rock, my erection was clearly showing but no one asked or even bothered to say anything, but I know everyone saw it.

  That's all P's fault, fuck, she really knows how to move. Her ass was against me all night, and I definitely held it there to make sure it wasn't going anywhere.

  And now, all I wanna do is go home and make her take it.

  "Baby... can we get out of here?" Phoebe yelled, not knowing that she was right next to my ear, but I didn't really care. I'm glad she asked the question.

  "Mhm, let's go." I mumbled as I connected my hand to her waist, walking over to Ashlyn to let her know.

  "Hey uh... I feel really, really bad..." Phoebe's words were slurring only a little bit, which is good cause I don't wanna do this while she's blackout drunk. "But uh, H and I really wanna go home... You know."

  "Fuck yeah, have fun. Go get some dick!" Ashlyn yelled as we made a run for it towards the door right when she said yes.

  "Shut up!" We both yelled at the same time.

  "Love you!" Ash yelled one more time before our backs turned fully, heading out of the door faster because we want to skip paparazzi.

  P and I both made a run for it, a black SUV already there for when we needed to be picked up. We both hopped in the back, ready to get home.

  "Why'd you wanna go home?" I asked, even though I already know the answer.

  We're both horny and I already know what I want, I gave it to her last time and now it's my turn.

  Since the minute she started dancing on me, I knew I was long gone.

  "Because you're really fucking hot..." Her finger trailed up to my chest, right where my necklace was and laced her fingers in it. "And I think you finally get what you deserve."

  "Oh, yeah? And what's that?" I bit my lip to hide my moan when she lowered her hand faster, right on my cock, cupping it when her whole hand.

  "Why don't you find out at home?" She grinned at me before pulling away, pissing me off more than I already am from all the tension and frustration.

  "Filthy slut, aren't you?" I cupped her jaw very tightly, her lips just an inch away from mine, my hot alcoholic breath on her plump lips.

  "Am I? How about you show me just how much of a slut I can be, yeah?" Phoebe slapped my hand away from her jaw. She crossed her arms in a sassy way, looking out of the window to avoid what just happened.

  She loves the edge, the thrill. She edges me until I'm almost there, killing me when she pulls away just for her own amusement.

  The rest of the ride was silent, but full of tension when I dared to put my hand on her thigh. I kept groping it as the ride home was coming to a close.

  We finally got dropped off at home, and we immediately opened the door and made our way inside.

  My lips collided with hers the minute we got in here, her back against some random wall as I groped her ass, the dress covering what I really want.

  Our tongues tangled together as we were so fucking greedy, inching to what we both really wanted out of tonight.

  I picked Phoebe up by her thighs as our lips kept connecting, walking up the stairs towards my room.

  Before I opened the door, I kept my hands on her ass as I pushed her against the door frame, giving her a few seconds before she gripped the door handle, pushing the door wide open for us.

  I instantly brought her to the bed, slamming her down on it as I began to kiss her neck, collarbone, and back up again.

  She surprised me when she wrapped her hand around my neck, completely catching me off guard. I love when she's dom, but it's truly my turn tonight.

  "I've been so good, you think I can get what I want in return now?" I asked, nipping at the skin on her neck, all the way up to her bottom lip.

  "Tell me what you want..." She breathed out as she kept her grip on my neck, running her tongue over her lips.

  My smile grew more and more as I prepared to tell her, then realizing her hands were placed on my zipper already.


  "I want you to suck my cock, angel... I've waited long enough." She moaned at my words as I took her hand off of my neck, watching as she got excited.

  I ran my hands down her body, admiring every piece of her in this hot fucking dress, but unfortunately not sad enough to keep it on.

  "Get on your knees, take off your dress for me." I directed her, watching as she bit her lip and whimpered.

  She didn't look as nervous as I thought she would, my words affecting her in the way I knew they would.

  I could feel myself getting harder as she obeyed me, slipping the dress off to reveal my favorite black laced parties, along with the matching bra I know she picked out just for me.

  "So fucking hot... Always wearing those filthy panties." I kept my eyesight on her as she removed the dress fully, the sight of her on her knees in front of me driving me crazy.

  Her hands landed on my zipper, pulling my trousers down slowly to reveal my boxers, pulling them down to where they pooled at my feet. I lifted my feet up just so she could pull them all the way down.

  P brought her hands to the sides of her panties, lifting them higher on her hips, making me tilt my head back with a grunt.

  "Like what you see, baby?" She licked her lips as she looked at me through her pretty lashes, the pout on her lips making it clear what she wants.

  "Pull my boxers down, don't take your eyes off of me." I ordered, her eye staying on me but she decided to open her bratty fucking mouth.

  "Just because I haven't done this in awhile, that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing..." She didn't even get the chance to wrap her fingers into the band of my boxers before I bent down, wrapping my hands around her throat.

  "I'm gonna use you like the little slut you are... Don't talk back." I grunted at her, kissing her roughly before coming back up, nodding to let her know to continue.

  All this dirty talk gets her going, I know it does. It's what she likes most, it makes her wetter than ever.

  My erection was throbbing at the thought of her finally seeing me, my boxers down at the end of my v-line.

  Her brown hair cascaded down her structured back, swaying as she lent her head to the side when pulling my boxers all the way down.

  "Holy fuck, you're so big..." She immediately took my length in her hands, stroking it softly. Her strokes were lazy and soft, getting my edges for when she puts me in her mouth.

  My cock was practically twitching in the hold of her hands, driving me over the edge.

  "Daddy's gonna use your mouth tonight, got it?" I decided to play with that word, knowing it'll drive her absolutely fucking insane.

  Just like she does me.

  I've always kind of had a daddy kink, but I never wanna force it upon anyone. I usually just say it and if people get uncomfortable I just don't use it.

  But she looks more than comfortable right now.


  "Go on, daddy... use my mouth. You're so hard, I bet it's hurting, isn't it?" Her mouth started to water as she spoke those dangerous words. My hand connected with her hair, fisting it in my hand roughly, but not enough to hurt her.

  "Show me your tongue." I told her, taking my own length with my hand, brushing my tip over her bottom lip softly. "That's a good girl... now get going."

  She complied, bringing her tongue to my tip, licking it softly before bringing the tip of her thumb on my slit, collecting the pre-cum that gathered there.

  She pulled away just to keep teasing me with her thumb on my slut, but I watched as she took me in her mouth, gathering the pre-cum  in her mouth.

  Holy fuck.

  "Shit, P... Been waiting for this for so long." I hissed as her hand stroked me while her mouth bobbed up and down on my cock.

  Her eyes looked absolutely beautiful like this, looking up at me while taking me in her mouth.

  "Such a good girl... good to know you're not being a brat."

  "Mmm..." She moaned on my tip, making her moans vibrate throughout my whole cock, sending shivers everywhere as she steadied herself with her hand on my tiger tattoo. "Who said I couldn't be a brat?" She stated after she popped my tip out of her mouth, only to keep her hand on me to stroke my length.

  "Then you wouldn't get what you wanted when you're done with me... be daddy's good girl and fucking take me." I urged, her mouth complying quickly.

  She wrapped her pretty mouth around me, taking inch by inch as fast as she could.

I wasn't gonna rush this part, I don't want her to go too fast or be unstable.

  "Holy fuck-" My eyes rolled back as I felt my cock in the back of her throat at once, watching as she choked on me. "Your mouth feels so good, baby... such a pretty girl..."

  Phoebe's mouth kept busy as I kept my hands in her hair, the makeshift ponytail doing wonders.

  "Just like that... Fuck-" My whole head rolled back, not feeling this good in so long.

  Sure, I've had sex and people choke on me just as much, but it feels much more electrifying with someone you truly love.

  The whole atmosphere between us today really ended up with this, her filthy mouth connected with my cock, sucking me till I come.

  "Right there, baby... Fuck-" I got cut off by my own moans, not being able to last much longer as her head kept bobbing up and down, sucking me off just right.

  "Are you close, daddy?" She asked me when she took my out of her mouth, moaning, just to put me back in and suck me faster.

  Spit came out of her mouth that connected to my tip, spreading it everywhere.

  Her hands and mouth did all the work, bringing me closer to my climax.

  "Fuck, wanna swallow it all like the good girl you are?" I asked her through my heavy breaths, feeling her nose on my abdomen.

  "Mhm." She moaned with my cock deep in her throat, my whole body quivering.

  She hallowed out her cheeks for more room, my dick was very big, I'm surprised she can take it all.

  I watched as her hand soothed up my thigh, her touch only making my climax come faster. My abdomen clenched as I felt my release coming as she kept doing all the right movements.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck-" My head tilted back as I felt my release fill her mouth, watching as she swallowed it all like I told her to.

    Shit, that hasn't felt that good in so long. I was now relaxed, but I know I needed to give her the reward I was talking about.

  And I'll gladly do it.

  The adrenaline hasn't passed yet, no one's made me feel so fucking good in so long. Her mouth, her lips, even her body just sitting there for me.

  Phoebe's eyes fixated on mine as she got up from her knees as I tugged my boxers back up, not bothering to put on anything else.

  I'm surprised at how quick I'm recovering, but I need to please her. It makes me hard just to think about my tongue on her clit. I didn't use my mouth last time but now I will.

  "My turn?" She bit her lips as she leaned back on her elbows at the end of the bed, her body perfectly placed.

  "You think you deserve it after how bratty you were today?" I walked closer to her, my legs going in between her already spread thighs. "Already spreading, just for me..."

  I ran my fingertips along her thighs, keeping my still stance as her head tilted back, watching just how one touch ignites her whole body.

  What a fucking sight.

  "I think I deserve it... Did you already forget how hard and fast I just made you come? And how quick you recovered? I've never seen-" She ran her mouth and I quickly slapped her thigh to shut her up, she's doing this to herself, not me.

  Phoebe hissed at the sudden harshness, but still giving me that same witty smile.

  She likes the pain.

  "You're a good girl when you wanna be..." I crawled over top of her, her elbows still connected with the mattress. My eyes raked down her whole body, keeping my eyes where I want them. "Wanna show me just how good you can be?"

  "Please, show me..." She moaned, and I surprised her when I suddenly connected my lips to hers harshly, grabbing onto her neck as she kept moaning into my mouth.

  "That's my girl... All you had to do was be nice." I smiled at her before hooking my fingers into the sides of her laced panties, running my fingers along the smooth skin on her lower hips.

  I kept my hands on her smooth hips as I latched my mouth onto her neck, sucking a sloppy bruise, kissing my way down inch by inch after that.

  My hands came out of the hooks of her undergarments, bringing them up to her bra straps.

  "Can I take both of these off?" I looked my eyes lazily down to her panties.

  "Yes... Please, faster." She squirmed just at my slow movements, obviously too wet to handle it any other way.

  I quickly tugged her underwear off and unhooked her bra straps next, and fuck, I could admire her body all damn day.

  My lips immediately took me to one breast, licking at her nipple until I eventually sucked it into my mouth, letting her feel the pressure.

  Her whimpers only spurred me on to go to the next one, completely devouring the taste.

  I pulled my mouth away from the now hard buds to take my own finger in my mouth, sucking it quickly before I surprised her and brought it down to her slit.

  "Oh. shit..." She moaned breathlessly, her head tilted back as she kept herself up on her elbows.

  I ran my finger through her arousal, bringing it back up to her mouth.

  "See how good you taste, baby... Go on, open your mouth." I instructed as I ran the coat of arousal on part of her lip right before she opened up.

  She sucked it all off, hallowing her mouth, knowing that just a minute ago, it was on my cock.

  "Mmm..." She moaned, finished sucking off my finger and I urged to kiss down her whole body, right before I got to her wet cunt.

  "Such a pretty cunt, all for me..." And right as she was getting comfortable, I slapped her clit, making her jump with a whimper.

  "Fuck, H... quit teasing." She hissed, obviously pissed at how slow I'm going.

  So, I licked a stripe up to her clit, feeling her arousal coat my tongue. She jolted up immediately, already squirming at my mouth.

  "Fuck, your mouth feels so good..." She grabbed onto my hair as my own hands swerved around her thighs, snaking in between them so she can't escape.

  Fuck, looking up at her from this angle with a smirk was the hottest thing I've ever seen or done, this was such a a fucking sight that I never want to be taken away.

  I smiled before going back in, licking on her clit roughly as she pulled my hair to keep me down there. I could tell she was gonna come very fast, someone not being able to pleasure you for so long just build it up even more.

  I know she's needed this, and fuck, so have I. Seeing her enjoying herself and being pleasured, especially by me, is something I never want to take for granted.

  No matter if I'm rough or not, I'll always be careful with her. She deserves to be treated well.

  "Fuck!" I heard her curse under her breath, completely allowing herself to feel my touch on her skin.

  "Think you're ready for my tongue?" I asked her, coming up to her lower stomach where I left a trail of kisses, giving her time to answer.

  "Fuck, yes... Please." She moaned, and I licked my middle finger, ready to give her an insane amount of pleasure.

  Her hair was fanned over the bed, falling perfectly into place.

  "I'll give you my tongue, darling... so fucking filthy..." I looked at her through my lashes, coming up quick to give her a kiss, gripping her jaw and taking full control.

  "Fuck me with you're tongue, quit fucking teasing me." She grunted in my face, still soft but chasing to the thrill.

  I know she's frustrated, but so was I as she kept teasing me earlier. She decided to get a taste of her own medicine, not me.

  I climbed back between her legs, grabbing her hips now as I connected my mouth to her core, flexing my fingers on her hips as I stimulated her with my mouth.

  I slipped my tongue inside her, my hands still massaging her hips as both of my movements set her on fire.

  "Holy fuck... fuck!" Phoebe's moan was very fucking loud and I was smiling as I kept my tongue in her, proud of myself for pressuring her like this.

  I kept my pace, thrusting my tongue into her a few times before my tongue raised to her clit, sucking the sensation into my mouth and driving her absolutely mad.

  I know I'm a greedy fucker, but she tastes so fucking good, I cant get enough.

  "Just like that, baby... Right there-" Phoebe's intense words affected me as I moaned on her cunt, feeling how much that affected her as I guided my tongue back to please every sensitive spot.

  I kept fucking her with my tongue, flexing my hands on her hips again to stimulate both spots, eventually lifting them so I could dive deeper.

  She was so close and I could tell, my tongue sliding in and out of her as I fucked her with it, the sight making me rock hard but she was my main focus.

  Making Phoebe scream, I nibbled on her clit and she pulled my hair tightly, her head tilting back as I made her come.

  "Harry- Fuck, fuck!" Her moan spurred me on as I felt her release hit my tongue right away, licking her clean so she didn't have to take care of it herself.

  I kept my licks soft now, gently letting her wrap her head around the high, enjoying it and riding it out.

  "Harry... t-too much." She grunted as she tried pulling away, but I only gripped her hips more to ride it out just a little longer.

  She was struggling with her short breaths, and I finally decided to let her go, but I kept my mouth on her cunt to lick the rest of her cum off of her.

  Seeing her like this nearly made me cum again. No one's ever made me so close just by pleasing them, I'm more than down to have more firsts with P.

  I crawled back up to her, on top as I kissed her gently, caressing her cheek with my thumb.

  "Holy shit... I need a shower." She giggled on my lips as she planted another kiss.

  "We can take one together?" I gave her the option, and she quickly shook her head yes.

  Our tongues tangled together instantly as I forced my lips on hers, moving together. I could tell she was still clenching, obviously not over the thrill yet.

  "Fuck, that was amazing, H..." Her hands covered her face as she laughed, not believing that this happened.

  "I can't believe I get to do that now... whenever I want. My good girl..." I gripped her jaw and both of our movements became serious.

  I just never thought I'd have her like this.

  The drunk feeling I have when I'm with her, doing things like this, I never want it to end.

  "Your good girl..." She whispered onto my lips as we both got up, ready to get in the shower.

  I'll be surprised if we don't do anything there.

  I think we're both too exhausted, but it wouldn't hurt to think about.


Song: Look At Me - Why Don't We.

Yeah uh... I got nothin' to say.

I hope I'm not sure moving them too fast, I told y'all this wasn't a super slow burn.

But the tension will bite you;).

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