Golden Sunset (On Hold)

By Newspirit123

745 152 12

Prachi never thought before that she would come in such a stage of her life where she would have to go throug... More

Words to my readers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Cover Suggestion
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Characters

Chapter 7

26 5 0
By Newspirit123

Unedited :
"Scar, calm down. Just forget about this trivial incident. That man is not worth it." Emma, Scarlett's friend or we can say 'partner in crime' tries to advise her.
Scarlett was fuming in anger but after listening to Emma's words she closes her eyes to maintain her coolness and then resumes her journey along with her best friend.
As they enter the children's ward, Scarlett immediately enquires about Anna.
As the nurse shows her the place, Scar feels a pinch in her heart looking at the small girl whose eyes are full of tears as some of the other nurses are trying to stop her crying but in vain.
Scarlett doesn't waste time to go nearby her and takes her in her arms.
Unfortunately her crying doesn't stop, rather she begins to cry louder.
"Oh my God. If my brother comes to know once that our little Anna is in the hospital and she is crying her heart out, he will eat me alive. Emma can you please try to contact him once again? Here take my phone from my back pocket. Our little princess won't stop her tears until she meets her precious daddy."
Emma follows her instructions but Anna's father was once again unreachable.
Now they are very worried about the situation. Anna was playing in the backyard when Scarlett and Emma entered the house. They had planned to spend the afternoon together finishing their homework and then they had some new matters upon their sleeves to discuss about. Afterall Emma was training her in a new department. So Emma decided sleep over in her bestie's home.
As they were about to go to upstairs, they heard a loud cry of Anna and they didn't waste time to run to that place. The scene they saw there boiled their blood. The nanny under whose charge Anna was there, actually dozed off when Anna was playing there alone. As she was playing, she began to crawl and took a fallen twig in her hand as a plaything. But while playing with it, she mistakenly hurt her eyes and forehead with the sharp edge of the twig and thus began to cry. Although her eyes were not harmed, her temple was bleeding.
They immediately took her to the nursing home for treatment as the little girl's father was not reachable by them.
But nobody has been able to stop her crying for around one hour and they are now afraid about her.
Too much crying will lead to the deterioration of her health.
Prachi is in her world when she is passing by the children's ward. But suddenly she is taken back to the earth by the constant weeping noise of some child. She feels sorry for the child and thus enters the ward after some moments of hesitation.
There she sees a commotion at the corner bed and without her knowledge, her legs lead her there.
She observes a cute pretty little child of around 1year is wailing in the arms of a woman. She must be the mother of the child but she is unable to stop her, so are the nurses and the other woman beside the former one.
Prachi feels sad looking at the child. She must have been crying for a long time as her eyes and nose are already red. As soon as the baby saw Prachi, surprisingly she begins to wobble to reach her arms.
The woman who seems to be the mother of the child, must have noticed her as she also gives her a small smile and introduces herself, "Hello. This is Scarlett."
Although Prachi is feeling impatient to take the child in her arms, she just can't avoid her politeness. Thus she also smiles back to the woman and replies: "Hey Scarlett. Nice to meet you. I am Prachi. Your daughter is very pretty. But why is she crying so much? What happened to her?"
Scarlett looks back to the beauty at her shoulder once and then resumes her talking, "No,no. She is not my child. She is my niece. My poor baby was hurt today so I had to take her in the hospital but my all-time busy brother is unreachable now." She rolls her eyes dramatically as continues, "I don't know why she is crying so much. We are trying so hard to stop her. I don't think she has any physical pain as all of her reports are normal.

Prachi feels a tug in her heart looking at the baby. She can imagine how helpless baby Anna is feeling for not being able to show her discomfort.
She can feel the sufferings of the infant.
Thus she looks at the little princess adoringly before asking Scarlett, "Can I hold her once? I mean let me try at least."
Scarlett feels so thankful that she smiles broadly and offers the little cutie pie to her.
Anna jumps on Prachi's arms as if she was waiting for the moment and clutches her tightly. Prachi feels an unknown completeness after holding her so close to her heart. She strokes the baby's head lightly in a loving manner and the little one stops her wobbling instantly.
The sight before them makes everyone present there so stunned that nobody dares to break the silence.
Their attachment reminds the others the pure bonding of a mother and her child. They seem to click in that relationship perfectly.
On the other hand nobody notices the man, known as Anna's father, whose feet are stuck at the doorstep. The nanny of baby Anna has already informed him and he left all of his work at his office and rushed hurriedly towards the hospital. He even forgot to take his phone from his office as he was in the verge of panick attack. Anna is his lifeline. He can't tolerate a single scratch on her hair. The news of her being in the hospital broke her heart in two pieces.
But while reaching there to take his little daughter in his arms, he notices someone else is holding her in her arms and they are looking so adorable together.
Anna always prefers only her father whenever she is hurt and nobody else can manage her then except Adam.
But here she is clutching the unknown girl's shoulder so strongly as if her life depends on her.
Who is this girl? As her back is towards the door, Adam can't look at her face. So he comes forward step by step curiously and gets the biggest shock of his life once he discovers the owner of the shoulder who is also holding the fragile bodly of his daughter so strongly.
"What are you doing here with my child?"
A sudden booming voice breaks the peaceful silence and Prachi opens her eyes with a sudden jolt.
As she looks back at the owner of the voice, her eyes seem to bulge out from the sockets and the next words slip from her mouth before she could stop herself :"Adam? You?"
Adam seems to be in a trance for a moment when he hears how smoothly his name rolls from her tongue. But his spell is broken by the sudden squeal of his child who raises her hands at him.
Adam snatches his child from Prachi's arms and showers her with a lot of kisses on her face. As soon as he notices the small bandage on her forehead, he clenches his jaws in anger.
He glares at Prachi as if it was her fault. But Scarlett interrupts him from behind, "Thank God bro. Finally you are here. We were trying to reach you for a long time. Anyways, no need to worry. Our little princess is safe now. But the only problem was that she has been weeping very hard for a long time. None of us was able to stop her and you were not here either. Thanks to this girl who came forward to help us. Meet our little saviour, Prachi."
She then looks back at Prachi and points at Adam, "And Prachi, he is Anna's father."
to be continued

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