A Visitor from Terrasen [Inde...

By thetrainduck

134K 4.7K 2.8K

Aelin goes to ACOTAR - there is no plot, the characters are just fucking around. ~~~125k+ words (seriously wh... More

Part 1: A Trip to Endovier
Silent Woods, Silent Power
New Day, New Hell
Lying Illyrian Bastards
One Hell of a Climb
This is Cold for You?
An Uninvited Guest
A Strange Group of Bastards
Not The Expected
Part 2: A Cold Welcome
The Calm Before the Storm
Befriending the Dark
Two Nightmares, One Room
A Well Practiced Act
Leaps of Faith
Just a Bit of Fun
Hangover From Hell (or somewhere near it)
Tales of a Kingdom
Part 3: Truth Often Stems From Rumours
A Hunt for Wolf and Bird
The Hospitality of Winter
Melded Hearts
An Ancient Warrior of Ice and Wind
Trouble in the North
A Male to be Reckoned With
Fateful Meetings
Now It's Just Showing Off
A Domestic Featuring Roses (and Puppies)
Did I Mention the Puppies?
Boom. A Child.
Part 4: Bad Puns, Finger Guns and The Morrigan
The Oldest Shadowsong
An Attempt at Relaxation
Never Her Fault
It's Always You Three
Unsubtle Tension
Misunderstandings Lead to Murder
Into the Unknown
I Feel Pretty and Witty and - oh fuck
Girl Talk
Part 5: Born with a Blade
Plans in Motion
Arriving in the Great Beyond
The Truth of Prythian
The Science of Drinking
Rules of a Brawl
Summon a Healer
The Lads are Here

A Party Under the Hill

2.3K 97 59
By thetrainduck

Credit to artist but I don't know who they are so just remember it's someone's, I just love that image so much. (This a chunky chapter so will have more errors until it's edited - sorry!)

Aelin's day had been wonderful. The High Lord and Lady had taken their son to a beauty spot in the mountains of the Night Court, she was pretty sure they had mentioned a waterfall. The warriors in the court were off training, leaving Elain to toddle off into Velaris and spend a day with her friends.

That left the four of them, Aelin, Rowan, Fenrys and Mor. They woke late when everyone else had left the house and the trio wound their way down the stairs.

The Morrigan was lounging on a couch drinking a cup of tea. "There you lot are!"

She tipped her head back and watched them descend while upside down. "Everyone's gone so it's just us until the evening."

Aelin stood over where Mor was lying back, propping her arms on the back of the sofa and peering down at her. The female below her flushed and sat up quickly, sipping her morning tea to skim over the awkward moment.

"Any plans today or are we just going to fight on the lawns again?"

Mor gasped in mock horror, "You fought on Elain's interpretive garden landscape?!"

The wolf leapt up to rest his head on Mor's lap while Rowan snorted, "Is that what she likes to call it?"

The blonde looked guilty, "She's very attached to that- that... um part of the garden."

Aelin raised her eyebrows in response, "I would have called it a patch of grass but sure."

Rowan propped himself on the edge of a chair as Aelin slid onto the couch opposite the other female. "Well?" His voice was still rough with sleep and Aelin had to consciously avoid looking at her mate because she may just drag him back to bed.

"I'll be staying around the house with you, a break from work duties before our next night out later." Mor didn't sound thrilled but was seemed to be looking forward to a relaxing few hours.

Aelin grinned as the other female started rattling through what she'd decided to drag them around that day. A walk through the woods and countryside around the Riverhouse in the morning before lunch at home and an afternoon mixed between the patio and board games in the sun room, to teach them how to stay still and not sprint around the city endagering peoples' lives.

The landscape in the forests was more beautiful from the ground than when Aelin had swung through the trees in the dark.  Rowan looked intrigued by the wildlife and quizzed Mor on edible plants and the biodiversity in the area, while the female looked like she was trying not to laugh at the male's eagerness and confusion Mor still answered all questions with a smile. Aelin found she quite liked her.

When they finally returned to have lunch the four of them had worked out a dynamic, Aelin almost felt like they were visiting an old acquaintance who lived far away from Terrasen and they would travel home soon. She was right in one regard, they were far away from Terrasen. But they had no way home, not yet at least.

The afternoon passed quickly, all of them ended up sprawled over cushions in the sunroom, bathing in the rays. Fenrys was panting softly, his thick coat suited for winter temperatures not a sunny spring day. Elain wasn't due home until she had to look after Devdan, and what she thought was a wolf, who would infact be taking care of himself while sniffing out the house.

Nesta arrived home first and they heard her going to her room, likely to get changed. Cassian's booming wings followed, half falling into the house in a desperate rush to get upstairs. Mor let out a groan of "bastard mates" which caused Aelin to snicker. The female seemed to realise her mistake as she tensed before shrugging into the pillows, "You two are weird mates, everyones so horny here, it's exhausting."

Aelin just giggled at that, "We just have control."

Mor just groaned and rolled over, shoving Fenrys out of the way to make room for herself in the sun. "Home! Home!" Danny shouted, his parents following close behind.

"Why is he so loud?" The blonde female moaned, "I don't know why I ever missed him."

Aelin snorted and parroted, "Auntie Mor! Auntie Mor!"

Her new friend continued to groan and Aelin reached over and shoved her shoulder, "You're the one who came back!"

Rhys stuck his head around the door and almost didn't see them for a moment before realising they were all flat on the floor. "Ah, seems you lot have made friends." The High Lord gave a chuckle and shook his head, "Mor can you get Aelin ready for the Hewn City? Oh and Rowan, Azriel will be home in a few minutes to fill you in on what to do."

She rose to her feet and held out a hand to Mor who was still whining about it being her day off. Still, once the female was on her feet she gave Aelin a grin and the two began skipping through the corridors, Aelin taking the wrong turn which caused Mor to double over with laughter.

"This way you idiot!"

Aelin found herself in the Morrigan's room surrounded by dresses as exquisite as her own queenly wardrobe. She held up a large ballgown with a sweeping skirt, it had a green boddice which then flared and gradually darkened to back at the edges. "I like the gold touches." Mor nodded, stepping back across the room to stroke the fabric.

"What do you think? I'm going to be dancing right?"

The other female nodded enthusiastically, "Lots of dancing, if you want to of course. " Mor paused for a moment in consideration, "You'll probably have to stick with us however because we'll have different dances."

Aelin huffed out a laugh, "Rowan and I will just have to shove through everyone and do our own dances then."

Mor cackled and shook her head, "You're a menace, but oh how I'd love to see that!"

The Queen crossed the room to stand infront of the full length mirror, she held the dress up to herself and twisted and turned trying to see how it would fit, "Can I try it on?"

The Morrigan nodded and leant back in the chair in the corner, watching eagerly.


Aelin was never going to get used to winnowing, she nearly threw up and only stopped herself because the dress was so lovely. Rowan was also dressed spectaularly in a green suit to match her own dress. Her mate looked less uncomfortable than he used to in fine dress. Years of being a king tended to do that to someone.

They had been told in advance how they would winnow to a palace above the Hewn City, and would then walk down. Mor, Cassian and Azriel were to do what they usually did and go in first. As Aelin and Rowan were being presented as guests, it meant they would be entering behind the High Lord and Lady.

Mor lead the group of them through the palace's halls before stopping infront of grand doors which lead to the stairwell. "Don't let him make you start walking early." Cassian told Feyre, patting Rhys on the shoulder as he brushed past him and following Azriel and Mor down the dark steps.

"Remember they're liars and cheaters down here, don't trust a word they say." Feyre seemed concerned they would forget, but Aelin couldn't resist raising her eyebrows in surprise.

"But that sounds like my kind of people? Am I meant to not supposed to trust them with my life?"

Rowan snorted, "You act as if you've never put your life in the hands of a murderer." Aelin turned and gave him a look which asked if he really need to make that comment. Rhys clenched his jaw to avoid smiling and then tipped his head back and took a deep breath. When he turned back to them he was wearing a cold mask worthy of a High Lord.

Feyre also shifted beside them, looking a lot more icy than Aelin had ever seen her. It was the best she had ever seen the High Lady look, much less like the simpering housewife Aelin had spent nearly 2 weeks with. Rowan narrowed his eyes on her with interest, until his wife karate chopped him in the neck.

"You're going to have to act like distanced powerful beings, pretend you're a king and queen. Whatever helps." If only Feyre knew, Aelin thought. Either way, Rowan and her were going to put on a show.

Her husband offered his arm and they followed the rulers of the Night Court down under the mountain.

Rhys had explained they were going to act as if the Night Court were trying to win the Wild Fae couple's favour, but taking them as guests to the Hewn City and treating them like honoured visitors. Given the history of Wild Fae in Prythian, Amren was sure it would work perfectly.

They swept through empty corridors, the sound of an orchestra getting louder. A fair way off Aelin picked up on the sound of doors opening, likely the first three making their entrances.

Rhys and Feyre slowed their pace, aiming to leave a minute between their arrival after their friends. Aelin was impressed by their timekeeping, and then they were there. Large statues guarded the doors and Aelin had to mentally shake herself in a reminder this was not Maeve's court. These were not Fae males sitting motionless around her, they were just stone.

The High Fae in the hall were all gorgeous. Aelin had believed her own kingdom's dances to be exquisite, had seen plenty of royal events in Adarlan while she lived there. Yet this was something else, a gathering of purely Fae. Nobody was dressed in scruffs, everyone was wearing dresses which would be suitable for human kings and queens in their world, and seemed like this was a normal thing to do.

The food around the tables was untouched, likely until they were given permission. Everyone was kneeling when they made their way through the great hall. Aelin could feel the curious looks on her and her mate, she still held his arm. Physical contact with Rowan calmed her no matter where they found themselves, Aelin was dreading letting go.

Feyre and Rhys sat on matching thrones and as they arrived at the bottom of the dais Rowan slid his arm out of hers to allowed her to pick up her skirts to make her way up the dais. Mor stood next to two smaller but still comfortablely elegant chairs, for them.

As guests it was expected they were to be treated as such. Placing them on the dais told citizens of the Hewn City of their importance and how vital it was to please them. Rowan helped her into her chair, mainly for appearances sake, before he himself sat down next to her. It was only when she had arranged her skirts around her that Rhys called out to his subjects. "Eat, dance. Let us see a ball worthy of this city!"

Aelin had never watched a ball from this angle. As Celaena Sardothien she had been in the shadows, and as Aelin she was on the throne. Rowan seemed used to it, or at least didn't show any discomfort. "Since when did you get so good at this." Aelin murmured to her mate.

His only response was to raise one eyebrow and give her a sideways look. Since always?

She nearly scowled but controlled herself just in time and turned back to those sneakily watching her from below. Mor fetched them drinks with a polite smile, but Aelin could see a glimmer in her eyes.

"Thank you milday." She drawled to the female as a glass was pressed into her hand.

"No it's you who is welcome. My lady." Mor dropped her entire torso in an over emphasised dip of her head. Aelin had to sharply inhale to avoid cackling with laughter. Rowan's lips tightened with amusement and he murmured his thanks to Morrigan as he took his own glass.

They were only left alone for a few moments before a male, who if Aelin had to guess was about 200, approached the dais. He must be standing in for the infamous Keir who was apparently on holiday somewhere outside the Night Court.

The male had light brown hair and a young face, with a look about him which was screaming for a chance to prove himself. This must be his chance, if he could win over the two Wild Fae then he would be renowned and receive a huge promotion. Such a shame Aelin had no such intention of roping her mate into some random alliance with a place as horrible as the Hewn City.

Rhys seemed to to know the male, and greeted him by the name Obrecht. Once welcoming his High Lord and Lady Obrecht immediately turned to the guests on the dais. Aelin saw the males eyes pinpoint on herself, taking in the wonderful dress and (even if she did say herself) gorgeous appearance.

Her husband tensed beside her, causing Mor to pour more into his glass. Rowan drank the whole thing while maintaining eye contact with the male below them. "I take back my earlier comment." Aelin chuckled as Obrecht dropped his gaze to the floor, realising Rowan was just going to keep staring at him.

Only when the other male turned away did Rowan reply to her, he met her gaze. I don't think a thousand years will make me any better at this. Aelin smirked and nodded agreement before looking back to Obrecht and beckoning him closer.

"It is so nice to meet you Lord Rowan and Lady Celaena."

Another thing Rhys had told them, it was customary to refer to Wild Fae as lords and ladies and  the Hewn City had been told that they specifically were of noble blood as well. Which meant a lot of simpering and titles being thrown around, well at least it was a change from 'Your Majesty'.

Her mate looked like he was about to dive off his chair and throttle Obrecht for naming Aelin second but she put a reassuring hand on his arm and replied in an equally simpering manner. "It's lovely to be here, such a wonderful city you have!"

"Oh well we've been managing to get out and around the Court a bit more after th-" Obrecht caught the look on her face - boredom - and realised she didn't care and was just being polite. "Excuse me, a ball is not the time for talk of politics. Would you care to dance?"

Rowan sat up taller in his chair and Obrecht remembered he was there, too caught up in Aelin's flowing dress despite the fact it was in no way enticing, a married woman's dress, she was surprised Mor even owned it.

"And of course Lord Rowan, the beautiful Blandina here would love to be your partner for this next turn around the hall."

A young woman, no more than 60 Fae years old emerged from a nearby alcove. She wore a dress made up more of straps than actual fabric, in a deep shade of purple which glittered against her black hair and pale skin, emphasising her violet eyes. She could have passed for Maeve's biological daughter.

However Aelin was never one to object to a nice view and rose to her feet, hoping Rowan would be able to cope with a female so like the one who tormented his dreams and sometimes waking hours. Obrecht wasn't exactly ugly, he was just a cocky bastard and not even in a good way. His silver suit contrasted to his tanned skin and boring brown hair which Aelin just couldn't form an opinion on. His hazel eyes were eager as he took her hand and lead Aelin off the dais and into the crowd.

"I'm afraid I don't know any of your High Fae dances." Aelin purred to him as he flushed slightly at having her full attention. She tilted her head like she was a wild-cat stalking prey in the forestm and allowed the tips of her elongated teeth to show. His throat bobbed as he hurriedly murmured, "I'll lead us through it."

It was all Aelin could do to raise her eyebrows before the male swept her into a medium paced polka. He wasn't a bad dancer, he'd probably been living under the mountain for his 200 years of life with regular dances in the evenings. Yet Aelin wasn't impressed, the Hewn City's dancers were probably all used to each others ticks, they all seemed to dance the same and Aelin's slower footwork offset Obrecht.

He tried to turn them faster but she firmly kept them at a slower pace than he wanted, everyone in the room was rushing the dance, in panic to appease their rulers and entertain their guests most likely. Aelin however recognised the music as one similar to something she had heard before, and knew that although it looked fast, you were better off picking a slightly slowed pace which bought you more time to wind through the tricky footwork. Especially with a partner you didn't know.

By the end of the dance Aelin decided Obrecht was an idiot. He didn't seem to like her taking control given that she was a female, she also realised he had never learnt the dance properly. Aelin spotted a few couples of clearly experienced dancers who were doing the same version she recognised from a small country gathering in Anielle a few years ago.

Obrecht seemed to just speed through the difficult parts to hide his ignorance of the finer turns and steps. So she slowed him, and taught him the best way there is, through physically turning him and standing on his feet when he put them in the wrong place. He most certainly looked like a fool and everyone around them was noticing.

Finally the music slowed to a humming interim as they reached the dais. Aelin slid out of her partners sweaty grasp and moved to into easy earshot of Feyre and Rhys.

"I'm disappointed, I thought you said these people could dance?"

She recognised no compassion on either of their faces, but Aelin was used to working with masks on and pressed on with her bitchy personality. Rhys narrowed his eyes on Obrecht looking angry as Rowan guided Blandina up beside them. His face was a blank and he looked like he just wanted to leave and go home to Fenrys in the Riverhouse for a stiff drink.

Eager to put himself back in someone's good books, Obrecht turned to her mate. "Blandina here is trying to find herself a husband, did you enjoy your dance?"

He may as well have held out marriage paperwork, the subtlety was that lacking. Rowan didn't even bother to raise an eyebrow as he dropped her arm like it was poisonous. "I'm not looking for a wife." His voice was icy as he met Aelin's gaze. Blandina is a good name for her, though I'd personally shorten it to 'Bland'.

Aelin just gave him a small smile and heard the turn of the music to the start of a waltz she knew well, it got pretty fast in the middle and it was her absolute favourite to dance with Rowan.

Deciding she didn't give two fucks about relationships with the people of this strange city, she took two steps towards Rowan who was already having to contain his smile. He bowed at the waist and held out his hand. He spun her back into the fray and Aelin gripped him tightly, knowing in about half a minute he would double the speed. Usually they were the fastest in a hall, given their Fae forms in a group of humans. But now they found other Fae around them, albeit High Fae, and the younger couples looked ready to go.

People were watching warily, they had heard that Wild Fae couple didn't know their dances and a few of them muttered about the havoc they were gonna cause by not following procedure. So when the strings picked up and the world began spinning, Aelin and Rowan were ready to go.

Aelin threw herself into the dance, focused on the sound and Rowan who was firm in her grip. They swirled round the room and she was finally beginning to enjoy herself when... she was burning up.

The fast movements tricked her body into thinking they were fighting and Rowan let out a tiny hiss as her skin began to boil under his grip. "Carranam." He whispered as he aimed them for an open part of the floor and sucked her power out of her to use as his own. The floor beneath them became ice. They slid faster because of it, still keeping perfect balance as a gentle fog of rain within wind formed around their legs.

Couples dived for edges of the room, still trying to look as if they were dancing while really running in terror. Rowan just took the edge off the burning sensation, using completely her magic to summon winter all around them. The mist sizzled as it hit her skin but still they spun faster as in effort to keep up, the band changed to a jazzier piece. Some couples continued around the edges of the dancefloor, the Inner Circle on the dais looking curiously upon them.

The ice formed over the floor only where they were moving and where they had been, the mist was nearly filling the entire ballroom as the floor gradually became more like an ice rink.

Aelin enjoyed dancing but she enjoyed music more, it was more Rowan who liked spinning so fast he couldn't see, all while his partner clutched closer and closer to his chest. Unfortunately for him Aelin could keep up with his speed and so didn't need to hold on for her life. That didn't stop her pretending though.

She was aware that they may be overdoing it. They only danced like this in their own hall, when they were outshining everyone as the Queen and King of Terrasen, but there was no competition tonight. There was only her and Rowan.

Finally the music reached its peak and the pair spun and spun and spun on the spot, Aelin's hair flying out behind her as Rowan kept a firm hold on her to stop her ending up on the other end of the room. 

The thumping headache from the force of her power was gone, the overflow of her refound power subsided. Then Rowan's hand left her back and she spun away from him, grasping his other hand for dear life while she flew away from him, and then their arms went taught and he caught her.

There was a moment of silence as the other dancers gave cheers and applause for both the active dancers and the musicians. People looked even more terrified of Aelin and Rowan as they glided like figure skaters across the floor back to the dais. Rowan melted the ice behind them until it was all gone and the orchestra picked up a slower, lilting tune for people to catch their breaths.

Obrecht was speaking hurriedly to Rhys and Feyre who looked like they couldn't give two shits. Aelin decided it was time for a snack and Rowan loyally followed after her to a buffet table just out of earshot from the dais.

Given that the pair had just made a spectacle of themselves, there was no more purpose for decency. Also they were 'Wild Fae' so there need for civility, they could always just blame cultural differences. Upon reviewing this information, Aelin loaded a plate and shoved everything which wouldn't fit on it straight down her throat.

Rowan was more careful, just filling his plate and not making any trips straight to his mouth, although the plate was equally full.

He realised his wife would be a while and smirked at her while she choked on some mystery meat which didn't have an equivalent in their world. Rowan dipped his head politely and made his way back to his chair for the evening. Mor had been joined on the lower dais by Azriel and Cassian as the latter had gotten bored of his silent brothers company.

Obrecht seemed to notice she was alone for the first time and nearly sprinted over to talk to her. "So Lord Rowan," were the first words he said, Aelin couldn't stop her eyes from rolling with distaste. The male shrank from her for a moment before pushing on. "Are you two...." He was obviously waiting for her to put him out of his misery and answer the question. Too bad she had a vendetta against him because of his abysmal dancing skills.

"Yes?" She snapped at him, Aelin had just spotted a weird sea food she wanted to try and he was holding her up.

He stammered desperately to keep her already split attention, "Are you married?"

Aelin decided to be petty, she turned with a face of absolute disgust and gaped at him, making sure her teeth were very visible. "I've been married since I was 19, now if you'll excuse me."

She tried to shove past him, just enough force to bump him out the way but he moved backwards and sidestepped back infront of her.

"If the two of you are married then perhaps you would like to settle down here? We have a wonderful army which the two of you could be generals in! You could have free reign to do whatever you like!"

Obrecht lowered his voice and she had to consciously not flinch away from how close he was to her ear. "The High Lord and Lady will have you running around like dogsbodies, here you can be revered. Worshipped even!"

Aelin tried to stop herself shaking with rage as moved back and met the male's gaze evenly. "Neither me, nor my husband are interested in children running around trying to be males making offers well above their station. Now piss off."

Then she shoved past him, a young nobleman who was semi-respected proceeded to fall on his ass because he didn't move away from her recharged shoulder barge.

Those around them gaped as he slid on the dancefloor a good 6 foot on his ass. It was Obrecht's turn to gape now, in horror, as he got to his feet and Aelin realised the floor was damp from Rowan's ice. The male's silver suit was absolutely ruined but Aelin thought the best thing to do would pretend she didn't see that the male had even fallen.

So the Queen strutted away, back to the dais where her friends were trying not to laugh at the floored male who was now whining like a child behind her about his ruined suit.

AN: 4.5k words - and this is only half of the ball under the mountain! The next one is gonna be for all my fellow gays - it's kind of an accident but hey it went gay when i made the plan and it's gonna stay that way. Again credit to the artist and all that. 2 more chapters in part 4 which should be out next 2 days but I might only manage one then the next on saturday or something? Again I'm back at school and it's a mess. Thanks for you support and big sorry that I'm no longer able to always do daily updates as it was great fun!

Sidenote: I added up all the word counts of my chapters and it was like 94k which taking out authors notes is probably about 90k? Wtf???? This was supposed to be 20 chapters at most but here we are, chapter 39 and I've got 2 more chunky parts which are gonna be at least 6 chapters each (but lets face it Part 4 is like 11 chapters so what does that say for part 5 and 6?)  then like 4 cleanups for the last part. Let's roll kids and hope I actually finish it!

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