The Plants Grow Where They Wa...

By cj_writes2

595 84 110

Love- an intense feeling of deep affection More



43 7 14
By cj_writes2

"We're getting too big for this compartment guys." Hermione said as her, Ginny, Nora, Neville, Harry, Ron, and Luna all piled in together.

"Yeah well, worse comes to worse and we can just sit on each other." Ron said shrugging his shoulders. They all laughed at this but Nora couldn't stop herself from growing shy at this for a second before jumping up and sitting on Hermiones lap, while Ginny jumped into Lunas, and Harry into Rons.

"Wow guys, now I have plenty of room!" Neville exclaimed laying across the seat on his stomach.

"Oh I don't think so." Nora laughed jumping off Hermione and sitting on Nevilles back.

"Still comfortable." Neville sighed putting his head in his arms.

Nora laughed at this and layed across Neville with her head on his, and then blew as hard as she could right into Nevilles ear. He shot up quickly throwing Nora off him backwards into the seat to where her back was against the window. Everyone was laughing now and Neville shot a quick look at Nora and mouthed 'I will get you back wanker.'

   And with that Nora was back with her friends on her way to her second home. Though Nora and Neville fell asleep halfway through the ride.

    "How long d'you reckon until they admit they're completely in love with each other?" Harry asked the group looking at Neville and Nora, who were wrapped up in a blanket together, his arm around her.

  "I bet you 10 chocolate frogs he asks her out by halloween." Ron said, Nudging Harry.

  "Lets not bet on our friends love life guys." Hermione said, looking at the two wrapped in each others arms.

    "You know something Mione I can practically smell it." Ginny said laughing.

    "Well when I saw Nora in Diagon Alley she was wearing Nevills jumper, and he had slept at her house the night before." Hermione said smiling slightly. Ginny looked up quickly, and Harry and Ron sat back with their jaws to the floor.

   "Well that's sweet isn't it? Though friends can borrow each others clothes and sleep at each others houses without it meaning that they are together." Luna said softly reaching up to move Noras hair slightly so that it wasnt covering her face.

    "They look so peaceful, if only you four would sleep, then I could read the quibbler without any disruptions." Luna added, looking back at the upside down magazine in her hand.

After a few minutes, the entire compartment where they were sitting was completely quiet, too quiet, eerily quiet. Ron and Harry looked around nervously and out of the window, when Fred and George Weasley ran into the door, then opened the door and began singing at the top if their lungs.
"NORA AND NEVILLE CUDDLING IN THE SEAT S-L-E-E-P-I-N-G, that sounded weird, oh well, NEXT THING YOU KNOW, NEVILLE WILL PROPOSE AND NORA WILL SAY YES CAUSE SHE LONGS FOR THAT BOTTO- OW hermione!" The twins yelled, Hermione had kicked them both in the shins, and Neville and Nora, now wide awake were laughed and blushing furiously.

"Honestly you two!" Hermione yelled, and the two redheaded twins ran back out laughing.

"Did you sleep well Nora?" Luna asked sweetly, Nora nodded smiling at the blonde girl.

"I slept very well thank you, though I am rather hungry now, I'm excited for the feast." Nora said.

"Oh I hope they have pudding." Nora and Luna spoke at the same time, smilinh fondly at each other, Luna handed Nora the quibbler, and Nora handed Luna a galleon, which was more than Xenophelious, Lunas father, usually asked Nora for, but she was feelinh generous today.

Once they arrived at hogwarts, they jumped out of the train(not literally) and walked to the carriages, which were pulled thestrals, which as of right now, only Luna could see, Luna had explained it to Nora a while ago.

"You can only see the thestrals if you have seen someone die, and have an understanding of death, I saw my mother die, she was rather experimental mother was, and one day it went rotten, but father and I are getting along quite nicely now." Luna had said in her usual calm and sweet voice.

The two girls have been rather close since, having both lost their mothers at around the same age and having something to bond over. Now Luna was friends with people from each house, Blaise Zabini, in Slytherin alongside her, whom she saw as a brother, Cedric Diggory, in Hufflepuff who treated her like a little sister, Luna Lovegood, in Ravenclaw who she bonded closely with her second year, Lunas first year. And of course, Neville, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Ron, Harry, Fred, and George in Gryffindor, whom she met on her many nights sneaking into the Gryffindor common room.

She loved all of her friends very much, and couldn't ask for a better group of people to spend all her time with.

"Well look who it is, mudblood Granger, blood traiter Weasley, and saint Potter." Draco Malfoy spat out interrupting Noras pleasent thoughts.

"Malfoy, if you say one more word you will be puking slugs for a week, and unlike Ron, I wont mess it up." Ginny spat back, raising her wand. Draco just laughed and walked away. Which angered her even more.

     "I will kill him I swear." she whispered under her breath. Luna began to hum a tune quietly and Nora joined her, grabbing her hand and walking into the castle with all their Gryffindor friends surrounding them.

      "Loony Lovegood! Nasty Nora, I always knew you two would be weird like that." Pansy Parkinson spat out from behind them. Luna kept walked and Nora just smiled slightly and kissed Lunas cheek. Pansy gagged and as they walked you could hear Blaise and Cedric telling her off.

   "You didn't have to do that you know." Luna spoke quietly.

    "Oh I know, but you have to admit it was quite funny." Nora laughed. The two girls split up to sit at their respective tables. After a few minutes, Blaise went and joined Nora at the front of the table looking angry and breathing heavily.

    "Stupid pug faced Pansy thinks its okay to talk about you like that and call you and Luna names even if you were.... you know... it isn't any of her business. I should've hexed her into next week. And bloody Cedric agrees with me!" Blaise nearly shouted, Nora placed her hand on top of his and laughed a bit.

    "Blaise it's alright, Luna and I are used to stuff like that, it doesn't bother me much." Nora reassured him. Though that was a lie and many nights before Nora would put a silencing charm on her bed and cry at night making sure that Pansy and the other girls she shared a dorm with could not hear.

     Dumbledores booming voice made the entire great hall completely still.
     "This year, Hogwarts is honored to be hosting the Tri-Wizard tournament!" He spoke loudly, and after he said that, the doors burst open and beautiful girls in periwinkle blue outfits with matching hats came dancing in, butterflies flying around them and a giant women following them. They were introduced as the girls of Beauxbatons School of Magic.

     Behind them, a group of boys followed, stomping and banging staffs on the ground, and they were followed by Viktor Krum, The Bulgarian quidditch teams seeker, and Nora could've swarn she saw Ron blush. They were introduced as the students of the school Durmstrang.

     Now the great hall was buzzing with life, the Durmstrang boys sat at the Slytherin table, Viktor sitting infront of Blaise and Nora, and the Beauxbatons girls sat at the Ravenclaw table.

     The minister of Magic announced that no wizard under the age of 17 would be allowed to enter the tournament for their own safety, and the hall errupted with angry shouts and the Weasley twins yelling 'Thats Rubbish!' so loudly that they could be heard above everyone else. Ignoring the rest of the noise and Dumbledores speech, Nora and Blaise ate their food and talked about their summers. And it seems, even Blaise thinks Nora likes Neville.

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