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By depresso_espressofam

62.2K 2.3K 1.2K

An incident leaves Midoriya Izuku from making a sound. He stopped the very thing his quirk relied on. He didn... More

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3.7K 145 51
By depresso_espressofam

(did not take the picture, also we're skipping to the first day of UA)


"Izuku! Get your sorry ass down here right now!" The anger voice of his foster mother yelled.

The noirette in question squeaked from his hidden spot in his room, rushing down stairs after marking the place in his book. As soon as his feet touched the smooth tile floors of the kitchen, a glass bottle was shattered over his head.

He let out a short yelp as he felt the warm blood trickle down his face.

"Why aren't the dishes washed you worthless piece of shit?" The person above Izuku stepped on his hands, keeping him on the ground in a bowing position. The woman pointed to the few dishes in  sink.

"M-my apologies Mrs. Anawa. I had been busy with cleaning and seemed to have forgotten about it. I will take any punishment that you see fit." He tiredly whispered, just barely audible. Mrs. Anawa grunted before kicking him in the gut. He held in a scream as the tip of her heels dug into his stomach.

"I'm off to work. Be useful for once in your mistake of a life and clean the house." She shouted, heading out the door a few moments later.

Izuku let silent tears fall down his freckled checks as he quickly got up, and began to clean the dirty dishes.

His presumed quirklessness led his foster parents to only adopt him for him to be their personal maid. Despite his papers stating the obvious quirk, they chose to ignore it.

It was awful. He hated it so much that he was tempted to run away. Anytime the thought of leaving the house crossed his mind, he remembered that despite their clear abuse towards him, he would be on the streets without food or shelter.

The misery he felt when they denied him food for forgetting a simple task was unbearable, or when they hit him and told him to go to his room without treating the wounds that might get infected.


Frantic pawing and licks to his face were what Izuku woke up to.

Yuka was pacing worriedly, tail flicking back and forth. Her human hadn't woken up when the loud box started screaming, or when she licked his nose and tried to wake him. (Someone in the comments gonna be like "but cats are heartless! She'd eat his body if she though he was dead!" I don't give FUCK. YUKA IS A WHOLESOME LOVING CAT AND YOU WONT CHANGE MY MIND!)

When her humans eyes finally did open, she meowed loudly in his ear. Izuku shot up, blearily looking at his clock before shrieking. It hurt his throat, but he couldn't care less as he jumped out of bed and began to change out of his pajamas.

Yuka loudly meowed and walked through his legs, and he quickly fed her before rushing out the door 

'Oh no oh no oh no.' He quickly shot Hari a text and got his money ready.

When he came running up to the cafe, the brown haired man was standing there ready with his motorcycle, the keys, and a helmet. In a swift moment, the greenette gave him the money, and put on his helmet.

In seconds he was off, racing through the streets at what he hoped wasn't too fast past the speed limit. A few pedestrians yelled in his direction as he went by. A few close calls with stray dogs and cats. Eventually, he made his way to UA's parking lot.

After abandoning the bike in it's proper area -obviously not leaving the keys- he rushed to his classroom.

Izuku passed by class 1-A, hearing a commotion behind that he couldn't resist seeing. Gingerly he peeked through the door to see Katsuki and an unfamiliar blue haired boy. They seemed to be arguing, the blonde shouting insults throughout.

The greenette rushed in, delivering a quick slap to the boys head and a very sassy pointing finger, before rushing out of the room. Though the greenette couldn't hear it, Katsuki muttered out a strained, "Sorry Izuku". The quick change in the blondes demeanor shocked the blue haired boy, and he quietly sat back down.

Izuku raced towards his correct classroom, making it in as soon as the bell rung. 'Good thing Maijim -sensei isn't here yet.' He thought to himself, taking a seat in the furthest corner that he could see.

There was a purple haired kid next to him (yes im aware that he was originally in general education, but screw it), and Izuku recognized him from the entrance exams. Y'know, the one who he blindly followed to a secluded area without thinking of consequences until it would've been too late.

When Hitoshi noticed the small greeneet next to him, he couldn't help but smile. There was just something about the ways his eyes always looked tired but still bright, how each of his freckles perfectly found their places on his face, how-


The lavender haired boy was yanked from his adoring thoughts as a pink haired girl jumped over. Izuku's face quickly morphed into a nervous smile as he remembered rudely walking away from her on the exam day.

"Do you remember me? I'm Mei Hatsume! I remember you two! Midoriya Izuku and Shinsou Hitoshi!" She quickly blurted out the sentence just as Maijima walked through the the door. "Mei, sit down." She quickly planted herself right across from the pair, staring intently.

"Alrighty class, I'm sure you don't want to be wasting time with orientation, so I'll jump right in. It may only be the first day, but we're gonna be doing work." The class was momentarily caught off guard by the straightforward teacher, but regained their senses and paid attention.

"It'll be an easy assignment that'll take out whole class period. Right here I have papers regarding the hero costumes of class 1-A in the hero course." Hitoshi visibly scowled at the class name.

"Their hero costumes are already made, but we're going to be looking at their quirks and finding things we can improve. Improvements and failures are part of this class, so don't be afraid to mess up." As the students were each handed respective papers for the students, Maijima explained where to to find certain materials.

Izuku got his paper and read the girls name. 'Ochako Ururaka' he hummed and looked through measurements and what her quirk was.

As soon as they were allowed, Izuku was off to get sketch paper in order to see his ideas.

'The suit looks a little tight, maybe it should be looser with pockets for weapons. Those heeled boots will be hard for combat, maybe steel toes? Oh, and cushions and springs in the soles. Her hair might get in her face, she should pull it back, it'll make her helmet fit better too, plus no itching. Maybe-'

I was scary how quickly Izuku got to work.


shawty really said filler chapter - depresso

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