Black Butler, In The Modern E...

Door _SubtoWillNE_

21K 800 631

"Ciel, come to the front of the store, or I'm cooking lunchables." "Sorry, I got distracted by the tea aisle... Meer

-Chapter One-
-Chapter Two-
-Chapter Three-
-Chapter Five-
-Chapter Six-
-Chapter Seven-
-Chapter Eight-
-Chapter Nine-
-Chapter Ten-
-Chapter Eleven-
-Chapter Twelve-

-Chapter Four-

2K 85 44
Door _SubtoWillNE_

Black Butler, In The Modern Era

Readers PoV

"Michaelis, move!" Claude spits as he does the moves that show up on the tv. Sebastian narrows his eyes in his direction.

"I'm trying to win here, spider!" He aggressively mumbles as he hip bumps Claude out of his space.

Sebastian and Claude are upfront doing the 'main' dance if that's what you call it, while Grell and I are a few steps back being the backup dancers. I say Grell and me, I'm just moving my wrist while I watch the argument between the two butlers play out. The song we chose was Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance'.

I turn to Grell, who is living her best life doing all the dance moves on beat and correctly. I turn back to the butlers who have stopped their arguing and are back to quietly dancing. The others do their last moves while I do a final flick of the wrist before the scores come up. Grell came first, Sebastian second, Claude third, and myself last. I pretend to be shocked that I came last. I turn to the side and see Grell trying to suck Sebastian's face off.


"See, Trancy. Your butler can't even dance." Ciel says in triumph. I look at the scores before turning to Ciel, seeing a proud smirk on his face.

"Ciel, did you even look at the scores? Your butler won by literally one point. You all hate Claude so much, I kind of feel bad for him." I say as I cross my arms, my eyebrow raised. Ciel returns the gestures.

"Still, he won by one point."

Rolling my eyes, I go back to the couch I was previously sitting on, not before giving him the middle finger. It's now his turn to roll his eyes.

I don't notice the Trancy butler staring at me, a flicker of confusion in his golden eyes, as I turn to (Bf/n). "I just realised that these need new clothes. Shall we go today?" I ask her, forcing her to come with me. She nods.

"That would be best. They can get out of the house sooner."

I stand up, catching the attention of the others. "We need to get you all new clothes. Some that fit this timeline. That means a trip to town." I frown.

'Ugh...people, chavs. Fuck. Crystal shop, though, so it's not too bad.'

"Oh, great! Impure people left, right and centre. I love Earth." Ash rolls his eyes as he claps. My frown deepens as everyone in the room stares at him.

"Will you give it a rest, angel? We get it, you love God, we don't." I narrow my eyes at him. He glares back at me,

"You'll regret that come judgement day."

I smirk, "I'll love Hell. The fire will keep me so warm in winter." I say sarcastically. He doesn't respond but holds his glare. I clear my throat. ", yeah."

"It's Tuesday and," (Bf/n) checks her phone before looking back up, "Twelve, thirty-three. So it shouldn't be too busy anyway." I nod.

"Not many people around here watch anime so nobody should question your attires...well, they will mentally, but we shouldn't be swarmed by fangirls," I tell the characters. They all nod, while Grell huffs.

"I should be swarmed, who doesn't want me?!" It's now Grells turn to be stared at in silence

"Let's just go." (Bf/n) orders. We all agree.


"Okay, you can each go off and decide your own style. I'm not going to mother you all. We'll go into most stores so you can get a good idea of what kind of clothes are here. My only request is that you don't buy formal clothes, you won't need them." I tell the boys as (Bf/n) wraps her arm around my own, clinging to me. They nod and we begin to make our way to different stores.

The first shop we go to is JD, where Alois picks out a couple of hoodies. The characters had all split up in the shop, looking around to see if anything stuck out to them. I decide to look through a rack of hoodies near me as I wait for them to be done. I turn around with my eyebrow raised in question as I hear someone calling my name. I see Alois looking at me, the hoodies he chose in a basket he grabbed near the door.

"What's my limit?" He asks absentmindedly, going back to browsing once he saw I had acknowledged him. I shrug, even though he can't see me.

"Just get what you want, don't worry about the price."

He hums in reply before announcing that he is done in this shop. I nod and turn to him, telling him that we should wait here and let the others find us. After a couple of minutes, we have all met back up. Only Alois and Undertaker and bought things from this shop. We pay before leaving the shop and making our way to another, Levi's.

In this shop, everyone except Undertaker bought something. Sebastian, Claude and Ash basically bought the same things, only Ash decided on white instead of black. Sebastian chose skinny jeans, as well as some others, a tight t-shirt, a dress shirt and a loose t-shirt. He also chose a couple of jackets, a leather one, a denim one and a mix of both. All his clothes are black, may I add. Claude chose a casual blazer and one leather jacket, as well as a white loose t-shirt and the same shirt but in black. He also chose dress pants along with a pair of black skinny jeans. He also got a ripped pair of skinny jeans. Ash got a long white shirt and white baggy jeans, as well as a thin button-up shirt, to act as a jacket. He also got a loose t-shirt to go with a pair of skinny jeans. He was hesitant about getting a white leather jacket at first but ended up giving in to the temptation.

As for the others, Grell got a pair of baggy, washed out, blue jeans, a baggy black pair with rips in the knees, and another washed-out blue pair, also with rips in the knees. She also got a red hoodie and sweater, along with a white t-shirt and a red and black flannel shirt. Ciel got a pair of black baggy jeans, black jeans with rips in the knees, and a pair of skinny black jeans, along with a belt. He also got a plain black t-shirt that fit him perfectly. He also got a yellow and black flannel, as well as a white and black flannel shirt. The blue-haired male also decided on an oversized hoodie. He decided not to get a jacket. And for Alois, he got a grey leather jacket, a black denim jacket, and one pair of baggy jeans along with two pairs of skinny jeans. A washed-out blue pair with rips in them, a black pair and a green baggy pair.

I yawn softly as I let my head drop onto (Bf/n)s shoulder. 'I can't wait to go home...'


"Wooo!" I grin as I enter my house, running to the living room and falling onto the couch. "I love being away from people..."

The others soon followed me into the room, dropping their bags and sitting down.

"That was certainly an experience." Ciel huffs, throwing his head back. Everyone nods, hell, even Undertaker didn't look happy.

"Mhm, town is awful. It's probably best you all put your clothes away, put a pair on, I don't know, They're your clothes." I ramble on. Noticing that I'm still rambling and that they're all watching me with small smiles (apart from Ciel and Claude, of course), I abruptly stop. I grab a couch cushion and cover my face with it, covering the blush that's creeping up to my face. I quietly sigh in relief as I hear footsteps leading out the room.

I sit up after a couple of seconds and remove the cushion from my face, seeing only me and (Bf/n) left in the room. She smirks in my direction before picking up her drink and taking a sip. "This is going to end in a sticky love situation~"


Sorry for how late this update is! I was kinda stuck on what to do with this chapter, so I resorted to the good ol' shopping experience. Here are the references to their outfits,

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