My bunny~ (Clingy/Obsessive/B...

By New_Start12

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{Adopted from FL09_09} Momo Yaoyorozu, a smart, sweet, innocent student of U.A has a secret side to her that... More

Prolouge (Revision)
Ch.1 Expect the Unexpected (Revision
Ch.2 The Surpise for my Bunny~ (Revision)
Ch.3 Setting Rules so no one can have him (Revision)
Ch.4 Battle Training All Parts (Revision)
Ch.6 Halloween Special (Revised)
Ch.7 You Belong to Me
Ch.8 Songs of Love and Happiness pt.1
Ch.8 Songs of Love and Happiness Pt.2

Ch.5 The Date (Revision)

5.7K 94 41
By New_Start12

By the power vested in me, I declare it's the weekend because of plot, and that I'm in a huge writers block right now.

8 AM
Midoriya woke up in Yaoyorozu's room once again. It had been a couple of days since he had slept in his own room, let alone spend more than five minutes in it.

Every time he would go to his room to sleep, Yaoyorozu would insist on sleeping in her room together. Wherever he went, she went. And vise versa. It's not like he didn't mind. Midoriya loves his girlfriends company, but sometimes he wished he could get some alone time. Maybe even some time to hang out with his friends.

But whenever he tried to spend time with his male classmates his girlfriend was always at his side. Yaoyorozu's presence was enough to strike fear into them. Especially the females of the class. Namely Ochako Uraraka and Kyoka Jiro.

Midoriya looked at Yaoyorozu who had her arms wrapped around him. Still sleeping.

Midoriya then thought about his encounter with Kyoka Jiro. That she was willing to talk to him, despite how his girlfriend acted. There was a couple of times where he would go in front of her room and tempted to knock on the door. But every time he was about to he stopped himself.

He would feel guilty if he talked to her. Namely because of his relationship. Yaoyorozu had set clear boundaries and he wasn't about to break it just like that.

'That would basically be cheating right?' Midoriya though to himself

Looking at Yaoyorozu, Midoriya admired her. Of course he loves her for her personality, that's what mainly drew him to grow feelings for her. But Midoriya couldn't fathom her beauty.

To Midoriya she was the most attractive girl he had seen. He also loved seeing her hair down. As much as he liked her spiked ponytail, it couldn't compare to how it is when it's down.

But Midoriya couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious. From what many people say he was really 'plain'.

'Why would somebody wanna be with someone as plain as me?' Midoriya thought to himself

It also didn't help that he wasn't as tall as Yaoyorozu. But in her mind she didn't care at all about his height, but he doesn't know that. Midoriya's knows that he shouldn't care about appearances. But the thought of people seeing them together was always on the back of his mind. The beauty of Momo Yaoyorozu and the plainness from Izuku Midoriya. It didn't sit right with him. Maybe if he tried to dress better, maybe even use a little makeup? Just maybe he could look better for Yaoyorozu.

Then Yaoyorozu started to wake up. She saw that Midoriya was already away and looking right back at her. When she saw her boyfriend he instantly smiled.

"Good Morning Izuku!" She greeted her boyfriend

"G-Good Morning Momo" he greeted back

"Are you excited for our date later today?" She asked him excitedly

"Of course I am" Midoriya responded nervously

"I'm glad, now cmon let's go get something to eat for breakfast, our date isn't until five" Yaoyorozu informed him while getting up from the bed.

Midoriya then got up and began to stretch. He was still getting used to sleeping with Yaoyorozu being on top of him. It was a tad bit straining on him, confused on how she found laying on him comfortable at all. But he wasn't going to complain. The two made their way to the kitchen and made breakfast for themselves.

While eating Kirishima had came up to Midoriya.

"Hey Midoriya, wanna train with Bakugou, Kaminari, and I?"

Midoriya's face lit up. He hardly ever get to train with is classmates outside of the hero course so he'd take up this opportunity with anyone.

"Sure! Just let me get changed first" Midoriya said very excitedly as he got up.

"Great! We'll meet up at the field of grass next to the track and field in fifteen minutes" Kirishima informed Midoriya and walked away.

Midoriya looked at his girlfriend and forgot that he had to stay with her at all times. Midoriya opened his mouth to say something but Yaoyorozu beat him to it.

"It's okay, go train and be careful"

Midroiya made small happy noise and gave a kiss to his girlfriends cheek. Which made Yaoyorozu very happy. The green haired boy then left to go change and Yaoyorozu had gotten up to find Bakugou. She had searched the dining area, Kitchen, and living room but he couldn't be found. So she assumed he was either already at the field or in his room. So she first made her way to the hallway to the boys corridor and to her pleasant surprise he had just gotten off the elevator. Bakugou was already wearing the appropriate clothes to change with a water bottle. He thought it was weird seeing the Creation quirk user at the boys side but didn't care enough to ask. Until she had gotten close to him and shoved him against a wall.

"What the fu-"Bakugou screamed but was cut off by Yaoyorozu bringing a knife swiftly to his throat.

"Not. another. word" Yaoyorozu stated as she glared intently at Bakugou

Although he saw this side of her once, he still was surprised and complied. Terrified of the heroine. But why was he scared of her when he had faced much worse? He'll never know.

"I heard Izuku will be joining you training session" Yaoyorozu started "and if I find my Izuku in a bad state or even hurt by you, your quirk, or anyones quirk for that matter. You'll have to find a new career choice. Am I clear?"

Bakugou was only able to nod. But very slowly as to not cut himself from the knife being so close to his neck. Yaoyorozu's attitude changed from a very intensive, scary anger to a very happy and positive emotion.

Yaoyorozu then left to her room to choose what outfit she'd wear . She decided on a black dress that slowly became white downward. After she wanted to have intercourse with her lover again so she decided to also wear a black bra and underwear. Just to surprise Izuku Midoriya.

Meanwhile Yaoyorozu was choosing her clothes, Izuku Midoriya was training with his male classmates, and currently sparing with Kirishima. While the rules of the fight were that only one person was allowed to use their quirk. Which Midoriya drew the short straw and wasn't able to use his quirk. While training some classmates decided to spectate them. Which consisted of Koda, Ashido, Hagakure, Tokoyami, Jiro and Sato.

So far Midoriya was able to make sufficient damage to Kirishima. Since they both have different stamina types, Midoriya could easily out last Kirishima. Despite not using his quirk, the One for All user was still much faster than the red hair boy. Midoriya had studied Ashido's movements from her breakdancing and made it into a fighting style. Which everyone recognized. Especially Bakugou and Ashido. Soon after Midoriya had finally wore down Kirishima and got a finishing blow on him.

"Midoriya is the victor of this round" Kaminari joked

Midoirya smiled and walked up to Kirishima. He held out his hand for him to take to get up. Which Kirishima took with pride.

"Good job Midoribro" Kirishima complimented the green haired boy.

"Thanks Kirishima"

"whoah what was that Midoriya?" Ashido asked him while getting close to him. " It was like my dancing, but fighting?... It was so COOL!!"

"I...umm...well" Midoriya couldn't speak. Not to Ashido that is.

Jiro was quick to catch on and caught up to the Acid quirk user.

"We should let him rest for now, I'm sure he'll tell you all about it later on, plus show you even more." Jiro stated

Ashido reluctantly agreed. While walking away Jiro turned around and nodded at Midroiya, which he returned and mouthed a 'Thank you' back to her. She smiled and turned back around.

4:30 PM

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu was now getting ready in their own room for their date with one another . Midoriya put on a white dress shirt, black slacks, and a vest.

(For reference, please refer to the original date chapter by Fl09_09 . Though I did change up Yaoyorozu's outfit a tad.

Midoriya looked at himself in the mirror. Still having thoughts about how terrible he looked. After his small dilemma he made his way to Yaoyorozu's room. Once he made it he knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Yaoyorozu yelled.

Midoriya entered and saw his girlfriend in a black and white dress.

"oh my.... you look absolutely handsome by Bunny!" Yaoyorozu said aloud excitedly

She then went up to him and gave him a should crushing hug. After she pulled out her phone and took a picture of themselves. Later she would post it on social media for her family to see.

"Y-you look b-beautiful Momo" Midoriya complimented the Creation quirk user.

Yaoyorozu then gave a small happy squeal and began to aggressively make out with the boy for five minutes. During the third minute was when Midoriya was able to fully kiss back. Soon Yaoyorozu broke the kiss.

"As much as I would like to keep going, we still have our date to go on" She reminded him

Midoriya nodded and they both made their way to the elevator. Once inside Yaoyorozu had to resist the urge to make out with the boy once again, for two reasons. One was because she didn't want to accident keep going and miss their date, and two was because there was a camera monitoring the elevators incase of a emergency. So they couldn't do anything unless they wanted to get a warning for PDA.

Once they exited they went to the common room to leave, but was stopped by one of their classmate.

"Where are you going at a time like this?" Iida asked the couple

"We're going on a date, is there a problem?" Yaoyorozu asked intensely

"N-No, be safe" Iida said to them while stepping aside.

They both made their way to the exit and while walking Jiro was non-stop looking at Midoirya. She couldn't help but blush.

'god damn' Jiro thought to herself,

Her staring didn't go unnoticed. Toru Hagakure was right next to her. Though she had to wait for the couple to leave before she could say anything. Once they did she blurted out:

"wait... you have a crush on Midoriya don't you?"

"W-When did you get that impression" Jiro replied trying to act cool.

"Don't lie Jiro, so have you told either of them about it?" Hagakure asked her friend

"in a way yeah" Jiro said in shame from remembering the argument and fight they had

"Oooo do tell"

"Well... I've liked Midoirya since the beginning of the school year, and I told Yaoyorozu that too, and that I was okay with sharing him.... she... didn't take it too well" Jiro

"So you wanted to create a harem with Midoriya? What was Momoyao's reaction?"

"It was... not good, she was furious and said I wasn't able to talk to him ever again"

"I mean... I can see that... but that shouldn't mean you couldn't talk to him" Hagakure responded

"Your right" Jiro said while she got up and started to leave

"What are you gonna do?" Asked Hagakure

"I'm making a plan"

Meanwhile Yoayorozu and Midoriya were in a limo that was owned by the Yaoyorozu family. Midoriya was super nervous by the whole situation. Mainly from just being in the limo. He felt poor. Now being even more self conscious about himself. What if her family didn't accept him? What if they cut her off because of how little his family made? That his father had to move away to support his family by getting a job abroad.

After some time of waiting in the limo they have finally arrived at their destination. When they got off the limo, a group of females were catcalling Midoriya, making him very uncomfortable.

Women 1: "Ooo look at the sexy boy"

Women 2: "Why don't you leave her sweetie"

Women 3: "Yeah we'll show you real fun"

Yaoyorozu was pissed and cringed on to her boyfriends arm, then glaring at the group of women.

Once inside they went up to a host at the podium. (Idk what its called too lazy to check anyway.

"Hello, reservation for two, Yaoyorozu"

"Ah Miss Yaoyorozu, right this way please" Signaled the host to follow him, which they did. Obviously

Once they sat down there was a small uncomfortable and awkward silence. Midoriya was very nervous and a small bit upset. This wasn't turning out as he would've hoped so. The busser noticed the tension and silently gave them a menu and left to give them some space. The green haired boy was looking very upset and uncomfortable. While the Creation quirk user was looking worried.

"Whats wrong Izuku?" Yaoyorozu asked her boyfriend

"Huh? oh umm- This isn't really a place I belong" Midoriya said silently

He opened the menu and his eyes widened at the prices of the food.

"Yeah... Momo I won't be able to pay for this food"

"Don't worry Bunny, I'll pay for it"

"Are you sure?" he asked her nervously

"Of course! anything for my Izuku

"Also Izuku, I have a question for you"

Midoriya panicked a bit. He tried to think back on everything he did wrong. The main moment he could think of was the time he talked with Jiro, but he knew that they've would've had a serious conversation the same night they talked. Maybe the time when Ashido attempted to talk to him? No that couldn't be it, she would've said something right after he got back to the dorms.

"Y-Yes Momo?"

"If I wasnt so over protective... would you have gone with those girls outside?"

"O-of course not...they made me feel very uncomfortable... plus I understand about you being over protective, I know you don't mean it in a bad way"

They both smiled at one another and Yaoyorozu held his left hand with her right.

"How did I get so lucky to get a great boyfriend like you" Yaoyorozu said quietly to herself, though Midoriya was able to hear and ended up blushing a lot.

(Since "The date (Aftermath)" was just a lemon chapter, I'll add it here. Apologies if the lemon isn't good.)

6:30 AM

It was now the morning time. The morning after their date, which had it's ups and downs, but a ending they loved. This morning Yaoyorozu was the first to wake up. Once again sleeping on her boyfriend, using his chest as a pillow. She couldn't get enough of it. To her it was like always having a new pillow for the first time. She then looked up at her sleeping boyfriends face.

'So adorable' Yaoyorozu thought to herself


It took Yaoyorozu to realize that something was poking her. Curious to find out what it was she lifted the covers a bit and saw that Midoriya was having an erection.

"oh my" She said with a smile.

Yaoyorozu was very tempted to stroke his penis, but kept telling herself not to. That she had to learn some self-control. Which was working until.

"Momo" Said Midoriya in his sleep.

That was when Yaoyorozu lost all control. She took the blanket off of both of them and lowered herself.

"Good thing that his body is all mine" She said to herself "ALL of it"

She then took off his shorts and underwear and proceeded to put his erect penis in her mouth. She took in more and more of it and kept a steady rhythm. Soon enough Midoriya woke up from a good but weird feeling. Once he was able to fully open his eyes he had looked down to see his girlfriend going down on his penis. She had all of it in her mouth.

"M-Momo w-what are you doing?!" he questioned her, trying his hardest not to moan from her actions.

She didn't stop to talk. She had kept going and Midoriya soon submitted to the pleasure from his girlfriend. Soon enough he had orgasmed in her mouth once again. Which she gladly took in and swallowed all of his semen. As much as he enjoyed it, he could never understand why she did. Wasn't it really weird do to such an act and to digest such a...thing.

"D-do you really enjoy doing that?" Midoriya questioned her

"If its with you my bunny, I enjoy every second of it" She told him while smiling

Then she created a condom and put on her boyfriend. After she climbed onto him and adjusting herself so she was right on top of him and inserted his penis inside her. She began to ride Midoriya at a slow pace at first, then going faster and faster.

Then Midoriya decided to do what he did last time and changed positions out of no where. Now he was on top of her. He re-inserted back into her and started a fast pace, and went faster.

"Oh my I-Izuku YES! YES! KEEP GOING" she shouted

He did as instructed. Midoriya also began to fondle her breasts, which Yaoyorozu loved immensely.

"I'm about to cum Izuku!" Momo informed her boyfriend

"M-me too Momo" Said Midoriya as he kept thrusting into her

Soon they both orgasmed at the same time. Both of them were out of breath and took a small breather before cleaning up. Midoirya took off the condom and disposed of it while cleaning up, while Yaoyorozu went to go brush her teeth, Midoriya did the same after.

They layed back down and embraced one another.

"I love you Izuku"

"I love you too Momo"



Sorry for a bad chapter, this one was insanely rushed.

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