Only You

由 bruh88888888

835 49 17

This is an AU where the League of Villains don't exist, so Class 1A has a normal school year and they aren't... 更多

Food Fight
Acting Weird
In the Night
Breaking Trust
Confronting the Issue
The Diner
Making Plans
Summer Vacation Starts
The Festival
On the Train
Lunch Date
An Awkward Conversation
The Mountain
Falling Asleep
Down the Mountain
The Truth

A Deserving Punch

60 3 2
由 bruh88888888

Bakugo's POV:

I rush out of the classroom as tears roll down my face. I don't know why I said that. I want to be friends with him. I realized this weekend that I really do like him. I want to be friends. I want to be best friends with him.

The door to the roof slams open and I fall over crying. I am not over our friendship. I am so so under it. Haha. I feel so bad for making him sad and for hurting him, but I just can't trust him anymore and I don't know how we could ever actually be friends if I can't trust him. I want nothing more than for us to stay up talking all night again, but I don't know if that can ever happen again. Not after I just yelled at him like that. Not after I told him it was over. He could never forgive me.


I make big explosions up toward the sky. I don't care if people see me. It is not even their business. I am not going to class today. Not after what happened.

I sit up on the roof for a couple of minutes. I finally stop crying and I compose myself. I decide on going back to the dorms. I can just tell Aizawa I was sick or something. I get up from my spot and walk over to the door. I open it up and as soon as I do I see a fist flying toward my face. I go to dodge, but decide not to. I deserve this.

The fist hits me with a lot of force, probably one of the strongest punches I have ever felt, and it sends me back, making me land on my butt.

I try to reorientate myself, but something kicks me in the ribs and I fly to the side.


I have heard that voice before but I don't know who it is and I definitely wouldn't know their name even if I did. I look up from my spot, blood from my nose seeping into my mouth and on to my white clothes, fucking great.

As my head lifts up I see the earphone chick charging at me. What the fuck? How does she know what happened? Whatever. She is pissing me off and I don't have time for these little games.

I get up before she gets to me and she goes to punch me, but I block her arm to the right and stop her incoming knee with my other hand. This knocks her off balanced, but she launches her weird earphones at me. I dodge both of them and pin her to the ground.


"I know." I say with my head down so she couldn't see my eyes. "I am a horrible person."

I get off of her and walk to the door.

"DON'T EVER FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN!! You fucking psycho." I dart my eyes back at the girl, "Or you will fucking pay for it." I scream at her as I open the door and leave the roof.

With the taste of blood still in my mouth and a pain in my ribcage I go back to the dorms, not thinking about anything until my body hits my bed.

She is right. I am a horrible person for making Shitty Hair feel like that. He is always so happy all the time and I don't think I have seen him smile since last Wednesday. Not that I was paying attention to him, but I didn't notice him smiling like usual.

What am I suppose to do? I want to be friends again, but I can't trust him after what he did. I feel so bad for hurting him, and there is no way that he would forgive me for how I have been acting towards him. I like him, but he could never like me back, at least not after what I have been doing to him. As he said it, "making these last few days feel like hell."


Before I realize it, I fall asleep, having been on a comfortable bed, or just a bed in general, for the first time in three days.

I wake up a couple hours later, my eyes still red from before. I look at the time and notice that lunch will be over in a couple of minutes.

I need to tell Kirishima I am sorry. I am not over everything and I still want to be friends because I do, I don't want this to be the end with us. Even if he did hurt me, I still care about him and I still like him.

Ugh. I jump out of bed and take off for the school. Maybe I can catch him before he gets to class. As I enter the building I hear the lunch bell, meaning Kirishima is already on his way to class. I run up the stairs and to the hallway. As soon as I open the door from the stairwell I see Kirshima and Dunce Face walking into our class.

Before I even think about it, his name leaves my body, my voice cracking and hints of desperation showered throughout the letters.


They both stop and look at me with confusion on their face. Probably not knowing who it was because my voice has never sounded like that. Once they realize it is me their eyes widen. Dunce Face says something to Kirishima before he walks into the classroom, leaving us alone in the hallway.

We both walk to each other and meet up halfway.

"What do you want?" He says looking down at the ground. I could see tears rolling down his face and his voice was very quiet.

"Kirishima" I grab both of his shoulders, "I am so sorry. I...I didn't mean anything that I said before. Well I do forgive you and you did break the trust that I had for you and I am not sure if it will ever come back, but I am not over our friendship. I still want to be friends with you and I want to hangout and do stuff together. You have been the only person that I have ever been this close with and I don't want to lose it. I don't have anyone to fall back on like you do. I understand if you don't want to be friends after what I did this morning and these past few days but I am so sorry for making you feel horrible and like you were living in hell." I finally take a breath after I finish talking.

He doesn't say anything and I just stand there, hands on his shoulders, staring at him. He starts to cry and it hurts me to see him like this. I made him sad again.

"Bakugo...Why...Why...WHY ARE YOU THE ONE APOLOGIZING?" He screams out at me, but not in an angry way, just in a loud way. "You didn't do anything wrong. You literally said that I was the only person you have ever trusted and I broke that trust. I am the only person that you have ever been friends with and I stabbed you in the back. You shouldn't be apologizing to me. I should be the one apologizing to you." He starts crying more and he puts his hands onto my back and fists my shirt, pulling me close into a hug. I put my hands onto his back and rub it as I feel tears drip onto my shoulder where his head is resting. "I am so sorry Bakugo. I want nothing more than for us to be friends again. And I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to build up that trust again."

I just laugh and we stand there in each other's arms, his grip on my shirt not loosening for a couple of minutes. I am glad that no one is in the hallway, but I wouldn't care if the whole school was watching (Okay maybe I would lose my mind if even one person was there, but I don't care. It is not about them it is about me and Kirishima).

Kirishima's POV:

I pull away from Bakugo's embrace. My nose is still running but my crying stopped. I can't believe he wants to still be friends with me. I thought he hated me. I wipe my nose off and we both walk to the bathroom to clean up.

Since this morning my eyes had been teary and when Jiro came back to class with a sad look on her face it only made me more sad. I don't know what she did, but I am pretty sure she failed at it.

Once we get into the bathroom I look over at Bakugo and see dried blood on his face and shirt. Did Jiro punch him? I look at his body and see his shirt is super wrinkly and his shoulder is soaked, from my tears. His eyes are as red as mine, but his face makes it seem like he was just incredibly angry not crying. My shift gazes to the mirror in front of me and I look like a complete wreck. My eyes are fully red and puffy and my entire face is red and covered in dried tears. I splash some water on my face and lift my head up from the sink to see Bakugo standing there with a paper towel.

I say thanks and dry my face off before we walk back to class.

He opens the door and everyone looks at us. He walks to his seat as if nothing happened and I try to do the same but it just feels so awkward for me.

I get to my seat and Ms. Midnight starts talking, "Well boys. Nice of you two to finally join us. Do you mind telling me where you have been." I go to start talking but another voice fills the air.

"Tch. No. It's none of your business." I shoot a glance at Bakugo who looks mad that Midnight asked why he just now showed up to class.

"Bakugo," She replies, sounding very offended, "You shouldn't speak to people like that, but if it won't affect your school work then I don't care. Just don't do it again."

"Yes ma'am!" I chime, all eyes turn to me, except for a certain crimson pair.

After they stare at me for what seems like an hour, Ms. Midnight starts class again.

The next two weeks are amazing. Bakugo sits with us at lunch every day and even comes down to the common area with everyone sometimes. But he almost never says anything and if he does it is usually an insult. I notice that he stopped screaming around me as much and almost never yells at any of the Bakusquad. It hurts a little because I know he doesn't trust me and so he doesn't ever talk, not that he did much before but it was still more than now. He started helping me with studying and my homework and I have been doing better in my classes. I can tell that he is making an effort because even though he never really interacts with anyone or talks, he still hangs out with us, with me.

The only problem is, I don't know how to build his trust again, so instead I just try to be the best friend that I can be. I always put my arm around his shoulder and I am pretty sure he likes it when I push him because I always see a little redness in his cheeks before he pretends to be angry, so I try to do those things as much as possible.

But everything least for me... after a study session.

"Dang Bakugo, how do you know all of this stuff? Present Mic didn't teach us any of it."

"Are you stupid? You were supposed to learn all of this in Middle School."

"Ha I don't remember any of that. It was like a year ago. Anyways thanks man. I guess I should get going. It is pretty late."

"Well," Even though Bakugo had been more reserved since everything had happened, I could tell that our bond was starting to grow, even if our trust hadn't. I had never asked him to hangout with us, he just came by himself, but not in an imposing way because everyone wanted him there. And he was the one that asked if I needed help with homework and studying. He suggested that we had these "study sessions." So I have been really confused about where we stood with each other. "Why don't you sleep over in my room tonight since it's Friday and we are both staying for the weekend. Like a sleepover or whatever." He pauses for a moment and I don't say anything because I can't believe what he just asked me. "Tch. Nevermind just go."

A giant smile comes across my face. "No way that would be so awesome man! Okay I can go grab some snacks and my playstation and then I will be back over. Give me like ten minutes okay!" I stand up from his desk chair and take off running for my room. I quickly change into pajamas and run downstairs and grab some chips and gummy bears from the kitchen and then sprint back up and grab everything for my playstation. This is going to be so awesome!

I burst into his room with a big smile on my face. I set everything down on the desk and turn around to see Bakugo standing there shirtless. I freeze and stare at him. Holy crap he looks amazing. I always try to sneak peaks at him while we change in the locker room but I can't ever stare at him otherwise people will find out. Plus it is kind of weird.

His abs look as strong as steel and his shoulders are massive. Woah, his waist is so small compared to his torso and shoulders. It looks like I could wrap my hands around them and be able to touch my fingers. But he looks so hot. I have never seen someone look so amazing before.

Luckily he doesn't see my staring and he just walks past me to his bed.

The rest of the night we play video games and watch a movie before we both fall asleep.

I wake up and see skin right in front of my face. I lift my head up and freeze. My head was just in his lap. I was sleeping on Bakugo's lap! Oh my god! That is so amazing but so bad. If he would have woken up first I am pretty sure the whole place would have been blown up. I move my body and feel his arm slide down my back. Oh my god. Oh my god this is bad.

I probably did this subconsciously but I know that it can't happen. He literally said that he didn't like guys. I slowly move away from him and to the open part of the bed. As I lie back down I hear him start to wake up so I quickly close my eyes and pretend like I am sleeping.

I hear some shuffling and then the entire bed moves. I hear him walk toward his desk and do something.

I lift my head up, pretending to still be sleepy, "Oh Hey Bakugo! How long have you been up?" I say trying to act innocent.

"I just woke up. Let's get changed. Come on, it is already morning."

"Oh crap I was supposed to do laundry yesterday. I haven't done it for like two weeks now and all of my clothes are dirty. Ugh, I guess I will just wear the dirty cloth-"

"Tch. That is disgusting. Here." He walks over to his dresser and throws shorts and a sweatshirt onto the bed. "Just wear these while you do your laundry. And here," he opens a different drawer and grabs...underwear!?! "Wear these too. Cause if the rest of your clothes are dirty I am sure those are too. Now come on let's change."

Why would he give me his underwear? I mean I am thankful but doesn't he think it is weird. "Thanks" I stumble. I grab the clothes but freeze (once again) at the sight before me.

Bakugo was standing there naked in front of me. He takes off his sweatpants and underwear and throws them into a laundry basket. Then he turns to his dresser and grabs a new pair of underwear before turning around to face me and put them on.

Holy crap. Why did he...what did he...what was he...Why is he... My mind goes blank and I don't move, the image of his naked body replaying in my mind. His body looks amazing. Not only was he hot but his tiny waist made his already massive member look even bigger and he wasn't even hard.

I start to breathe heavily. How could he be so big. His soft dick is bigger than mine when it is hard. I didn't realize how small I am. How could he be so perfect in every way. Not only does he not like guys but there is no way that he would want someone as small as me.

His cold tone knocks me back to reality, but his image and our difference in size stay in my mind, "I told you to get changed. We still need to eat breakfast. Let's go."

I shake my head before getting up from his bed. "Yeah sorry. You're right. I'll go get changed and I can meet you downstairs." I rush out of his room with his clothes in my hand. There is no way in hell that I would change in front of him. Not after that. 


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