My Sister's Fiance

By jhayrose

79.3K 1.2K 105

After her parents accident Cassandra and Emily was left orphaned. At a tender age of 14 Cassandra had taken t... More

Chapter one - - The memories.
Chapter two - - The beginning.
Chapter three - - women's intuition
Chapter Four - - Dinner Date.
Chapter Five - - Ruined.
Chapter Six - - Truth be told
Chapter Eight - - Accepting the Engagement
Chapter Nine - - Enduring the party
Chapter Ten - - temporary peace
Chapter Eleven -- off side
Chapter twelve-- the consultant
Chapter thirteen-- the lunch
Chapter fourteen --- the Family
Chapter Fifteen--- Casting Shadow
Chapter Sixteen --- let's talk
Chapter Seventeen - - Deceivingly heartless
Chapter Eighteen -- The sad zombie movie
Chapter Nineteen - - The Silence
Chapter twenty - - The Grocery date
Chapter Twenty one - - Dinner, Again
Chapter twenty two - - unexpected
Chapter twenty three - - the talk
Chapter twenty four - - Freedom atlast?
Chapter twenty five -- second day
Chapter twenty six - - at peace
Chapter twenty seven --- stolen times over
Chapter twenty eight -- busy.
Chapter twenty Nine -- another silly day
Chapter thirty -- settled
Chapter thirty one -- breaking the engagement
Chapter thirty two -- the truth
Chapter thirty three -- detachment
Chapter thirty four -- growing apart.
Chapter Thirty five -- Worries
Chapter thirty six -- Her history
Chapter thirty seven -- Moments
Chapter thirty eight-- her sickness
Chapter thirty nine--- propasal and prisons
Chapter forty --- encamped
Chapter forty one --- stepping up
Chapter Forty two--- The Dawn wedding
Chapter Forty Three -- The Reception
Chapter forty four-- The Honeymoon
Chapter Forty Five -- The in between
Chapter Forty Six -- The sleeping beauty
My Sister's Husband --- Prologue
01 -- Years Away

Chapter Seven - - The break up

1.8K 31 0
By jhayrose

Jeremy took Emme for a date, they had a hard time after the other nights event so he believe a date would make something to for the both of them. Hopefully.

He prepared a date in his condominium, he ordered a boquet of white roses, her favorite and tulips for the decoration of the table. He cook her favorite adobong manok, kari-kari and beef steak then when the table is set he turn off the lights and lit the scented candles to make the ambiance more romantic. Then he took a Cd and played an instrumental songs to add the scene.

He smile, efforts always paid off and hopefully again it will do its magic tonight.

After 30 minutes of waiting Emily came in dressed with a pink dress that hungs to her knees. It has little raffles in the front and beads perfectly situated in the middle of her chest. She look so beautiful, as always.

He walk toward her and held her closer but he could feel her distance and hesitation. He believe this is because she was all worried with her sister but he wont let it and he would make her feel that his willing to fight for her so he kiss her deeply in her forehead and lean for another kiss on her lips.

He love this woman, that he knew and is certain of thus he hold her tight and hugged her much longer than usual. He caress her smooth hair as he whisper a soft 'I love you' to her then decided to let go.

After that Jeremy lead her to the table, ready a chair for her and then when there all settled they started dining.

The couple ate in awkward silence, feeling and measuring each other as if both of them are waiting to say something.

Emily sigh and smile before she took the courage to say the dreaded topic. But instead pointing out directly she started the topic from her sisters past.

"my sister to me is the most mysterious person Ive ever met. Yes she's fun and alive but many times did she even appear weird and mysterious to me."

"what do you mean?" He asked with a raised brow.

"you see. .when she was in college I sometimes notice bruises in her. She just said its just her period thats why she had bruises. .some hormonal problem on some women, but when she was in her juniorship in college she had more bruises and more frequent than before but she hide them by wearing jeans and longsleeves. .I doubt it to be some thing connected with her period, Ive hinted two things, maybe she has problem with her blood like anemic or what or maybe she had a boyfriend and that she hits her a lot. --"

"what? Ofcourse not..-" He reacted unexpectedly, Emme give him a confused look so when he recollect himself he explained to her that Cassandra is a strong willed woman and he doubt that there would be any circumstances that she'll let someone like her boyfriend hit her a lot of times. She is no way a martyr. That he very will know.

"i know--" she replied after his explanation. -"but i was just speculating. .she had this twice or trice a month until she got into her last year in college. Sometimes she flinched everytime I touch or held her arms, but then. . .there's this one time. .it was december that year.." she pauses. ."she went home bruised all over her face. .she took a good beating I could say but she wont talk about it. She refuse to talk and always divert the topic. But she took it fine, but on Christmas eve she went outside and come back worst." I

Jeremy sat frozen and feels like he travel back time, he remember her forbidding him to see her for weeks and when she didn't show up he forced her to meet him or he'll go directly to her house and that was Christmas Eve. When they talk she broke up with him with invalid reasons. She told him her priority is her sister and not him and any relationship and she was tired of him and his childish antics and is or was pestering her a lot. She cannot take it anymore. His a total nuisance, a stalker whatsoever in her life. She cursed him and then left him there. Unmoved. Then in the next year he heard rumors going on that she had a rich boyfriend and she dump him for that rich bastard. He hate her for that, for not being honest, for leaving, fooling and hurting him and for everything she did. Curse her, curse her dream of being rich and ranking high. Curse her and her ambitions. Curse her.

"jeremy?" Emme broke his train of thoughts and emotions. She put her hand on his as he notice that he is absentmindedly gripping the table cloth. He automatically loosen up when he realize his tension.

"i just remember something.. .where were we?"

"you sure you okay?" she asked again full of concern and curiousity but Jeremy just give her a smile and touch her hand, squeezing it lighy and reassuring her.

"Im fine babe. .what were you saying again?"

"well, . As I was saying. .after a while my sister went out and come home with swollen eyes from crying, when I ask her what happened she just said she misses my parents and Eli so bad. .and that she visit our favorite place and cry there. .she said that she wish they were there at that time so life could be different. .I believe her. In my mind she never cry in front of me. Not even when my parents and younger brother died. She just stood there frozen as if nothing happened. Me, I cry myself out. We have little help and we didnt even have the money for burial, good thing my neighbors were helpful and the Bus company give ample of money for the funeral. Without it we could have not burried my parents decently. We Were left orphaned, and since my parents eloped my grandparents never knew where we are and our whereabouts. We have no help. The world then became just me and her. But never in the slightest she cried and showed weakness. She always strived and worked hard for us to survive. I dont even know how she did it. I mean she's a scholar, then she work full time so that I could go to school. But how she manage it without breaking. .I just dont know. .She's just so strong and brave and I idolize her that much but that day. .you know. Knowing her being brave and all- -" she gulped and breath for a while. "-- then she just one day went home with swollen eyes from crying and its Christmas eve! How do you expect me to handle that and let it pass? She cried for the first time! How do I take that? I feel like the years have been catching on her. Like she was having really hard time that she feels that if only my parents were there, things could be different. Life could be different. Y'know. .she was in pain for something. .and I know it must be hard."

He nod with the thought, it must be hard but he dont get it too. No, he dont get it one bit.

"--It was painfully memorable to me. That Christmas when we ate our noche buena she's so silent. I just let it. Give her space then let her slept but I feel so distress seeing her like that. It was the first time I see her like that so I went to her room to check on her just to see her weeping in bed. She cried so hard like there's no tomorrow. She cried like the pain was unbearable and It pains me to see her that way..-" she pauses as she tried to keep herself not to cry.--" I wanted to touch her. .console her but Im afraid she'll just refuse so I stood there keeping an eye on her until she fall asleep. The next day she was fine. She act so fine, if I haven't seen her that night I would have believe her vibrance but I know she's not okay! Since then I try to look for her every night just to find her weeping for a week straight. After that she stop and she changed. Some part of her change. ." Emily's eyes are misty, his maybe as well, he can't find his voice. He feel choked for the new discovery. His mind were racing with questions and profound doubts. Does she really feel that way when we break up? Then why on heaven did she on the first place broke up with me? Why?? His really not getting this. His not getting any of it besides why does he need to hear this now? He mean it doesn't matter, right? It doesn't matter that he was not the only one hurting at that time. It doesn't matter whatever reasons she have back then cause its all in the past right?

---"until now, I was still wondering where the bruises came from? Why she keep on crying for nights? Why is she so hurt? Was she telling me the truth? --- Her face. She look so broken and fragile. She keep a front of a lively feature. .I tried everything to please her. Promised myself I wont let her down. I wont let her cry and would help her anyway possible. To not make her alone and carry too much burden. .in my own little way I tried. .I tried my best that's why I don't - -I havent talk much about my relationships. I dont want to disappoint her. .but now.---"she trailed off.

Jeremy analyse for a second the situation. He think that a sisters love, some could fight for it others who became rivals in love become enemies but them, they are willing to give up for each others sake. Her sister for Emily and Emily for her. It was so heroic and noble but as for his situation he doesn't think it will be going anywhere good.

He felt chilled and frozen knowing whats going to be next. Then he feel his past wounds as his mind retalliates.

First Cattey then now Ems. .why is love so cruel? A bittee smile escape his lips. Life seems to have a lot of sick jokes.

"jeremy. .Im so sorry but I can't. .I can't.." she trailed off again, and without saying another word stood up and leave.

He was left again, for the second time by two different people but with the same blood and almost the same reason.

He wanted to chase her but he know better. Maybe. Just maybe Cassandra chose that rich guy over him before because he can provide for them and she is thinking of Emily's future especially she need to take a board exam at that time and Emily is entering college. She had no means to pay for it especially her job does not earn that much. And now Emily is leaving him because she is afraid to disappoint her sister who have stood for her all her life. What a life. It sucks. It hurts, a lot.

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